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Jewels From Judy

Wednesday, February 28 2024

Jewels from Judy: Abba Father says, “I WIN!”

Judy A Bauman

“I Am your hope and your salvation.

Abide in Me.

Dwell in Me.

Come and eat at My table of delight. Come find Me early, I will not hide from you when you seek Me. Do the things I tell you knowing they will produce the fruit you so deeply desire. I will bring understanding and revelation as you do. I will impart a great measure of wisdom but remember it must be coupled with knowledge and the fear of the Lord. Study yourself approved. Worship continually.

Rid yourself of the filthy clothes of hopelessness, self-criticism, and self-recrimination. You judge yourself through the lens of condemnation not the lens of My love and deliverance. My sacrifice was great. Pick up your cross and follow Me. The cross, as you know, is an instrument of death. The part of your flesh that needs killing is the part that questions My motives and the outcomes that do not go as you wanted or hoped for.

I asked Him, “How do I kill that in me?”

When you begin to question My motives, declare My word.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

So are My ways higher than your ways,

And My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

“I do cause all things to work together for the good of My Kingdom, so if you are in My Kingdom, and you are, TRUST that I will cause all things to work toward your good. Have faith in My ultimate plan. I win!” 

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 02:54 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, August 11 2023

Jewels from Judy: I Am Aligning My Ekklesia

Judy A Bauman

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.


An Exhortation from the Father: I Am Aligning My Ekklesia

“My body has been out of alignment, so I Am aligning My ekklesia. I want you to take My bread and eat in remembrance of My great sacrifice. Take the cup and drink deeply, remembering I wrote the New Covenant with My own blood.

“Align your thoughts, beliefs, and opinions with Mine. Do not sway with the masses, which ebb to and fro like the tides of the ocean. Be the Oaks of Righteousness planted by My hand. I have told you that I brought many of My beloved ones out from the four walls of the institutionalized church. * I never meant for My church to become a building made by the hands of man, as I have made clear the building blocks of My church, My ekklesia – My family, are My called-out ones. Where two or three gather in My name, I Am in your midst. I will teach you what My scriptures mean and will anoint others to give you clarity, but I will confirm if that clarity is from Me or the world when you sit with Me. No one is to take My place in your heart as Teacher!

“Test the spirits to see that they are of Me. If they refuse to stand for Me, they will fall. Study yourself approved, beloved. I give you My Holy Spirit and when you quiet yourself and pull away to seek My face, you will find all the answers to life's questions in Me. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you.

“Do not give up or give in to the lies that come into your mind. You have an enemy who is a relentless thief and liar. Test what you hear by the Word of God and by My Spirit. Whom will you believe? Faith doesn't trust in what is seen. Faith looks beyond what you can see in the natural and shows you what is being revealed in the spirit. Align yourself with My will and ways. Is something troubling you? Search the Scriptures to see if what you are hearing aligns with My heart of love for you. It honors Me when you test the spirits because you are obeying My warning through the disciple whom Jesus loved.

“Come together to stir yourself to love and good works. Your works and deeds of kindness come up to Me as a sweet aroma; however, do not allow your gathering together with others to take the place of your time with Me. I do not repeat Myself for My benefit but for yours. I desire to teach you by My spirit and lead you into the next season in truth and righteousness so that whatever is happening around you will not sway you from My truth.

“Allow My perfect surrounding peace, My shalom, to rule in your members. Let My Shalom guide and direct you through the storms. You have been given the mind of Christ, and you are seated together in heavenly places together with the church (ekklesia, as an assembly) as a family (oikos) with Me. Be aligned as My holy ekklesia and My holy family.”

In the Father’s love


Confirming Scriptures:
Matthew 5:16, 7:7, 16:18; Luke 18:8; John 8:44; Acts 17:10-11; Ephesians 2:6, 19-22, 3:28; 4:11-14; Colossians 1:10, 3:1, 15; James 2:20; Hebrews 10:24-25; 2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Peter 2:1-5; 1 John 2:27, 4:1

My understanding is that the Lord is not speaking of all who meet in buildings, but to those who operate outside of the original intent of the assembling together of “ekklesia and oikos”. When the institution of a denomination is more important than the individuals that come together to make a place for God's Holy Spirit to dwell, then there is an imbalance in the Body of Christ.

The Scriptures teach the good and decent way we are to gather. There is no other Lord than Jesus, but many leaders take His glory and use His flock to build their names. They use Scripture to control and manipulate Christ’s body. This should not be! Abba is not saying we should not fellowship, as that is contrary to His word; however, He is saying that the fellowship He desires is not likely going to look the same as what we have seen in the past. It would seem we are in a kairos, chronos, and aion time of divine reset. Hallelujah!

(See website Biblehub or Strongs Concordance: Greek for Ekklesia G#1577, Oikos G# 3624, Kairos G#2540, Chronos G#5550, Aion G#165)

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 10:29 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 10 2023

Jewels from Judy: You Were Taken Out So I Could Train You MYSELF!

Judy A Bauman

“I have brought many of My beloved ones out of the four walls of the established church for My purpose. So many have been taught wrongly and it takes time to unlearn certain doctrines that have crept into My church (ekklesia).

“Tell My people, that in due time I will bring them together as Nehemiah did the tribes. Each will be shown where they are to build on the wall. Don't be headstrong, My child, or it will break your communion with Me.

“Tell the people, the Lord says, you were taken out so that I could train you Myself. My Holy Spirit will teach you all things as you study yourself approved. You will be finding scriptures, My word, that will show you and reveal the truth. However, you must be willing to lay down the beliefs you held in the past.

“Many pastors study what other pastors say, and pastors in turn, are looking for what others say. The message gets very diluted because they are not actually studying the Scriptures for themselves or their flocks. They go with whatever sounds good without sitting with My Holy Spirit and rightly dividing the Word of truth.

“I will give two examples that will enrage some and delight others. One is the teaching about tithing from Malachi 3:3, 8-11. You have heard this preached long and hard, and countless times to bring the whole tithe into the storehouse. You know for a fact that My beloved sheep have been beaten and fleeced by this passage, yet who were the recipients of this prophetic warning from Malachi? It was not given for the congregation’s chastisement but for the ‘sons of Levi’ (the priests) who were using the tithe for their own purposes and not Mine.

“You have heard to ‘sow into your need,’ yet Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 9 the very opposite! Some pound their congregations without actually reading the fullness of the truth that is written in verses 5-15. They often read verse 6 and the last part of verse 7 that “God loves a cheerful giver,” but neglect where he writes in verse 7 that they are NOT to give under compulsion (necessity, begrudgingly, by force or intimidation). This is manipulation. He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit says.

“The second example is even more deceptive because it does not just line the pockets of these misled who are leading the misled, it has caused My body to become anemic, weak, and not only unable but worse, unwilling to occupy until I come. To think My ‘appearing’ is people’s hope is completely backward.

“Have you heard of getting the cart before the horse or trying to push a boulder uphill? While I have not abdicated My throne, many who have claimed I am the Lord have affixed themselves to a fairy-tale gospel and abdicated their position in the kingdom of heaven. They have not and do not test the spirits to see if they are from Me. They hear a teaching, vision, or a dream, and then run off to tell others without searching the Scriptures to see if what they are being taught is true. Many do not sit with Me for the interpretation.

“My word is true and if studied and prayed through with My Holy Spirit then we wouldn't have Christians hiding and praying for Me to ‘take them out of this mess.’ I have called My church to GO make disciples and occupy, not hide until I return. Many parables and teachings of what is to happen before Jesus returns are hidden in plain sight!

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but it is to your glory, My earthly ambassadors, to seek out the matter. Search the scriptures when you are taught. Do not be misled by revelations that cherry-pick My word. The warning in Malachi about the tithe was to the priests, not the people. They were the ones who were robbing Me. Do you see how some leaders have turned it around and it's harmed the sheep?

“Many say, ‘We will be taken out before it gets bad.’ Will you go to My church in Nigeria and tell them this theory? If you survive that, will you then go to Afghanistan? Ukraine? Russia? All of Asia? Will you next go to Iran and Iraq and tell Jesus is going to take out His church before the great tribulation?

“Your hope is not My appearing, it is Me! This is akin to falling in love with your ministry or church yet forsaking your First Love. Your hope is Christ Jesus! Are you in love with the action of His appearing (verb) or the person, Jesus, (noun)? Don't get the cart in front of the horse! Many have convinced and misled My beloved ones that when I come, it will be a quiet snatching away, yet there is nothing in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 that is quiet! There is nothing in Matthew 24:27-31 that is to be done in secret. Open your eyes and read what is there! All will see the SON OF MAN COMING with power and great glory!

“I say to you to be lights in the darkness. I say to you to be salt that preserves and gives flavor and hydration. I say for you to be those who rightly divide the word of truth and not divide My body for the spoils. I will tell you plainly and explain so there's no doubt what I'm saying. As in the days of Noah, so it will be in the coming of the Son of Man. The people were eating and drinking marrying and being given in marriage until the flood came and took THEM ALL away. As is written in Genesis 7:23 only Noah and those with him remained, they were left behind!

“This doctrine of escape has caused many of you to fall asleep. I say to you, My beloved, arise, shine! Wake up, Church! As darkness covers the earth and gross darkness on the people, My light will shine in, through, out, an around you! My glory will appear over you.

“Do not be afraid. I am your Ever-present help in times of trouble. Do not be alarmed at what is befalling the earth. Take the action I show you and stop hiding and praying for Me to take you out when My desire is to take you into your destiny. In Me, you do all things. Use your talents given, use the gifts of the spirit, and see how much we can do together on earth before My return.”

Forever yours,
Abba Father

The Lord gave me this word over a year ago and this morning said to get it ready and post it.

Here are some Scripture references to help you study this more closely. If you copy and paste them into, it will pull them all up for you in whatever version you prefer to read.
1 John 2:27; Luke 19:11-13, 15; Titus 2:13; 2 Timothy 2:15, Jeremiah 23:25-32, Matthew 5:13-16, 28:18-20, 13:24-30, 36-43, Matthew 24, Proverbs 25:2, Revelation 2:4-5, Isaiah 60:1-5, Philippians 4:13, Mark 9:23, Matthew 19:26

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 03:46 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, February 02 2023

Jewels from Judy: WHY DOES GOD SPEAK TO US?

Judy A Bauman

The Lord asked me a question in the secret place that I had been asking Him, “Do you know why I speak to you apart from instruction and leading others into knowledge and wisdom of My Kingdom?”


I answered, “Only You know.”

“I choose to! Just like I choose to love you even when you were/are in sin. I never intend to leave you there. My why is to keep you from harm. My why is to lead you in all righteousness. My why is because I love you and want the very best outcome for you. When you stray from My best, you deviate from My word, and in doing so, you allow the enemy a doorway that he ought not have. Remember, My Son was tempted in all ways but sinned not. He is your example. He is the Standard. He is the Word made flesh. Hate the things We hate and love the things We love. Shake off your own opinion and preconceived ideas of who I Am because man rarely portrays Me as I truly am I Am love, and why I speak to you is from My heart of love for you. I want you to be part of the creative process and fulfill what I've called you to do.”

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 11:33 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, January 29 2023
Nations Will Come to Your Light!


Judy A Bauman 

Published in the book “Jewels from the Harvest” all rights reserved ©2018



While journaling, I suddenly see myself standing near a bend of the River. Everything is so electrically dazzling that the brilliance of this scene would blind my natural eyes! Each ripple in the water acts to magnify and reflect beams of light like the facets of a diamond, and though I see this with spiritual eyes, I have to allow them to adjust to the brightness. As I do, I sing aloud:

You are Beautiful, Marvelous, Excellent, Radiant

I am astounded by Your brilliance

The One who is Faithful and True are You

The One who is Faithful and True – are You

It sounds like many voices join me in singing, although I don’t see anyone. The Holy Spirit reveals these are His saints from all over the world worshipping God in spirit and truth. Looking at the River, I ponder how each light reflecting off the water represents individuals in Christ who carry His light. They are in the flow of the River – the flow of what God is saying and doing. These saints will go where He sends them because they love Jesus more than their own lives. I see the Lord tenderly caring for each light and testify that they represent those who carry God’s glory. They bring the Light of the World to the nations. They flow in the will of God, and they flow with the Word of God. They are able to rest in the current of the River, knowing He is the One who carries them.


I ask the Lord if He might speak a word of encouragement to His Light-Carriers. The Father immediately declares, “Tell those who carry My light, My love, My hope, My peace, My righteousness, and My Word that they must stay in the middle of where I am flowing. If they don’t, a spiritual eddy will entrap them. Eddies run contrary to the flow of the River and represent living contrary to My will. It takes a huge amount of effort to free oneself from an eddy once entrapped. This is where debris is seen swirling about in the backward current. This symbolizes the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches. Such things capture and defile many.

“My Light-Carriers must stay in the midst of the flow of My River. If they do, they will shine with the light of My glory and continually be My Light-Bearers. They must also rest in Me and allow Me to carry them to the fulfillment of their destinies. There are individual and corporate destinies, and they work hand-in-hand. I say again, ‘Arise, shine for your light has come. The glory of the Lord rises upon you and appears around you. Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising.’” ~End Encounter


It always amazes me when the Lord gives me a word when I specifically ask for one! However, it’s much more likely that the Holy Spirit has been waiting for me to be ready and willing to receive the word to share with the Church, not the other way around. Since God has called us to be lights to the world, it’s His desire we reflect His will and ways to those around us. It’s been said, “Preach the Gospel, and if need be, use words.” Being a Light-Carrier, a Light-Bearer, is about how we live our daily lives, not merely what we espouse.  


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 02:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, January 09 2023

Jewels from Judy: I Am Not Limited!

Judy A Bauman

An exhortation from the Lord, I Am Not Limited!

Sitting with the Lord in the secret place, I was thinking about the first time Jesus revealed Himself to me in what I refer to as the River Visions. I was thinking about how I saw Him dancing very erratically and how I wrestled with that before gaining an understanding of what He was communicating through it. Suddenly, I hear clearly in my spirit that message anew!

The Lord stated, “I want out-of-the-box! People put Me in there in their minds, but the truth is, that is a delusion. I am not boxed! In fact, when people do this, they are actually putting themselves in a box. When people limit My power, authority, majesty, strength, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, and understanding they are limiting themselves. I am not limited!”

“Watch as I wake up the masses and see how they respond. Some will be like the son who returned from eating with the pigs. Some in the church will be bitter like the older brother. Some will turn away disgusted as they did when I told them My body was bread, manna from heaven, and my blood was drink.

“However, many will turn to Me with great joy, song, and celebration. There is a sound coming that is going to shake the earth. My sheep will follow Me, knowing I have the words to eternal life. Remember it is the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy; I came to give life and that in abundance. Step out of the box and see the glory of the KING of kings and the LORD of Lords!”

Your King

I say, “Amen, selah!”

Personal note: Thank you all for your support and prayers for The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries, Inc. in 2022. I pray you each can say of 2022 that you grew in Christ and are pressing into Him for 2023. I pray you will thrive in the knowledge of Him who brought you out of darkness and into His marvelous light. Amen!
If you want to read more about the River Visions, I have them chronicled in two books, Jewels from the River, and Jewels from the Harvest. Both are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Walmart. They are also available for download in Kindle, Nook, & iBook. The vision I refer to is in Jewels from the River pages 41-49.

In the Father’s Love,

Rev. Judy A Bauman

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 10:46 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, August 28 2021

Are You A Steward of the Mysteries of God?
Tell My Church that in order for them to receive answers, they must seek My face and be still and know I Am God. As they do, the shakings of this age will pass through them.1 I will tell each of you where to go, whether to the right or to the left, and what to do. I will give answers.2 I will build My temple with those willing to be My fellow-workers. Those whose work remains will receive a reward.3 That is My promise. These are Stewards of the mysteries of God, and they must be trustworthy. The kingdom of God is not just words but the power of My Holy Spirit. All other power is counterfeit and seeks its own will. Hide yourself under the shadow of My wing. I Am your Refuge and your Fortress. Make Me your dwelling and you shall not be afraid.”4

My Love,



This is a very short excerpt from an encounter with the Lord shared in the book, Jewels from the River (page 172). To order your signed copy, please go to Both Jewels from the River and Jewels from the Harvest are available there and the set is on sale. These books are also available on Kindle, Nook, and iBook.

[1] John 14:30

2 Isaiah 30:21

3 1 Corinthians 3:14

4  2 Samuel 22:1-3; Isaiah 41:10


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 12:17 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 19 2021


This is what I heard the Lord say to share with His ekklesia:

“Awaken to Me, My beautiful one. Awaken to from your slumber. Shake off the weariness and the discouragement because the time you've been waiting for is near. As I told my prophet Habakkuk, ‘For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it, for it will certainly come, it will not delay.’”

“There is an APPOINTED time, My love, and if what I Am doing in you is birthed too soon, it will not accomplish all I have for you to accomplish in your time – your days on earth. I have much more written in your book, so do not believe the lies the enemy has been feeding you. See what has come between us and abhor it. When a word or thought comes that is contrary to the way I speak to you, reject it vehemently!

“In John 10:10, there's a clear distinction between what the thief does and what I do. That one verse divides hell from heaven, wickedness from goodness, hatred from love, and I want people – all people to know it! You know there is a great divide between good and evil, but many think that evil in the world is my doing. It is not. Evil comes when sin goes unrepented. It opens a door to the enemy of your soul and he is an opportunist.

“Beloved, I am slow, s-l-o-w, in My coming because I'm giving many the opportunity to repent, so be patient in My timing. I haven't forgotten you. I'm not upset with you. I'm not wringing My hands, as I knew your end before your beginning. I know My plans for you. Do not allow yourself to isolate, as that creates much internal turmoil. You were created for such a time as this, and My timing for your life is perfect. Walk with Me and watch what I do and speak what you hear Me say. If there's no life in the words you hear, that is the Infiltrator, the serpent of old, who comes to kill steal and destroy.

“My dear one, I come to give you life and that in abundance. I speak to your soul because your spirit understands these words of wisdom. I speak to you and say, ‘awakened to Me.’”

In the Father’s love,
Judy A Bauman

Scriptures to ponder:
Galatians 4:4-6 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.

John 5:19 Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. 12:49 For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.


If you have been blessed by The Father's Love Int'l Ministries or "Jewels from Judy,"
please prayerfully consider giving a love offering to help continue this work.
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The Father's Love Int'l Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 1573,
Flowery Branch, GA 30542

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:7


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 08:31 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, April 22 2021

Jewels from Judy: The Eyes of My Heart
Judy A Bauman


“Child when you look into the eyes of My heart, you will only see My love and devotion towards you. If you look for condemnation, you won’t find it. If you are feeling condemned, come! Come look into the eyes of My heart and see yourself the way I see you.

“I ask you to guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life. You have an enemy and he is the accuser of the brethren. So if the voice of condemnation is moving you, know that it is a voice that moves you away from My perfect love for you.

“Perfect love casts out fear, beloved, so allow My perfect love to cast out that fear and condemning voice. Stand in My holy light and allow Me to shine through the darkness. Let My love break down what walls you have built. Those walls do not protect you. They keep you from trusting Me.

“Allow Me to be your protection. I Am your Shield and Strength. I Am well able to keep you in My care. Trust Me, follow Me, invite Me to be with you. I will never forsake you. Look into the eyes of My heart,” says the Lord your God, “and see that My love for you is complete for all seasons.”


Scriptures to ponder:
Songs 2:10; Romans 8:1; 37; Proverbs 4:23; Revelation 12:10; Matthew 5:14; John 8:12; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Psalm 18:2, 122:7; 2 Peter 3:14; Hebrews 13:5

Note: Recently, I found this word in an old journal dated Jan 21, 2007, one month before launching The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries, Inc! It was earmarked at that time to be posted but was overlooked. I pray it and the Scripture references are a blessing to you. jb

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 08:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 29 2021


Judy A Bauman

“Come and sit and allow Me to renew your mind concerning the days that are ahead. Pay close attention as I teach you.

“Jesus said, ‘Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.’”

“Child, the church will and already is growing cold with a great coldness. It is largely because many have embraced fiction as Scripture. The Gospel of the Kingdom is not entertainment. It is not escapism. Every time My Son began a story with, ‘The Kingdom of heaven is like...’ He did not share a story of entertainment but that of extremes.

“As in the Days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man. Behold darkness covers the earth and gross darkness on the people. My Son and scribes have all warned that as you approach the end of this dispensation there will be perilous times. He also made clear those times would proceed His coming. Did He not? Did He not say that His coming would be for all to see? Does lightning hide itself at its approach?

“When Jesus returns it will be a glorious event, but all who have caused My church to grow cold for false teachings shall be gathered with the tares and burned. My Son's coming shall shock the earth, but it will not be a secret event. Immediately after the tribulation of those perilous days, when the Son of Man appears, He will descend with a shout, the voice of the archangel, and My trumpet will sound.

“Do not be overcome by the darkness or cold love. Be My children of light. Be My children of the day. Do not slumber in laziness and drink the cup of slothfulness, but arise, shine and let My glory be seen upon you.

“As in the days of Noah, My Spirit shall not strive with man forever.”

Adonai Elohei-Tzva’ot – The Lord God of the heavenly hosts


Scripture references:
Gen 7:23; Matt 24:12-14, 27; 13:40; Isaiah 60:1-3; 1 Thes 4:16-17; 2 Tim 3; 2 Peter 3; Jude 16; James 1

This prophetic word was first shared in May of 2009, but the Lord brought it to my attention to post today. He instructed me how to edit it for brevity/clarity. This word currently needs our prayerful consideration.

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 08:50 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, December 31 2020

Dear Friends of The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries,
All week I have been searching for what to say and how to encourage you in this coming year. Today, as I was unloading groceries, I had the sense to look and see what the Lord said last year in closing out 2019 and going into 2020. I was truly blessed to revisit this encounter with the Lord! What He showed me, as well as what He said, brought me great comfort. I pray it does the same for you.

Jewels from Judy: Waiting for Orders

As of late, I’ve had to wrestle to “be still” in order to settle my mind when seeking the Lord. Honestly, the distractions have been overwhelming, and I’ve felt that I must be a disappointment to God. A couple of days ago, I asked the Father in prayer how to deal with not only my attitude but the continual disruptions (internally as well as externally) while waiting to receive His direction.

I closed my eyes as I prayed and suddenly got a picture of myself on a beach. No one else was around. I threw a rock into the ocean, then sat down and hung my head in discouragement. I felt the Lord’s comforting arm come around me and He said, “Sometimes waiting for the Father’s orders can be stressful, even vexing.” I sensed His kind, compassionate eyes upon me and knew He wouldn’t try to placate me or say that everything is fine the way it is – because it isn’t! I knew that Jesus, by His Spirit, would tell me what I needed to hear.

The Scriptures tell us that Jesus also had to wait, and I imagine it would have been frustrating for Him too, so I asked, “How did you deal with it, Lord?”
He simply stated, “I had a lot of hidden years. Abba Father will wait for at least these two reasons: His perfect timing and your preparation. The prep work is the most important thing you can do as you wait. If it is not done correctly, then the project fails.”

I thought about prep work for a meal or a home-fix-it project. Preparation usually takes the longest time for either, but it is vital to a successful outcome. I also thought about the five foolish virgins in Matthew 25 that failed to prepare for the anticipated bridegroom. Because they hadn’t invested in what was needed, the door to the kingdom was closed to them! The Lord allows me to ponder these scenarios before continuing.

“You are in a different season in life, so don’t get down on yourself that things are not like they once were. I am not upset or disappointed in you. There were some doors of opportunity that you missed, but I am not disappointed in you. Do not allow yourself to be discouraged by the season you are in now. It has been a season of disjointedness for many, but that is ending. Seasons change, and just like in the natural where there are physical signs of that occurring, there are also signs when there are spiritual shifts.” He then prompts me saying, “Come on, I have something to show you!”

I stand up and brush the sand off my clothes and the Lord points and directs my attention up the beach. He asks, “Do you see that?” I squint and ask Him if He means the birds, but He instructs me to look past them. Unfortunately, I don’t see anything but fog, the beach, and the sandpipers running to avoid the waves. We walk in the direction He pointed and suddenly, the tip of a cargo ship begins to come out of the fog and into view! It looks to be traveling toward a nearby harbor.

The Lord explains, “Be encouraged! The cargo this ship carries is provision for My church (ekklesia). Long-awaited provision is coming in and with it a plan for reformation. The Body is disjointed in many ways. That is what you have been sensing and experiencing. It’s painful! It has been a season of disjointedness, but that season is coming to a close. Often, seasonal changes linger like the warm days in fall and winter and the cold days of spring and summer. Sometimes changes are abrupt, but most times there are subtle changes like the position of the sun as the seasons change or watching the hour hand on a clock move. It can be unperceivable like watching hair grow. In time, you do see a big change, but the change itself is a slow process. You will look back on this season and say, ‘I didn’t realize just how much was going on, but now I see it!’”

The large ship is now in full view, and I see it is moored and workers are bustling around unloading the cargo. I understand that it is the Lord’s good pleasure to give us the provision needed (the tools, the resources, other believers to gather around one another) to complete the tasks He’s given us. ~

I pray this short encounter blesses and encourages you.

In the Father’s Love
Judy A Bauman

If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please consider us in your giving. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  Amen. ~

Other Scriptures to ponder:
Galatians 4:4; Luke 2:42, 49; 3:23; Hebrews 4:15, Romans 5:3-5; 1 Peter 1:6-8; James 1:2-5


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 04:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 30 2020

Free to Rejoice in the Father's Love - Always
Judy A Bauman

We Are Not Alone
Today as I write you, I rejoice in the Father’s love and pray you do too. We can know that no matter what turns life may take, the LORD God will be with us. He will never leave nor forsake us. This is His promise! During difficult times, sometimes referred to as a “dark night of the soul,” we need to set our face like flint and seek the Father’s will in the situation. Jesus lived this by example.

Be Strengthened
The Father will always provide a way for us when we seek Him. The Bible teaches that the testing of our faith is precious to God. He tested all the patriarchs and their examples are found all throughout Scripture so that we may learn from them. God shares the good and the bad times to strengthen our walk with Him – heart, soul, mind, body, and spirit. He wants us to see by Biblical example that whatever we are going through, we are not alone and that there are solutions. This is also why hearing the testimonies of others strengthens our resolve. I believe HOW we go through times of testing will speak of our growth in Him to those around us. (See Matthew 5:16)

Be Led of God’s Spirit
Right now, some of you reading this post may feel abandoned by God or that you are in trouble with Him. I pray you will learn to see through the eyes of your understanding (see Ephesians 1:18) and not be swayed by your feelings. Feelings are fickle and can change from one moment to the next. The eyes of your understanding is spiritual insight that God gives which supersedes your natural abilities.

Go Boldly
Jesus is our High Priest, and because of this fact, we can go boldly to the Throne of Grace in our time of trouble. He doesn’t require we sing three songs, study for an hour, run out and do a charitable act, and then pray for an hour before approaching Him. No – He says, “COME BOLDLY!” We don’t need to beg and plead for mercy or attempt to cover our own sin before approaching the Father. If we could cover our own sin, then we wouldn’t need a Savior! We are to RUN to Him at the very moment we need help. When we “come boldly to the receive mercy and find grace in our time of need” we are actually obeying Scripture! (See Hebrews 4:14-16) This coming boldly to the Lord is something that takes some practice because it comes naturally to try to cover ourselves.

Jesus Has You Covered
This ‘cover up’ is the same mindset Adam and Eve had in the Garden when they sewed the fig leaves together. They were hoping to hide their sin, but it obviously didn’t work. God saw it. Here is what is amazing: He took skins and made clothing to cover them. A blood sacrifice was required to cover their sin, and this was a type and shadow of what Jesus does for all mankind! If we turn to Him and repent, He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Declare the Word of God over your feelings and situation and see the Lord’s hand swoop in and cover you. When God covers your sin, it is covered! Now that is the gift of God and our biggest part is to receive it and rejoice in His freedom. Again, I remind you, whom the Son has set free is free indeed! Do not allow your heart to be troubled, but put your trust in the Lord. AMEN!

In the Father’s love,
Judy A Bauman


Hebrews 4: 14 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 10:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 30 2020

In Righteousness and Justice, My Word will Stand Forever

Judy A Bauman


“Where there is evil there will be more, but in righteousness and justice, My word will stand forever. Do not look to the right or to the left, and do not call conspiracy what most call conspiracy.

“I Am calling a regiment of people to come together and stand in the fire until they see Me in there with them. Many will leave, but for those that remain, they will not only see My glory but so will those around them – especially the unbelievers. They will see My glory arise from the flames of man’s bent toward destruction. What looks like a terrible disaster will yield My glory, and as it arises the lame shall walk, and the deaf will hear. The blind will receive sight. This is true for the spiritual as well as the physical.

“Do not tremble or be in fear at this word. Stand tall and be valiant. I will cause those who trust Me to trust Me more. I will cause them to rise from the ashes of death and destruction and walk freely through areas of great turmoil. These are My ambassadors of peace. I have called them forth for such a time as this and in them, you will see My dunamis power explode. In places of great despair and fear, My love will explode on the seen in unprecedented ways.

“Do not fear, My little scribe, I know this was not what you expected, but you have asked Me for meat and not milk. This word is for My warriors, not for those wrapped up in their cozy lives. I never said it would be easy. I never said there would not be suffering or persecution. In fact, I warned you there would be. However, I also told you that you are Mine. I gave you My peace and reassured you not to fear. Do not fear for I Am with you. Do not be dismayed for I Am your God. I will strengthen you – yes I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Yes, I will strengthen you! You are not alone. I Am your ‘Plus One.’”

Scriptures to Ponder:

Isaiah 8:12, 41:10; 51:1-2; Daniel 3:8-30; Proverbs 11:19; 1 Peter 3:8-12; Isaiah 60:1-2; 61:1-3; Mark 13:5-37

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 09:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, September 24 2020

Jewels from Judy: To Be A Disciple of Christ

Judy A Bauman

Originally written in my notebook on October 24, 2006. While it was shared in November of that same year, it has been updated September 24, 2020

To Be A Disciple of Christ

“To be My disciple means to walk as I walked - to be as I Am. First and foremost - I Am Love! I love you and I desire you to walk in the type of love that I displayed and modeled for you.

“The Only way I could walk in that love as the Son of Man was to spend time with My Father. I loved Him first. I love My Father and He loves Me. We are separate, but we are One. As the Son of Man, I faced many opportunities to rightfully lash out at people, but the love that I had - that love that came from My Father - overrode the temptation to sin in anger. The times you read in Scripture that gives the impression that I was angry (like when I spoke the ‘woes' to the Scribes and Pharisees and when I cleansed the temple) were from the love of the Father. It was not anger as much as it was sorrow. I know there is much debate on this, and I do not bring you a new doctrine. I bring you My heart cry. Love one another as I have loved you.

“Many cry out to see Me, to see My face, and I tell you the truth that when you look at one another you are looking at Me. Do not look to those who are obviously [following] Me to see Me, though you may have to start there to grasp this concept but look to the least of the brethren. What you do to them, you do to Me. What you do with each other, you do with Me. What you do for them, you do for Me. Understand that I desire for you to care for one another. One person cannot take care of the whole world! You can in no way fathom how many are alone with no help.”

Suddenly I saw the entire world and as it turned, I could see millions, maybe billions of hurting people in that flash of a second of time and it was overwhelming!

The Lord continued His important message, “But if you will touch people around you in My name and with My love, then if those that you touch with My love will turn and in kind and touch those around them with My love, and those then also touch others who are around them with My love - THEN MY LOVE WILL BE LIKE A FIRE SPREADING THROUGH A DRY FOREST!”

“I Am the light of the world and in Me there is no darkness. As My disciples reflect the light of My love, they ignite others to reflect the light of My love. I Am a Consuming Fire! But I do not bring a destructive fire. I bring a fire that burns off the ropes and sets men, women, and children free. My fire is My passion for My church. I burn with love for My church. Touch each other with this pure and holy fire. Touch each other with this pure and holy love. IGNITE those around you with holy fire.

“Be careful not to allow the enemy of your soul, Satan, to manipulate you into perverting My love. My love sets people free. My perfect love destroys fear. My love covers you. My love will never lead you into immorality. Be aware! Satan will use your own desires to sin against Me. You must be wise! You must be diligent! You must stand guard!

“To be My disciple means to be like Me. I Am like My Father. We are holy! Be holy as I Am holy and IGNITE those around you to be holy. I would not say this if it were not possible. This can only be done as you are led by My Spirit. So, follow your Guide. Heed your Teacher. You were created in Our image. Come, Follow Me.”

~Lovingly spoken by the Spirit of the Lord

This word was given to me after telling the Lord that I knew what I thought it meant to be a disciple of Christ, but I wanted to know what He said it is. When I originally shared this, I gave many Scripture references to go with it, but in rereading it, there were so many, it was overwhelming. If you want Scripture references, I will happily provide them for you.

In the Father’s love,

Judy A Bauman


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 04:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 13 2020

Jewels from Judy: Fathers, Do You Know Who You ARE?
Judy A Bauman

Dear Readers: When I received this word from the Lord twelve years ago, I first heard it directed specifically to fathers. However, I came to understand that this message is not just for fathers nor for men only because we are all one in Christ. See Galatians 3:28. This “download” from the Holy Spirit blessed me with a true revelation and understanding of our being created in God's Image. While it is especially for all who are called by His name, manhood is by design a reflection of God and I bless all those who read this post in the Father’s love.

Fathers, Do You Know Who You ARE?

“Do you know who you are, son? Man was created in My image, and in My image, you reflect My love or lack thereof. You are the very reflection of God Almighty on earth. When people look at you, they see Me. When your children look at you they either see My love, grace, mercy, faithfulness, and patience or they see your judgment, condemnation, perfectionism, apathy, and anger as a reflection of My character. Do not allow a bitter root to spring from you and defile many. The fruits of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit are very apparent. So, what are you reflecting to your children and to those you mentor? What do you reflect to those who are subordinate to you? As an example, how do you speak of those who are superior to you in authority?” (See Hebrews 12:15; Galatians 5:19-26; 1 Tim 2:1-4; Ephesians 6:9; Titus 3:1-4).

“Many desire to know exactly what I have called them to do and where they are to be. The perfection of My plan will unfold moment by moment and day by day as you bend your will to Mine. Do not look to the right or to the left. Let not your hearts be troubled. Do what I have asked you to do and then we will move on to the next thing together. Do not despise the day of small beginnings. He who is faithful with little will be given much.” (See John 14:1; Joshua 1:7; Zechariah 4:10, Luke 16:10).


“Right now, I want you to listen to what I tell you. You have heard that before the terrible Day of the Lord I sent the prophet Elijah. My Son Jesus made it clear that John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah to restore all things, and yet John clearly did not know who he was. The angel told his father, Zechariah, but John did not understand the depth of his calling. He did not know he was the Elijah to come and restore all things.” (See Matthew 17:12-13; John 1:21; Luke 1:11-17.)

“Now I ask you: Do you know who you are? What was and what is the purpose of Elijah's coming? Yes, he destroyed the false prophets of BAAL, but what was it he was to restore? What do I desire to be restored now? Does not My word tell you? Does not My word make it plain? The Old Testament ends with this strategic information and the New Testament in the Gospel of Luke begins with it. So, can you not see for yourself how plain I have made it?”

Malachi 4:5-6 Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.

Luke 1: 17 It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE FATHERS BACK TO THE CHILDREN, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." [emphasis mine]

“Many of you believe you are ready for My coming, but you are not ready. The hearts of the fathers MUST return to the sons. The hearts of the parents must return to the children. In the days to come My promptings will become very pointed and exacting. A breaking is coming! The fathers are the ones closest to My reflection on earth and I am soon putting My foot down. Those who are repentant will see great breakthroughs in every area of their life, but those who are not will suffer great judgment from My hand.

“The fathers must heed and obey. This will require them to humble themselves under My mighty right hand, but those who obey will be lifted to new heights that will astonish even the best of them. At risk are financial blessings, healings and miracles, salvations and wholeness, and more than the mind can conceive. Many have cried out to Me for healing and financial breakthrough, but what they do not see is their relationship with their families is first on My list. Warn the men, Judy, that because they are a reflection of My glory on earth, it is time to align their will to Mine. The hour is late! It is much later than most believe. Let it be done on earth as it is in heaven. I Am praying for the fathers. I Am praying for the parents. I Am praying for you. Reflect Me well. Be who I called you to be - representatives of My love on earth. May it be done on earth as it is in heaven. Selah”

In the Father’s Love,
Judy A Bauman


Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please consider us in your giving. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

Luke 12:34 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” ~ Jesus

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 08:26 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 01 2020

Jewels from Judy: The State of My church

Judy A Bauman

The State of My church

“My church has long been in a lukewarm state. People claim My name, but do not adhere to My standards. My will, My ways, My precepts, My commands are the way to life. The fear of the Lord involves not just reverence for Me but to love what I love and hate what I hate.” [Proverbs 8:13]

“When I said that the thief comes to steal and to kill and to destroy, that is exactly what I meant. I come to give life and given in abundance, but not so My people called by My name can live their lives in false freedom.

“The truth will set people free, not their version of truth, not what sounds good and tickles the ears of the hearer, not the truth of the world that produces the anger of man. No! My truth is eternal and will stand long after the dust of the lukewarm church has been scattered to the winds.

“This is a difficult word, and few will hear what I am saying; but to those who will, I say this: sharpen your sword – the word of God.

“When I said that the Kingdom of God suffers much violence and the violent take it by force, I was not speaking of physical violence. Remember, you are not warring with people, but with the demonic realm. While physical action must be taken when it is forced, the weapons of your warfare are not natural manmade weapons. While I have shared this with you before it bears repeating. Your weapons, My beloved Ekklesia, are praise, worship, prayer, instruction of My ways and will, and serious study of My word. Your firepower is the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit used in the manner I lead you and not in your own strength. Speak My word given at a precise moment needed. Your giftings must be led of My spirit.

~Love - Am love, so love others with the love which I have loved you.

~Joy - Not happiness, but joy even when all hell is coming against you.

~Peace - The peace that surpasses understanding which guards your heart and mind in Christ Jesus

~Patience – The anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. See the progression of patience in Romans 5:3-5.

~Kindness - It is the kindness of God that leads one to repentance.

~Goodness - You are to proclaim the goodness, the excellencies of Him who has called you out of the darkness and into His marvelous light.

~Faithfulness - Be dependable and loyal to me even if it cost you your life. Be willing to give it all to me and to my purpose. Unbelief will not nullify My faithfulness, but the one who continues in unfaithfulness will be cut off from My goodness and mercy.

~Gentleness - My spirit is gentle and kind. My people are not to Stir up hatred, but to call the sinner to repentance. It is not a weak position but power under control. Again, the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God in Christ. Remember, we are talking about the weapons of warfare.

Where there is no fuel the fire goes out. A gentle word spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.

~Self-control - Must be cultivated in each soul. Actions follow one’s thoughts, so the warfare which must be won is the war being waged in your mind.  Think about what you're thinking about. Do you have the mind of Christ? If not, study the Gospels and learn what Jesus said and did. Do not shy away when it's time to be bold and do not rush out when I am leading you to rest or stay away from an area. Remember Jesus not only hid Himself at times, but My apostles weren't permitted in certain areas by My spirit.

Seek Me early. Seek Me often. Seek My face, and you will find Me.”

I Am,
The Lover of your soul

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 10:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, May 31 2020

Jewels from Judy: “THE ERA OF GREAT HARVEST!”

Judy A Bauman

Waiting on the Promise
Beloved ones, have you been waiting on the Lord during this global reset? I pray during this unusual time that you have found yourself living with and IN CHRIST and God’s faithfulness. Many of us have experienced hardships like we’ve never known, but through it all, whether we’ve realized it or not, the Lord has been near. Philippians 4:4-5 comes to mind where Paul tells the Ekklesia to rejoice for this very reason. The Lord is near – He is at hand! Knowing Paul was imprisoned when he wrote to the Philippians gives me great hope and encouragement, and I pray it gives you hope too. Certainly, if he could write the letter he did under those circumstances we can follow the rest of his directive in Philippians 4:6-9.

With that said, there are two things that I want to share with you that the Lord has made clear to me. Many of us have heard that we have entered “a new era.” There are a number of prophetic voices that have confirmed this fact over the past year or two.

Jesus warned us that Satan is a thief, and recently the Holy Spirit spoke to me, “Understand that the enemy seeks to redefine this new era as the ‘Covid/Post Covid-19 era’ saying this is the ‘new normal’. However, you are to call it THE ERA OF GREAT HARVEST!”

As we are celebrating Pentecost Sunday and preparing for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit, I received word that some wicked people are calling this, ‘Bloody Sunday’. While we are to be watchful, we are NOT to be in agreement with either of these demonic assertions. It is PENTECOST SUNDAY and we are in THE ERA OF GREAT HARVEST - that is our declaration, that is our stance! The only blood that matters is the Blood of Jesus that covers us! Hallelujah! Watchfulness and walking in wisdom is one thing, but paranoia is another. God has not given us a spirit of fear or timidity. He has given us His power, the love of the Father, and a sound and well-balanced mind – the mind of Christ. Amen!

The Dawn of the New Era

Today, my husband and I were watching the docking of the first manned space flight in years. They docked to the International Space Station. It was such an exciting moment and took me back to 1969 when NASA shared the moon landing. As they were addressing all the viewers and commenting on the international cooperation involved, they quoted Astronaut Anne McClain saying, “This is the DAWN OF A NEW ERA in human spaceflight.”

This so speaks to me about the Ekklesia! We are in the DAWN OF A NEW ERA – THE ERA OF GREAT HARVEST! I love when the Lord uses unusual events to confirm what He’s doing. Glory to God!

I pray this blesses and encourages you in the Father’s love,

Rev. Judy A Bauman

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 01:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 15 2020
Will You War Over My Promises?

Jewels from Judy: “Will You War Over My Promises?”

By Judy A Bauman

The Lord is asking, “Will you war over My promises?”

This morning the Lord asked me, “Will you war over My promises?” I knew this question was not meant for my benefit alone but was also intended for the Body of Christ. I asked the Father to help me understand our part in the battle because I know we are much more motivated to fight for something when we understand what is at stake. This was His response:
“When I give a promise, it is not a ‘done deal’ as some would make it out to be. It is My desire that you partner with My plans. When Esther was taken to the palace, she was told perhaps she was there ‘for such a time as this.’ However, prior to that, Mordechai let her know that if she didn’t approach the king, even at the peril of her own life, she would not escape destruction. He said that deliverance of the Jews would come from someone else if she didn’t speak up for them.

“You, beloved, have been brought into My kingdom for such a time as this. You are not just here for beauty treatments and notoriety. You are in My kingdom and you do have favor with Me but you mustn’t take your position with Me lightly.

“When I give a promise, know that the enemy will do everything to fight against it. Don’t allow him the victory! I tell you it is a new era, a season for a great harvest. Your enemy says it’s a season of death. Do you see what he’s doing? The devil will work to bring about the opposite of what I say, but the question I have for you is simple. Who will you believe? Whose words will you align yourself with and who will you choose to follow? There is power in agreement! Remember, faith is believing what you can’t see. Fear is constantly being shoved in your face, but you do not have to consume it. You can dine at My table or the devil’s, but you can’t partake of both. You have a choice.

“Many personal promises given to My beloved ones go unfulfilled because there is more belief in what is seen than faith in what I have said. What will it be for you? I ask again, will you war over My promises?” ~ end

Reflection: When I first heard the Lord ask if we would war over His promises, I could hear Christian voices that passively say, “If God said it, He’ll do it.” While this is commonly believed, I felt His disapproval to this type of passive thinking. It doesn’t require us to engage with what He is doing in the earth. He says “Yes,” to His promises, but we are to respond to the glory of God and say, “Amen!” (2 Corinthians 1:20)

It is His good pleasure that we take part in His plans as we are His ambassadors, his representatives, for a reason. His call for us to war over His promises is the call to stop the enemy from stealing from us! God’s promises will be fulfilled, but if we don’t participate with His plans, He will look for another who will value His promises.

Jesus said in John 10:10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” It is His good pleasure to give us an abundant life, but we need to examine our part in the process. Think about how the persistent widow relentlessly fought for justice in Jesus’ parable in Luke 18:1-8. Be assured that your Father is the Righteous Judge and He hears you! Will He find faith on the earth when He returns? I pray He does!

Artwork by Janice VanCronkhite

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 10:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 05 2020

Jewels from Judy: A Time To Proclaim Jubilee!

Judy A Bauman

A Time To Proclaim Jubilee!

God proclaimed 50 as the Biblical number of Jubilee. This is when liberty is proclaimed! (See Leviticus 25) Today I am writing because I want to share something personal with you.

The reason this is significant to me at this very moment, on this date 50 years ago, I suffered a great loss. My dad died. It was a very traumatic event because just before he collapsed, he had strictly punished me for not doing the evening dishes. I later learned that the type of hidden heart condition he suffered from often produces outbursts of anger. Unfortunately, that specific night, I bore the brunt of it. That being his last conscious act haunted me and I suffered from tremendous guilt. What I didn’t know for years is the ‘replaying’ of events is not an uncommon thing for someone who has suffered a trauma. This is what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is and how it interferes with a person’s life.

Surprisingly, I learned about PTSD while watching an episode of West Wing (Noel). A character in the show was having strange reactions and was told he had to sit with a psychologist to keep his job. In the show, the character was diagnosed with PTSD but argued that he had never been in the military, so he couldn’t have it. The doctor explained that it can happen to anyone suffering a trauma. What really hit me was when he said, “You know you are cured when you can remember the incident without reliving it.” Remembering an incident is one thing, seeing it and experiencing the emotions as if the event is happening at that moment is another. This is what was happening to me and I was unable to stop the memories from replaying in my mind. For years, I had episodes where I relived both the night my dad died and his funeral, so any healing I gained would be weakened when that memory would be relived. This is what had been occurring since that fateful night, and just knowing what I was dealing with made a huge difference.

God is so good because He healed me in stages. How the Holy Spirit explained it to me was that I would need multiple surgeries, but that when He was done, I wouldn’t even know where the wound had been. This was unimaginable to me, but I am here to tell you that there is no scar! What I am also here to tell you is that you do not have to suffer for years before God heals and makes you whole.

Perhaps you see yourself (or someone you love) in my story. The fact is, we don’t have to suffer alone. The MASTER SURGEON is on duty. Allow the Lord to show you the first step to freedom. His word is full of direction, counsel and healing. Reach out for prayer. Honestly, I had more issues than just my dad’s death that were fortifying the enemy’s stranglehold.

Praise God that the weapons of our warfare are not natural, but they are MIGHTY in the pulling down of strongholds. Studying the word, prayer, fasting, praise and worship, acts of kindness, acts of obedience, developing the fruit and gifts of the Spirit, as well as putting on the armor of God are all effective weapons! I hope this encourages you. Please let me know how I can pray for you if you cannot break free from the trauma you have suffered. When God’s healing is complete, there will be no scar.

In the Father’s love

Judy A Bauman

Another testimony on this subject can be found here:


~One thing God did on this date that I could have in no way planned, my second book was published! (I had sent it in at the end of November, but Jewels from the Harvest was published February 5, 2018!) I have a number of really sweet things the Lord has done for me on this date. Perhaps that will be for another post.

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 10:27 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 24 2019

Jewels from Judy: Awaken to the Revealing

Judy A Bauman

This morning I felt an urgency to release this encounter now because of the DAY AND HOUR we are IN!!! Awaken to the Revealing is a chapter in my first book, Jewels from the River.

Awaken to the Revealing!
In this vision, Jesus revealed Himself as the Captain of the heavenly hosts. I had such an overwhelming and intense sense of awe as I watched His interaction with His angels.  He was commanding and powerful yet loving and respectful in all His mannerisms.  As I sat journaling what I saw, I noticed there were no men or women in the huge number of troops – only angels. Some were dressed in armor, some wore diplomatic attire, others casual clothing, but they were all being given their orders for the day. The Lord lifted His voice to address the garrison and spoke in a language I didn’t know, yet understood what He was saying.

“This day marks a new day in the days of creation.  Many cry out for My return, but the time is not yet. There is a fullness that must come to My own. They must be awakened. They are sleepy as if drugged – and drugged they are! They are drugged by the media. They are drugged by entertainment. They are hypnotized by the world’s governmental issues. They slumber because their hearts have grown weak from the continual diet of fear fed them.

“I Am sending you out in force to roust up the saints of God, My chosen and elect. I Am decreeing this day a mandate to call, call, call, beckon, beckon, beckon the sons of God – both male and female – to awaken to the revealing. Shake them out of their deep sleep and cause them to ARISE!

“Give heed to My orders and follow My voice and we will witness the great move you have heard of from old. Creation itself will also be set free from its slavery to corruption into freedom of the glory of the children of God. Cause them to awaken to the groaning that is deep within them for the adoption. Tell them: Your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is seen upon you! Yes, the light will shine brightly through even in the dimmest of lights because of the dark days that are upon them.”

The angels exuberantly cheer the Lord and worship Him. The air is electric, and I cannot help but stand and cheer with them in praise to the King of kings!  He is glorious and marvelous – excellent in all His ways!

Then they individually come and stand in front of Jesus and salute Him. Each salute is unique and speaks of other missions and victories completed with the Lord. The angels show great respect and are full of awe, adoration, dedication and obedience of heart. Jesus hands each angel a scroll which holds their specific assignments and orders. They bow and depart. When they leave, these dedicated ones leave so fast I cannot tell if they fly, run or just disappear. In this multitude one would think this process would take too much time because of the sense of urgency in the Lord’s voice, but then I realize that God is Omnipresent. He is not in a hurry because in Him is the fullness of time!

The Beloved turns toward me.  All the angels have gone, except for the ones that stand behind me. They each step forward salute Jesus and He hands each of them a scroll. They bow and then return to stand behind me. This shocks me because I didn’t know they were there! But then Jesus turns His gaze toward me and looks me in the eye. Everything else fades away and I feel my knees start to buckle. One of the angels touches my back and it gives me strength to stand. Looking at me Jesus says, “Be excited, dear one! The days you live in are full of promises fulfilled. Many have sought your day and never saw it. Tell My Church to pull their hearts away from their own worldly pursuits that keep them from My table of blessing. They must seek My face and there they will find their daily bread. There they will be sustained. There is where My kingdom will give them life and life more abundantly! Seek first My kingdom and My righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” 

~End Vision~

 *Roust=to make somebody get up, make a move, or take action, especially abruptly or roughly

Scriptures to ponder: 

Romans 8:14, 18-22; 1 Peter 2:9-10, Ephesians 5:14-17; Isaiah 60:1-2; Hebrews 11:39-40; Matthew 6:33; Mark 4:18-19; Psalm 27:8; Revelation 4:11; 19:16; Matthew 6:11, 19-21, 24; John 10:10; Isaiah 9:6-7; Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17; Proverbs 3:5-6; 2 Timothy 1:7; Romans 8:37-39; Philippians 4:4-9; Psalm 46

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 08:33 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, August 08 2019
Jewels from Judy: Will You Embrace Your Destiny?
By Judy A Bauman

A word from the Father’s heart to yours: Will You Embrace Your Destiny?
“I have called you to the nations* to a destiny and I am asking you now, Will you embrace your destiny?
“This is a time of new beginnings and you are called for such a time as this.  Know that you were chosen to be in this day and in this time.  There is a vast cloud of witnesses who beckon you to move forward in the power of My Resurrected Son. 
“Do not come to Me with your list of all your inadequacies and tell Me why you are unable to line up your will with Mine.  I already know you are unable and that is precisely why I called you!  You must know that what is impossible with man is possible with Me.  I Am that I Am!  I Am sufficient for all you need.  Do not say any longer that you are unable. That, dear child, has already been established! 
“Will you will lay everything down and pick up your mantle, continually wear it, and go where I send you?  I will give you everything you need when you need it if you will obey My promptings.  As you obey, the provision you need will already be waiting for you on My path, so do not look at what you do not have as you begin to step out in your destiny.  Have faith and know that I will provide for you.  Shed the garment of doubt and clothe yourself in My mantle.
“Will you honor Me by quickly coming into agreement with Me when I ask you to do something? Know that I start with small things.  As you comply with My Spirit in the small things, I can move you into the bigger purpose that I have.  Do not despise small beginnings, dear one.  I start there with everyone.  Even Jesus had small beginnings.
“I have called you to a destiny; will you embrace your destiny?”
You ARE More Than A Conqueror!
“Will you honor Me by looking at what I can do instead of what you can do?
“Beware of the spirit of fear and timidity.  Will you embrace the call on your life or not?  If you embrace fear you cannot also embrace your destiny of faith in Me.  When you embrace fear you are proclaiming that I am not faithful!  You may not realize this is what you are doing, but it is.  Faith cannot exist where fear resides.  You must exterminate fear.  My love fights fear!  My love conquers fear!  I set before you a choice. Choose faith or fear. I will give you the answer, choose faith! 
“Fear expects Me to be unfaithful and to break My promises to you.  Fear expects the worst before it has happened.  Faith will cause you to see the miraculous through the eyes of your heart first and then you will see the miraculous right before your very eyes.  You have to see it first by My spirit, then you will see it in the natural.  You can attract what you fear to yourself, or you can attract to yourself what you hope for.  The choice is yours. I give an established warning: Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it the issues of life flow.
“Know that I desire for you to expect the best before it happens.  I desire that when you see a storm approaching, you will expect Me to move on your behalf.  Doubt your doubts!  I have called you to be MORE than a conqueror.  What this means is that you can know you have won the battle before ever entering it.  The Greater One lives in you.  You ARE more than a conqueror because I have already won!” 
Seeds Of DestinyProduce Fruit!
“I have planted in you seeds of destiny.  Will you allow the Living Word to water those seeds?  Will you allow the Light of My Salvation to shine through you until those seeds grow to bear fruit?
“My dear one, do you not yet know that I desire for you to have an entire orchard of trees that overflow with fruit?  There is sweet succulent fruit to be grown, harvested and enjoyed.  All of the harvest will be brought to My banqueting table. My banner over you is love.”
Your Faithful Abba
*Nations - ethnos, peoples, lands. We all have a sphere of people where the Lord has given us His power and His authority. Please pray and ask the Lord to confirm to whom you are called and where you are to go in Jesus' name. Wisdom is proved right by her children. God bless and keep you. JB
Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 09:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, July 25 2019

A Call To Prayer For There Is A Black Moon Rising

Judy A Bauman

The “Curse Bomb”

The Lord showed me back in April that the enemy is planning an attack in what He called a “Curse Bomb.” He also gave a strategy of prayer in order to counter that attack. At that time, the Lord only showed me a handful of people to send the message, but now He has asked me to share what He showed me this morning.1

The Vision of the Evil Workers and the Explanation
I saw people running to and fro, frantically working to finish a project by the deadline. I asked, “What is it they are working to complete, Lord?”

He answered, “It is a weapon of mass destruction.”

I inquired again, “Is it a physical weapon or a spiritual one?”

He replied, “It is both. Satan desires to steal, kill and destroy in all realms, but this particular attack is aimed at a specific world leader. As you are aware, witches worldwide have unprecedentedly come together with one goal since Trump was elected, and that goal is to curse him on the New Moon each month until he is removed from office. They run to and fro because their curses (accusations, humiliations, badgering, mocking, threatening, etc…) have not succeeded. He remains in office by My hand. They have new orders and have been commissioned to assemble a ‘Curse Bomb’. Different covens and groups with evil intentions have orders to prepare this bomb’s components and bring them together at a specific time for assembly and detonation.”

Clear and Present Danger!

“I ask that the saints take this threat seriously because the time approaches for its assembly. While it is aimed at President Trump, its true target is the Church (Ekklesia). I have shown you the timing.”

“Yes, Lord,” I answer.
(Note: There are two New Moons in July! Similar to the second Full Moon being called a “Blue Moon,” the second New Moon is referred to as a “Black Moon”. I also noticed this coming New Moon is a “Supermoon” because of its proximity to the earth. This has a stronger effect on the ocean’s tides, and Scripture often depicts humanity as a sea. The second New Moon will occur at my location on July 31, 2019, at 11:11 p.m. This timestamp caught my eye for its prophetic meaning, but also because New Age diviners superstitiously believe this to be a very spiritual and powerful number. They believe it’s their spirit guides and/or the universe trying to contact them.)

The Holy Spirit affirms my findings and adds, “Yes, but the time and day does depend on where one is in the world. In some places, it will be on August 1st, and the second New Moon will be on August 30th. This is important to note since this is a global effort on behalf of Wickedness in High Places.2 This means they have a full lunar moon cycle to assemble this ‘curse bomb’ for detonation; however, let’s not get bogged down in the details.”

The Golden Bowls

Then the Lord shows me something exquisite! I see a huge golden bowl, and though I see nothing else, I know it is in the Throne Room. There is incense in the bowl, but it’s not full. This bowl represents prayers that have gone up specifically to protect the president, his family, staff, supporters, businesses, and innocent bystanders from the ‘Curse Bomb’.  The fact that the bowl is not yet full concerns me, so I ask, “Lord, why is this not full?”

The Prayers of the Saints and the Three-Cord Strand

He answers, “Because many who call themselves ‘Christian’ feel that I will do whatever I will do whether they pray or not, so they idly standby and watch. They don’t realize the importance of their appeals to heaven and what it is that happens as a result of their prayer. You have not because you ask not. The reason some don’t ask is because of their personal political preferences, but I did not command that you only pray for leaders in whom you agree. Paul issued this decree3 and he was under cruel Roman rule. There is no excuse! Get into agreement with Me and be part of what I am doing in the earth!

“In 2016, the bowls were filled up and the incense was poured out at the precise moment because I heard the cries of My people. Prayers have been poured out for three very strategic election outcomes. These were in Israel, America, and England. A three-cord strand is not easily broken. There are other key nations, and they are vital to My plan, but if these three were not braided together, the others would fail for lack of support.”

Orders to Move Forward

“As I have told you before (in Bringing Down Wickedness in High Places and Awaken to the Revealing), My people must awaken and be rousted to pray for instruction. The enemy has assigned different posts to various covens and cults, but I am giving counter assignments to thwart the devil’s plans. Receive your assignments with gladness and conviction; receive them with confidence that I will open the way for you where there is no way. You are more than a conqueror. Nothing is impossible with Me! Your assignment in the coming days may not look like what you thought, but it is not uncommon during times of war to be assigned unusual duties. This applies to war in the natural but includes spiritual warfare. The ‘Curse Bomb’ can and will be stopped by the prayers and obedience of the saints. As I have said before, when you have done all you can do, stand! Stand firm!”


  1. If you would like me to send this to you, please email me.
  3. 1 Tim 2:1-4


Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 02:44 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, July 11 2019

Jewels from Judy: Bringing Down Wickedness in High Places
A word from Abba and an excerpt from Jewels from the River

Judy A Bauman

“There is a line being drawn in the sand, and unfortunately, many of my people have their heads buried in it! There is, and has been, a very deadly advancement being plotted against Israel, and the enemy is very antsy to see it unfold. The devil and his cohorts were shut down when they were felled from their high places in the White House.

“They believed they had it in the bag, but when Trump won, that plan crumbled. The wickedness in high places is not giving up or giving in, but he foiled their plans so exclusively that the hatred for him is unmatched. He has bought the Church (Ecclesia) some time to wake up and roust the troops, but it has not been easy. This is especially true when so many who are called by My name fail to see what I am doing through him. Do you remember what I said to My host of Angels and allowed you to record?”

I answered Him yes, and He asked me to share this specific part with you. This encounter was published in Jewels from the River, Awaken to the Revealing pages 162-163 under the subheadings “Jesus! Captain of the Angels” and “The Lord’s Orders:”

Jesus! Captain of the Angels

Reaching the base of the path, I see the Lord approaching. The Lord is wearing thick leather armor with a sword in its sheath. Though strong and fierce in appearance, it is also elegant and regal in its design. He’s taking long strides and there is an unusual urgency to His steps. As Jesus’ gait intensifies, the sword swings dramatically at His side in rhythm with His quickened pace. Beholding the glory and might of Jesus as the Captain of the army of heavenly hosts takes my breath away.[1] Following behind Him is a garrison of angels. I curtsey low at the sight of the King and this heavenly multitude approaching me and stay bowed. The Lord commands, “Arise, and come with Me.” I stand, take His hand, and Jesus escorts me to a place to sit, observe, and scribe as He addresses His angelic troops.

The Lord’s Orders:

Though He speaks in a language unknown to me, I understand exactly what He is saying to the angels and carefully record His words.[2] “This day marks a new day in the days of creation. Even rocks cry out for My return, but the time is not yet. Fullness must come to My own. They need time to awaken. They are sleepy as if drugged -- and drugged they are! Media has drugged them. Entertainment has drugged them. The world’s governmental issues have troubled the masses. They slumber because their hearts have grown weak from eating a continual diet of fear.[3]

“I Am sending you out in force to roust the saints of God, My chosen and elect. Call, call, call, beckon, beckon, beckon the sons of God, both male and female, to awaken to the revealing. Shake them out of their deep sleep and cause them to ARISE![4] Give heed to My orders and follow My voice. We will witness the great move you have heard of from old. Creation itself will also be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. Cause My Church, My believers, to awaken to the groaning that is deep within them for the fulfillment of their adoption as sons.[5] Tell them, ‘Your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is seen upon you!’ Yes, the light will shine brightly, even dim lights, because of the dark days that are upon the earth.”[6] Angels numbering in the thousands cheer the Lord. I jump up from my seat and cheer along with them. He is majestic; there is none like Him![7]

It is my hope and prayer that you receive what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us through this word and encounter.

In the Father’s Love,
Judy A Bauman




[1] Joshua 5:14

[2] 1 Corinthians 12:10

[3] Matthew 10:26-28; 2 Timothy 1:7

[4] Mark 13:33-37; Luke 21:34-36; Romans 13:11-14

[5] Romans 8:14-22

[6] Isaiah 60:1-5

[7] Revelation 4:11; 19:16

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 04:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 07 2019

Jewels from Judy: I Will Bring Justice and Righteousness

Judy A Bauman

May 7, 2019

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. Isaiah 55:8

As I awoke on Monday, I heard the Lord say, “Before you read anything this morning, I want to talk to you about My justice.” I sat with my journal and prayed for God’s insight, for forgiveness, and sang Third Day’s song, “Your Love Oh Lord.” When I sang the lyrics, “Your righteousness is like a mighty mountain; Your justice flows like the ocean’s tide,” I heard, “It is time to hear what I have to say about justice.” With pen in hand, I wrote what He said:

“Many cry out, ‘How long, Lord? How long will it be before we see justice?’ but child, they fail to remember I Am longsuffering concerning the sins of man. I want all to come to repentance and so I Am slow, oftentimes, in My coming. Yes, there are times when I am swift, but what many don’t see is how many chances I gave before My swiftness was seen.

“As in the days when My people were enslaved in Egypt, I gave Pharaoh many chances. Ten plagues was not my desire, but it reveals the depth of hardness of a person’s heart. Even then, he was unrelenting to the point of chasing My people into the sea. I give warnings to those murdering My people. I want all to come to repentance, but some are like Pharaoh who wants to see only blood. The blood they will see last is their own and then the judgment.

“Many times people call to Me to get them out of a difficult situation, but they don’t like My solution. My way out for the children of Israel was not what they ever could have imagined. Would a man pray to either be driven to the point of facing a fierce army without weapons or walking into the sea to get to the other side?

“I told the disciples they would be baptized into the baptism of suffering that I was. Do many understand that? Do many realize I was baptizing the nation of Israel? Look how they behaved afterwards. They tried to cover up their sin with Aaron claiming the calf just jumped out of the fire! When in reality they fashioned their idols from their own gold.

“So what does this have to do with you and with My Church today? I give warning to My Church to be led of My Spirit and not of their flesh because where My Spirit is, there is life and liberty. Where I Am is ignored, there is bondage and death. I want my people to be free: Free to rejoice! Free to live! Free to worship in spirit and in truth! Free to love! Free to follow Me!

Nevertheless, remember I lead where the hearts of man do not want to go, but it is the Way of Righteousness. It is the way of My Spirit. I will take you through the desert, through the valley, through the sea, around the mountains, to the Promised Land, but I will not take you an easy route. The flesh desires ease, and when it gets it, the flesh becomes slothful. That trap must be broken. It must be smashed to bits!

“The days are evil, but I will redeem them if you go My Way of Righteousness. I implore you to go the Way of Righteousness through the veil – through the Body of Christ, which was torn open so you can come boldly into the Holy of Holies in your time of need. Do not delay! I will bring justice and righteousness.”

Scriptures to ponder: Rev 6:10; Ex 34:6; Ps 86:15; Ex 9:34-35; 32:24; 1 Tim 2:1-4; Mark 10:38-39; Phil 3:10; Rev 19:19-21; Gal 5:1;Is 61:1; 2 Co 3:17; Ps 36:9; Matt 27:51; Heb 4:14-16; 10:19-21

Note: As I sat to write this post, a news alert came up that Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia, where I reside, was signing the Heartbeat Bill, which prohibits abortion after a heartbeat is detected. Hallelujah for the justice of God in this hour!

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 12:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 10 2018

Jewels from Judy: Prepare for the Changes I Am Bringing!

Judy A Bauman

A Word from Abba Concerning the Harvest

“You have heard from different sources that the next move of God will be ‘like’ the Jesus Movement of the 60s and 70s, it will be ‘like’ the Brownsville Revival and Toronto Father’s Blessing of the 90s, or ‘like’ the turn of the century Welsh and Azusa Street Holy Spirit Revivals. However, I tell you that it will be a combination. Many will struggle for a name because it will not have one specific outpouring or be in one specific location. The ‘church’ will not be able to contain it. This move will be spontaneous and is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Outpouring. It is the Godhead – 3 in 1 Outpouring. It is the 1-3-7 Outpouring of My Spirit.*

“Yes, there is a harvest upon you now. It has begun, but compared to what it will be, it is still in the embryonic stage. See to it that disunity or greed does not abort it. These two things will quickly shut down a move of My Spirit. I will not share My glory with flesh. If I Am lifted up, I will draw all to Me.

“Though many call the rising generation ‘millennials,’ this is used as a derogatory term and it has no place in My Body. Take heed to what I say. They are My TURNAROUND GENERATION, as they will see the greatest turnaround in modern history. It’s not going to look like the Church you’ve been comfortable with, so decide now if you are going to be part of what I am doing or not. All generations alive at one point in time need each other, so do not forsake each other saying ‘you have nothing in common.’ That is a lie. You have ME in common! Come into My presence and let the oil of My Holy Spirit soften your heart toward each other, so I can pour into you all the cooperative wisdom needed for this day.

“Seek My face, and I will be found by you. Prepare, prepare, prepare – for the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few! Beseech the Lord of the harvest to bring forth laborers into His harvest.”

Lovingly yours,


*Referring to a prophetic dream, which can be read at:

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 10:46 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, August 08 2016
Time for Clarity

Jewels from Judy: Time for Clarity

Judy Bauman

Time for Clarity: Encouragement from the Father

“Now is the time for clarity. As a bell rings with clear sound, the Body of Christ must make a sound for all to hear. The time is now for those I have called to work in harmony with My word. Instead of individual sounds, it is time to make the sound of unity without compromising the truth. What unites you all is Me. I Am love. Love is the common denominator.

“My Bell rings the sound of liberty; it is the sound of freedom. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!1 Freedom in Me is what you are to clearly proclaim. I’ve called you to proclaim liberty to the captives.2 Do not call conspiracy what others call conspiracy.3 Don’t waste time on controversies that draw your attention from My will. Walk in My LOVE and LIGHT.4 This is what people need to see. They need to see HOPE. They need see JOY. If all they see is arguing, they live and die in the world’s system. Ring out My truth and call My children home!”

Your Abba

It is my prayer you will study these Scriptures with this exhortation:

1. Gal 5:1

2. Isaiah 61:1; John 8:36

3. Isaiah 8:12-13

4. Ephesians 5:1-16

Excerpts from A Clarion Call

Photo taken in 2012 by Judy A Bauman of the Bell Tower at the school her children attended in Sacramento

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 11:14 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, May 12 2016

The Lord gave me this word quite a few years back, but I believe it’s again time to step out of the boat!

An Exhortation from the Lord to you: Come! Walk On Water!

“When I walked this earth, I told My disciples, ‘When the prince of this world comes, he has nothing in Me.’”

“Why was that? It was because I was completely submitted to My Father's will. I was committed to His purpose and plan. I was led by His Spirit – the Spirit of truth. I have given you the blueprint! Look at it. Follow it. Do not do anything that the Father hasn't shown you. My Father will never mislead you. He will lead you into places you did not know you could go, but if He has called you to a place for a purpose, He will fulfill it. It is My Spirit which will cause you to enjoy kingdom victory in that place.”

“Do not step out of the boat unless I invite you, but if I invite you COME!” Come immediately. Don't delay. Come! You know My voice, don't you? My sheep know My voice and you are my sheep. I have called you by name. Stop doubting. Stop having such small faith. You have My Spirit to teach you. You have My word to confirm to you what is truth. Speak My truth. Speak the words I give you. Don't delay; get out of the boat! Is it not your desire to walk on water?”

“Yes? Then come, Beloved. It is by My power and My grace that you are able. Your abilities are perfected in and by My grace. My power is made perfect in your weakness.” Will you come?”


Your Shepherd

Scripture References:
Matthew 14:27-33; John 5:19; 8:28-32; 10:3-5;14:26-30; 20:21; Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Revelation 19:10c

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:29 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, April 26 2016

An Exhortation From Fhe Father: Harmonize with My Lovingkindness

“How many people in the world right now are focused on politics and what politicians can do for them? How many are focused on Me and what I can do for them? I will tell you, very few.

“Even those who say they trust in Me have actually placed their hopes and plans in what ‘their’ politicians can do for them. While I want you to vote because it is a privilege I endorse, I do not want your heart and soul caught in a web of misdirection. Upon what path have I set your feet? What eternal consequence does any election have? Your integrity is attached to My name – the name of Jesus. When people you have tried to share My love with see you ranting on and on about an election, you are tarnishing My name. You are dragging My name into an arena of your choosing not Mine.

“Everything is permissible, dear one, but not everything is profitable. You have the freedom to speak your mind, but if your words to no edify the one hearing, then you are not in harmony with My will on earth. This disharmony does not reveal My intentions, nor does it convey the truth of My word. Being contentious is rooted in pride that you are right and others are wrong. You are saying that you know what is best, but you are mistaken. Only I know what is best for you, your nation and the world. Seek My counsel in this matter instead of looking for those who agree with your position and contenting with those who don’t. Are their eternal souls worth so little to you?

“Lay down your battle ax, beloved, and pick up My word. Don’t be as a loud gong, or a note played out of key. Harmonize your words and deeds with My lovingkindness and see what I do.”

Lovingly your,

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:31 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 20 2016

A Time of Acceleration

In the secret place I sought the Father asking, “Lord, is there something You want to share with me?” The Holy Spirit gave this to me in reply:

“You are in a time of acceleration. What mans sees as progress has caused the world to reel in near madness. While the earth is not moving any faster than when I set it in motion, the manmade movement all around it reveals the disorder of the mind’s of man. It’s cluttered and frenzied and it hurries when it needs to rest. Because of this, many are in a near state of madness because there is no way they can keep up the pace. Some self-medicate, some go to doctors to get prescriptions to calm their nerves. Others completely disconnect, and while they may still be operating around other people, they choose not to trust, care, or have love for anyone else – not even themselves.

“The proof of this is seen in any social media where people comment on current events. The venom that people thoughtlessly spew at one another is so vile and deadly that anyone with the tiniest grain of faith in Me can see how disgusting it is to the soul. Unfortunately, there has been so much said over such a short amount of time that even those who have been saved are polluted by words and images. Language that was once considered by society to be vulgar is now seemingly common and acceptable. Respect shown when a person has passed away (out of care and concern for their family members) is not only ignored, but often violated. The more famous the person, particularly if they have stood for justice or proclaimed Jesus as their Lord, the worst the public comments that are made.

“The people who love Me, and love others as they do themselves, must guard their hearts. No one is immune to these assaults on their person or character. It takes very little effort to speak life over others. Be My light and speak My love, hope and well-being to those around you. I exhort you to walk worthy of your calling by building up and giving comfort in an all-too-often world of ridicule, anger, and insults. Guard your heart, for out of it flow the issues of life.

“Call to Me and I will show you great and mighty things. As you release My peace to others, you will see more and more ways to repair the breaches in your society. Remember Jesus’ words, ‘You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.’ ‘A disciple is not above his teacher...’” (Matthew 10:22; 29a)

Your Ever-present help in times of trouble

~Scriptures to Ponder:
Proverbs 4:23; Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 5:13-16; 22:36-40; First Corinthians 14:3;

Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider sending a love offering. We have had some very urgent needs arise on the mission field and we can only help if you help us. You may give by credit card online at using the “Donate” button, or send a check or money order to the address on the Home page. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

In the Father’s love,
Judy A Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:32 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 16 2016

An Exhortation from the Father: Allow Me To Share With You My Thoughts

“Remember, the mind of Christ is all that matters. I am the Author of all life. I give freewill and do not take it back when it is inconvenient to Me. I warn you not to pick up the weapons of your enemy, or you will become like your enemy. The ‘snake and the mongoose’ is not a dance you want to involve yourself. Shake off the snakebite, knock the dust off your shoes, and let us produce what is true and worthy of your time and Mine.

“What are you doing worthy of My time? What are you doing worthy of yours? You have a finite number of hours, I caution you to use them wisely. Like David who was continually surrounded by enemy combatants, you are to know that I will set a table for you in the midst of them. There is no servant of Mine who has ever been void of those who hate without reason. The fact is, the enemy does not like being exposed to the light – especially when he has been entrenched and hidden in darkness for a long time.

“Let My word speak for itself. I Am well able to defend it. If those who wonder about it will seek Me and what I have said concerning a matter, they will know the truth and the truth shall set them free. If they choose to believe a man or woman over what I have to say in the matter, then they will walk deceived until they seek Me.”

Your loving Father

Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider sending a love offering. We have had some very urgent needs arise on the mission field and we can only help if you help us. You may “Donate” online at by credit card through PayPal, or go to the Home Page for instructions how to send a check or money order. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

In the Father’s love,

Judy A Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:42 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, February 20 2016

Facing Trials? Face Your KING!

The Vision

This past Sunday, the prayer team was interceding prior to the morning service. The Holy Spirit showed one of the elders many people in the church (globally) who are fighting battles; however, in facing their battles, they had unwittingly turned their backs to God!

If we will turn and face God, bow down and worship Him, the Lord will battle our enemy for us. Consider Psalms 24:7-8:

Lift up your heads, O you gates!
And be lifted up, you everlasting doors!
And the King of glory shall come in.
Who is this King of glory?
The LORD strong and mighty,
The LORD mighty in battle.

As a whole, we must stop looking (with our eye and ear gates) to the world and its system to be our safety net, and lift our heads! Our God desires our attention and affection. He wants us to rely on Him and not what help we can get from some program. The government did not die on the cross for my sins or yours. It is by Jesus’ stripes that we are healed and not by our insurance plan.

Paul lived in one of the most brutal governments of all time. Remember, on either side of Jesus, two robbers were also crucified. If you saw the movie, Passion of the Christ,1you saw a clear depiction of what public execution looked like in the Roman Empire. Paul wrote Timothy and exhorted him to pray for those in authority. 2 Given the wickedness and corruption throughout the Roman Empire in their day, I ask, what is our excuse for not praying for our government (church, work, community) leaders? We have none because the word of God is clear on the matter.

The Bible tells us that Jesus is not slow in His coming, as some think, but the Lord wants none to perish and all to come to repentance.3 The Father of lights wants all to be saved! (Yes, that means your enemies too.) No matter how wicked we think someone is, Jesus shed His prefect, sinless blood for that person – just like He did for you.4 This is why we are admonished in and after the Lord’s prayer to forgive as we have been forgive.5 We want mercy from God – right? Of course we do! Jesus told us that if we are merciful, we shall receive mercy. 6

We all want God to show us mercy, so we have to stop extending our fingeroutward at what all the government is doing wrong (I know they often make it as easy as shooting fish in a barrel), and start obeying the precepts of our Father and King – the King of kings. I hope we pray for our leaders as we would our loved ones. I pray we turn and face Jesus, our King and keep our focus on the One and Only who is our Ever-present-help-in-times-of-trouble!

In the Father’s love,
Judy A Bauman

1 Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson

1 Timothy 2:1-4

2 Peter 3:9

Matthew 26:28; Romans 5:6-11; Ephesians 1:7; First Peter 1:18-20

Matthew 6:14-15; 18:32-35; Colossians 3:12-14

6 Matthew 5:7

7 Revelation 2:1-7

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:35 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, February 19 2016

Do You Want More of Me?

“Beloved, do not settle for a false finish line. Settle only for My direction and pace. When I lead you into a place of pain, where your fleshly ways are to submit to My will, know that must be worked out of you for you to walk in the fullness of My power and authority. Do not look to the approval man gives, or it will distract you from My path. My path is narrow and few find it.1

“Too many are more concerned about what man is saying instead of what I Am says. Do you really want more of Me? Am I really your passion? Then throw off all that hinders you! Run the race set before you and give Me the shackles that are keeping you from finishing in My fullness and My grace.

​Look at Me! Look at My love for you. It will never fail you. My love will sustain you for the race.”

Your Abba

1 Matthew 7:13-14
2 John 8:31-32; Romans 6:1-23; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Hebrews 12:1-3

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:02 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 11 2015
A Clarion Call

A Clarion Call: Encouragement from the Father

“Now is the time for clarity. As a bell rings with clear sound, the Body of Christ must make a sound for all to hear. The time for the tuning of instruments, and the cacophony that comes from tuning, must stop. Hear the tapping of the baton, and play My song in harmony. I am issuing a clarion call.

“When a bell rings, summons people for a purpose. It alerts them of the time. The time is now for those I have called to work in harmony with My word. Instead of individual sounds, it is time to make the sound of unity without compromising the truth. What unites you all is Me. I Am love. Love is the common denominator.

“If you refuse to be led of My Spirit, the Spirit of truth, you will not see those things that you have hoped to see. If you are not being led of My Spirit, then you are doing what is right in your own eyes. If you are not studying the Bible by My Spirit, you will be misled. Many teach My word with their own understanding and by what others have taught them. My flock has not adhered to the warning given by John to ‘test the spirits’ to see if they are from Me. You must study yourself approved so you can discern when someone has taught you correctly or mishandled the word of truth. Many are misled because they do not take these warnings in Scripture seriously. False teachings that will cause ‘the love of many to grow cold’ because many will come to realize they have been misled.1

“Too much time has been spent teaching speculation and theories as fact. Theories are not fact and they produce fruitless arguments. Jesus’ coming has been the center of discussion when He made it clear that neither He nor the angels knew the day or hour of His return, but only the Father. So, how is it many are led away by those pretending to know? Jesus gave instruct for God’s people to be found doing what He told them to do, not arguing about His return.2

“Jesus taught a parable about tares and wheat growing together. He said that the tares (the sons of the evil one) would be gathered first and destroyed by fire. He explained the wheat (the sons of the kingdom) would then be gathered after that.3 Jesus also said about His coming that it would be just as it was in the days of Noah. What does My word say in Genesis? How was it in those days? Who was taken and who remained? It is so simple, a child can understand it. It is clearly written and understood that Noah remained, he was left on the earth, and the wicked were removed. Yet thousands of people use these very verses to believe the opposite is going to happen.4 These types of controversial teachings create distractions and confusion. They do not reveal the truth, but muffle and distort it. Because of this, people do not understand truth from fiction. The gospel of My kingdom must first be preached throughout the world as a witness to the nations. This is what the Church is to be doing.

“My Bell rings the sound of liberty; it is the sound of freedom. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Freedom in Me is what you are to clearly proclaim. I’ve called you to proclaim liberty to the captives.5 Do not call conspiracy what others call conspiracy.6 Don’t waste time on controversies that draw your attention from My will. Walk in My LOVE and LIGHT.7 This is what people need to see. They need to see HOPE. They need see JOY. If all they see is arguing, they live and die in the world’s system. Ring out My truth and call My children home!”

It is my prayer you will study these Scriptures with this exhortation:

1. Matthew 24:4, 10-12; 36-39; John 14:26-29; 16:13-15; Romans 8:12-17; Second Timothy 2:14-26; First John 4:1; 7-18

2. Matthew 24:46; Mark 13:32; Luke 12:38-40

3. Matthew 13:24-40

4. Genesis 7:7, 23; Matthew 24:29-31

5. Isaiah 61:1; John 8:36; Galatians 5:1

6. Isaiah 8:12-13

7. Ephesians 5:1-16

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:06 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, November 24 2015

Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.” Colossians 4:2

As was shared in an earlier post, the Lord warned, “Some things are going to happen shortly that will alarm many; but I want you to rest in Me, and seek My counsel and wisdom. You will see things no one could imagine. I am with you to the end of this age. Be at peace, because I am with you.”

Exactly one month before the attacks on Paris, the Lord spoke further on this subject saying: “When people do what is right in their own eyes, wickedness abounds.1 You see it daily on the news. The plans that the tribes of mankind have made to ‘seize the day for peace’ will fail miserably. Their plans are not peaceful, so they are deceived. They give rise to wickedness as has never been seen on the earth – and that is saying a lot! History reveals that mankind is capable of great cruelty and selfishness. Go back to where the days of Noah are chronicled and read.”

Genesis 6:5 Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

“What you see spreading in the Middle East is going to be exponential in its growth. ISIS is appealing to the youth and using social media to fuel the fire. Hearken to my voice, and I will give you strategies for prayer. You must pray and teach others how to pray in a manner of urgency as if your own son or daughter had become one of them.

“The days are evil, and it is vital to stay vigilant. The worst deception is for one to think he/she is fighting for Me, yet does everything against what I have taught. Be a doer of My word. Speak life over yourself and others.2 Be quick to recognize when small matters seek to become big one, and don’t give them power over you or My church. Be on guard for this by asking yourself what conversation, comment, or subject is worth discussing in the light of eternity. Will your words bring peace? Will they bring people into My kingdom? Will your words cause the hearer to be pricked of heart to the point of repentance so that I can redeem them? If it doesn’t, you are not building on rock but sand.

“Deception is growing and the masses reel to and fro. They are swayed by the currents, eddies, and tides. This should not be so for My people. They are to keep vigilant and fight to remain in the flow of My Spirit.

“Right now, many of those calling themselves ‘Christian’ have so much mixture in their beliefs, that they are completely void of My Spirit.3Persecution of the church has also been seen recently, and this will weed out the tares growing in the wheat.4  People won’t give up their selfish lives for Jesus if they can’t say His name without hesitation. They won’t die for a Man whose name they use as an expletive.

“The calling on the name of Jesus for salvation must flow from one’s heart. I desire for all mankind to be saved. Every sin has been accounted for, but for one to be saved, one must bring their sin and lay it at the altar as one would deposit money into a bank.”5

Lovingly yours,


1. Judges 17:6; 21:25; Proverbs 12:15; 21:2

2. James 1:22-23

3. Mark 7:6-8; Galatians 1:6-9; Titus 1:10-11;  I knew that what the Lord was referencing to me was a “mixture” from an array of Eastern religions, Gnosticism, intermingled with eclectic New Age practices. Even though Scripture clearly teaches against this practise, many have embraced it. The apostle John taught extensively against this in his three letters to the churches.

4. Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

5. Joel 2:13; Romans 10:13; 1 Timothy 2:1-4; 2 Peter 3:9

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:11 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, October 07 2015

Go Forth in My Love and Compassion

While working on Jewels from the River II, I came across something I want to share with you now. I encourage you to look up the Scriptures referenced.

Jesus said, “Everything around you will and does scream for you to close up and shut down. The times will try to dictate to you that you must hoard and hide, for the days are evil, but I say to you to share!1 Confidently go forth in My love and compassion. I say you are to arise in My glory and shine as the noonday sun and give light in the darkness.2 Do not give heed to the voices of despair. My Word testifies that I Am well able to bring you out of any bondage, slavery, or hardship you suffer. Trust Me! Lean into My love and tender mercies. Remember, they are new every morning.”3

[1] Luke 10:30-37; John 13:35; 21:15-17; 1 Corinthians 12:26; Ephesians 4:28

[2] Psalm 37:6; 86:5; Isaiah 60:1-2; Matthew 13:43

[3] Psalm 36:7; Lamentations 3:22-24, 32

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:19 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 30 2015

Do you find yourself at odds with other believers over the meaning of Scripture? Many will argue points without sitting with the Lord, being still, and listening to what His Holy Spirit teaches a passage means. (See 1 john 2:27) We tend to be more eager to hear from pastors, friends, family members and others, but not go to the One who inspired all Scripture. Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as our Counselor. So why don’t we take His counsel?

When the Holy Spirit teaches us, we will be convinced of a matter. It doesn’t mean we are to bully someone into agreeing with us, but we need to seek God’s wisdom in whatever topic we discuss and share in all humility. Unfortunately, many just want to believe what makes them feel most comfortable. This is true whether you are a believer in Christ Jesus or not. Our nature is to want our way, but we have to learn God’s way supersedes ours. I urge you to have the mind of Christ given us through salvation bought at the Cross. As much as it is up to you, I encourage you to live in peace with all people. Love your enemies, forgive, and pray for those who despitefully use you. By doing these things, you reflect God’s will and His way. Most importantly, you will reflect His love.

Scriptures to Ponder: 
1 John 2:27; Psalm 46:1; 10; 1 Corinthians 2:16; 12:31; Galatians 6:1; Philippians 4:6-7; Romans 12:18; Matthew 5:43-48; Luke 6:27-36

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:30 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 22 2015

In a very short span of time of about 20-25 minutes, the Lord gave me this word about the number 11. (I had been seeing "11 sightings" for about 5 years when I asked the Lord to help me understand why.) I had not ever studied these Scriptures together or seen them in this light – and yes, it came as a complete surprise!  In fact I was stunned by this cohesion of this word!  Praise God!!! 
“While nations rise and nations fall, people are born while others pass on, the earth travails in various places; however, this is life. 
“Proverbs 11:11 says it well, “By the blessings of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is torn down.””
“The mouths of the wicked have wagged their tongues seeking destruction. Even many of My prophets have echoed them until it sounds like ravenous wolves devouring a prey after a time of famine. The blood thirst of the voices has become a tumult in My ears. They have failed to know that I desire mercy rather than sacrifice. They have failed to see how long I suffered and how I always give a true voice with words that lead to life before judgment was executed. They cry out for Jeremiah 11:11, “Therefore this is what the LORD says: I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to Me, I will not listen to them.””
“But the LORD of hosts cries out for Isaiah 11:11: In that day the Lord will reach out His hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of His people. It is My desire to lift up a Standard for the nations in 2012 and to assemble the banished ones of Israel. I will gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth!” (See vs. 12)
“Didn’t Paul write in Romans 11:11 that by the transgressions of the Jews salvation came to the Gentiles and this would stir up jealousy within them? 
“Their mother, Sarah, was able to conceive this nation because she knew Me to be faithful.” (See Hebrews 11:11)
“My witnesses will receive My breath and the fear, the holy reverence for My name, will return like never before.” (See Revelation 11:11)
“My 11th son Shem*, Noah’s heir, covered his father’s sin and found favor in My eyes, for it was through him that I brought forth My Son, Jesus.” (See Genesis 11:11)
“This is the Spirit of My love, as I modeled it for you in the garden. I covered Adam and Eve with the skins of animals. My covering them was the first sacrifice. I clothed them with My love and this is what I want you to do in this day and hour – wear My love and cover others with it.”
Forever your loving,
Abba Father
 *As I read the names starting with Adam (Luke 3:38) and working up to Shem (Luke 3:36), I felt the meaning of those names would tell a story. 1 Adam, 2 Seth, 3 Enosh, 4 Cainan, 5 Mahalaleel, 6 Jared, 7 Enoch, 8 Methuselah, 9 Lamech, 10 Noah, and 11 Shem.  This is what I see from learning their meanings:
The earth’s corporeal foundation (man) was frail and miserable. The people lamented. He who is praised of God descended – He came down as a dedicated man with a mission. He was powerful and though some thought He was wild, He was at rest and settled in His heart. His name has become famous and His reputation is known throughout the world. His identity is the essence of God His Father. His name is Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth!

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:57 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 17 2015

This morning I woke up with a song in my head and asked the Lord what He was saying to me through it. (I so love how He answers when we take the time to ask Him.) Doing a little research, I learned the name of the song is "The Motions" by Matthew West. The psalmist pleads in his prayer:

I don't wanna go through the motions

I don't wanna go one more day

without Your all consuming passion inside of me

I don't wanna spend my whole life asking,

"What if I had given everything, instead of going through the motions?"

Through this song, the Holy Spirit is prompting me to ask myself if I am giving Him everything. I believe He is asking you the same question. Are we going through the motions? Are we allowing God's all-consuming passion to burn inside of us? Are we giving everything? If you are like me, you see areas of your life where we do not give God everything. That's a tall order, but is it impossible? Jesus told us that with God, all (ALL) things are possible.

We have to each go to the Lord and lay our lives bear before Him and like King David pray, "Search me O God and know my heart.see if there is any wicked way in me." Ask the Holy Spirit to "create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Let's not "go through the motions," rather, let us go after God with everything within us!

In the Father's love,
Judy A Bauman

Personal note: Have my "Jewels" been a blessing to you? Would you prayerfully consider coming along side of me to bring the healing power of the Father's love to the nations? Contributions are tax-deductible. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:32 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, July 16 2015

Today as I write you, I rejoice in the Father’s love. We can know that no matter what turns life may take, the LORD God will be with us. He will never leave nor forsake us. This is His promise! During difficult times, which are sometimes referred to as a “dark night of the soul,” we need to set our face like flint and seek the Father’s will in our situation. Jesus lived this by example. The Father will always provide a way for us when we seek Him. The Bible teaches that the testing of our faith is precious to God. He tested all the patriarchs and their examples are written so that we learn from them. God shares the good and the bad times so that we are strengthened in our heart, soul, mind, body, and spirit. I believe HOW we go through times of testing; these dark nights of the soul, will speak of our growth in Him to those around us. (See Matthew 5:16)

Right now, some of you reading this post may feel abandoned by God or that you are in trouble with Him. We have to learn to see through the eyes of our understanding. (See Ephesians 1:18) The atoning blood of Jesus covers ALL our sins! He is our High Priest; and because of this fact, we can go boldly to the Throne of Grace in our time of trouble.

Listen, we don’t need to beg and plead for mercy, or attempt to cover our own sin before approaching the Father. If we could cover our own sin, then we wouldn’t need a Savior! We are to RUN to Him at the very moment we need help. When we “come boldly to the receive mercy and find grace in our time of need” we are actually obeying Scripture! (See Hebrews 4:14-16) This coming boldly to the Lord is something that takes some practice, because it comes naturally to us to try to cover ourselves. That is what Adam and Eve did in the Garden when they sewed the fig leaves together! They were hoping to cover themselves and it obviously didn’t work. God saw their sin and took the skin of an animal and He covered them with that sacrifice. This was a type and shadow of what Jesus would do for all mankind as we turn to Him. If we repent and declare the Word of God over our feelings and situation, we will see the Lord’s hand swoop in and cover us. When God covers your sin, it is covered! Now that is the gift of God and our biggest part – is to rejoice in the freedom of it! Again, I remind you, whom the Son has set free is free indeed! AMEN!

In the Father’s love,
Judy A Bauman

PBM LIVE: message on "Grace"

Paul Berry introduces me at minute 32:30. He begins by reading "A word from the Lord" from my book "Jewels from the River" and it really blessed me. We talk a bit, I share some ministry information, and then my message on Grace begins at minute 49.
Also, here is the link for the Strong’s Concordance:

Personal note: Have my "Jewels" been a blessing to you? Would you prayerfully consider coming along side of me to bring the healing power of the Father's love to the nations? Contributions are tax-deductible. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:22 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 10 2015

Awhile back while sitting journaling, I saw in my mind’s eye, men, women, and children of all races, denominations, levels of social status, and ages taking their position in the Body of Christ. As we came together, we formed a human body. Then I saw this “Body” RISE UP and walk all over the world. There were no parts of the body that were not in unity as they all were led by the Head – the mind of Christ.

The only way we, as the Body of Christ, can come together and walk in unity is to be led by the Holy Spirit. Once we are in unity with the Lord, we can walk in unity with each other. We can, as the apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 4:4, “walk worthy of the calling with which you were called.”

It is my hope that you endeavor to do all you can to walk in unity with Christ. Amen!

In the Father’s love,
Judy A Bauman

Jewels from Judy LIVE! THE 12th MAN

Message begins about Minute 29:30. If you listen to the message, the significance of the image I share will make more sense.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:43 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 07 2015

A few years ago, after returning from a month-long mission trip, I was feeling uncharacteristically depressed. As I reflected on the trip, I saw so much need, and it seemed all my efforts were like a tiny pebble thrown into a sea. I honestly didn’t know if I had made any difference in the lives of the people I had ministered to or not. The helplessness I experienced was so palpable; I sat weeping before the Lord in the secret place. (The enemy of our soul loves to attack us when we are weary.)

As I had many times before, I questioned God for calling me into the ministry. Why would He choose me to speak to His beloved ones? I was certain there had to be better choices for Him – after all, He knew my rebellion and anger toward Him during my younger years. He knew all my brokenness, failings, and weaknesses. His choice made no sense.

The Holy Spirit brought to mind Jesus’ words, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” I believe He showed me that the word “chosen” doesn’t mean the choice is God’s. Rather He calls to us, and then it is our decision “to make a choice of one’s free will.” We must be mindful in making the decision to accept and choose whether or not to answer His call. This starts with salvation.

That morning, while sitting and pouring out my laments to God, the Holy Spirit spoke something to my heart I will never forget. I share it because perhaps you too feel unworthy of His calling. He said, “I was not wringing My hands in the days of your rebellion, for I saw your end before your beginning.”

That just floored me! I often bring this encouraging word to mind as the Lord confirmed in:

Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.

In the Father’s Love,
Judy A Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 16 2015

An Exhortation: Arise and Fulfill Your Destiny

“The church’s voice has come into agreement with the schemes of her enemy by speaking his lies over America rather than My truth. The hopelessness of My people comes from the lack of faith in Me and the price I was willing to pay for them to be in communion with Me.

“If My people would sit and be still, (the words most hate to hear because the world’s busyness demands their attention) then they would hear from heaven and I would, as promised, heal their land. It is ‘My people who are called by My name’ that need to humble themselves, seek My face, turn from their wicked ways, then I will fulfill what is written. (See 2 Chronicles 7:14) I urge you to urge others to seek My face and hear My plans, not man’s. You are in the world, but not of it.

“Arise, My children! Arise in the love and well-being of your Father. Arise in My peace. Arise in My goodness and the bold meekness of My strength. Arise and fulfill your destiny in this day and hour.”

Your loving Abba

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:08 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, May 22 2015

In a vision, I saw a hummingbird with its beak deeply inside a large, bright red flower. Since I see hummingbirds often in the natural, I asked the Lord, “What does this mean?”

He said, “The hummingbird knows it has to go deep to get nourished. Many in the Church have surface level understanding of who I am. They want someone else to do the work of studying My word, but can you imagine how long a baby bird would live if it was only fed one hour of one day of the week? Even if it’s twice a week, it is not enough to sustain life. This is why so many fall from the faith. They eat the leaven at the table of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and particularly, of Herod.* Every believer needs to study themselves approved and learn to rightly divide the Word of Truth. If they do not, they will be led off, and in turn, mislead others who do not know the truth from a lie. Learn from the hummingbird and drink deeply! Go deep to find the nectar of the Word of Truth. You will not be disappointed and your thirst will be satisfied.”


* Jesus warned us in Matthew 16:6 and Mark 8:15 to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and of Herod. Each of these will do anything to avoid a true relationship with God and is why we must be vigilant and remove all traces of this “leaven” that puffs up and distorts. Instead, let us be raised by the leaven of heaven!

Leaven of Pharisees: Legalistic, religious works done out of duty and need for approval. It puffs up, thinking more highly of self than ought to be - lacking love and compassion. They are judgmental and critical of others and do not have to be in a ‘religion’ to exhibit this form of self-righteousness. (See Luke 18:9-14) Though they think they are serving God, they actually oppose Him. They are set on destroying the voice of Christ Jesus in the world just as in Jesus’ day when they yelled, “Crucify Him!”

Leaven of Sadducees: Operate and teaching in religious error (false religions). Like Pharisees, they are puffed up by their own religious acts and work to silence the voice of Jesus on earth. They are sincere, but like Balaam, sincerely wrong. (See 2 Peter 2:15; Jude 1:11; Revelation 2:14)

Leaven of Herod: Guided by worldly appetites and endeavors. These tend to be sensual in nature, use coarse language and jesting to cover up insecurities. They want to be entertained – even in church and by the things of God. (See Luke 23:8) They are quick to turn on one they admire if the one the admire refuses to join them in their mind games. 

Leaven of Heaven: Arise, shine! (See Matthew 13:33) Teaches and shares the word of God that nurtures themselves as well as others. They edify and bring comfort into situations. Operate in the gifts of the Spirit and produce the fruit of the Spirit. Recognize that they are here “for such a time as this.”

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:58 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, May 15 2015

“The busyness and hurried life can rob something very important from you if you are not careful. You seek answers to questions, solutions to problems, and hope to gain understanding where there is confusion. If you are busy seeking these, yet have no time to spend with the One who created all things, you are causing yourself and others to be weighted down with worry. There are cares of this world one needs to tend, but not to the exclusion of spending time in My presence.

“Learn from King David, who had many cares while conducting kingdom business, yet he came and sat before Me. I invite you to come and sit before Me. As I promised David I would have a descendent of his build My temple, so I tell you that you are the living stones of that temple. Christ Jesus Himself is the Cornerstone. I Am fitting My stones together which grows into a holy temple and dwelling of My Spirit. This is My church, My beloved, whom I jealously watch over. Whoever hurts you hurts Me. Beloved, be loved.”

Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider sending a love offering or partnering with us. Our mission is to bring the healing power of the Father’s love to the nations. You may “Donate” online by credit card through PayPal or send a check or money order. 100% of your gift will go for the work of the ministry.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

In the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:45 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, April 28 2015

After seeking the God’s direction and praying, “That I not die with my song still in me.” This is what the Spirit of the Lord answered:

“I AM the Author and Finisher of your faith and I will never leave or forsake you.  I gave My very life, and that on the cross, so that you can learn of Me and confidently follow Me into the Throne of Grace.  If you look at yourself in your abilities, you will land in the desert every time; but if you look to Me in My strength, you will see the fulfillment of My word over your life.  Do not doubt that as you follow in cling to Me you will hear the words your heart longs to hear, “Well done good and faithful servant.  Come and share in your Savior’s joy!”

Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider giving a love offering to the general fund. This does not go to me, but 100% received goes toward needs that arise on the mission field. You may send a check or money order or contribute online by credit card through PayPal at

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

In the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:47 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, April 20 2015

Awaken for the Renewal: A Rosh Hashanah directive to the Church from Abba Father for Sept 2012-Sept 2015

Part 1- The Instructions of the Lord

In September 2012 while sitting with the Lord, the Holy Spirit asked me to step outside as He had something to show me. The first thing I saw was a half moon high in the morning sky. The Lord said that when I saw it as a crescent moon He would be giving a three-year directive for the Church. One afternoon about three weeks later, I was walking my dog and felt to look up. I was so excited to see a crescent moon! When I arrived home, I sat with my journal in hand, and sought the Holy Spirit’s counsel. This heavenly download came during the 10 Days of Awe, and originally published on Yom Kipper 2012. It is resubmitted for your consideration as we are in the midst of this time of PREPARATION. (Please send me an email if you would like a PDF copy of this document.)

The Vision:

As I quietly waited upon the Lord, an astonishing vision began to unfold. I saw hundreds of thousands of stars that softly lit the night sky. It was so peaceful and beautiful. Suddenly flashes of lightning illuminated the heavens and smoke swirled around an object deep in the cosmos! Out of the smoke, a chariot appeared and it was rapidly approaching the earth. It reminded me of the one described in Scripture that took Elijah away – it was mysterious, fiery, and fierce! This ominous sight struck deep at my heart and the reverential fear of the LORD overwhelmed me.

The Song and the Interpretation

Then I heard the voice of psalmist Misty Edwards softly singing, “Awake, Awake O Sleeper. He’s coming.”

I asked the Lord to help me understand what He was showing me, and He explains: “What is coming is not about the return of Christ, as some would suppose, but it is the coming of the Awakening of My Church. This is the awakening of My faithful ones to come out of hiding, for it was not Me who said to hide in caves and wait to be taken out. I will cause your heart to be strengthened as you do the will of your Father on earth as it is done in heaven.

“My word reveals in Revelation 6:15-16 that men of all social statuses will hide from Me and cry out to nature to come to their rescue – begging for the rocks to fall on them. Revelation 9:4 states that the ones who do not have My seal on their foreheads are the ones who will beg for death and not find it. This terror is not for My Church; you are to walk confident and victorious in Me.

“Behold, I have spoken that I will send My prophet Elijah to restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. This is the heart of the Father’s love!

“My return is not imminent, as Scripture is clear. Matthew 24 tells what is to take place and in what order; however, My judgment on the land is – and My judgment is just. The outcome is not in the hands of the government as much as it is in the hands of the fathers. Have I spoken to fathers through the letters of Paul not to provoke your sons to anger? Have I warned if you exasperate your children they will lose heart? Have I not spoken to you to teach them in My ways – the ways of love and patience? I have repeatedly warned that anger comes from an unrighteous and hardened heart. Do not harden your heart as they did in the rebellion! Judgment is coming and not for the reasons many think. Abortion and homosexuality are on the top of the Church’s list, but they are not on the top of Mine.

“The top of My list is for the hearts of the fathers to return to the sons and the sons to return to the fathers. Out of those healed relationships these other issues troubling the Church will be naturally and organically dealt with and resolved. For the land to be healed, the root of the problem must be healed. I heal from the inside out, not the outside in. The Church through the centuries continually tries to clean the outside of the cup first so it looks good to others, yet the inside remains unclean. This is like a cancer hiding in the Body and I want it eradicated! Would you put makeup on a tumor and expect it to be healed? Of course not! I will not put cosmetics on this cancer to conceal it. This must be addressed for My Body to be healed and made whole.

“The only way to get to the inside of the problem is for the fathers to get honest and real with their children, particularly their sons, and for the children to get honest and real with their fathers. I promise to be in the midst of your families as you obey – you only need call My name. Where two or three are gathered in My name I Am in your midst to save, redeem, restore, and renew.

“Do not be dismayed at the birth pangs the nations are going though at this time. Keep your eyes on Me and I will lead you in the way you should go. I will not drop you. Be attentive to this issue more than any other and see what I do.”

I sat pondering the vision and I realized I was still a little confused by what I saw. “Father,” I asked Him, “Jesus taught that John the Baptist was the Elijah to come – what am I seeing in this vision? It looks like another Elijah.”

“There are types and shadows, dear one. John was the Elijah to come to prepare the way for Christ to come into the hearts of the people who were moved to repentance by his message. There is much to occur before Christ returns for His Church; however, with that said it doesn’t mean it’s time to drop back and hide out until He does. That is not what He has told you to do and this is why the Church has gotten weak. You are overcomers if you heed His words and do them! This is the time to advance the kingdom of heaven like never before in history! This is the time to awaken the sleeping ones, the misled ones, the discontent and hidden ones. This is the time to see Me arise over you, to shine over you; it is time to make all things new!

“I have more for My Body now than at any other time in history. Yes – that includes the time when all the miracles were written in the Gospels and the book of Acts. You have heard that I am saving the best for last and I Am, however, My ‘last’ and man’s ‘last’ are not the same thing. For example, John believed the “time is near.” (See Revelation 1:1, 3)

Peter wrote in his first letter to the Church that the “end of all this is near.” Were they wrong? No, because they wrote under My inspiration. I gave them My perspective. They heard correctly, yet these words were written over 2,000 years ago. My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are My ways your ways. A day to Me is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. In Me all time exists and it is in harmony.

“You have asked and I have promised to talk to you about “the fullness of time” and the Day in which you presently live. As you have entered into 5773 on the Hebraic calendar, I have started a specific countdown as on a clock. It begins a 3 year extension of grace to prepare for a move of My Spirit that is unprecedented on the earth.

“The harvest is plentiful and the workers are to PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE for a great infilling of My Spirit around the world. It is time to prepare for a harvest like no other seen or heard of before. You must prepare and strengthen your faith muscles to carry the load. Fear has caused My Church’s faith and belief – Her trust in Me to shrink back, weaken and atrophy. Faith, like a muscle, must be exercised; to do that you have to get through to the other side of the pain. You must work at it! I will help, but you must believe My word over much of what you’ve been taught. Study to show yourself approved by putting into practice words you read (Logos) and words you hear (Rhema). This will build your confidence in Me so that even if I ask you to walk on water, you will do it without question.

“Awake, Awake O Sleeper! Arise, Shine for your light has come and My glory arises over you!

“Rid yourself of malice, anger, slander and abusive speech. Do not give the enemy an entry through your own mouth. If he gets a foothold, you have likely allowed your words to agree with his lies and deceit. Repent now! Do you see how far you have fallen? Return to your First Love!

“There is a renewal coming that will hit My church like dynamite. I do not mean a destructive force, but an explosive force (the dunamis power of My Holy Spirit). I Am about to explode on the scene through My chosen vessels. Creation is in travail to be renewed; but mostly it cries out for the sons of God to rise up and be made manifest. Social hierarchies, gender wars and the like will continue because Satan wants mankind to keep their focus on world issues. Is he greater than your God? While he is doing everything in his power to stop healing from coming to families, it won’t be stopped for those seeking My face in the midst of their crises.

“The world has attempted to fix social issues with government programs and politically correct speech that has everyone tongue-tied. The fear that something said that will offend another has paralyzed speech and communication. It’s like a modern-day, manmade Tower of Babel.

“I Am Jehovah Rapha – God your Healer! Healing is in My name. I will heal this divide. As the fathers hearts return to their children and the children’s hearts return to the fathers, I will heal your land.”

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:14-15 NKJV)

“My people (not the world, not the wicked sinner, not the abortionist, not the homosexual…)

“My people humbling themselves.
“My people turning from THEIR wicked ways.
“Then – I will hear from heaven.
“Then – I will forgive their sin.
“THEN – I will heal their land.
“My ears will  be attentive to the prayers presented in the name of Jesus.”

Scriptures to Ponder
1 Sam 22:1-2; 2 Kings 2:11; Psalm 51:10; 103:5; Isaiah 55:6-9; 60:1; Lamentations 5:21; Malachi 4:5-6;  Matthew 6:10; 7:24-29; 9:37-38; 24; John 5:30; Romans 8:19,  2 Corinthians 4:16; Ephesians 4:31; 5:4; Colossians 3:21; Hebrews 3:15; 2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Peter 4:7; 2 Peter 3:8; Revelation 2:1-7; 14:15

Part 2: Prepare for the Awakening – the Tools are in Your Hand

When receiving the first part of what I believe Abba Father gave me for 2012-2015, (Rosh Hashanah 5773-5775/September 16, 2012-September 23, 2015) I heard the Holy Spirit say, “PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE.” I ask Him, “How do we prepare? What do we do exactly?” This is His reply:

“First you need to see and understand what you are preparing for, then you will have the vision and the motivation for the work involved.

“Take for example a couple who have gotten the news that they are going to have a baby. They are excited and begin to prepare both together and separately. The woman prepares physically and is mindful of her nutrition and general health. It depends on the dynamics and personalities of each couple, but in general, they begin to provide a place for that baby to live and grow. They not only prepare for the birth, but other financial needs are also considered for its education from early childhood into adulthood. If these things are not planned out, then a number of issues can arise that would limit the child’s health and its ability to function as an adult in society. As an adult, that upbringing would affect the person’s ability to provide for the next generation. Different cultures have different methods, but if their babies are not fed and properly cared for into adulthood, a cascade of troubling social issues will plague that territory. So it is for My Body.“What is coming to the Church was shared years ago in a vision about a surfer catching a huge wave.* When the first wave came the surfer’s board was too short, and he was not strong enough to ride the wave. This is what happened in 2001 when the churches were filled after the attacks on the U.S. and its leaders and congregations were not ready – they were not prepared. Many in the Church did not intimately know My lovingkindness and mercy, so they were unable to share it with others in need. I Am slow to anger and long in suffering, yet My own flocks have failed to be taught this simple truth.

“Another wave is approaching My Body that the Church in no way is prepared to ride. The reason the Church is not prepared to ride at this time is that they still, in large part, have ‘pew’ mentality. Pews are long benches where people sit and are often seen in traditional churches. Although many have replaced the pew with chairs, the tradition of the ‘pew’ continues to live on in the hearts of the congregants. They habitually come to sit and do their time, and then go home and have lunch. They rarely remember the message or study to see if what they heard was scripturally sound. They only pray, study their Bible’s, and worship to the degree that they feel it will appease Me. That is the sum of their spiritual life. They honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me. For this reason, many are not prepared. Like babies, they want to be bottle and spoon-fed. It is time to be weaned and eat the meat of My word.

“In many countries, fairly new converts are willing to go teach and share with others at the peril of life and limb. Even though they are new to the faith, they may know more about Jesus than anyone in a 100-mile radius; they trust Me to be with them as they go make new disciples! Yet those who had been in the church for years continued to sit in the pew. They think it is someone else being called to teach Sunday school or visit the sick. They think it is the pastor’s job to do what I have called them to do. They have failed to understand. They think they don’t qualify, yet they have been in Church their whole lives! They look for their pastor to do the work of the ministry, but I Am looking to them to exercise the gifts I gave them in every area of their lives.

“There are many who have served Me without knowing what they should do. They believe when I show them what to do, and they do it. It is not complicated. It’s a matter of trust. I promote those who go where I send them and do what I say. Many of those will never be well-known, but they are famous in heaven and great is their reward. I often send the less qualified because they are willing, yet the ones I have worked with for years just sit in the pew – saved, but useless in My hand. It is My desire for My Church to come up off the pew, out of the chairs and be part of My plan.”

Just then, I saw people of all ages, races, denominations, and levels of social status rising up and taking their position in the Body of Christ. As they came together, they formed a human body. I saw this “Body” walking all over the world. All parts of the Body were in unity because the Head, the mind of Christ, led them.

The Lord continued to explain: “In Ephesians 4:11-12, I made it clear how the church needs to operate to function properly. Jesus Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. In Ephesians 2:19-22, I shared the plan for My Church, My temple. I made it clear that the Church needs to operate with the apostolic and prophetic leaders to set the foundation. Then the evangelists, pastors, and teachers are to build on that foundation with Christ being the Cornerstone. Though many have seen Christ as the Cornerstone, they have failed to see the need for apostolic and prophetic counsel. Most have the pastor running the whole church and that was not My intention for that office and why so many burn out early. Because the foundation is often overlooked as being true in times past, the churches crumble and then wonder what happened. My word is eternally true.

“Look at the hand and picture the ministry. On the hand, the thumb represents the apostolic. The thumb sets mankind apart from all other animals just as the apostles set the Church apart from the world. The thumb interacts with all the other fingers to make them function at their fullest capability. The prophetic is like the index finger pointing direction for the Body. May the spirit of the prophets be subject to the prophets. If My prophets are saying different things, it could be they have different perspectives of My will. If what they say is like a clanging gong of judgment void of My love, compassion and mercy, it is likely not Me speaking to them. If their words, even if difficult to bear, are filled with hope, you will sense I Am in them.

“Remember Nehemiah was called by Me to rebuild the broken walls and gates of Jerusalem, but he still had to fight to perform My will. Do not think because I have spoken to you to accomplish a feat that it will be without a battle. The Bible gives many testimonies of this truth. Many in My Church have failed to prepare. Some believe they will be taken out before it gets bad. Others have failed because when things have gotten difficult they blame the devil and give up. Many blame Me for not defending them. I have given spiritual armament; however, My Body has wear and learn to use it!

“The prophetic promises I give will carry and strengthen you in difficult times IF you remember them and call them to mind. Proclaim My truth over what you see going on around you in the natural. There is still much to do! The just shall live by faith and without faith it is impossible to please God.

“Getting back to the hand, the middle finger is the longest and stretches out the furthest as is the calling of the evangelist. The evangelists are to go out and preach the Good News. But it can’t end there.

“The ring finger is reflective of the pastoral calling. Pastors are to have the heart of the Father for their flock – no matter how small or large their flock may be. It is said that the blood vein from the left ring finger runs directly to the heart. It has been commissioned to wear the wedding ring. This is also the weakest and most sensitive finger – test it for yourself and see. Press your thumb as hard as you can against each finger and you can feel the ring finger’s weakness. This is why the Church fails so many times. The flock looks solely at the pastor to care for their needs when the whole hand is needed.

“Finally we reach the little finger. This one represents the teacher, and it is by no means insignificant because it is small. If you have ever shut this finger in a door, cut, or smashed it, you know how important it is! It balances out the work of the hand. Of course, there would be no polite way to drink tea without it being properly extended!” (This made me laugh out loud because I could picture the Lord drinking tea with His little finger sticking out.)

“Now that you see the hand and see how its appendages work together, I ask, does the hand exist on its own?”

“No, it is attached to the Body,” I answer.

“And what does the hand do for the body?”

I think about this and reply, “It feeds it, grooms, and cares for it. The hand provides what the body needs.”

“Exactly!” The Holy Spirit affirms. “If the Church will read and understand and walk in what Paul taught in Ephesians 4:11-16, they would be ready for the wave that is about to come into the Church. “Let Me ask you another question. If you put your hand in front of your face and look in the mirror, what do you see?”

Stating the obvious I tell Him, “I see my hand obscuring my face.”

“This is what the five-fold ministry has done for centuries! They have forced the Body of Christ to look to the HAND and not the FACE. I have said to seek My face, yet many have been kept from this directive to seek My face by the very ones that should be pointing to it. The Pharisees received a sharp rebuke for doing this, and so will those in My house doing it to their flocks today.

Hoping to clarify I ask, “Let me see if I understand. Are You saying that the church has been looking at the five-fold ministry instead of to You because Your face has been obscured from Your Church?”

“Yes.” Jesus replies, “Matthew 23:13 explains this clearly for all to see. This verse also reveals that when you seek My face, you will find My kingdom.”

“So the HAND is to groom, feed, and care for the Body of Christ, so that we are equipped to do the work of the ministry; and as we do this, we also enter into Your kingdom. Is that right?” I ask Him.

“Yes. I Am building My household and every believer is being fit together and joined to be a growing, living Temple for My Spirit to dwell. I have put tools in the hands of every believer and I have and will teach you to use them. You have heard I will break out of the four walls of the church, as My Church cannot be contained.

“This AWAKENING will begin in homes and move through family relationships. It will move on Capitol Hill and on Wall Street. It will move on academics in a profound way as My glory is seen in the largest to the smallest details. College campuses all the way down to preschools will learn My ways. The movie industry will be shaken to its core and the indecency that has become the norm will soon be scorned and ridiculed. Holiness will settle in the arts as people will detest the detestable and look to heaven to be inspired. The Arts will reveal My kingdom through paint, statues and myriads of creative works will come riding into earth on this wave. Your media will be found in contempt for their lack of integrity and those never heard of before will rise to the top of that field. They will bring honesty and justice back into their ranks. Righteous thoughts will be shared and given proper format.

“Those who lead in My church will lead with My love and My thoughts. The judgments held by the Church will be revealed as true or false. Even if the words are true, but shared in a manner that does not reflect My heart of love, will be exposed as false. My leaders must see they are to serve others, not to be served. They must follow My lead by serving, grooming and honoring My flock in all sectors of society. The hand is not greater than the Body and if it cares only for itself and causes the body to stumble and sin, then the body is better off without it. Cut it off! It is better to enter heaven maimed than for the whole body to be cast into hell. Yes beloved, it is that serious.”

Suddenly I have a sense of awe and the fear of the Lord hits me. “Father,” I say in such a hushed tone that I can hardly hear myself. “This is not at all what I expected, but I will share this with whoever has ears to hear. I know You gave me something else the other day about preparing. What do I do with that information?”

“That will be part 3, “Prepare to exercise your faith.”

“Part 3 it is! Thank You, Father. I bless You and give You all glory and honor and praise.  Selah – Amen!

Scriptures to ponder:
Exodus 34:6; Nehemiah 4:15-18; Psalm 27:8; 86:5, 15; 103:8; Isaiah 48:17-19; Matthew 5:30; 23:13; Ephesians 2:19-22; 4:11-16, 5:14; 6:10-18; 2 Timothy 3:14-17

Part 3: Prepare To Exercise Your Faith

“Remember you need to see and understand what you are preparing for, then you will have the vision and the motivation for the work involved. For the hearts of the fathers to return to the sons and the hearts of the sons to return to the fathers, there must be repentance on both sides. As this occurs, healing will come first to families and then to the land. Many have cried out for this healing to come to their loved ones. Their prayers have come up as sweet incense to My nostrils as this is My desire. The moment there is repentance, I will RUN to each who humble themselves before Me and I will bring the oil of gladness – the Balm of Gilead.

“Look first at what Jesus taught in Matthew 7:24-27 and you will see that this parable teaches for man to not only listen His words, but to do what He says. Doing what Jesus says is the FOUNDATION needed for the Church to Awaken to the Renewal!”

“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”

“Both men HEAR the sayings, the teachings of Jesus, but one does what He says and the other doesn’t. This is the simple, but very profound difference between the wise and the foolish. Think about the five wise and the five foolish virgins in Matthew 25:1-13. Were not all ten virgins? Were they not all watching and waiting for the Lord to open the door to them? Did not the foolish virgins call Him “Lord” as did the wise? The difference is the foolish ones operated in the sin of presumption. They believed they would not have to INVEST their time, energy, or resources to obtain extra oil. They assumed they wouldn’t need it, but the Lord tarried. While they were away trying to find oil to buy the Lord came and it was too late – the door was closed to them. The oil must be acquired before the Awakening!

“Another example of this would be those who prophesy, cast out demons and perform miracles in My name, yet I do not know them. They presumed to invoke My name for their purpose, not Mine. I call them lawless as they do not do these things under My authority. They are builders of their own kingdoms and their kingdoms will fall.” (See Matthew 7:21-23)

“Do you remember the woman who poured oil on Jesus’ head and feet – she anointed His body for burial? That was done at great cost to her and she even endured ridicule for her gift, but she invested in the Messiah as He had invested in her. Her story is told wherever the Gospel is preached.” (See Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; Luke 7:36-50; and John 12:1-8.)

Then the Lord gave me a number of Scriptures to put into practice like never before in order to PREPARE for the Awakening. These passages will exercise, strengthen, and shore up our faith muscles. They came like rapid fire from a machine gun! Do you recall that Paul taught us that the weapons of our warfare are not natural, but in the spirit they are mighty in the pulling down of strongholds? (See 2 Corinthians 10:3-5) God’s truths, His love are like weapons that when used in unity with His Spirit, will exact change on this earth. Hallelujah!

As we put the word of God into PRACTICE we will not be foolish but wise builders. We will not be presumptuous, but full of the invested oil of God. There are many more Scriptures like them, and I urge you to study their meaning and pray for personal application. Do the will of your Father and put them into practice as the Awakening to the Renewal is not long from now and we must be ready! People in the world must be able to recognize us as the Church – as the Body of Christ! If they don’t see that God is with us, where will they go? To whom will they turn to for help? How will our Father feel about our lack of preparedness if we ignore His instruction? It is His word that strengths us!

Invest in the oil:

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35

Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8

Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. Romans 12:10-13

For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Galatians 5:13

And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you, so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints. 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3

Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Colossians 3:12-15

And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4:6
He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, ‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,’ and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Luke 1:17

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:1-4

Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged. Colossians 3:20-21

Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. Fathers, do not exasperate your children, so they will not lose heart. Colossians 3:20-21

Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:16c-17

“And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” Matthew 25:40

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:30-32

“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:14-15

These are but a few Scriptures, but they are mighty tools and weapons of the kingdom to be put into practice. Love is the more excellent way! I pray you are blessed in the Father’s love as you prepare like never before!

Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Judy Bauman

Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider partnering with us. You may contribute online by credit card through PayPal at (click on “Donate” or send a check or money order to:

The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration as we touch the nations with the healing power of the Father’s love!

Personal note: Have my "Jewels" been a blessing to you? Would you prayerfully consider coming along side of me to bring the healing power of the Father's love to the nations? Contributions are tax-deductible. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:03 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, April 10 2015

“Many ask how I could allow the sufferings of this world to go on, but they fail to understand that I have given earth’s dominion into the hands of mankind. What I give, I do not take away.1  My Son taught how to walk in that dominion by His very actions and words. Jesus didn’t do or say anything unless I showed Him to do or say it.

“In Roman’s 8, Paul gives important insight on this truth. He wrote that all creation longs and waits in earnest expectation for the revealing of the sons of God. In that same chapter, Paul revealed that every person who is led of My Spirit is a ‘son of God’ and therefore My child.2 This relates to one’s standing with and in Me, regardless of gender, nationality, or statuses with and in the world. 3

“Creation will rejoice when My Church, My elect, My chosen, My remnant, My children rises up to be who and what I created them to be in Christ Jesus. The earth longs for My glory to be revealed through the sons of God. It longs for the manifestation of My glory.4  While the Church is awaiting Jesus’ return, I Am awaiting the triumphant revealing of My sons. Creation longs to be set free from the curse that was set in motion in the Garden.5 By one man’s disobedience the curse of sin and death entered the world, but by one Man’s obedience, even to death on the Cross, My love was made manifest. 6

“The revealing of My sons will come when My Church picks up My Banner of Redemption and runs with it! This does not mean to run to convert great numbers, which one can then become puffed up and boastful, but to run to reveal My love and sonship to those I have shown you. I seek those who worship Me in spirit and in truth and will not love their lives even if it calls for their death. 7 They will do and say only what I reveal in the secret place. Creation will rejoice when my chosen ones come on the scene. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!

“My body, the Body of Christ, cannot reveal My redemption when they say they are coming (praying) in My name unless I have actually sent them. Ambassadors don’t speak on their own behalf, but on behalf of the nation or kingdom they represent. If you want to see the manifestation of My kingdom in your life, you must go where I send you, do what I instruct, and speak what I have said. This will be much more effective than telling Me what it is you want Me, the God of all creation, to do. The world is in great suffering and darkness, so understand your place in My purpose.

While you look for Me to move, I Am looking for you to make manifest My glory! It is for this reason I sent you My Holy Spirit. 8
Seek My face (pray for My will, direction, commands). 9
Say and Do what I speak and show you. 10
Expect My power and authority to increase as you take steps in Me (from glory to glory).11
Take no glory to yourself (you may enjoy My glory, but be vigilant to take none for yourself – learn from those who did. Do not boast!)12
Humble yourself continually under My mighty hand and I will lift you up. 13
“I have given you a directive to walk in My love and light. When I return, will I find you doing so?”14

Lovingly yours,


1 Genesis 1:27-31; Proverbs 37:29; Isaiah 60:21; Romans 11:29

2 Romans 8:15-17-25;

3 Acts 10:34; Romans 8:14; Galatians 3:26-29; 4:4-7; Colossians 3:9-17

4 Manifest: Strong’s Concordance Greek #602 apokalypsis: revelation, what is revealed, disclose, to make information known with an implication that the information can be understood. This refers in the NT to God making known, especially to close associates. Revelation, coming, appearing, lighten, manifestation

5 Genesis 3:17-19

6 John 3:16-17; Romans 5:17-19; 1 Corinthians 15:45-47

7 Psalm 14:2; Matthew 4:17; John 4:23-24; Galatians 3:13; 4:5; Revelation 12:11

8 Matthew 24:45-51; John 16:7-15; Romans 8:19

9 1 Chronicles 16:10-11; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 24:6; 27:8; 105:4; Jeremiah 29:11-14a

10  John 5:19-20; 12:42-50

11 Isaiah 40:28-31

12 Isaiah 42:8; Daniel 4:30-37; Acts 12:22-24; Galatians 6:14

13 Psalm 10:12; 55:22; 147:6; James 4:10;1 Peter 5:5-7

14 Luke 12:2-12; 35-40; Ephesians 5:2; 8; Colossians 3:14; 1 John 1:5-7

Ministry Note: Many have written to tell me they really appreciate my putting in the Scripture references. Some are using it for not only personal study, but for Bible studies and group discussions. (Feel free to write me with any questions or comments you may have.) If you would like a pdf of this or any other post, please let me know.

In the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:14 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 30 2015

When He had said these things, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. And He said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent). So he went and washed, and came back seeing. John 9:6-7

Sitting with the Lord praying for healing, I hear Him say:

“Mankind loves formulas. Have you noticed that I did not adhere to formulas? Have you notices that many things I said, as is recorded in the Gospels, seem ambiguous? Why would I say something that would have dual or multiple meanings? Was I trying to confuse people on purpose?”1

“When I healed people or set them free from demonic forces, I did not use the same methods each time. A thorough study of this will often raise more questions than it answers. You ask Me why I didn’t make it more clear, and in a word, ‘formulas.’”

“When mankind gets a hold of what they believe to be a spiritual formula, they make it a law. I fulfilled the Law. The Law was to be a tutor, but what man does is make it a god.2 When laws are followed rigidly, My Spirit, the Spirit I died to send you, is not heeded. I clearly taught to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, but mankind continually looks for formulas that will work every time.3 That is not leaning in and trusting Me with all of your heart, but instead, leaning on your own understanding.”4

“So often when I move through a person, the one I move through takes what I’ve done and sets up a monument.5 They write that formula in stone and it becomes their ministry – not Mine. Long after I am done with it, these fleshly ministers are still trying to keep that formula working. For example, the people come for prayer and the minister lays hands on them, and they fall back into the waiting arms of a ‘catcher’. This is fine if this is Me, but do the Holy Scriptures reveal I am so predictable? Perhaps I am telling the person to STAND. Many times those who ‘stand for Me’ are thought of as being rebellious when actually the ones who fall are unwittingly disobedient. I say unwitting because they haven’t consulted Me, but are trusting in man’s leading. You see it is man (flesh) that has touched them, not I, and you know this is true because they come up the same as when they went down. If I touch someone, they do not come up the same!

“Mankind loves formulas. If someone was healed while being blown on, then some ministers will blow one everyone; if the sick were smacked in the forehead, then they smack everyone in the forehead. If someone was healed while singing a song, they keep singing that one song. You cannot begin a work in the Spirit and then maintain it by the flesh.6 The world watches the Church and sees the antics of man. Should not My own children be able to discern between what is of the flesh and what is of the Spirit? I Am the Shepherd of the sheep, and My sheep know My voice. If you don’t know My voice – lean into Me and let Me teach you through My word. I Am the Word made flesh.7 Learn My voice so that you are not misled.8 While I do move supernaturally, not all will understand it. Those who intimately know Me will have ears to hear and eyes to see. My supernatural presence and interactions will activate your fear, awe, deep reverence, respect, and worship of the Living God in the people!

“Some antics in the Church are as juvenile as the rituals some athletes go through before playing sports. This should not be. Superstitious athletes think if they once won a game wearing mismatched socks, they then purposely mismatch their socks to win. They try to manipulate the outcome with their socks! I did not call My Church to be superstitious! I called you to walk by faith and not by sight. Without faith it is impossible to please God.9 You can’t walk in faith and trust in formulas. These two are not congruent.”

Everlasting Father

Congruent: in agreement or harmony

1 Genesis 11:9

2 Matthew 5:17; Galatians 3:23-26

3 Acts 8:18; Romans 8:14

4 Proverbs 3:5

5 Matthew 17:4

6 Galatians 3:3

7 John 1:1-4; 1 John 2:27

8 Matthew 24:11, 24; John 10:1-5

9 2 Corinthians 5:7; Galatians 5:18; Hebrews 11:6

Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider sending a love offering. We have many issues that arise on the mission field throughout the month, and we can only attend to them if we have the funds to help. 100% of your tax-deductable donation will be used in missions. To contribute online by credit card, please go to or if you prefer, you may send a check or money order to The Father’s Love, PO Box 1573, Flowery Branch GA 30518.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

In the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:51 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, March 16 2015

An Exhortation From The Heart Of Father: Come Up!

“You have asked to come up higher. You have asked to see from My vantage point. You have asked to see My face. Child, you have asked a great many things. It is My desire to grant these requests, but there are some things you must know and understand before proceeding.

“First, it is not possible for you to come to My holy habitation wearing filthy garments or with blood on your hands. One little tumble will defile your beautiful garments, so walk in wisdom! This is no time to get sloppy. What you were able to do in the past season, you may no longer do atop this new vista. If you truly want to come up higher, then you must leave behind all the offenses of the past, present and future. I say future because you think you know how those who have offended you will react, so you anticipate future rejection and attacks. In doing this you operate in fear instead of faith.

“Have I not told you that if you speak to the Mulberry Tree to be uprooted and cast into the sea, it will be? That tree was not chosen arbitrarily. It has deep, strong roots, so if you merely cut it down, sucker-trees will grow out of the stump in greater numbers. I also chose it for the potency of its seed. Symbolically these are the small things that crop up and keep cropping up that cause you to stumble. I instruct you to cast it into the sea as it cannot grow in the salty water.

“The way to utterly destroy an offense is to speak in faith what you know to be right and good and holy. Speak that which is not as though it already is. I am not asking you to live a life of lies or denial; I Am teaching you a principle of faith. Speak My perfect will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Life and death are in your tongue. You cannot impulsively talk about offenses and your offenders and expect to remain clean before Me.That is foolishness. It is time to put childish things away. If you want to enjoy the privileges of an heir, then you must grow up. Prophesy life into your dead circumstances. As you do this, it not only prevents the bitter roots from re-growing, but it kills the deceptive seeds of offense before they have a chance to germinate and grow.

“If you want to come up to where I AM, you must rid yourself of bitterness and wrath, clamor and offense. Shed the deadness of rejection from your soul. There is no room on My Holy Mountain for a spirit of offense or rejection. Love covers a multitude of sin. Allow My discipline to cleanse you and bring forth peaceable fruit in your life. Ask Me to increase your faith and I will. Break free of bitterness and unforgiveness and come up to where I Am.”

Sincerely your,

Ephesians 4: 29-32 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you.
Scripture References:

Luke 17:1-6; Hebrews 11:1; 12:11; Deuteronomy 30:15, 19; James 5:20

This word was given to me just prior to the start of the River Visions as recorded in my book, “Jewels from the River.” Signed books may be ordered at my website. Kindle, Nook and iBook are also available online.

Important Note:
Facts on the Mulberry tree is also known as the Sycamine tree:

Mulberry trees grow very quickly
They are difficult to kill.
The White Mulberry is scientifically notable for the rapid plant movement of the pollen release from its catkins. The flowers fire pollen into the air by rapidly (25 µs) releasing stored elastic energy in the stamens. The resulting movement is in excess of half the speed of sound, making it the fastest known movement in the plant kingdom.
The seeds are widely dispersed by birds. (See Matthew 13:4, 19)

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:48 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 04 2015

Arise Esther! Celebrating Purim*

The Jewish celebration of Purim “feast” is known as the most joyful one, and is for all people to remember how God used Esther to save the Jews in her day. In our Christian walk, we should recognize that we are indeed alive, called, and placed by God “for such a time as this.” This word is what the Holy Spirit spoke to me, in a sense retelling this Bible story, and explaining how it applies to us today:           

“Hear O Church! Arise and walk in the spirit of Esther! Beloved, you are to look at Queen Esther's example in her dealing with Haman to know how to deal with this treachery brewing in Iran. This wicked plot to destroy Israel has come up to your Father's nostrils as a stench! How foolish is this? This leader's pride is like Haman's in the book of Esther. He is of the spirit Haman. Does he not know that the God of Israel's chosen people are hidden everywhere - even within Iran's own top ranks? Your intercessions will bring this man's plotting to ruin! PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM!

“Go to this book, Church. Esther was a type and a shadow for you to follow. You are My lovely and chosen bride. You are the one who can turn My head with your beauty and your grace. Come and ask of Me now. Purify yourselves and come into My chambers. I will make known to you how to pray. This is a love story that I gave you for instruction!

“Haman thought he was so high and so great that all should bow down to him. When My servant Mordecai refused to bow to him, it made him furious. Haman learned Mordecai was Jewish. He sought to kill all Jews because of his hatred for Mordecai. He wanted to purge the world of My people because one man refused to bow to him. So he went to the king of Persia, King Ahasuerus and received the king's permission to write letters to the entire empire stating the Jewish people were to be utterly annihilated. His empire had 127 provinces and stretched from India to Ethiopia.

“When Mordecai learned of the plot to destroy the Jews, he tore his clothes and cried out in sackcloth and ashes. He got word to Esther that even she would not be able to escape this evil. Then he relayed the famous words, ‘Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom [attained royalty] for such a time as this.’ The Jews all fasted and prayed for Esther to be accepted into the king's inner court so that he would intervene on their behalf. After the third day Esther put on her royal robes and in her beautiful and gracious way came to present herself to the king. The king's response to her was one of delight. Hear MY CHURCH! The king was delighted in her! He loved her and was so taken by her beauty he not only offered her his golden scepter, but also up to half his kingdom!

“Esther, in My wisdom, didn't yet speak what was in her broken-heart. She only asked the king and Haman to a banquet that she had prepared. As they enjoyed themselves, the king inquired of her petition. Her only request was for him and Haman to return the second night and she would set another banquet before them. Haman had no clue what was awaiting him. He left that feast on top of the world.

“Then he saw Mordecai who refused to bow, and Haman's blood boiled within him. Haman was so filled with hatred that night he commissioned gallows 75 feet high to be built on which to hang Mordecai. However, the king's heart was stirred that very night and he was reminded of Mordecai's loyalty to inform the king of a plot against his life. The king sought to honor Mordecai and brought Haman in the next day to inquire what tribute should be paid to a loyal man who pleased the king. Haman smugly thought of himself - that it was he who would be honored - so he counseled the king that in every manner this man should be honored. He suggested a royal robe, a royal horse and a royal crown, all which had been used by the king, and the clincher was that one of the king's noble men was to escort him through the streets and shout before him saying, ‘This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!’ All this Haman said fully expecting he was to be the recipient.

“Then the king announced that Haman was to do ALL he had recommended, but to bestow the honor to Mordecai the Jew! Haman obeyed and did as the king commanded, but afterward he hung his head in utter humiliation and rushed to return home to hide his shame. Just that quickly he was summoned for the second dinner with Queen Esther where the king asked for her petition. She beseeched King Ahasuerus to spare her people from utter slaughter and annihilation. When he demanded to know who was so reprehensible to do such a thing, the Queen told him it was Haman.

“Haman was hung and died that night on the very gallows he had built for Mordecai and his 10 sons later followed him to that end. Read what is recorded in the book of Esther and pay close attention to what has been emphasized:

8:2 So the king took off his signet ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai; and Esther appointed Mordecai over the house of Haman.

8:8 You yourselves write a decree concerning the Jews, as you please, in the king's name, and seal it with the king's signet ring; forwhatever is written in the king's name and sealed with the king's signet ring no one can revoke.

HEAR O CHURCH!!! The Lord your God is showing you something in this that needs to be applied to this Haman of Persia. Look at this carefully:

8:7 Then King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther and Mordecai the Jew, "Indeed, I have given Esther the house of Haman, and they have hanged him on the gallows because he tried to lay his hand on the Jews.

“Israel needs your prayers. Those who cry out for freedom in Persia, modern day Iran, also need your prayers. They are under the rule of this vile spirit. Make no mistake that the leadership of Iran’s intention is to destroy all of IsraelThat appetite for murder will not be satisfied by just destroying the one country. Haman's spirit is after all the Jewish people wherever they may be.”

8:13 "Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king's palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish.

“Make haste. Pray for the triumph of Esther and Mordecai to sweep through the Middle East. Write and declare My word over Israel. Pray for the peace of My city, Jerusalem! Write it and seal it with the signet ring, the authority, which I give you through Christ Jesus. My third day has come and you may come boldly to the inner court to My Throne of Grace! The golden scepter is extended. So COME! You say to Me, ‘Lord, Come quickly!’ But I say to you, ‘Esther, My Bride, My Church, My Beloved, COME QUICKLY!’"

Your KING of kings

Reflections: I recommend you read (or reread) the book of Esther. It will bless you. It is fascinating to me that Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to the US Congress just yesterday to intercede on Israel’s behalf! Hallelujah! Even if the US government doesn't do right by her, we the Church can. Amen?

On a personal note, this was the first prophetic word the Holy Spirit gave me to release publically to the Church in 2006, and it was a terrifying thing for me. I was so startled to receive such a word (He also had me write and send a decree), that I drove 2 states away to my elders’ home for counsel!

Scriptures to consider:         

Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Matthew 5:43-45 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ

2 Chronicles 20:14 "Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem . Thus says the Lord to you: 'Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's.

*This is a copyrighted photo I took of the Eastern Gate while in Israel 2011. I was looking the opposite direction and heard, “Turn and look.” God is so good. This was the only photo I took of it, but it is a glorious one!

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:37 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 07 2015

A Word from the Father: My Mysteries Unfold the Universe

“Do you know why I want to spend time with you? I want to spend time with you because I created you for a purpose. Don’t let anyone or anything keep you from your purpose in Me. I have a plan, but you must press in to find it. Mysteries are only solved when one is curious enough to investigate. Unlike man’s mysteries, Mine are holy. Mine contain eternal answers to questions. My mysteries unfold the universe! This is why I continually urge people to seek My face.

“Since Christ came and gave His life for all mankind, this invitation is for all peoples. When you seek Me, you will find Me when you search for Me with all of your heart. When you find Me, I will share mysteries with you and you will know I Am God.

“All are invited, but only those who come will be given the keys to the kingdom. If you want the answers to the universe, then you need to seek Me – God Almighty who created it…  Just remember: you can know all mysteries, but if you do not have love, you have nothing.”

I love you,

Scriptures to ponder:
Jeremiah 29:12-13; Daniel 2:47; 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Read full encounter @:

Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider sending a love offering.

You may send a check or money order or contribute online by credit card through PayPal at

The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

In the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman

Photo/Graphic Copyrighted 2013 Judy Bauman/Karen Gush All rights reserved

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 01 2015

“There is a time for everything and now is a time for healing. It is not only physical healing I release to you. Emotional healing is also upon you. Many in My body are nursing wounds, and while there is an appropriate time for that, there is a time to walk forward healed and whole again. Do not be like Lot’s wife and look back. What some believe is applying the healing oil and bandage is actually them picking off the scab and causing the wound to bleed again and again. It is easy to see this when the wound bleeds from a physical body, but it’s not so easy to see when the wound is in the mind and emotions. Emotional wounds will not heal when continually mulled over in one’s mind. This causes the soul to become toxic and bleeds out onto every other part of one’s life. Walk forward with your eyes fixed upon Me.

“If there is an offense which you struggle to be free from, but have been unsuccessful to shake it off your soul, take time to come to Me and gain your freedom. Your healing is near. Do not delay! Be washed in My word. Be cleansed in the Living Water of My presence. Do not allow the chains of unforgiveness to continue to bind you in the coming season. If you refuse to forgive those who have wounded you or your loved ones, you keep yourself from been forgiven.”

“For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.” Mathew 6:14-15

“Come to Me with clean hands and a pure heart knowing that when you confess your sins, I will forgive you. Take time to allow Me to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. I Am your Advocate and Propitiation. I intercede for you and invite you to the Throne of Grace to receive mercy in your time of need.

“Enter this year with confidence and hope. Earnestly expect Me to move on your behalf. Do not allow the discouragements of the past to cloud your thinking. Do not allow doubt and unbelief to muddy your prayers. Come be cleansed!”

Scriptures to ponder:
Genesis 19:26; Exodus 15:26; Psalm 51:10; 103:1-5; Ecclesiastes 3:1-3; Matthew 6:9-15; Luke 17:32; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Hebrews 4:14-16; James 4:7-8; 1 John 1:5-10

Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider sending a love offering. You may send a check or money order or contribute online by credit card through PayPal at

The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

In the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:47 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, October 22 2014

An Exhortation From The Father’s Heart To Yours: The Secret Place of My Keeping

 “Beloved, do you realize that in the Secret Place of My keeping there is safety from every storm? Storms of life will come and they will go, but My love for you stands firm forever. Jesus was caught in the storms, the disciples were caught in the storms, the apostle Paul was caught in the storms, but fear not, I have overcome the storms! [1]

“Even when shipwrecked My glory was seen around and about Paul. When the viper came to bring destruction and the words of accusation rose up against My servant, I came in like a flood to those people on Malta Island. They perceived his sin of murder, but I had forgiven that sin, so that no charges could be formally brought against Paul. I had acquitted him. He served his ‘sentence’ as My servant and My friend. As Paul put it, he was a prisoner of hope in the Lord. Because of that hope many came to salvation. [2]

“The reason Paul walked in My authority was because of his time spent in the Secret Place. He was faithful in prayer, patient in suffering, loving to those around him – especially his enemies that held him in chains. Paul was a man that I loved so very dearly. I wept when his life was taken. Paul’s work was complete and his death was instrumental for the building of My kingdom. His life and his death were perfected in My hand. [3]

“Many think that being hidden in My Secret Place means that no harm will come to them. If this were true then My Holy Scriptures would be false. It is clear that persecution comes to those who follow Me. Those who teach, ‘If you come to Jesus today all your troubles will be over,’ are teaching a false gospel. Is not the death of My prophets, My Son, My disciples, My church that has been martyred over the centuries proof enough?  Can they be accused of not being found in Me in the Secret Place of the Most High? Of course not! I will be with you through any and all the storms you face. My prayer is for you to go through them – not that none exist. [4]

“Come and rest your head on My chest. Listen to the beating of My heart. Hear My love for you and the plans that I have for you. I want to give you a future and a hope. I will prosper you. Again, do not look to man’s ideas or understanding of what this means but look to the truth revealed all throughout My Word. Though martyred, those I call Mine have enjoyed richly prosperous lives that have been fruitful for the Kingdom. Time has proven their works worth. [5]

“Do you want to be fruitful for the Kingdom? Trust Me. Only believe. Come into My Secret Place and see how I will keep you from falling or failing. I Am well able to keep you in My hand.” [6]

1] Psalm 107:29; Luke 8:23-25

2] Zechariah 9:12; Acts 28:3-5; Romans 11:11; Hebrews 2:10; 6:19

3] Psalm 116:15; Luke 19:41; Acts 21:11

4] Psalm 23:4

5] Jeremiah 29:11-14a

6] Psalm 91:1-12

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 02 2014

A Conversation with the Father: My Mysteries Unfold the Universe

Have you ever had a song that annoyingly ran nonstop in your head? A little over a month ago, Tina Turner’s song “What’s Love Got to Do with It” was stuck in my head. I don’t like the song’s message and it was really bugging me. Frustrated, I asked the Father a rhetorical question, “What’s love got to do with it? EVERYTHING – YOU ARE LOVE!”

Then He asked me, “Do you know why you have that song in your head?”

I replied, “No.”

“Because I’m bringing something to your attention. Many people think love actually is ‘a second-hand emotion’ so they believe that tripe. It is worth the time to study the word LOVE and see what it really means in all its forms.”

As I felt His love for the people who are misled by such a message, the irritation I felt disappeared. “Lord, You are the meaning of love and there is no One like You.”

The Holy Spirit continued, “It’s unfortunate that people who have no concept of Me as I Am, are the ones trying to tell others I’m not worthy of their time. Let Me ask you something. Do you know why I want to spend time with you?”
“Because You love me?”
“I love all mankind.”
This is true, but I didn’t know what to say. I sat still and listened.

Then the Holy Spirit gave me this word for His Body:

“I want to spend time with you because I created you for a purpose. Don’t let anyone or anything keep you from your purpose in Me. I have a plan but you must press in to find it. Mysteries are only solved when one is curious enough to investigate. Unlike man’s mysteries, Mine are holy. Mine contain eternal answers to questions. My mysteries unfold the universe! This is why I continually urge people to seek My face.

“Since Christ came and gave His life for all mankind, this invitation is for all peoples. When you seek Me, you will find Me when you search for Me with all of your heart. When you find Me, I will share mysteries with you and you will know I Am God.

“All are invited, but only those who come will be given the keys to the kingdom. If you want the answers to the universe, then you need to seek Me – God Almighty who created it. That’s what love has to do with it! Just remember: you can know all mysteries, but if you do not have love, you have nothing.”

I love you,

Scriptures to ponder:
Jeremiah 29:12-13; Daniel 2:47; 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider sending a love offering.

You may send a check or money order or contribute online by credit card through PayPal at

The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

In the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman

P.S. Johnny Enlow, my former pastor, prophesied this is Rosh Hashanah the “Year of Secrets Revealed.” I love how God confirms what He is saying. Here is a link to that Shepherd’s Rod:

Photo: Helix Nebula by 2.2-metre Max-Planck Society/ESO telescope at the La Silla observatory in Chile

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:50 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, September 14 2014

“My child, the work I do in you is not the work of the world.  I see those things that must be cut out.  Those things that hinder and those things that cause you to react in ways you do not understand - they must come out of you for you to walk forward in My will for your life.  Trust Me with the knife as I am the Master Surgeon.  I can cut those cancerous ways out of your being and make you new again.  When I Am the One you turn to for help, you will see a change.  

“It is neither by your might nor by your power, but it is by My Spirit.  Let Me cut out the cancer in your soul.  Let Me cut away the malignant growth.  Let Me cleanse the deep and infected wounds and remove all traces of gangrene.  Don't you know that gangrene comes from the lack of blood to living tissue?  Let Me apply the blood of My Only Begotten Son to your deepest of wounds.  Let Me apply the Balm of Gilead. Let Me give you the heart transplant you so desperately need.  Let Me inject My DNA into the depths of your being.  Watch as you are transformed from glory to glory! 

“Do not fret if this takes multiple surgeries.  You are indeed going from glory to glory.  This is a process, beloved child. I know exactly how much you can really take at any given time.  I will bring you into My operating room when I know it is the precise time - not too soon - not too late.  I will bring you in as many times as it takes to cut away the deadness of your wound.  I will only cut as deep as I know that you can recover, and then I wait until you are truly ready again.  This kind of work takes time.  Do not worry about your schedule or how far along you are in the process.  I Am familiar with all your ways.  You truly can trust Me.  Let Me touch that wound and bring restoration as you have never imagined. 

“Bind yourself to My Son.  Bind yourself to My will.  Bind your body to the perfect work of the cross.  I will loosen the enemy's strangle-hold.  I will skillfully cut away his influence and remove his talons from the death-grip they have had on you.  Trust Me.  All of the rejection and fear and demonic oppression will no longer hold you back from My very best for you!  I will never abandon you.  Though your earthy father and mother forsook you, I never will.  I will bring you near and draw you to Myself.   My arms will never drop you.  None can steal you from My embrace.  Go to sleep and breathe deep from the depths of the well of My love for you.  Rest my love.  Be still and know that I Am your God and your Father.  When you awaken from your slumber, I will have made a permanent change in you as I have replaced your wound with My comfort, My love and My desire for you.  Let My will be done in you, My precious earthen vessel, as it is in heaven.  Trust Abba to care for you in the way that I know best.”

With everlasting love,
Your Father

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:55 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, August 07 2014

An Exhortation From The Holy Spirit:

“As you would tend a garden: till, plant, weed, water, treat for insects and disease; so too are you to tend the garden of your heart.[1] Weeds have a way of springing up overnight and taking over all the hard work and expense of planting. Just about the time you see the growth of desired plants (fruit), up come the ‘over takers’. You must stay vigilant to remove those things that attempt to overtake that which I have planted in and through your life.[2]

“The locusts come to destroy. Pestilence is at its very root a consequence of sin. It was not so in the Garden.[3] It was not what I meant for you. So many ask ‘Why doesn’t God stop wars, disease, and famine?’ However, they fail to see those things are natural consequences to sin. It is the fruit of mankind’s choices that produce such things, not My neglect.

“Being angry with God for wars, disease, and famine is as sensible as being mad at God for weeds growing in a garden. Just as a gardener must stay vigilant to keep weeds from spreading through a garden, so too must humankind be vigilant to stop war, disease, and famine. Remember, I gave mankind authority on earth and Jesus taught you to pray for My ‘will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.’”[4]

Your Father

[1] Proverbs 4:20-27
[2] Matthew 13:18-23
[3] Genesis 4:17-19
[4] Matthew 6:10

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:52 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 02 2014

Personal Note: As I sat with the Lord, I was thinking about how exactly a half of the year is already over. Looking into the matter further, I learned July 2, 2014 is the 4th day of the 4th month of the year 5774 on the Jewish calendar (4 Tamuz 5774). On the Gregorian calendar, 182.5 days are gone, 182.5 days to go! If you recall, I have shared two posts this year highlighting the number 4. One was called “Too Many 4s to Ignore”1 and the other “44 Years Later.”2 Now here I am again sharing with you on the 4th day, in the 4th month of 5774. How unique! A final, funny note – the Lord gave me the title after I wrote this post and here in America we are getting ready to celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. Truly, there really are too many fours to ignore!!!

As I realized the significance of the day and hour, the Father spoke to my heart:

“This is a time of repentance and forgiveness like no other time in history. The tools I have made available for all to understand My divine will are in abundance. While sin abounds, My grace abounds more. This is not to be misused to justify sin, but rather a gift for those who have been caught in a web of delusion, lies and deceit, and want free.3

“The provision was bought and paid for at Calvary. It was for the very sake of freedom that Christ set you free.4 My Son’s sacrifice was real and it was personal. Now it is up to you to receive the gift, walk in His grace, and share that love with others. You may not think they deserve it, but neither did you.”5

In My love,



3. Second Corinthians 3:16-17; 4:3-4; Romans 6

4. First Corinthians 6:20; Galatians 5:1

5.  Matthew 5:43-48; John 3:16; Romans 5:6-11, 15-17

Ministry Note: There are so many basic needs going unmet on the mission field; we need your help to be the hands and feet of the Lord where He has sent us. If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider partnering with us. We are blessed to be a blessing! You may give through PayPal at or mail your gift to:

The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

In the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:47 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, June 13 2014

An Exhortation From God Our Abba To Fathers

Readers: While this word is directed specifically to the fathers, this message is not only for fathers, nor is it for men only. It blessed me with a true revelation of being "Made in God's Image." It is for all who are called by His name. In Christ there is no gender as we are all one in Christ.  See Galatians 3:28

“Do you know who you are, son?  Man was created in My image and in My image you reflect My love or lack thereof.  You are the very reflection of God Almighty on earth.  When people look at you they see Me.  When your children look at you they either see My love, grace, mercy, faithfulness and patience or they see your judgment, condemnation, perfectionism, apathy, and anger as a reflection of My character.  Do not allow a bitter root to spring from you and defile many.  The fruits of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit are very apparent.  So what are you reflecting to your children and to those you mentor?  What do you reflect to those who are subordinate to you?  As an example, how do you speak of those who are superior to you in authority?” (See Hebrews 12:15; Galatians 5:19-26; 1 Tim 2:1-4; Ephesians 6:9; Titus 3:1, 2).

“Many desire to know exactly what I have called them to do and where they are to be.  The perfection of My plan will unfold moment by moment and day by day as you bend your will to Mine.  Do not look to the right or to the left.  Let not your hearts be troubled.  Do what I have asked you to do and then we will move on to the next thing together.  Do not despise the day of small beginnings.  He who is faithful with little will be given much.” (See John 14:1; Joshua 1:7; Zech 4:10, Luke 16:10).

“Right now I want you to listen to what I tell you.  You have heard that before the terrible Day of the Lord I sent the prophet Elijah.  My Son Jesus made it clear that John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah to restore all things, and yet John clearly did not know who he was. The angel told his father, Zechariah, but John did not understand the depth of his calling.  He did not know he was the Elijah to come and restore all things.”  (See Matt 17:12, 13; John 1:21; Luke 1:11-17.) 

“Now I ask you: Do you know who you are?  What was and what is the purpose of Elijah's coming?  Yes, he destroyed the false prophets of BAAL, but what was it he was to restore?  What do I desire to be restored now? Does not My word tell you?  Does not My word make it plain?  The Old Testament ends with this strategic information and the New Testament in the Gospel of Luke begins with it.  So can you not see for yourself how plain I have made it?”

Malachi 4:5, 6  Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.

Luke 1: 17  It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE FATHERS BACK TO THE CHILDREN, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."

“Many of you believe you are ready for My coming, but you are not ready.  The hearts of the fathers MUST return to the sons. The hearts of the parents must return to the children.  In the days to come My promptings will become very pointed and exacting.  A breaking is coming!  The fathers are the ones closest to My reflection on earth and I am soon putting My foot down. Those who are repentant will see great breakthroughs in every area of their life, but those who are not will suffer great judgment from My hand.

“The fathers must heed and obey.  This will require them to humble themselves under My mighty right hand, but those who obey will be lifted to new heights that will astonish even the best of them. At risk are financial blessings, healings and miracles, salvations and wholeness, and more than the mind can conceive. Many have cried out to Me for healing and financial breakthrough, but what they do not see is their relationship with their families is first on My list.  Warn the men, Judy, that because they are a reflection of My glory on earth, it is time to align their will to Mine.  The hour is late! It is much later than most believe.  Let it be done on earth as it is in heaven.

“I Am praying for the fathers.  I Am praying for the parents. I Am praying for you. Reflect Me well.  Be who I called you to be - representatives of My love on earth.  May it be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Selah”


Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please consider us in your giving. There are a number of issues that have arisen (i.e.: medical needs for pastors as well as the children and elderly in their care). Trying to do fundraisers for everything coming up is not practical. If we have the funds, we will be able to lend aid immediately. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

In the Father’s Love.
Judy A Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:58 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 10 2014


An Exhortation from the Holy Spirit about a coming move of God

“Do you sense something BIG is on the horizon? Have you been hearing for some time now that you are to ‘PREPARE’? Many are asking, ‘What are we preparing for, and how do we do that exactly?’ Every answer to every question is in My word. Scripture holds your answers. Do you want gold? Dig for it in My word! Do you want gems set in antimony? Dig for them in Scripture![i]

“Many are looking for a ‘word for the day.’ Yet after they read a devotional or prophetic word, they often go on in the same way as before they read it. They do not take to heart what I say or have already said in the past. Instead, they tend to treat these readings like daily entertainment.” (As the Holy Spirit spoke this to my heart, I saw people online reading prophetic words and then picking out only what they wanted to hear. Others were reading godly words or teachings, but then went on to consult their horoscope or other such things. I felt a terrible sense of dread because of mixture.[ii]

“Permit Me to make something practical for you. Because it is human nature to want the ‘big thing’ and yet not have any idea how to prepare for it, use these simple instructions to guide you:

Love God with all your heart! (Don’t mix the holy with the profane and call it good, I Am a jealous God.)[iii]
Love your neighbor as yourself. (Care for others and treat them the way you like to be treated.)[iv]
Forgive and do not allow offences to rule in your members. My peace must guide you. Forgive as I forgave you.[v]
Guard your words and your heart. The mouth speaks what is hidden in the heart, so hide My word there and you will not be separated from Me.[vi]

“I will trust you with the coming ‘BIG’ if you are faithful with the current ‘small’. Good stewardship is paramount in My eyes. Think about whom to touch with My love: your family, friends, your community (in life or online), your work, school, church, marketplace, etc… It is here where you show you are faithful in what I have given you. Let My words flow from your heart – not like memorized lines in a skit, but words you understand and practice yourself. It is in doing this that you PREPARE for the BIG. It is here that you show Me that you can be trusted with what is on the horizon. If you prepare, this will be a time of great outpouring for you. 

“If you do not prepare by putting My word into practice, then you will be as the one who was given a talent (a large sum of money) and buried it. He counted his master a ‘hard man’ and openly said so. He reflects the embittered soul who is full of fear and distrust and isn’t afraid to vomit his complaints onto anyone within earshot. That master took the talent away and gave it to the one who had the most. Why? Because he was unfaithful with what was given him. The wicked and worthless servant was taken and thrown into the outer darkness.[vii]

“Be faithful with the provision given you. Be faithful with your gifts and talents. Be faithful to forgive so you can love as I do. Be faithful to prepare by walking in the truth of My word. Be a doer of My word![viii] Those who belong to Me will reflect My peace. I Am slow to anger, quick to show mercy, generous, loving, helpful, and faithful.[ix] Be the same, and in doing so, you will be PREPARING for the BIG that is on the horizon.”

[i] Proverbs 25:2; Isaiah 54:11

[ii] Jeremiah 5:31; 2 Timothy 4:3

[iii]Deuteronomy 6:5

[iv] Matthew 18:21-35

[v] Matthew 6:14-15; Colossians 3:12-15

[vi] Psalm 119:11; Philippians 4:4-7

[vii] Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 16:10

[viii] Matthew 7:24-29; James 1:22-27

[ix] Exodus 34:6; Psalm 103:8

Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider partnering with us. There are so many needs going unmet on the mission field; we need your help to be the hands and feet of the Lord where He has sent us. We are blessed to be a blessing! 

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

In the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:17 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 27 2014

An Exhortation From Jesus’ Heart To Yours: A Season of Restoration – The Best is Yet to Come

“The season you have entered is one filled with much promise and hope. Regardless what you have heard from others, trust Me when I tell you that the best is yet to come. I will never take hope from you. I will always give you reason to hope. When hope is removed then I Am removed, and I will not be removed! Give to Me what belongs to Me and see what I do with it. You may think you have little to nothing to offer Me, but I tell you I will take the little you have a multiply it. Like the boy’s lunch of loaves and fish, I will take your small contribution of praise and prayer and multiply it. So do not worry about being small. Yes, you are small. Yes, there is little you can do. But in Me there is multiplication beyond your imagination. I can take the little you have and all the impossibilities you face and bring a great outcome.

“A season of restoration is upon you, but restoration will not come without My judgment,” says the Lord. “Know that without My judgment, truth is not present. My judgment is true and My judgment is right. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of My throne. You may run to the Throne of Grace because it was forged in the fires of My justice and built on the foundation of My righteousness. You cannot separate them. By My design they were made to work in unison. As righteousness and justice are the foundations of My throne, judgment and truth work in harmony with My justice. My judgment is right because I always know the truth. I Am the Discerner of the hearts of mankind and I know what is truly going on – the motivation behind the action. The human heart is the most deceptive thing above all things. Know that you cannot trust your own heart. Trust Me to discern your heart, child, I will show you a more excellent way!

“This is a time of divine connections and open doors to those who have gone through the fire and been found without corruption. Judgment must start in the house of the Lord. So rejoice as you see the judgments come, because then My judgment can go outside My Body, and those who have been found operating in a cruel, greedy and murderous spirit will be brought into My presence for judgment. There is no king, no queen, no president or prime minister, no leader of any kind past, present or future who can hide from My judgment. There is nowhere for them to go that My eyes do not see them.

“Rejoice for the shaking you are witnessing in the world – as well as the shaking taking place in My Body. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. If it is shaken loose, then it will be loose. If it cannot be shaken, then it will stand firm. With Me, it is a win-win situation. Allow Me to shake you. Do not fear for I Am with you. You do not want anything that can be shaken, do you? Be still and know that I am God. The shaking in the Church that you see will bring about a new purity. I Am coming for a Church without spot or blemish. I am coming for a pure and spotless Church. So pray for your brothers and sisters. If they are found to be of another spirit, they still need your prayers. I died to save the lost. Do not rejoice when big names fall. Do not rejoice in another’s demise. Instead, rejoice when My justice is found in the Church. Rejoice that I Am the Restorer of the breach. Rejoice that I Am more interested in revealing the truth then if My Name gets tarnished. What man thinks of My Name does not diminish My power or My authority. It does not diminish My truth. Man’s opinions do not sway Me. I Am that I Am, and I Am not dismayed because people speak ill of My name. I am more interested in revealing truth then hiding it. What has been whispered in the dark shall be shouted from the rooftops!

“Pray for the release of My judgment angels. They are fierce, and few will obey this request, but these angels are assigned to execute My judgment. With My judgment comes the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom. If you want My sevenfold Spirit in operation in your life, you must submit yourself to My judgment. I will always treat you fairly and provide for you a way out through My Seat of Mercy.

“Come now, child. Come and sit with Me and let Me sooth your heart. Let not your heart be troubled. Put your trust in Me and watch My restoration take hold. Remember, it is My love for you that motivates Me. Fear is the beginning of wisdom, but love is the completion. I Am love. Everything I do is motivated in who I Am and I Am love. Your life will be transformed through yielding to My judgments. Those things your heart longs to hear and see will be heard and shown. I will reveal My glory! Yes, I will say it again. I will reveal My glory to you. Let this promise take the trepidation from your heart. As you open your heart for My judgment to come in, it will be transformed. My Word teaches you in Hebrews 12:11 that as you allow My discipline to instruct you, you will produce peaceable fruit of righteousness. This is truly a delicious fruit! This is the fruit that remains. This is fruit that when planted will reap a one hundredfold harvest. Rejoice, child! Rejoice at this news! Though everything is shaken around you, it will not come near you if you have allowed My Spirit to test you and try you as in a fire. If you have followed My word and built on the foundation of righteousness and justice, what you have will stand through the testing fires.

“Ask for what you need to run and complete the race set before you. Being afraid to ask will breed doubt and unbelief. It will cause you to freeze and you will come to a stop like a stalled engine, so keep in the flow of My love and provision. Stop looking at your lack and the great needs that surround you. Instead look to Me for everything and then all things become possible. Do not merely mouth words of faith the way some do as robots. Believe the words you profess. Believe them because you know they come from My holy Word and not your imagination. Believe them because you have enough experience to know that when I say something, I Am will bring it to pass. Give to Me your pure devotion and trust.

“Restoration is My specialty. I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can go to the Father without first going though Me. No one can come to Me without being drawn by My Father. I have prayed for you to receive another Helper and that is My Spirit of truth. My truth must be revealed in order for you to see Me. My Spirit teaches you all things. To bring restoration means to bring healing, not only to the human heart through salvation, but through physical healing. Salvation was given to you on the Cross and so was healing. It is time for healing to be known again by My Body. The Body of Christ is sick and in need and cannot properly reflect My glory in her present state. You have believed Me for salvation, now embrace My healing touch.

“Be restored, Church, be restored! Restoration is yours for the asking, but doubt and unbelief is killing you. When you pray for healing do not say, ‘If it is Your will to heal this person...’ You need to know what My will is by searching My word, then stand on it when you pray. Pray in faith. Do not waiver. Do not doubt and be double-minded – tossed by the wind. Doubt does not move My hand on your behalf. When you pray, ‘If this is Your will…’ you are actually praying doubt and unbelief and I will not honor such prayers. Do not wait to see healing to believe it or you will not see it. Faith sees it first. I have taught this truth since the beginning by speaking the universe into existence. I saw it before it was! Selah! [Stop and think about this – ponder what I Am saying.]

“Search Me and know Me by searching and knowing what My Word, the Bible, tells you. Do not say in and of yourself why you do not see Me move like I did when walking the earth or in the days of the early church. If My children who believe that I no longer move as I did in the days of old could hear how ridiculous this sounds in the ears of the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient Creator of the universe, they would never say it again. To believe that I no longer move as I once did dilutes My Gospel and the power of the Cross. Do you believe I am limited by time? Is it possible for religious beliefs to override My ways? I Am the same today, yesterday and forever; I do not change. I Am God!

“I, the Lord God, who is not hindered by time nor space, will in no uncertain terms be limited by human wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. My thoughts are far above anything that mankind can think; to presume to speak and declare what I can and cannot do is sheer ignorance. The root of it is pride, there is only one cure for pride, and that is repentance. Yes, repentance is a cure. To turn away from sin is repentance and turning from sin will bring healing. Repent and be healed now in My name. This was the message of many of My prophets, this was the message of John the Baptist and this was the message of the Son of Man. This must also be your message or you are not Mine. Show people by your lifestyle how to turn to Me in all things and you will succeed as My ambassador. Without repentance – turning away from sin and coming to Me – all messages are lost. Unless there is repentance, there is no salvation, no healing, no prosperity, no taking back what the devil has stolen, no reconciliation to God. You cannot dance or sing your way into heaven without repentance, nor can you work your way in. A repentant heart turns from doing evil. It turns and it goes the way that I have set for it. It does not seek its own way or its own glory, but it seeks Mine. My way is complete and there is nothing lacking.

“Many fear My judgment, but you who are called by My name need not fear. Do I act without telling My prophets first? Do I warn? Do I guide you by My Spirit? You can trust Me. If you have any doubts, then come and confess them and let Me show you a more excellent way. I will always be with you and you need not fear.

“There is one more thing that you need to consistently do to accomplish great things. I want you to pray for My will to be done on earth as it already is in heaven and when you pray it is My desire for you to think about how things are in heaven. John and Ezekiel had a glimpse into My Throne Room (Revelation chapters 4-5; Ezekiel chapter 1). Though much of this remains a searchable mystery – you can clearly see there is no sickness or disease in heaven. There is no lack there is no sin. So when you pray, believe for My will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Bring heaven to earth as it is your inheritance. I would not say it if it were not the truth. Believe for great and mighty things for great and mighty miracles await those who believe. Walk in My restoration, walk in My truth and see My justice – My righteous judgments – come to pass. As you do you will be filled with great joy and peace. You will be filled with My love.

Your Savior and Healer

Scriptures to Ponder:
1 Kings 8:39; Psalm 33:1-11; 34:10; 97:2; Isaiah 9:7; 11:2; 28:17; 41:10; Jeremiah 17:7-10; 33:6-9; Hosea 2:19; Amos 3:7; Matthew 3:2; 4:17; 6:7; Mark 6:56; 10:27; Luke 4:40; 12:1-3; John 1:1-4; 6:9-14, 44; 14:1, 16-18; Ephesians 1:18; 1 Corinthians 12:31, Hebrews 3:12-15; 11:1; 13:8; James 1:2-8, 22; 1 John 2:27; Revelation 4:5; 8:2

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:42 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 06 2014

“I have called you to walk in My peace and joy. How will the world be able to tell that you are Christ’s disciples unless you walk in My love? What makes your life stand out to others who are on the outside looking in? They have to see a difference. It may irritate them for a season, and this may cause you to be persecuted, but did I not say that those who follow me will suffer and that this suffering is from having fellowship with Me?

“As fire consumes, so I consume the chaff out of your lives. What remains is the ingredient for hot, fresh, heavenly bread! Be My living bread on earth as you follow Me. I have called you. I Am calling you out, I Am calling you in, I Am calling you around, and I Am calling you through. Will you answer?”

Lovingly yours,

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:01 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 20 2014

An Exhortation From The Father: Season Of Realignment

“As you begin a new season today,[1] know that I am doing a work in My Body. This is not regional, but a global work. I am causing My whole Body to be realigned to My purpose and plan for this specific hour.

“Many have been in fear and are dismayed as they have felt the injustices of life swirl around them, but I always have a plan. My will is to be done on this earth as it is being done in heaven. You have cried out and I am fulfilling My will in your lives. Some have yet to see how I truly do use ALL things to work together for good. I first loved you, and as you love Me in return, you will see and walk in My purpose for your life. You are called according to My purpose.

“Do not fear, My child, My love. You will not be dropped as you are firmly held in your Father’s arms and capable hands. The realignment you are and have been experiencing is for your eternal benefit. I know that it is difficult to see when you are in the midst of the fire, but when you come out of it and look back on how I have moved you into position, you will rejoice at the fullness of what I have done for you.

“Trust Me!

“I have counseled you to PREPARE for the harvest! You will no longer glean the scattered wheat from around the edges of the field, for I Am repositioning you in the center of it. You will even reap where you have not sown. However, your readiness for the harvest depends on your willingness to go through My process of realignment and repositioning. My goal is not only for you to be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically aligned to My plan, but to be in the right location at the right time. Your heart has cried out for this day, so allow Me to prepare and place you. I counsel you not to grow weary in well doing, for you will reap a harvest if you faint not! Seek Me early for the day’s plans. Watch what I show you and see how I work My plans through you as you go about your day. I urge you to stir yourself up in your most holy faith! Guard your peace, guard your hope and pray My word – My will.

“Stop focusing on the devil. Satan is not omnipresent. Stop giving him glory for what you believe he is doing in your life and in the world around you. Is he your god? Is he your father? No! Stop talking about every little thing he does as if he is greater than any other force in your life. When you do this, you give him dominion and power over your life. Christ restored the authority taken from Adam in the Garden. Since the enemy cannot stop you from praying, he has drawn many of you out of your true place of authority and into his jurisdiction.[2] By taking his bait you fall into his trap. Satan and his demons know you will therefore be found guilty of reviling him. I have given fair warning and instruction against this practice. Remember, not even My angel Michael pronounced a railing judgment against the devil. Jesus did not come against the powers and principalities of Rome or even take authority over the spirits operating in the Pharisees. Therefore, follow His example where prayer is concerned. Jesus came in prayer to see what He was to do and say – ‘on earth as it is in heaven’.

When I command it, Satan will be bound, but he will be bound by My doing, not by man’s doing. In the meantime, submit to Me, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7 doesn’t say to bind him, nor does it say to rebuke the devil. You are to submit to Me, and resist the devil. My directive is clear. As you submit to Me, I will deal with the devil.

“I Am alone worthy to be exalted. Talk about what I AM doing! My name is to be praised in all the earth. Stop throwing hatchets at the moon![3]  You are  expecting your prayers, your railings, to hit demonic powers and principalities and destroy them. While this seems to be the popular thing to do, when those hatchets fall short and miss their mark, they injure the people below. This also opens you and those around you to an onslaught of great darkness because it gives your enemy right to retaliation. You have cried out to Me exclaiming, “Why are all these wicked things befalling me?” and I tell you that this is the reason. This sort of prayer serves the egos of man, but it is not Jesus’ example, nor is it the example of any other prophet or disciple of Christ in the Bible.

“Praise Me, your God and King! Worship My holy name and pray in the manner in which I have set forth in My holy Scriptures. This is your Standard! Do not allow the vain imaginations set forth by man’s teachings, which are laced with spiritual poison, to lead you. As heirs of the kingdom of heaven, you are to be led of My Holy Spirit. Repent and remember your First Love. Remember what you have received and heard; and keep it. Guard your words; your mouth speaks life or death. Choose life, and out of your inner most being will flow rivers of living water.”

Lovingly yours,

To read the encounter and word the Lord gave for “preparation” go to:

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:39 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 13 2014

The Leaven of My Love – A Prophetic Word From The Father

“Most seasonal changes are gradual, but at times, they become distinct. Like a warm breeze after a cold winter alerts you to the arrival of spring, so too can My Spirit bring forth the awareness of a new spiritual season.

“What some have thought was a failure in the past season, I will reveal as a success. Conversely, some of what has been seen by men as a success, will be reveled as being done in the strength of the flesh. In a moment’s time, I can bring forth understanding and wisdom so that there is a fullness of revelation. What I plant in the hearts of My beloved, will bring forth a harvest.

“So stop fretting!

“Stop contending with what you perceive to be keeping you from My best. I Am the Maker of heaven and earth. Not one blade of grass exists outside of My sovereign will. Surely, I Am able to keep you. The biggest issue is not if I will answer prayer; the biggest issue is will My Church believe what I say? Will you look at the precedent I set for you – and do it? Will you listen to the Logos (written) and the Rhema (spoken) word of God and heed the whole counsel of your God and King?

“If only bits and pieces of it are taken to heart and obeyed, My word becomes something other than what it is. It is easy for man to add to or take away from what I have spoken. I counsel you to guard yourself from this common and presumptuous mistake.

“Though it may not seem like much, remember, a little yeast will leaven the whole loaf. If it is the leaven of heaven, then the people will increase in love and good works. If the leaven is of the Pharisees, Sadducees, or Herod (religiously keeping the law without the Spirit, operating in religious error, or being puffed up and guided by worldly appetites and endeavors), then the fruit will be sour, rancid, and deadly.

“Allow My Spirit to blow upon you anew. Be refreshed as you see from My heavenly perspective. There is no need for fretting. No! It is time to rejoice and be strengthened by the joy of knowing your Father’s deep love for you.”

Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:53 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, February 24 2014

K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple Saint!

The message of the Cross of Christ may seem foolish to some, but it’s often because of its simplicity. The fact is – through the Cross, we have been given the opportunity to be reconciled with God. His own willingness to take our well-deserved punishment accomplished this feat. There is no way we could pay for all of our mistakes, infringements, and selfish motivations, and God knew it (whether we did or not). God came in flesh to offer Himself up as the sacrifice. We could never be good enough or pay enough. Jesus came, God in flesh, to be born, live, and die for our sins. However, that wasn’t enough (and God knew this too) – Christ’s resurrection set us free from the chains of sin and the bondage of death. It is our choice whether we will walk in that freedom or not. It is like being given a checking account with a billion dollars in it. We can use what has been provided for us or just let it sit there and continue as we are. Make no mistake – the choice is ours.

It is for the sake of freedom that Christ set us free! (See Galatians 5:1)

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:34 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 28 2014

Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Matthew 6:26

As I write you, two unusual things are happening outside my window. First, it’s snowing. Now that may not seem so unusual, but where I live in Georgia, it doesn’t snow very often. The second thing is that a flock of Goldfinch came to my birdfeeders. Goldfinch normally don’t come to the feeders in numbers until March when it warms up! In light of this, a flock of Goldfinch plus snow is a very strange combination. Whenever odd things like this happen, I try to slow down and ask the Lord what He’s saying through it. In fact, as I write this, a Goldfinch landed right on my windowsill, and while awkwardly perched, he looked into the house and right at me as if to tell me something very important!

Against the backdrop of the pure, white, falling snow, the flocking Goldfinch are stark in color – even though the ones feasting at my feeders are donned in their dull winter plumage. Traditionally the Goldfinch is symbolic of “Resurrection.” (The European Goldfinch has a crimson face.) The American Goldfinch at my window, has a golden head, which I believe is symbolic of being mindful of God’s glory. Hallelujah – we have been given the mind of Christ! The cleansing David cried out for in Psalm 51:7 “Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow,” is for us each to receive. It comes from the Resurrection power only found in Christ Jesus. (See 1 Corinthians 2:16 and 1 John 1:7.)

2 Chronicles 7:14 is at the forefront of this message (I will add my observations in parenthesis). It is also significant to point out that when God said this to Solomon, He appeared to him. (See verse 12)

“If My people (God’s people, not the ‘sinners of the world’) who are called by My name (Christians – those who accept Jesus as their personal Savior) will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways (Whose? God’s people must turn from THEIR wicked ways – He is not talking to the abortionists or the homosexuals. God is talking to His Church!), then (THEN), I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

If you remember anything about this post, let it be this point: We are in a season right now to open heaven’s doors like never before in prayer. Let us pray like Jesus prayed, and only do what the Father shows us and only say what He says. (See John 5:19-20 and John 14:12)

May we be fervent in seeking His face!

In the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman

P.S. As I have been writing this post, the snowstorm has gotten very serious. It’s not that there is that much snow, but since people here aren’t used to it there have been many accidents. In fact, the governor of Georgia has declared a “State of Emergency.” Prayers appreciated!

It has also dawned on me that the storm started southwest of here and then moved across the South to the northeast. The Goldfinch may have been pushed northward by the storm. What I know for sure is that they were sure happy to see my feeders  full. In fact, I usually don’t fill the finch feeders until March, but I so happened to fill it yesterday!

Thank You, Lord for Your provision!

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:33 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 14 2014

On January 4, 2014, I came home from running some errands and felt exhausted. I did something I rarely do – I took a nap. When I awoke, the clock read 4:44pm. I had to laugh because Johnny Enlow had posted on his Facebook wall to be on the lookout for the number 444. I had heard him say this before, but the timing of it struck me as humorous. I saw the clock then looked at my cell phone. This is when I noticed the date was January 4th. Yes, there are too many 4s to ignore!

This caused me to revisit some things the Lord has spoken – promises that have yet to manifest. Some of you are aware from previous writings that the Lord has shown me 11s (or 111) for about seven years now. It started when three consecutive nights I woke up 11 after the hour. These sightings of eleven dramatically escalated from there. It was not just 11s I would see, but also factors of 11 (like 22, 33, 44, etc...) on licenses plates, mile markers, mailboxes – you name it. (i.e.: When I was finished with the first draft of this letter, I looked up and it was 11:11pm!)

Though I’ve never shared this, the number 4 has held great significance for me since 2000. I was living in Florida and had an open vision at a meeting where we were honoring visiting missionaries. I saw a golden key ring with 4 golden keys on it. These were not modern keys, but old fashion skeleton keys. The key ring and the 4 keys came right at me and then disappeared – as if they went through or inside of me.

I sought the Lord about the meaning of this vision and asked repeatedly what the keys specifically represented. Then one day in 2002 (which ‘happens’ to add up to 4), I was reading an article and four words seemed to jump off the page at me. Those words were “Power, Authority, Chosen, and Sent.” Over the next 4 years it seemed that whatever I learned would be in 4s and found myself categorizing these lessons into God’s power, His authority, that He has chosen us, and the Father sends us to do His will. I took notes constantly and continually asked the Lord for interpretation and practical application.

The number 4 is rich in meaning. I can’t go into the whole of it, as that might require an entire book! A few examples of significant things in 4s include: Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), elements (fire, water, air, earth), regions (north, south, east, west), seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn), faces of the Cherubim (man, lion, ox, eagle),  and the four-part reference to mankind (nation, tribe, tongue and people) which happens to be found 4x in the NKJV (Revelation 5:9; 7:9; 11:9; 14:6).

As we enter 2014, let us consider the basic meaning of the numbers of this year. The number 20 is symbolic of Redemption as 14 is of Deliverance andSalvation. Combined it would seem that “there is a special wind coming from the breath of God to bring forth His Redemption, Deliverance, and Salvation in nations, tribes, tongues and peoples. As was written in 2 Chronicles 20, let us “Stand still and see the salvation of the LORD.” We must use wisdom and rightly divide the word of truth so that we are not praying outside of our authority.

Let us be mindful to pray the Father’s will. No more – no less! Let’s not add to what Scriptures tell us nor take away from them. Think about this: even though Jesus had the authority to, He didn’t say something ‘new and improved’ to combat the devil when tempted in the wilderness. Jesus resisted Satan with the established word of God saying,“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” This encounter is recorded in both Matthew and Luke 4:4. That is no coincidence! Remember, Jesus only did what His Father showed Him. When did the Father show Him? No doubt, it was while He was in prayer watching and listening (as opposed to doing all the talking and then going about His day). See John 5:19

Remarkably, Jesus shares the fourfold witness that testifies of His calling in John 5:31-39. They are (with my keys included):

John the Baptist (power)
Jesus’ works (authority)
The Father’s voice (chosen)
The Holy Scriptures (sent)

Like I said, there are too many 4s to ignore!

Blessings in the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:31 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 16 2013

While journaling, I apologized to the Lord for thinking about all I had to do. I had actually stopped writing in my journal so I could make a list of errands. This is what He said:

“Your days are filled with things ‘to do’ and it is good for you to be organized, but remember Who made time. If you want to make the most of what time you’ve been given, come and spend some of it with Me first. I will bless and multiply what you need as I Am the Author of time!

“There are things you do and things that happen which are out of your control, and these steal your time. When you start your day with Me, I can impart My timing, answers and direction. Stop chasing your tail like a silly dog that doesn’t know better! Come and allow Me to take you higher. I will give you what you need for not only this day but also what is needed for the days ahead. I Am a good Abba. I will help you in all your ways; I will direct your path.”

If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please pray about working in partnership with The Father’s Love Int’l. It is the hope of this ministry to touch the nations with God’s love by preaching the Gospel, sharing prophetic words, feeding the hungry and healing the sick. You can see what we have done and what our hearts long to accomplish at You may contribute online by credit card through PayPal (monthly options are available). Click on “Donate” at the left of the screen, or send a check or money order to:

The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542

Please keep us in prayer.

May you be blessed in the Father’s love!

Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, June 06 2013

An Exhortation from the Father: Declare My Glory:

"The heavens declare My glory!  Even the sky; its clouds, sunrises and sunsets proclaim the works of My hands.  They speak for Me to the ends of the earth.  The wind reveals My ways."

"My law is perfect and it will revive your soul.  My statutes can be trusted altogether and will make even the simplest person wise.  Righteous are the precepts I have given you and in keeping them you will produce peaceable fruit that remains.  My precepts will give your heart joy as you walk in their fullness. Your eyes will shine forth in the darkness when you obey My commands.  Walk in the pureness of the fear of the Lord as it is the beginning of wisdom.  I will teach you," says the Lord your God, "that My love endures forever.  I will teach you that the fear of the Lord keeps you in wisdom forever."

"My ordinances are sure, true, righteous, and holy; you will do well to walk in them with all your heart.  My laws, My precepts, My ordinances, My statutes, My commands have been put into place by My hand and are given you so you can walk in them by My Spirit.  They will protect you and keep you safe in My love.

"I Am your Rock.  I Am your Redeemer."

Scriptures to Ponder:
Psalm 19:1; 50:1-6; 106:1-3; John 3:8; 12:24; Galatians 5:18-26; Hebrews 12:11

Ministry Note:
If Jewels from Judy are a blessing to you, please consider contributing to this ministry. We strive to bring the healing power of the Father’s love to the nations. You may contribute online by credit card through PayPal at click on “Donate” or send a check or money order to:

The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P.O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542

May you be blessed in the Father’s love!

Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:55 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, May 31 2013

An Exhortation from the Heart of the Father to Yours: A Door of Hope for My Body

“Precious One, yes, you are My Precious One.  Please give ear to what I Am about to say.  Consider your body – the human body.  Look at all its working parts.  Each and every part of your physical body affects the rest of your body.

“Look at a body that is in top physical condition and behold its beauty.  Behold the skill of the Craftsman who created it!  Every organ, every muscle, every tendon works together with one goal in mind. The skeletal structure is perfect from the largest bones in the leg to the tiniest ones found in the ear.  Every single body part is important.

“While there are some body parts you can survive without, if given the choice would you not choose fullness?  Even the stubbing of your little toe can cause you excruciating pain and in that moment the importance of that body part comes to the forefront of your mind.  There are an endless number of examples I could give you, Beloved, of how your body hurts when one part hurts or malfunctions.  Many of you have living examples in your own bodies, as well as in others around you, to know that given a choice you desire good health. You know that each body part is in agreement so that you can function in your daily life.  It is clear that when the body is functioning the way I designed it, this is the most desirable state to be in.  This concept is simple.

“Illness, disease, defects and injures can keep you from accomplishing your dreams and goals, so generally you do what you know is best for your body to live your life optimally. Sometimes, and more often in wealthier regions of the world, a person will give in to their body’s demands and cause themselves to become unhealthy.  Addictions to drugs and alcohol as well as food and mind-numbing activities that keep the body sedentary commonly hold My body hostage. This happens when a person refuses to listen to their spirit and instead listen to their flesh, so multiple addictions are often the result!  This causes a number of breakdowns in the body – both immediately and in the years to come if the flesh continues to get its desires.

“So it is with My Body – the Body of Christ. My Body has many parts and they are all designed to work together.  Many of you do not know why you are hurting so deeply.  You do not know why you crave the things that are not good for you.   The struggle in My Body is at an all time high because there are so many parts all over the world that are hurting and wounded and ill and addicted.

“Church, allow Me to take you out from what you have been doing.  Give Me a short season in your life to make some adjustments.  I Am the Master Surgeon and I can heal you and bring you back into perfect health.  You can again be a body that enjoys health and beauty.  Give Me this season to teach you and lead you.  As My Body comes to Me for healing, then I will place you anew in the Body of Christ.

“Come into the wilderness with Me and I will speak comfort to you.  I will give you food and drink that will not draw you to itself but to Me.  Come anchor yourself to Me and I will keep you from going adrift in the tempest.  I will open to you a Door of Hope and beckon you in, but it is you who are given the choice whether or not to come inside.

“My beautiful Body is battered and it is My desire to heal you and make you whole.  I long to answer Jesus’ prayer that His own would be as one as He is one with His Holy Father.  It is My desire for the Body to have their joy fulfilled, that you would be kept from the evil one, for you to be consecrated by My truth, that you would be sanctified by My Word, and for you to be one as I Am in Jesus and He is in Me.  We want you in US so that the world will believe.”

Scripture References:
Hosea 2:14-15, 23; Proverbs 23:1-3; John 17:6-26; 1 Corinthians 12

Master Surgeon:

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 01 2013

“Where there is evil there will be more, but in righteousness and justice My word will stand forever. Do not look to the right or to the left, and do not call conspiracy what most call conspiracy.
“I Am calling a regiment of people to come together and stand in the fire until they see Me in there with them. Many will leave, but for those that remain they will not only see My glory but so will those around them – especially the unbelievers.
“They will see My glory arise from the flames of man’s bent toward destruction. What looks like a terrible disaster will yield My glory and as it arises the lame shall walk and the deaf will hear. The blind will receive sight. This is true for the spiritual as well as the physical.
“Do not tremble or be in fear at this word. Stand tall and be valiant. I will cause those who trust Me to trust Me more. I will cause them to rise from the ashes of death and destruction and walk freely through areas of great turmoil. These are My ambassadors of peace. I have called them forth for such a time as this and in them you will see My dunamis power explode. In places of great despair and fear, My love will explode on the seen in unprecedented ways.
“Do not fear My little scribe. I know this was not what you expected, but you have asked Me for meat and not milk. This word is for My warriors, not for those wrapped up in their cozy lives.
“I never said it would be easy. I never said there would not be suffering or persecution – in fact I warned you there would be. However, I also told you that you are Mine. I gave you My peace and reassured you not to fear. Do not fear for I Am with you. Do not be dismayed for I Am your God. I will strengthen you – yes I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
“Yes, I will strengthen you! You are not alone. I Am your ‘Plus One’.”

Scriptures to Ponder:
 Proverbs 11:19; Isaiah 51:1-2; 1 Peter 3:8-12; Isaiah 8:12; Daniel 3:8-30; Isaiah 60:1-2; 61:1-3; 41:10; Mark 13:5-37
Another encounter with the Lord that reminds me of this can be found at

Painting by Akiane called "Prince of Peace"

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, November 09 2012

An Exhortation From The Lord: The Righteous Acts Of The Saints
“One thing is needed and I desire for you to choose what is better. Sit at My feet and learn. The enemy has come and stolen something very precious to Me and to you. Satan had stolen the betrothal gown of My beloved. He has come along and used his gift of soothsaying and lies to strip you of your true covering – which is to be in right standing with Me. He has tricked many into trading true righteous acts for unfruitful and self-motivated works. I have gone into the enemy's camp and demanded back that which was taken. It has been returned to Me and I give it to you.”
Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.) Revelation 19:7-8
“The righteous acts of the saints are those things that I have asked each individual to do, as well as what I have asked My Church to do corporately. Many feel they have to be on some important mission field before they will believe that they are doing righteous acts, but I tell you this is not so. A righteous act is something I have asked you to do, and it is something that may be insignificant in your eyes and the eyes of others, but to Me it is a thing of beauty. If I have told you to pick up a piece of trash on your way into a store, it is more significant to Me that you obey My voice in that small gesture than if you go on a mission trip to build an orphanage if I have not asked you to do it. If I have called you to build an orphanage then build an orphanage, but if I have asked you to pick up trash then pick up trash. Taking care of your children and raising them in the admonition and love of God is something precious to Me. Obedience to Me carries the same reward in My kingdom whether large or small. Obedience is what creates righteous acts. These acts become the fabric, the thread, the lace, the buttons and the jewels of the bridal gown.
“The righteous acts of the saints are not about self-exaltation or about doing things that make you feel better about yourself. Righteousness is your mind, will and emotions lining up with Mine. A righteous act is an act that has been initiated by Me and carried out by you. It is not even carried out in your own strength, but by My grace that is upon you. It is possible to turn a righteous act into an unrighteous act when one seeks to receive glory for doing it. It takes My grace to pick up trash that you did not throw down, it takes My grace to cheerfully change a dirty diaper, and it takes My grace to build an orphanage. So give Me the glory for the grace I have given you, and I will give you more.
“Right now much of my church is running around naked though they think they are clothed. They are poor and blind and pitiable. You need the anointing oil for your eyes so that you can see your true state.”
Because you say, 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing' and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. Revelation 3:17-19
“Will you take serious My call for My people called by My name to pray and seek My face? Will you humble yourselves and turn from your wicked ways in order for your land to be healed? Beloved, I Am not asking the lost sinner to repent, I Am asking My church to repent! For too long My church has told homosexuals and the abortionists that they need to repent when it is My church that needs to repent. I Am there to bind up the wounds of the hurting and lost, but My church goes around Me and uses the very sword I placed in their hands (the Word of God) to cause harm. They further wound the very ones I seek to save by misusing My words as a weapon instead of a scalpel. They have not rightly divided the Word of Truth and have used My words to bring death instead of healing. The Word is a weapon for fighting against Satan and his cohorts, but My Church is using it to fight against flesh and blood. This must end! Where there is flesh and blood the Word must be used like a scalpel in the hands of a skilled surgeon who knows how to cut cancer out of a body.
 “Yes, many are in sin. Yes, they need to repent; but would it not be better for the lost sinners to see My Body working in unity and love? Have I not told you that people would know you belong to Me because of your love for one another? How much strife in the house will it take for you to grow weary of it? I did NOT command you: Do not grow weary in striving with one another! NO! My Church behaves as if I did! I commanded you not to grow weary in well doing. Well doing is the RIGHTEOUS ACTS which I seek the earth to find.
“What extremes must I take to win your heart back to your First Love? Why can you not listen and heed the warnings from My prophets. Both the old and the new prophets give warning with one voice, yet you continue to walk in your own will and way. I will not strive with flesh forever. Do you realize the position you have put Me in to bring you back into relationship with Me? A better question would be: Do you know what position you have placed yourself in by your willful disobedience? (I do not speak to those who have sought out My will and continue to seek My face each day, I speak to those who are walking in their own will.)
“I Am coming to restore My church to Myself, and I will not be stopped or slowed down. I have taken back the beautiful gown that was stolen by Satan so that the acts which you wear as your garment will not be found missing, stained or tattered. I Am not going to wed a naked bride! I will be wed to a bride clothed in the righteous acts of the saints.
“Remember this: A righteous act does not have to be grandiose, but it does have to originate from Me.Whether small or large, if it is a command from Me to you, then it is a righteous act. Listen for My voice. My sheep hear My voice and another they will not follow.”
Your First Love
Scriptures To Consider: 
Luke 10:42; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Galatians 6:9; John 4:23; 10:4; 13:34

Footnote: This word was originally sent out in 2008 after a very long encounter I had with the Lord. I was not released to share that encounter at the time but it will be in my book, “Jewels from the River” which is in process now. I pray you have been blessed, as I believe it is a very timely word for today!

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, September 25 2012

A Directive To The Church From Abba Father For 2012-2015: Awaken for the Renewal
Part One


Earlier this month while sitting with the Lord, the Holy Spirit asked me to step outside as He had something to show me. The first thing I saw was a half moon high in the morning sky. The Lord said that when I saw it as a crescent moon He would be giving a three year directive for the Church. One afternoon about three weeks later, I was walking my dog and felt to look up. There it was – a crescent moon! When I arrived home, I sat with my journal in hand to seek the Holy Spirit’s counsel.
The Vision:
All at once a short but astonishing vision began unfolding. I could see a dark night sky filled with stars come into view. Suddenly flashes of lightning illuminate the darkness and I see smoke swirling around. At first it seems to be at a great distance, but as I watch it I perceive it is approaching earth. It is such an ominous sight that I find myself filled with reverential fear that strikes deep at my heart. Out of the smoke I see what looks to be a chariot like the one described in Scripture that took Elijah away – mysterious, fiery and fierce.
Then I hear the voice of psalmist Misty Edwards* softly singing,
“Awake, Awake O Sleeper. He’s coming.”
I ask the Lord to help me understand what I am seeing. He clearly declares, “This that is coming is not about the return of Christ, as some would suppose, but it is the coming of the Awakening of My Church. This is the awakening of My faithful ones to come out of hiding, for it was not Me who said to hide in caves and wait to be taken out. I will cause your heart to be strengthened as you do the will of your Father on earth as it is done in heaven.
“My word reveals in Revelation 6:15-16 that men of all social statuses will hide from Me and cry out to nature to come to their rescue – begging for the rocks to fall on them. Revelation 9:4 states that the ones who do not have My seal on their foreheads are the ones who will beg for death and not find it. This terror is not for My Church; you are to walk confident and victorious in Me.
Behold, I have spoken that I will send My prophet Elijah to restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. This is the heart of the Father’s love!
“My return is not imminent, as Scripture is clear. Matthew chapter twenty-four tells what is to take place and in what order; however, My judgment on the land is – and My judgment is just. The outcome is not in the hands of the government as much as it is in the hands of the fathers. Have I spoken to fathers through the letters of Paul not to provoke your sons to anger? Have I warned if you exasperate your children they will lose heart? Have I not spoken to you to teach them in My ways – the ways of love and patience? I have repeatedly warned that anger comes from an unrighteous and hardened heart. Do not harden your heart as they did in the rebellion!Judgment is coming and not for the reasons many think. Abortion and homosexuality are on the top of the Church’s list, but they are not on the top of Mine.
“The top of My list is for the hearts of the fathers to return to the sons and the sons to return to the fathers. Out of those healed relationships these other issues troubling the Church will be naturally and organically dealt with and resolved. For the land to be healed, the root of the problem must be healed. I heal from the inside out, not the outside in. The Church through the centuries continually tries to clean the outside of the cup first so it looks good to others, yet the inside remains unclean. This is like a cancer hiding in the Body and I want it eradicated! Would you put makeup on a tumor and expect it to be healed? Of course not! I will not put cosmetics on this cancer to conceal it. This must be addressed for My Body to be healed and made whole.
“The only way to get to the inside of the problem is for the fathers to get honest and real with their children, particularly their sons, and the children to get honest and real with their fathers. I promise to be in the midst of your families as you obey – you only need call My name. Where two or three are gathered in My name, I Am in your midst to save, redeem, restore and renew.
“Do not be dismayed at the birth pangs the nations are going though at this time. Keep your eyes on Me and I will lead you in the way you should go. I will not drop you. Be attentive to this issue more than any other and see what I do.”
I sat pondering the vision and I realized I was still a little confused by what I saw. “Father,” I asked Him, “Jesus taught that John the Baptist was the Elijah to come – what am I seeing in this vision? It looks like another Elijah.”
“There are types and shadows, dear one. John was the Elijah to come to prepare the way for Christ to come into the hearts of the people who were moved to repentance by his message. There is much to occur before Christ returns for His Church; however, with that said it doesn’t mean it’s time to drop back and hide out until He does! That is not what He has told you to do and this is why the Church has gotten weak. You are overcomers if you heed His words and do them! This is the time to advance the kingdom of heaven like never before in history! This is the time to awaken the sleeping ones, the misled ones, the discontent and hidden ones. This is the time to see Me arise over you, to shine over you; it is time to make all things new!
“I have more for My Body now than at any other time in history. Yes – that includes the time when all the miracles were written in the Gospels and the book of Acts.
“You have heard that I am saving the best for last and I Am, however, My “last” and man’s “last” are not the same thing. For example in Revelation 1:1, 3 John believed the “time is near.” Peter wrote in his first letter to the Church that the “end of all this is near.” Were they wrong? No, because they wrote under My inspiration and I gave them My perspective. They heard correctly, yet these words were written over 2,000 years ago. My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are My ways your ways. A day to Me is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. In Me all time exists and it is in harmony.
“You have asked and I have promised to talk to you about “the fullness of time” and the Day in which you presently live. As you have entered into 5773 on the Hebraic calendar, I have started a specific countdown as on a clock. It begins a three year extension of grace to prepare for a move of My Spirit that is unprecedented on the earth.
“The harvest is plentiful and the workers are to PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE for a great infilling of My Spirit around the world. It is time to prepare for a harvest like no other seen or heard of before. You must prepare and strengthen your faith muscles to carry the load. Fear has caused My Church’s faith and belief – Her trust in Me to shrink back, weaken and atrophy. Faith, like a muscle, must be exercised; to do that you have to get through to the other side of the pain. You must work at it! I will help, but you must believe My word over much of what you’ve been taught. Study to show yourself approved by putting into practice words you read (Logos) and words you hear (Rhema). This will build your confidence in Me so that even if I ask you to walk on water, you will do it without question.
“Awake, Awake O Sleeper! Arise, Shine for your light has come and My glory arises over you!
“Rid yourself of malice, anger, slander and abusive speech. Do not give the enemy an entry through your own mouth. If he gets a foothold, you have likely allowed your words to agree with his lies and deceit. Repent now! Do you see how far you have fallen? Return to your First Love!
“There is a renewal coming that will hit My church like dynamite. I do not mean a destructive force, but an explosive force (the dunamis power of My Holy Spirit). I Am about to explode on the scene through My chosen vessels. Creation is in travail to be renewed; but mostly it cries out for the sons of God to rise up and be made manifest. Social hierarchies, gender wars and the like will continue because Satan wants mankind to keep their focus on world issues. Is he greater than your God? While he is doing everything in his power to stop healing from coming to families, it won’t be stopped for those seeking My face in the midst of their crises. The world has attempted to fix social issues with government programs and politically correct speech that has everyone’s tongue tied. The fear that something said will offend someone has paralyzed speech and communication. It’s like a modern-day manmade Tower of Babel. Your nation elected a man of African descent and many thought this would heal racial tensions; in many ways it has only served to deepen the divide. I do not hold this against the man, as it was not, and is not his burden. He cannot heal this deep, gaping, bloody wound that has divided so many for so long.
“I Am Jehovah Rapha – God your Healer! Healing is in My name. I will heal this divide. As the fathers hearts return to their children and the childrens hearts return to the fathers, I will heal your land.”
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:14-15 NKJV)
“My people (not the world, not the wicked sinner, not the abortionist, not the homosexual)
“My people humbling themselves
“My people turning from THEIR wicked ways
“Then – I will hear from heaven
“Then – I will forgive their sin
“THEN – I will heal their land
“My ears will be attentive to the prayers presented in the name of Jesus.”
Scriptures to Ponder: 
2 Kings 2:11; Matthew 6:10; Malachi 4:5-6; John 5:30; Ephesians 5:4; Colossians 3:21; 1 Peter 4:7; 2 Peter 3:8; Revelation 14:15; Matthew 9:37-38; Psalm 51:10; 103:5; Lamentations 5:21; 2 Corinthians 4:16; Isaiah 55:6-9; 60:1; Ephesians 4:31; Hebrews 3:15; Revelation 2:1-7; Romans 8:19, 1 Sam 22:1-2; 2 Timothy 2:15; Matthew 7:24-29; 24
Other confirming words:
* This is Misty Edward’s website:
May you be blessed in the Father’s love! Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Judy Bauman

September 27, 2012
Part Two: Preparing for the Awakening

In the first part of what I believe Abba Father gave me for 2012-2015, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE”. I asked Him a simple question. “How do we prepare?” This is what I heard:
“First you need to see and understand what you are preparing for, then you will have the vision and the motivation for the work involved.
“Take for example a couple who have gotten the news that they are going to have a baby. They are excited and begin to prepare both together and separately. The woman prepares physically and is mindful of her nutrition and general health. It depends on the dynamics and personalities of each couple, but in general they begin to provide a place for that baby to live and grow. They not only prepare for the birth, but other financial needs are also considered for its education from early childhood into adulthood. If these things are not planned out, then a number of issues can arise that would limit the child’s health and its ability to function as an adult in society. As an adult, that upbringing would affect the person’s ability to provide for the next generation. Different cultures have different methods, but if their babies are not fed and properly cared for into adulthood, a cascade of troubling social issues will plague that territory. So it is for My Body.
“What is coming to the Church was shared years ago in a vision about a surfer catching a huge wave. When the first wave came the surfer’s board was too short, and he was not strong enough to ride the wave.* This is what happened in 2001 when the churches were filled after the attacks on the U.S. and its leaders and congregations were not ready – they were not prepared. Many in the Church did not intimately know My lovingkindness and mercy, so they were unable to share it with others in need. I Am slow to anger and long in suffering, yet My own flocks have failed to be taught this simple truth.
“Another wave is approaching My Body that the Church in no way is prepared to ride.
“The reason the Church is not prepared to ride at this time is that they still, in large part, have ‘pew’ mentality. Pews are long benches where people sit and are often seen in traditional churches. Although many have replaced the pew with chairs, the tradition of the ‘pew’ continues to live on in the hearts of the congregants. They habitually come to sit and do their time, and then go home and have lunch. They rarely remember the message or study to see if what they heard was scripturally sound. They only pray and study their Bible’s, and worship to the degree that they feel it will appease Me. That is the sum of their spiritual life. They honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me. For this reason, many are not prepared. Like babies, they want to be bottle and spoon-fed. It is time to be weaned and eat the meat of My word.
“In many countries, fairly new converts are willing to go teach and share with others at the peril of life and limb. Even though they are new to the faith, they may know more about Jesus than anyone in a 100 mile radius; they trust Me to be with them as they go make new disciples! Yet those who had been in the church for years continued to sit in the pew. They think it is someone else being called to teach Sunday school or visit the sick. They think it is the pastor’s job to do what I have called them to do. They have failed to understand. They think they don’t qualify, yet they have been in Church their whole lives! They look for their pastor to do the work of the ministry, but I Am looking to them to exercise the gifts I gave them in every area of their lives.
There are many who have served Me without knowing what they should do. They believe when I show them what to do, and they do it. It is not complicated. It’s a matter of trust. I promote those who go where I send them and do what I say. Many of those will never be well-known, but they are famous in heaven and great is their reward. I often send the less qualified because they are willing, yet the ones I have worked with for years just sit in the pew – saved, but useless in My hand. It is My desire for My Church to come up off the pew, out of the chairs and be part of My plan.
Just then I saw people of all ages, races, denominations and levels of social status rising up and taking their position in the Body of Christ. As they came together, they formed a human body. I saw this “Body” walking all over the world. There were no parts of the body that were not in unity as they all were led by the Head – the mind of Christ. Then the Lord continued to speak:
“In Ephesians 4:11-12, I made it clear how the church needs to operate to function properly.Jesus Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. In Ephesians 2:19-22 I shared the plan for My Church, My temple. I made it clear that the Church needs to operate with the apostolic and prophetic leaders to set the foundation. Then the evangelists, pastors and teachers are to build on that foundation with Christ being the Cornerstone. Though many have seen Christ as the Cornerstone, they have failed to see the need for apostolic and prophetic counsel. Most have the pastor running the whole church and that was not My intentions for that office and why so many burned out early. Because the foundation is often overlooked as being true in times past, the churches crumble and then wonder what happened. My word is eternally true.
“Look at the hand and picture the ministry. On the hand the thumb represents the apostolic. The thumb sets mankind apart from all other animals just as the apostles set the Church apart from the world. The thumb interacts with all the other fingers to make them function at their fullest capability. The prophetic is like the index finger pointing direction for the Body. May the spirit of the prophets be subject to the prophets. If My prophets are saying different things, it could be they have different perspectives of My will. If what they say is like a clanging gong of judgment void of My love, compassion and mercy, it is likely not Me speaking to them. If their words, even if difficult to bear, are filled with hope, you will sense I Am in them.
“Remember Nehemiah was called by Me to rebuild the broken walls and gates of Jerusalem, but he still had to fight to perform My will. Do not think because I have spoken to you to accomplish a feat, it will be without a battle. The Bible gives many testimonies of this truth. Many in My Church have failed to prepare. Some believe they will be taken out before it gets bad. Others have failed because when things have gotten difficult they blame the devil and give up. Many blame Me for not defending them. I have given spiritual armament; however, My Body has wear and learn to use it!
“The prophetic promises I give will carry and strengthen you in difficult times IF you remember them and call them to mind. Proclaim My truth over what you see going on around you in the natural. There is still much to do! The just shall live by faith and without faith it is impossible to please God.
“Getting back to the hand, the middle finger is the longest and stretches out the furthest as is the calling of the evangelist. The evangelists are to go out and preach the Good News. But it can’t end there.
“The ring finger is reflective of the pastoral calling. Pastors are to have the heart of the Father for their flock – no matter how small or large their flock may be. The ring finger on the left hand and it is said that the blood vein from that finger runs directly to the heart. It has been commissioned to wear the wedding ring. This is also the weakest and most sensitive finger – test it for yourself and see. Press your thumb as hard as you can against each finger and you can feel its weakness. This is why the Church fails so many times. The flock looks solely at the pastor to care for their needs when the whole hand is needed.
“Finally we reach the little finger. This one represents the teacher and is by no means insignificant because it is small. If you have ever shut this finger in a door, cut or smashed it, you know how important it is! It balances out the work of the hand. Of course there would be no polite way to drink tea without it being properly extended!
“Now that you see the hand and see how its appendages work together, I ask, does the hand exist on its own?”
“No, it is attached to the Body.”
“And what does the hand do for the body?”
“It feeds it, grooms and cares for it. The hand provides what the body needs.”
“Exactly! If the Church will read and understand and walk in what Paul taught in Ephesians 4:11-16, they would be ready for the wave that is about to come into the Church.
“Let Me ask you another question. If you put your hand in front of your face and look in the mirror, what do you see?
“I see my hand obscuring my face.”
“This is what the five-fold ministry has done for centuries. They have forced the Body of Christ to look to the HAND and not the FACE. I have said to seek My face, yet many have been kept from this directive to seek My face by the very ones that should be pointing to it. The Pharisees received a sharp rebuke for doing this as will those in My house doing it to their flocks today.
“So let me see if I understand. Are You saying that the church has been looking at the five-fold ministry instead of to You because Your face has been obscured from Your Church?
“Yes. Matthew 23:13 explains this clearly for all to see. This verse also reveals that when you seek My face, you will find My kingdom.”
“So the HAND is to groom, feed and care for the Body of Christ so that we are equipped to do the work of the ministry and as we do this we also enter into Your kingdom. Is that right?”
“Yes. I Am building My household and every believer is being fit together and joined to be a growing, living Temple for My Spirit to dwell. I have put tools in the hands of every believer and I have and will teach you to use them. You have heard I will break out of the four walls of the church, as My Church cannot be contained.
“This AWAKENING will begin in homes and move through family relationships. It will move on Capital Hill and on Wall Street. It will move on academics in a profound way as My glory is seen in the largest to the smallest details. College campuses all the way down to preschools will learn My ways. Hollywood will be shaken to its core and the indecency that has become the norm will soon be scorned and ridiculed. Holiness will settle in the arts as people will detest the detestable and look to heaven to be inspired. The Arts will reveal My kingdom through paint, statues and myriads of creative works will come riding into earth on this wave. Your media will be found in contempt for their lack of integrity and those never heard of before will rise to the top of that field. They will bring honesty and justice back into their ranks. Righteous thoughts will be shared and given proper format.
“Those who lead in My church will lead with My love and My thoughts. The judgments held by the Church will be revealed as true or false. Even if the words are true, but shared in a manner that does not reflect My heart of love, will be exposed as false. My leaders must see they are to serve others, not to be served. They must follow My lead by serving, grooming and honoring My flock in all sectors of society. The hand is not greater than the Body and if it cares only for itself and causes the body to stumble and sin, then the body is better off without it. Cut it off! It is better to enter heaven maimed than for the whole body to be cast into hell. Yes beloved, it is that serious.
Suddenly I have a sense of awe and the fear of the Lord hits me. “Father,” I say in such a hushed tone I can hardly hear myself. “This is not at all what I expected, but I will share this with whoever has ears to hear. I know You gave me something else the other day about preparing. What do I do with that information?”
“That will be part three, “Prepare to exercise your faith.”
“Part three it is! Thank You, Father. I bless You and give You all glory and honor and praise. Selah – Amen!
Scriptures To Ponder: 
Exodus 34:6; Psalm 103:8; 86:5, 15; Ephesians 4:11-16, 2:19-22; 5:14; 6:10-18; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; Psalm 27:8; Matthew 23:13; 5:30; Nehemiah 4; Isaiah 48:17-19
October 9, 2012
Part Three: Prepare To Exercise Your Faith

When receiving the first part of what I believe Abba Father gave me for 2012-2015, (Rosh Hashanah 5773-5775/September 16, 2012-September 23, 2015)  I heard the Holy Spirit say, “PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE”. After I sent out that post I asked Him a simple question, “How do we prepare? What do we do exactly?” This is His reply:
“Remember you need to see and understand what you are preparing for, then you will have the vision and the motivation for the work involved. For the hearts of the fathers to return to the sons and the hearts of the sons to return to the fathers, there must be repentance on both sides. As this occurs, healing will come first to families and then to the land. Many have cried out for this healing to come to their loved ones. Their prayers have come up as sweet incense to My nostrils as this is My desire. The moment there is repentance, I will RUN to each who humble themselves before Me and I will bring the oil of gladness – the Balm of Gilead.
“Look first at what Jesus taught in Matthew 7:24-27 and you will see that this parable teaches for man to not only listen His words, but to do what He says. Doing what Jesus says is the FOUNDATION needed for the Church to Awaken to the Renewal!
“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock:and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
“But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand:and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”
“Both men HEAR the sayings, the teachings of Jesus, but one does what He says and the otherdoesn’t. This is the simple, but very profound difference between the wise and the foolish. Think about the five wise and the five foolish virgins. Were not all ten virgins? Were they not allwatching and waiting for the Lord to open the door to them? Did not the foolish virgins call Him “Lord” as did the wise? The difference is the foolish ones operated in the sin of presumption.They believed they would not have to INVEST their time, energy, or resources to obtain extra oil. They assumed they wouldn’t need it, but the Lord tarried. While they were away trying to find oil to buy the Lord came and it was too late – the door was closed to them. The oil must be acquired before the Awakening! (See Matthew 25:1-13)
“Another example of this would be those who prophesy, cast out demons and perform miracles in My name, yet I do not know them. The presumed to invoke My name but for their purpose, not Mine. I call them lawless as they do not do these things under My authority. They are builders of their own kingdoms and their kingdoms will fall. (See Matthew 7:21-23)
“Do you remember the woman who poured oil on Jesus’ head and feet – she anointed His body for burial? That was done at great cost to her and she even endured ridicule for her gift, but she invested in the Messiah as He had invested in her. Her story is told wherever the Gospel is preached. (See Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; Luke 7:36-50; John 12:1-8)
Then the Lord gave me a number of Scriptures to put into practice like never before in order to PREPARE for the Awakening. These passages will exercise, strengthen and shore up our faith muscles. They came like rapid fire from a machine gun! Do you recall that Paul taught us that the weapons of our warfare are not natural, in the spirit they are mighty in the pulling down of strongholds. Hallelujah! (See 2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
As we put the word of God into PRACTICE we will not be foolish but wise builders. We will not be presumptuous, but full of the invested oil of God. There are many more Scriptures like them, so I urge you to study and research them out! I have tried to keep the references short, but I do recommend reading the chapters – especially the ones included in the link provided below. Do the will of your Father and put them into practice as the “Awakening to the Renewal” is not long from now and we must be ready! People in the world must be able to recognize us as the Church – as the Body of Christ! If they don’t, where will they go – to whom will they turn to for help? How will our Father feel about our lack of preparedness if we ignore His instruction? It is His word that strengths us!
Invest In The Oil:

  • Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6
  • “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35
  • Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8
  • Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. Romans 12:10-13
  • For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Galatians 5:13
  • And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you, so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints. 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13
  • I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3
  • Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Colossians 3:12-15
  • “And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4:6
  • He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, ‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,’ and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Luke 1:17
  • Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:1-4
  • Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged. Colossians 3:20-21
  • Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. Fathers, do not exasperate your children, so they will not lose heart. Colossians 3:20-21 NASV
  • “Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.” Isaiah 1:16c-17
  • “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” Matthew 25:40
  • And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:30-32
  • “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:14-15

These are but a few Scriptures, but they are mighty tools and weapons of the kingdom to be put into practice. Love is the more excellent way! I pray you are blessed in the Father’s love as you prepare like never before!
May you be blessed in the Father’s love!
Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Judy Bauman

Link to Scriptures (remember you can change the version you are reading at this site –there are also study helps!);%2013:34-35;%201%20Pet%204;%20Romans%2012;%2013:8;%20gal%205:13;%201%20thes%203:12-12;%20Eph%204:1-3,%2030-32;%20Col%203:1-21;%20Eph%206:1-4;%20Luke%201:17;%20Mal%204:6;%20Matt%2025;%207:21-23;%206:14-15;%20Isaiah%201:16-20&version=NKJV
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Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 16 2012

An Encouraging Word From Abba Father During A Time Of Testing: Come Through!  This “Sifting” Is Unto Life!

(Note: As I was receiving this “Jewels”, I can report that the Lord had a very high level of excitement and joy in His tone of voice!)
"There is a squeeze going on! Many feel like they are being put through a sieve (sifter). Do you remember when I told Peter that Satan desired to sift him as wheat, but that I had prayed for his faith not to fail? I Am ever interceding for My Church to be overcomers. I Am ever beckoning her to come to My Throne of Grace to receive mercy in time of need. My instruction is to come boldly – not a like abused, neglected or abandoned children fearful to approach their Father. Come with confidence and know you are My prized possession, My jewels, My flowers, My children.
“The Cross provided for you an inheritance that is sure and stable. It doesn’t fluctuate like your markets. As I have told you, gold and silver will rust and moths will destroy, but to My kingdom there is no end.
“My jewels, My precious ones have gotten their eyes on the problems set before them. In their shortsightedness they have forgotten to magnify Me in their circumstances. 
“There is no condemnation in My words. I don’t seek to condemn, but to draw you near. Remember, I inhabit the praises of My people – I abide in worship. You will (and do) sense My presence like no other time when you abandon yourself to worship Me in spirit and in truth. It can be a sacrifice to bring Me praise, but even if it feels like if you worship Me your guts will spill out of your body, there is no better time to offer it! The more difficult the circumstance, the sweeter the offering is to Me. I know it is your costly perfume. Your sacrifice of praise comes up as sweet incense to My nostrils.
“Come through the canal. Come through the key-hole. Come through the gate – the eye of the needle. Come through the door! Everything that binds you will be scraped off and you will run the race set before you unfettered.
“Embrace the work of the Cross (death to the flesh and its ways). Go through the birthing canal of My perfect will and know this squeeze you are in is unto life. Praise and worship Me in spirit and truth. Know that I Am interceding for you to receive the prize reserved just for you.
“As long as you seek My face, I will lift you up on eagle’s wings and you will fly above the world’s discourse above fear, doubt and unbelief. All these things displease your Father as they are sin. Fear cannot coexist with faith. Faith cannot coexist with doubt and unbelief. Without faith it is impossible to please God. I say again – come boldly to the Throne of Grace and see from your Father’s perspective of love and assurance. You will have your faith in God strengthened. It is My desire for you to have singleness of vision – the vision of a dove.”
Forever yours,
Scriptures to Ponder: 

Luke 22:31-32; Revelation 21:7; Hebrews 4:14-16; Psalms 34:1-5; Romans 8:1; Psalm 22:3; John 4:22-24; Jeremiah 33:11; Hebrews 13:15; Isaiah 61:3; John 12:3; Psalm 118:19-24; Matthew 19:23-25; Hebrews 12:1-2; Psalm 27:8; Isaiah 40:31; Mark 4:39-41; Hebrews 11:6; James 2:19-20, 26; Proverbs 22:12; Song of Solomon 1:15
Given March 3, 2012 released to the church July 16, 2012

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 19 2012

Habakkuk 2:2 Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it.”
I asked the Lord what it means to be His disciple. This is what He answered:
"To be My disciple means to walk as I walked - to be as I Am. First and foremost - I Am Love! I love you and I desire you to walk in the type of love that I displayed and modeled for you.
"The Only way I could walk in love as the Son of Man was to spend time with My Father.  Father loves Me and I love My Father. We are separate, but we are One. As the Son of Man I faced many opportunities to rightfully lash out at people, but the love that I had, the love that came from My Father, overrode it. The times you read in Scripture that sound like I was angry (when I spoke the woes to the Scribes and Pharisees and when I cleansed the temple) were from the love of the Father. It was not anger as much as it was sorrow. I know there is much debate on this and I do not bring you a new doctrine - I bring you My heart’s cry.
"Love one another as I have loved you."
"Many cry out to see Me - to see My face and I tell you the truth - when you look at one another you are looking at Me. Look to the least of the brethren. What you do to them, you do to Me. What you do with each other, you do with Me. What you do for them, you do for Me. 
"Understand that I desire for you to care for one another. You can in no way fathom how many are alone with no help." (Suddenly I saw the entire world and as it turned I could see millions, maybe billions of hurting people in that brief moment of time.) 
"One person cannot take care of the whole world. However, if you will touch people around you in My name and with My love, and then those whom you touch will turn in kind and touch those around them with My love, and those then will also touch others who are around them with My love - THEN MY LOVE WILL BE LIKE A FIRE SPREADING THROUGH A DRY FOREST.” 
At that moment I saw a fire begin and spread to the north, south, east and west. Then suddenly I saw the entire earth suddenly ignited (like a gas stove or propane grill) and vividly heard the whooshing sound of the swift blaze!
The Lord continued: "I Am the light of the world and in Me there is no darkness. As My disciples reflect the light of My love, they ignite others to reflect the light of My love.
"Do you see?
"I Am a Consuming Fire! But, I do not bring a destructive fire. I bring a fire that burns off the ropes and sets men, women and children free. My fire is My passion for My church. I burn with love for My church. Touch each other with this pure and holy fire. Touch each other with this pure and holy love. IGNITE those around you with holy fire.
"Be careful not to allow the enemy of your soul to manipulate you into perverting My love. My love sets people free. My perfect love destroys fear. My love covers you. My love will never lead you into immorality. Be aware! Satan will use your own desires to sin against Me. You must be wise! You must be diligent! You must stand guard!
"To be My disciple means to be like Me. I Am like My Father. We are holy! Be holy as I Am holy and IGNITE those around you to be holy. I would not say this if it were not possible. This can only be done as you are led by My Holy Spirit. So follow My lead. Heed your Teacher. 
"Come, Follow Me." 
Mark 12:28-34; Matthew 22:37-40; 25:40; 3:11-12; 4:19; 19:21; 5:14-16, 48; 6:22; 10:16; 23:13-39; Luke 4:18-19; 12:49; John 2:14-17; 3:35-36; 5:19-27; 8:12, 32; 9:5; John 14-15;
1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Corinthians 4:5; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Galatians 5:13-26; Ephesians 1:4; 5:5-16, 27; Colossians 3:5-10; Hebrews 12:1, 29; Acts 1:3-8; 1 John 4:7-21, 5:1-5; 2 Timothy 1:6-7; 1 Peter 5:8; Jude 20-25; Isaiah 53:3-5; Daniel 3:21-28; Psalm 69; Hab 2:2

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:57 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, June 07 2012

An Exhortation From The Father’s Heart To Yours: Victor or Victim

“Have you been called into My kingdom to be a victor or a victim? My glorious kingdom has no place for victims. This is not to say that if you have suffered a crime, disease or accident that you are not welcome in the Kingdom of God. What this means is that you will not be able to enter My presence with a spirit of self-pity that relives the past.
“I have made you more than a conqueror. You have been given the power and authority and the grace to get through every situation life can throw at you. You are not a victim. Come out of your place of depression and anxiety and come sit at My table of gladness. Come eat My bread. There is more than enough to go around. Come eat at the table of life. I have set before you a banquet of life and offer it all to you. Will you come? Will you eat at the victor’s table of life or will you wallow as a victim in the gutter?”
Deuteronomy 30:19b I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life
“Do not be a victim of yesterday. Be a victor of today! Rise up and take your place at the table of My grace and let us eat together at the banquet of life.”
Scripture References: 
Psalm 23:5; Isaiah 61:1-3; John 6:41, 48-51; Romans 8:37; 1 Corinthians 10:21 2 Corinthians 12:9; Philippians 4:4-9; Revelations 19:9

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 29 2012

First Choice: A word from the Father’s heart to yours on hearing Him though the clamor.
 “When those who are called by My name do things their way, they often cause themselves and others great harm. I know that it is very easy to see those things going on around you and react to them. They are in your face (so to speak), and so you feel you must deal with them the best you can. However, if Mine (those belonging to Christ Jesus) would take even a moment to ask of Me, I would give a better solution. Some situations require immediate response from you and this is why continually seeking Me beforehand is so important.  It is much easier for Me to drop the needed solutions, ideas, and plans if your mind is already focused on Me. (It is easier for you to hear.)
“I am not your last resort, I Am your First Choice!
“This is why I tell you to come boldly in your time of need. When you are in need, that is not the time to be kicking at the gravel under your foot with your head down wondering if it is okay to talk to Me. If you get to know Me, then you will be assured and reassured by the relationship we have established and you will know you are safe to approach Me.
“If you make Me your First Choice (of who to talk to, who to get your advice from, who to trust), then each day you will hear more and more clearly. When the time of need arises, there will be no sense of fear, shame or distrust because you will enjoy a sense of belonging – knowing I will indeed work on your behalf!
“I love you with an everlasting love and I long for you to come and walk with Me. Will you make Me your First Choice?”
Lovingly yours,
Hebrews 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15  For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Ministry Note:
If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider partnering with us. You may contribute online by credit card or send a check or money order to:
The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
May you be blessed in the Father’s love!
Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Rev. Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 25 2012

Come Dine at My Table of Hope:  A word From The Father
“Wrote this concerning the gross darkness blanketing this rising generation:
“There has been unleashed upon the earth a brutal spirit of cynicism as never seen. What once would have been unheard of to speak to another out of concern for the other’s well-being is now being shouted without restraint throughout the global internet community.
“Words (spoken or written) bring life or death, correction or rebellion, encouragement or discouragement. You can cause another to stumble and live in darkness because of your words, or you can lift others up and bring the light of hope back to their eyes. Remember, you will be held accountable for every word uttered. 
“This rising generation is being bombarded with words that do not edify, comfort, build or instruct. These words wound their souls beyond recognition and cause heard-heartedness; they defame and undermine one’s future and hope. Without vision my people perish and what many are listening to on a continual basis is bringing their hearts down in fear, discouragement and depression. 
“The enemy of your souls is attempting to unleash a spirit of death, suicide and murder over this generation like the world has never seen. For an example, he is using the words being broadcast throughout the internet in the form of comments to unleash great harm. Many of those words are in agreement with his plans. This is why your willingness to continually release My words of life are so vital at this time. 
“Those who eat at My Table of Delight will share the hope, joy, peace, compassion, edification and love that is given there! However, those who eat at the table of Continual Discontent will ingest the putrid meal of blame, contention, gossip, slander and death. They will vomit it out on everyone near them.  I Am your Shield and in My presence I will keep you from being defiled.
“I have set a table before you of hope and blessings. It is served in My presence. You are not to get into agreement with what the enemy is saying, but what I AM saying! Do not clamor and say, “It is a conspiracy!” Have you not heard, “Come, let us magnify the Lord and let us exalt His name together”? Wait for Me even if it seems I Am hiding My face from you; for I shall surely move on your behalf if you wait.
“Do not be in fear of what others dread – as their food continually feeds their worst nightmares.
“Come My beloved, come and sit at My table and eat of life and light. Eat My bread and drink My wine. Fill yourself on the meat of My provision. Eat what is good and let your soul delight in abundance. 
“Where you see others speaking death, you speak life. Where they speak judgment, you speak mercy. Where they speak ignorant opinions, you speak My mind in the matter and bring the word of hope I give you. (If there is not hope or life in your words, they are not from Me.) Bring the goodness of My hope and love to your conversations, and see what I do in your life in spite of the gross darkness surrounding you.
Be My salt
Be My light
Be My hands
Be My feet
Be My voice
Your Ever-present,

Scriptures to ponder: (NKJV) 
 Psalms 1:1; 34:3; Proverbs 18:21; Matthew 12:35-37; Jeremiah 29:11-14a; Isaiah 8:11-14a; James 3;5-18; 4:1-10; 2 Timothy 3:1-7; 2 

Additional words to ponder:  

Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider partnering with us. You may contribute online by credit card through PayPal (click on “Donate” or send a check or money order to:

The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542

May you be blessed in the Father’s love! 

Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Rev. Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 15 2012

An Odd Encounter Turns Into A Word Of Encouragement And Hope From The Father’s Heart To Yours: Anointed Kingdom Encounters
Earlier this week, I was merging onto an interstate highway and really wasn’t paying attention to my speed – I was focused on my plan for the day. As I accelerated, I came upon a utility van in the right lane and went to pass him on his left. (In the USA we are to pass, or overtake, in the left lane.) I looked to my left, but there was a red car coming up fast to pass me. I checked my speed and was surprised to see I was already traveling at 80mph (128kph) and more shocking, this person was going to pass me! I felt annoyed because it seemed the driver was pinning me behind the slow van, but as it passed me I happened to notice the license plates. Because the Lord gave me two messages the week before using license plates, I took notice! (This is not a normal thing for me.)  I won’t say what state it was from, but the letters were “AKE” and there were three 7’s. I recognized there was a “heavenly” message involved when I saw the three 7’s and immediately said, “Okay Lord, what are you showing me!?!” As I was praying about it, I noticed the type of car was a “Focus”. I literally laughed out loud and said, “Yes Lord, I am focusing on the RED FOCUS. What are you saying?”
After really seeking Him on this for a few days, here is what He said,
“The FOCUS is to be on the blood of Jesus and how My passion for the Church redeemed her. You will see more AKE’s - Anointed Kingdom Encounters!   AKE’s will come upon you suddenly.   You may think you are going fast, but I Am about to OVERTAKE you and lead the way. You may be irritated for a moment – until you recognize it is My leading.
“You can expect angelic help in the areas in which you have been anointed. Be cautioned not to worship angels which has been an ongoing temptation for mankind. They are servants – you are sons (you who believe Christ Jesus is the Lord). You are to co-operate with My heavenly hosts, not worship them. God Almighty is the Only One worthy of worship. You are to do My will alone.
“I Am releasing kingdom keys and kingdom authority. Will you lock what I require you to lock? Will you unlock what I want to release? I Am coming SUDDENLY – FOCUS on My voice, FOCUS on My leading, FOCUS on My provision bought for you on the Cross of Calvary. My very blood bought your freedom. I released you from the bondage of your sin and iniquity by My shed blood. I hold the keys of death and Hades. I come to the aid of all who are tempted.
“I will give you ideas and will bring about circumstances to make those ideas a reality if you are faithful to develop them. 
“You will encounter Me in ways you have only dreamed possible. I will speak through the simple and the complex. I will speak through galaxies and quarks (the largest and the smallest known entities). I Am your Father and you know My voice. If you don’t know it yet, I will teach you as any father teaches their children their voice – by talking to you. Focus on Me! I Am who has called you and I call you Mine. I love you with an everlasting love and I am showing you My ways which are not your own. Expect sudden and anointed kingdom encounters with your Father!”
Forever in My grace,
Scriptures To Ponder:
Matthew 16:19; Isaiah 22:22; 43:1; Jeremiah 31:3; Psalms 89:11; 148:13; Luke 12:27; John 3:16; Hebrews 2:18; Acts 12:5-11; 16:25-34; Revelation 1:5, 18; 3:7; 19:10; 22:8-10; John 10:13-15; 27
It strikes me that a song a friend of mine did would go really well with this word and you can view it at
Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider partnering with us. The vision to share the Father’s love in 2012 to both Eastern and Western Europe and re-dig the wells of inheritance there has never been stronger.  Our resolve to continue helping orphans is ever before us – they have need of so much all the time. They are absolutely adorable and the Father’s heart is always moved when we sow into their precious lives. You may contribute online by credit card or send a check or money order to:
The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
May you be blessed in the Father’s love!
Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Rev. Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 09 2012

A Word Of Encouragement And Hope From The Father’s Heart To Yours: The Birthing
“There is a squeeze going on. Many feel like they have been put in a sieve. Remember when I told Peter that Satan desired to sift him as wheat, but I had prayed for his faith not to fail?
“I Am ever interceding for My Church to be overcomers I Am ever beckoning her to come to My Throne of Grace to receive mercy in time of need. My instruction is to comeboldly – not like abused, neglected or abandoned children who are fearful to approach their father. Come with confidence and know you are My prized possessions, My jewels, My flowers, My children! 
“The Cross provided for you an inheritance that is sure and stable. It doesn’t fluctuate like your Bear and Bull Markets. As I have told you, gold and silver will corrode and are subject to thieves, but to My kingdom there is no end. My jewels have gotten their eyes on the problems set before them and in their shortsightedness they have forgotten to magnify Me in their circumstances.
“There is no condemnation in My words. I don’t seek to condemn but to draw you near. Remember I inhabit the praises of My people – I abide in worship. You will and do sense My presence like no other time when you abandon yourself to worship Me in spirit and in truth. It may be a sacrifice to bring Me praise, but even though it feels like your guts will come out if you praise Me, there is no better time to offer it! That sacrifice comes up as sweet incense to My nostrils. The more difficult your circumstance, the sweeter the offering is to Me. I know it is your costly perfume. The testing of your faith is precious in My eyes.
“Come through the channel. Come through the keyhole. Come through the gate – the eye of the needle. Everything that binds you will be scraped off and you will run the race set before you unfettered. Embrace the work of the Cross (death of the flesh and its ways). Go through the birthing canal of My perfect will. Praise and worship Me in spirit and truth, and know that I Am interceding for you to receive the prize reserved just for you.
“I Am birthing something in you, My jewel! I Am birthing something of great and lasting value. No thief can steal it. Nothing can cause it to rot, rust or corrode. What I Am doing will last throughout time as your reward is everlasting. When Mary was told she would conceive a son, her response was for it to be done to her according to My will. She is your example in birthing something of Me! Let My will be done in your life!  Mary’s last recorded words were for the servants at the wedding at Cana to do whatever Jesus told them to do. You too are to hear His instruction.  In a parable Jesus taught there were two men who had built houses that were hit by terrible storms, but only one stood. This was likened to hearing His words and doing them. 
“You are in the canal. You are being birthed into My will. My will is perfect, so follow My lead.”
In My grace,
Abba Father
Scriptures To Ponder:
Luke 22:31, 32; Hebrews 7:25; 8:26; 4:16; Revelation 3:12; Matthew 6:19, 20; James 5:2, 3; Romans 2:4; 8:1-4; James 4:8; Psalm 22:3; 34:3; John 4:23, 24; Hebrews 12:1-3; 13:15; John 12:3; Galatians 2:19-21; 5:24; 6:14; Romans 6:6; Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 7:24-29; John 2:5; Hebrews 10:34-36; Second John 1:8
Ministry Note: If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please prayerfully consider partnering with us. The vision to share the Father’s love in both Eastern and Western Europe and re-dig the wells of inheritance there has never been stronger.  Our resolve to continue helping orphans is ever before us – there is so much need all the time. You may contribute online by credit card at or send a check or money order to:
The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
May you be blessed in the Father’s love!
Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Rev. Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 11 2012

A Word From The Lord’s Heart To Yours: A More Excellent Way
“Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. I want you to come to Me unhindered and unfettered. The world’s pulls are increasing at a rate never seen in history. Communication around the world is a constant where in days gone by they were non-existent. Yet in all the communications, only a small portion is directed at Me. Even My Church tends to sing and talk about Me, but not to Me. Many who come to Me only come to give Me their laundry list of what they want Me to do for them. While I do want My people to ask of Me, I want them to first come and sit and listen. 
“Come close. I will teach you how to pray from a heart that moves Mine. Sit by My side. Let Me show you a more excellent way. It is a way of love and strength, of courage and compassion, of hope and joy, of kindness and mercy. My perfected love will cast out all your fears and anxieties.  All the fears of what could happen will melt away as you see Who holds your future.
“My plans will not be thwarted. They will flow as water through a river. If the river gets obstructed, the water finds another way to reach its destination, but make no mistake; it does reach its destination.
“Will you allow Me to flow through you to My final destination, or will you be obstinate?  If you choose to do things your own way and in your own timing, then I will find another to flow through. It is your choice. Either way, My will is done on earth as it is in heaven; however, I have a plan for you that is only fulfilled as you take My hand and walk with Me. It is only realized when you allow Me to flow through you as water through a river’s bank. 
“If you allow Me to shape, bend and mold you to My will, you will find yourself as valuable as the Gold of Ophir. This is the value I desire to bring out in you. If you are willing, your worth in My kingdom will be great and sought out by many.
“Will you be malleable in My hands? Will you invest your worth in My will? Will you allow Me to shape your boundaries and flow through you to the end?
Scriptures To Ponder:
John 7:38; 8:36; 15:9; Psalm 46; 78:7, 8; Romans 8:12-17; Second Corinthians 10:3-5; Galatians 5:1,17-23; Colossians 3:12-15; First John 4:12-19; First Kings 10:11, 12; Revelation 2:7
It is the purpose of this ministry is to bring the healing power of the Father’s love to the nations. If “Jewels” are a blessing to you, please remember us in your giving. 
You may donate online through PayPal at or by check or money order:
The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
May the Father’s love richly bless you!
Rev. Judy Bauman
Because of the blood of Christ we are fellow-citizens of God's household - being carefully joined to become a holy temple to the Lord. It is in this dwelling where God lives by His Spirit. 

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:58 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 31 2011

A Word Of Encouragement And Hope From The Father’s Heart To Yours:

“As many of you have sensed, it has been a year of pruning and though it’s been difficult to endure, I Am a God of hope! With pruning comes a sweet and bountiful harvest.”*
“It was also a year to see the leaven of heaven rise! My leaven brings a lightening of your load. My leaven brings a flavorful taste of heaven. Taste and see that Your Lord is good. My mercy really does endure forever. My loving-kindness surrounds your daily walk. 
“Many have cried to Me to end the pain of the pruning, but once you have been pruned it is time for healing.  Then will come a season of growth. I Am the Author and Finisher of your faith and am more interested in developing your character than anything else; and that comes when you persevere in tribulation. This will instill a hope in you that no one can take so that no matter what is going on in the world around you, you will not be disappointed!
“I love you. Do you truly believe that – even though I have not rushed to bring you out of the circumstance that has caused you pain? Do you see I’ve systematically exposed the leaven in your life that has contradicted My plan for you? 
“I warned to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. This is the leaven that causes religious people to puff up with the hot air of self-importance. Legalism is the wellspring of pride, arrogance and elitism.  These believe they are high and mighty. This is what causes their noses to physically go up in the air and look down on others expecting them to live up to their standards.  I Am the Standard! 
“I warned to beware of the leaven of the Sadducees for their religion is founded in error. Like the Pharisees they think they have it right, but they are scripturally wrong. They lead others into error and sin. I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one can come to the Father except through Me,”says the Lord.
“I warned to beware of the leaven of Herod – that is to say, THE WORLD’S SYSTEM. His was the fleshly way of doing things. He was thirsty for power and never was satiated. He always wanted more, but was continually lacking. The governments of this world are like rivers in My hand. As you have seen world leaders’ fall this past year, you will see Me move in ways that are unprecedented. What I will do in the coming days will be undeniable – though some will do their best to refute that it’s Me. The earth is the LORD’S as are those who dwell therein.
“If you have allowed the Leaven of Heaven from twenty-eleven (2011) to be worked into your hearts, you will see more from the Third Heaven in the coming days. If not, ask Me, and I will help you make up for lost time. My desire is to show you My perspective as I see things much differently than you do. I have unusual battle plans and strategies to release. My perspective on world events will allow you to see beyond what is happening on earth and prepare you for a harvest which will increase in and beyond twenty-twelve. I have a hope and a future for you. I Am the God who sees.
“The time of times is upon you. If you look up, you can see the rising of the water. I gave a sign through a surfer who gloriously rode a 90’ wave. What I said through that specific event was that the wave is upon you and it will soon be time to ride it. Position yourself! Position yourself! Position yourself!”
Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine for your light has come! The glory of the LORD is risen upon you.
“Keep doing the things I have asked you to do. Keep studying. Keep seeking Me. Stop condemning yourself and watch the shackles fall off. Stay by My side and you will know what you need to do. Keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes on Me.
“Watch and see what I do in this day and hour. Eye has not seen what I will do. Have I not spoken it? I will surely cause it to come to pass. All will be surprised. Some will be delighted, but more will be in terror because they’ve failed to understand.
“It is my desire that you bring more people to the Table of My Delight. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”
Forever your,
Scriptures To Ponder:
Matt 11:28-30; 13:33; 16:6; Mark 8:15; Romans 5:1-5; 12:1-2; Hebrews 4:16; 12:1-2; Jeremiah 29:11-14a
Ministry Note: There is a great expectation for ministry – which is sharing the Father’s love to nations. The Lord asks who will go and my heart’s cry is “send me!” I am particularly seeing all of Europe (especially where the “ground” has been very rocky, thorny, barren difficult to plow) becoming fertile and workable soil for the Kingdom of God. The people of Europe are as clay in the Potter’s hand! If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please sow into this work. You may contribute online by credit card at or send a check or money order to:
The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
May you be blessed by the Father’s love.
Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Rev. Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:54 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 23 2011

A Word From The Father’s Heart To Yours: Will You Embrace Your Destiny?
“I have called you to the nations* to a destiny and I am asking you now, Will you embrace your destiny?
“This is a time of new beginnings and you are called for such a time as this.  Know that you were chosen to be in this day and in this time.  There is a vast cloud of witnesses who beckon you to move forward in the power of My Resurrected Son. 
“Do not come to Me with your list of all your inadequacies and tell Me why you are unable to line up your will with Mine.  I already know you are unable and that is precisely why I called you!  You must know that what is impossible with man is possible with Me.  I Am that I Am!  I Am sufficient for all you need.  Do not say any longer that you are unable. That, dear child, has already been established! 
“Will you will lay everything down and pick up your mantle, continually wear it, and go where I send you?  I will give you everything you need when you need it if you will obey My promptings.  As you obey, the provision you need will already be waiting for you on My path, so do not look at what you do not have as you begin to step out in your destiny.  Have faith and know that I will provide for you.  Shed the garment of doubt and clothe yourself in My mantle.
“Will you honor Me by quickly coming into agreement with Me when I ask you to do something? Know that I start with small things.  As you comply with My Spirit in the small things, I can move you into the bigger purpose that I have.  Do not despise small beginnings, dear one.  I start there with everyone.  Even Jesus had small beginnings.
“I have called you to a destiny; will you embrace your destiny?”
You ARE More Than A Conqueror!
“Will you honor Me by looking at what I can do instead of what you can do?
“Beware of the spirit of fear and timidity.  Will you embrace the call on your life or not?  If you embrace fear you cannot also embrace your destiny of faith in Me.  When you embrace fear you are proclaiming that I am not faithful!  You may not realize this is what you are doing, but it is.  Faith cannot exist where fear resides.  You must exterminate fear.  My love fights fear!  My love conquers fear!  I set before you a choice. Choose faith or fear. I will give you the answer, choose faith! 
“Fear expects Me to be unfaithful and to break My promises to you.  Fear expects the worst before it has happened.  Faith will cause you to see the miraculous through the eyes of your heart first and then you will see the miraculous right before your very eyes.  You have to see it first by My spirit, then you will see it in the natural.  You can attract what you fear to yourself, or you can attract to yourself what you hope for.  The choice is yours. I give an established warning: Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it the issues of life flow.
“Know that I desire for you to expect the best before it happens.  I desire that when you see a storm approaching, you will expect Me to move on your behalf.  Doubt your doubts!  I have called you to be MORE than a conqueror.  What this means is that you can know you have won the battle before ever entering it.  The Greater One lives in you.  You ARE more than a conqueror because I have already won!” 
Seeds Of DestinyProduce Fruit!
“I have planted in you seeds of destiny.  Will you allow the Living Word to water those seeds?  Will you allow the Light of My Salvation to shine through you until those seeds grow to bear fruit?
“My dear one, do you not yet know that I desire for you to have an entire orchard of trees that overflow with fruit?  There is sweet succulent fruit to be grown, harvested and enjoyed.  All of the harvest will be brought to My banqueting table. My banner over you is love.”
Your Faithful Abba
*Nations - ethnos, peoples, lands. We all have a sphere of people where the Lord has given us His power and His authority. Please pray and ask the Lord to confirm to whom you are called and where you are to go in Jesus' name. Wisdom is proved right by her children.

God bless and keep you. JB

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:55 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, November 08 2011

An Exhortation From The Father: First Love
“Who is your first love? Who loved you first? I love you with an everlasting love that will keep you strengthened and encouraged in this day and hour which you live.
“Many say that they will embrace their destinies, but their hearts are far from Me. I say to take up your cross and follow Me! Few do. They only follow when they think I am saying I will bless and prosper them. These only follow because they think they will be fed. Many claiming to be leaders are truly hirelings, and while there is a place for them, they are My last choice to watch over and feed My sheep.” (See Matthew 16:24, 25; John 6:26; 10:12)
 “You have heard: The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous.  And many are asking why I have not yet released wealth to them. Heart motivations are being weighed in the balance and many have been found lacking. James wrote that you have not because you ask not and when you ask you ask with wrong motives. You say your desire for money is for the purpose of giving to charity, but if you are not faithful with little, you will not be faithful with much. If you are not faithful now, what you have will be handed over to one who is. I do not honor faithless promises that say they will be obedient when there is enough. The real desire is to spend wealth on things that can be shown to make others think one is blessed of Me!” (See James 4:2-4; Matthew 25:14-30)
“Do you not know you are building your own kingdom with this thinking, and not the Kingdom of Heaven? Child, you want the wealth of the unrighteous to spend on yourself and yet do not see the wickedness of this thinking!
“Many of you have already lost much and you may think I am pouring salt on your wounds, but I am not a god of torture. It has always been My desire to bring people to a place where they know they have to change directions, like Balaam, or they will perish. Do I want you to walk in the error of Balaam? Must a donkey rebuke you?” (See Numbers 22:1-35, Jude 11, Revelation 2:14)
“Return to your first Love! Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near! Remember from where you have fallen. Do the deeds you did at first.” (See Revelation 2:4)
“Your oil is dwindling and the hour is late! It will not keep you until I return. It is the love of money and the need to acquire wealth that has become your downfall. Your light will go out in the gross darkness to come. Where does your loyalty and trust lie? In the wealth that you can amass or the trust you have in Me? You can only serve one.
“Do you want to intimately know wealth, which is fickle and treacherous, or Christ and Him crucified? Will you embrace your cross and follow My Son, Jesus or follow your own desires? Again I ask, “Who is your first love?””

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:38 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, November 01 2011

A Word From The Father’s Heart To Yours: My Best For You
“You have an enemy and he is after your time. There is only so much time allotted to each person on this earth. If the devil or his cohorts distract you, dissuade you or cause you to be weakened in your resolve to serve Me wholeheartedly, then he can keep you from My best. 
“Even doing GOOD THINGS is an enemy because it will keep you from My best. If you have committed to do a good thing, I will expect you to fulfill your vow even if I have something better for you to do. I will release you from it in due season, but you must learn from this difficult lesson. I want you to always inquire of Me before committing to a work. Just because it sounds good and may be good doesn’t mean it’s My best for you.
“I will tell you the way to go – listen for the peace in your soul. Obedience to My will brings forth heavenly blessings. I will restore as you walk in My best. Remember, My best can take on many forms and requires humility. Greatness in My kingdom rarely translates to greatness on earth because few can withstand the temptations that come from it.
“I Am the Shepherd and Guardian of your soul and My way is the best for you.”
Scriptures To Ponder:
Deuteronomy 5:32, 33; Nehemiah 6:3-9; Isaiah 14:12; Psalm 22:25; Matthew 4:8-10; Galatians 3:9; Colossians 3:15; James 4:10; First Peter 2:25
It is the purpose of this ministry is to bring the healing power of the Father’s love to the nations. If “Jewels” are a blessing to you, please remember us in your giving. 
You may donate online through PayPal at or by check or money order:
The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
May the Father’s love richly bless you!
Rev. Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:35 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 25 2011

A recent interaction with a friend prompted me to seek the Father. While I know this friend loves the Lord, there seems to be a terrible spirit of contention in nearly every encounter. The Lord led me to look into autoimmune diseases and I’ve learned that this is when the immune system is overactive and perceives normal body tissue as harmful and literally attacks itself! This “attack” seems to be very prominent within the Body of Christ in the day and hour we are in with everyone voicing their opinions on forums, twitter, facebook, and other venues. Often people don’t truly think about what they’re saying nor do they ask for clarity before they spew out insults – they just cruelly launch into judgment, strife and contention with the goal to be RIGHT! However, even if they are correct, they’re completely void of the heart of God for His people. It is a spiritual autoimmune disease at work.
We must remember that we are to love one another and provoke each other to good works and love. This is the Father’s heart towards us who believe that Jesus is the Lord. We must remember that none of us are perfect and none have perfect teachings, doctrines or theories. 
This word is what I believe the Lord spoke to me in 2008 concerning the Body and I am encouraged by it again today. I pray it blesses you.
A Door of Hope for My Body:
“Precious One, yes, you are My Precious One. Please give ear to what I Am about to say. Consider your body – the human body. Look at all its working parts. Each and every part of your physical body affects the rest of your body.
“Look at a body that is in top physical condition and behold its beauty. Behold the skill of the Craftsman who created it! Every organ, every muscle, every tendon works together with one goal in mind. The skeletal structure is perfect from the largest bones in the leg to the tiniest ones found in the ear. Every single body part is important. 
“While there are some body parts you can survive without, if given the choice would you not choose fullness? Even the stubbing of your little toe can cause you excruciating pain and in that moment the importance of that body part comes to the forefront of your mind. There are an endless number of examples I could give you, Beloved, of how your body hurts when one part hurts or malfunctions. Many of you have living examples in your own bodies, as well as in others around you, to know that given a choice you desire good health. You know that each body part is in agreement so that you can function in your daily life. It is clear that when the body is functioning the way I designed it, this is the most desirable state to be in. This concept is simple. 
“Illness, disease, defects and injures can keep you from accomplishing your dreams and goals, so generally you do what you know is best for your body to live your life optimally. Sometimes, and more often in wealthier regions of the world, a person will give in to their body’s demands and cause themselves to become unhealthy. Addictions to drugs and alcohol as well as food and mind-numbing activities that keep the body sedentary commonly hold My body hostage. This happens when a person refuses to listen to their spirit and instead listen to their flesh, so multiple addictions are often the result! This causes a number of breakdowns in the body – both immediately and in the years to come if the flesh continues to get its desires.
“So it is with My Body – the Body of Christ.
“My Body has many parts and they are all designed to work together. Many of you do not know why you are hurting so deeply. You do not know why you crave the things that are not good for you.   The struggle in My Body is at an all-time-high because there are so many parts all over the world that are hurting and wounded and ill and addicted.
“Church, allow Me to take you out from what you have been doing. Give Me a short season in your life to make some adjustments. I Am the Master Surgeon* and I can heal you and bring you back into perfect health. You can again be a body that enjoys health and beauty. Give Me this season to teach you and lead you. As My Body comes to Me for healing, then I will place you anew in the Body of Christ.
“Come into the wilderness with Me and I will speak comfort to you. I will give you food and drink that will not draw you to itself but to Me. Come anchor yourself to Me and I will keep you from going adrift in the tempest. I will open to you a Door of Hope and beckon you in, but it is you who are given the choice whether or not to come inside.
“My beautiful Body is battered and it is My desire to heal you and make you whole. I long to answer Jesus’ prayer that His own would be as one as He is one with His Holy Father.
“It is My desire for the Body to have their joy fulfilled, that you would be kept from the evil one, for you to be consecrated by My truth, that you would be sanctified by My Word, and for you to be one as I Am in Jesus and He is in Me. We want you in US so that the world will believe.”
Your Abba
Scripture References:
John 8:31; 17:6-26; Hosea 2:14, 15, 23; Proverbs 23:1-3; First Corinthians 12
*Master Surgeon:

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:33 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, October 19 2011

A Word From The Lord’s Heart To Yours: I Am Faithful
“Come here and sit at My feet and let Me tell you about the day that has dawned.
“There are wars and there are earthquakes and famines. These will increase and it will seem like the very earth itself is going to tear apart at the seams, but you are not to worry or be in fear. Haven’t I told you many times not to entertain the spirit of fear? My word is true.
“My Church needs to stop trying to fit Me into their little boxes. Make no mistake about that. The religious order has portrayed Me over the years as acting and talking with certain mannerisms, but they don’t even know Me! How could they know what type of tone and inflection I would use when speaking when they don’t even know Me?”
As the Lord shares His heart, I ponder how many times I have heard Jesus quoted by people and they made Him sound as if He’s angry, or worse – feeble. In my encounters with Him, He is neither.  When He is firm His words are wrapped in compassionate love, grace and mercy; and they always carry a spirit of hope that boosts faith. He enjoys joking around. This has often caught me off guard because I have this notion that when Jesus talks, He is always going to be serious. Sometimes it would seem He says things to purposely shock me. He doesn’t mince words and He isn’t big on small talk. 
Breaking through my thoughts, He continues, “Most people who are the “higher-ups” in religious institutions do not have any kind of real relationship with Me. They tell people all about Me without a revelation of Who I really Am. Sometimes they stumble into the truth the way a blind man might stumble into a ditch, but they really don’t have a clue. They would not be able to sense if I stepped into the room with them or if I had gone out for coffee.
“These power-hungry people are without a doubt the biggest tools Satan wields to hurt My body. He will not win no matter how many he deceives, but it is My lost sheep I want snatched from his grip. I want you to kick the enemy* where it hurts and watch him release My lambs. The prayers of the righteous avail much. Pray as the new day dawns – not in fear but in faith because I Am Faithful.

Psalm 33:3-5 Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. For the word of the LORD is right and true; He is faithful in all He does.  The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of His unfailing love.
Scriptures To Ponder:
Matthew 24:6-7, 27; Second Timothy 1:7; Romans 8:19-22; Hebrews 10:19-24; Matthew 23:13-28; Ephesians 6:15*; Jeremiah 3:12; Revelation 19:11
It is the purpose of this ministry is to bring the healing power of the Father’s love to the nations. If “Jewels” are a blessing to you, please remember us in your giving. 
You may donate online through PayPal at or by check or money order:
The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
May the Father’s love richly bless you!
Rev. Judy Bauman
Because of the blood of Christ we are fellow-citizens of God's household - being carefully joined to become a holy temple to the Lord. It is in this dwelling where God lives by His Spirit. 

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:06 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, August 31 2011

A Word Of Exhortation From The Lord: Stand!
“It is My good pleasure to give you the keys of the kingdom. If I Am for you, who would be against you? I pray that you will know the height, the depth, the width of My love for you, and the fullness of reconciliation that became available on the Cross of Calvary. You are reconciled to Me. Come boldly in your time of need. Do not wait. Do not tarry. Do not kick at the dirt with your head down. 
“Have I not proven that I Am Faithful? Even when you aren’t – I Am Faithful! Even though you were undeserving, I still died for you. Since I was willing to die for you to be reconciled to the Father, why would I not be willing to come to you when you call for My help? Like any good parent, brother or friend, I want you to come and embrace My counsel. 
“I need you to stand. This message is not just for you, but for My whole Body. I need you to stand.
“Being still is standing. There is not a void of action when you stand. You are taking a position. Whether it be on a wall, in a battle field, or any place you find yourself. Standing is an action. (Please read Luke 1:19; First Kings 17:1; Second Chronicles 20:17; Exodus 14:13; Ephesians 6:11)
“As you stand, pray prayers filled with faith and hope. Let them cut through the doubt and unbelief you wrestle with in your daily walk with Me. Let faith and hope help you to divide between soul and spirit. Prayers fueled by faith and hope will honor your God and King. These are the prayers the Father answers with exact precision. You will see that My power is made perfect in your weakness as you approach Me with confidence.”
 “I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; I need you to stand.”
More Scriptures To Ponder:
Luke 21:29-36; John 3:31-36; First Corinthians 13:4-7; 13; 15:58 and 16:13; Second Corinthians 12:9; Romans 12:11-13; Mark 9:23 and 11:24-26; Matthew 17:20; Hebrews 11:6; Psalm 89:28; Jeremiah 15:19-20; Ephesians 6:10-19; Second Chronicles 20:1-25
It is the purpose of this ministry is to bring the healing power of the Father’s love to the nations. If the “Jewels” are a blessing to you, please remember us in your giving. 100% of all funds that come from the internet go to the orphan’s fund – which is very low right now. Monies are only sent to  those we know personally and have seen they operate with integrity. 
You may donate online through PayPal at or by check or money order:
The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
May the Father richly bless you!
Judy Bauman
Because of the blood of Christ we are fellow-citizens of God's household - being carefully joined to become a holy temple to the Lord. It is in this dwelling where God lives by His Spirit.
To read this encounter in its entirety go to: 

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:02 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 15 2011

I Am gathering My church to the River. I Am bringing those who will lay aside their feelings of insecurity and get into a new realm of joy! I Am releasing joy! I Am releasing promises. All of My promises are “Yes in Christ” so the church will come into alignment with My will and say, “Amen” to their Father’s glory.
Stand and behold the City of your God! Stand and behold the glory of your risen King!
Honor your King by receiving My joy and My promises because in Me you live and move and have your being. In Me you have everything you need. If you look to the kingdoms of this world, you will have what this world offers. But if you look to the Kingdom of your God you will never be disappointed because nothing is lost in My presence.
Take hold of My joy!
Take hold of My promises!
I Am with you wherever you go!


Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 03 2011

A Word From The Father’s Heart To Yours Concerning The Death Of Osama Bin Laden
This word came to me as I inquired of the Lord about the recent news of Osama Bin Laden’s death. I was personally struggling with it, as rejoicing over the death of a person does not seem right to me.  I did feel a relief, particularly for the families who lost loved ones on 9/11, but also am concerned about retaliation. At any rate, this is what the Lord spoke to me concerning his demise. My question to the Lord, “Father does Osama’s death help us?”
“Yes. When wicked men fall, there is a sense of justice being served. There are six things I hate and one is an abomination. I hate a heart that devises wicked plans – whose feet run rapidly to evil. Bin Laden was such a man. He continually spread strife and taught others to do the same. 
“The fear of the LORD is to hate what I hate and love what I love. While it is true that I want none to perish but to come to everlasting life through repentance, the hearts of some are so hard and wicked they stubbornly refuse to turn.
“This man’s feet continually ran to evil and he hastened to shed blood. He ambushed his own life. This is the way of everyone who prospers through violence. Those who practice evil will be cut off, but those who wait upon Me will inherit the land. This is My promise. Osama Bin Laden mocked the USA, but his sin was against Me. I Am not mocked. Everyone will reap what they sow. As David said, May the LORD repay the evildoer according to his evil."
To that I say, “So be it.”
Scriptures to Ponder:
Proverbs 16:27-30; 1:15-21; 6:12-19; Second Peter 3:9; Galatians 6:7; Second Samuel 3:39; Psalm 37

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:03 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 27 2011

A Word From The Father’s Heart To Yours: Come Away From the Ledge of Despair
As great as your imaginations can be, no one can imagine what I will do when I return. Eye has not seen and ear has not heard all the good things I have in store for you.
Do not be dismayed by the things coming on the earth. Though they are great, let not your heart be troubled. I have already overcome and have given you what you need to overcome too.
If you speak My words and blessings, then these things will not overcome you, If you speak words of fear and glorify (give your strength to) what the demonic powers are doing and how they are conspiring against the people of the Land and the saints of the Church, then you will be overcome. The grief will cause your heart to sink like a lamb caught in quicksand. The more one struggles and fights and seeks out others speaking fearful words, the quicker the sand will fill your lungs and smother out the life I have died to give you.
I Am the Breath of Life! I give life and give it in abundance. My anointing breaks the yoke of bondage.
Come away from the ledge of fear and allow Me to love you and fill your heart with hope and delightful expectation! Come away with Me, My beloved. Come away from the ledge of despair and run into My awaiting arms. My arms are mighty to save. My arms will not drop you. My arms will hold you close and bring you deep within My heart. 
Come beloved! See all the good things I have prepared for you.
Your Abba
 Scriptures to Ponder:
Isaiah 64:4; 1 Corinthians 2:9; John 14:1; Genesis 2:7; John 10:10; Matthew 11:28-30; Hebrews 4:14-16; Proverbs 18:21

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:01 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, April 09 2011

An Exhortation From The Heart Of Jesus To Yours: New Beginnings

“It is a day indeed of new beginnings. The promises of restoration will be seen in every aspect of your life as you submit yourself to Me.
“Remember, I reach into the depths of your woundedness and work My way out. Your idea of restoration is for Me to start from the outside and work My way in. This is not the way I work, Beloved. If I gave you everything you want or think you need on the outside, then you would forsake Me and never be healed on the inside. I Am much more concerned about developing your character by helping you go through the difficult storms of life, than to deliver you out of them.

“I look for the hidden things of the heart. I Am the One who discerns the motivations of man. I Am the Revealer of mysteries and secrets. I Am the One who breaks through the stopped up wells of your heart and allows the clean water to come forth. Drink deeply of My well, child, and see how I Am cleansing you from the inside will make everything on the outside look differently. 

“Indeed this is a day of new beginnings. So embrace My inner cleansings, for if you refuse Me you will never enter My rest nor will you fulfill your destiny in Me.
“Come and sit with Me as I will surely show you a more excellent way to cleanse the wounds of your inner heart. Then you will rise up with wings as eagles and soar to places you can only dream of now. Come and see where I stay; come where I abide. Then you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

Very truly yours
The Restorer of the breach

Scriptures to ponder:
Psalm 146:7; Isaiah 41:10; Jeremiah 30:18; Hosea 6:1; Joel 2:25-27; Malachi 4:6; John 1:37-39; 8:32; Hebrews 4:11

If this ministry is a blessing to you, please remember us in your giving. You may donate online through PayPal at or by check or money order:

The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542

May the Father greatly bless you!

Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, December 08 2010

An Exhortation From Fhe Father's Heart To Yours: Come Sit Next To Me
“As I give you rest from the days gone by, I urge you to set your face like flint for the days to come. But don’t get lost looking too far back or too far forward. Keep your feet from stumbling by knowing what’s just ahead of you, with where I Am taking you in sight. Learn from the walk, the run, and the stumbling of the past; but don’t allow your past to dictate to you where I Am taking you. For better or worse – good or bad, it’s old wine.
“My desire is for you to drink anew and receive My Spirit in this time and season in full strength. I Am looking for vessels to fill – vessels which have kept themselves in Me.
“If you feel you have fallen short, I beckon you to come and sit next to Me and let Me put My arm around you. I feel your disappointment. Let us come together and see what can be done to help keep you from stumbling in the future. You do not have to shoulder the weight of this burden alone.
“I Am not One who sits in judgment with a hammer ready to hit or a lightning bolt ready to strike! I sent what I love most to take your shame, guilt and lack and nailed it to the Cross. Allow the salve of My love to bring healing to your wounds and let us walk together in victory in the days to come.”
Your Abba
Scripture References:
Psalm 103:8; Isaiah 50:7; Colossians 2:13, 14; Second Timothy 2:21; Jude 1:20-25; Revelation 3:18

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:57 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 26 2010

An Exhortation From The Father: My Peace Will Guide You

If you will allow My presence to descend on you like a dove, you will find peace.  My peace will guide you.  My peace will referee your life.  I Am the Prince of peace and My sheep hear My voice.  As you follow the peace of My voice, you will be swept up in the joy of My embrace.  You will rest in My love for you and in that rest you will find the answers to the many questions you ask. 

Have I not said, "Ask and you shall receive?  Yes?"

Then ask!!!  For the windows of heaven are open to you.

Scripture References:
Matthew 7:7; 22:21; Luke 11:9; John 14:12-14; John 15:16; First John 5:14

Joyas de Judy: Mi paz os guiará
Judy Bauman

Una exhortación del Padre: Mi paz os guiará

Si va a permitir que mi presencia a descender sobre ti como una paloma, se encuentra la paz. Mi paz os guiará. Mi paz será el árbitro de su vida.Yo soy el príncipe de la paz y Mis ovejas oyen mi voz. A medida que siga la paz de mi voz, que será arrastrado por la alegría de mi abrazo. Usted va a descansar en mi amor por ti y en que el descanso se encuentran las respuestas a las muchas preguntas que hacerle.

Luego pregunte! Por las ventanas del cielo están abiertas para usted.

Las referencias bíblicas: Mateo 07:07; 22:21 y Lucas 11:09, Juan 14:12-14, Juan 15:16; Primera de Juan 5:14

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:24 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 14 2010

Arise Esther!!! The Spirit of Haman Must Be Stopped By Spirit of Esther!
This was the first prophetic word the Holy Spirit gave me to release publically to the Church. Because of things going on in the world between Israel, Iran and the USA, and the fact that Purim is being celebrated beginning at sunset on March 7, 2012, I am resubmitting it for your consideration. Please pray as the Lord would lead you. Thank you.
This is what the Lord said:
“Hear O Church! Arise and walk in the spirit of Esther!  Beloved, you are to look at Queen Esther's example in her dealing with Haman to know how to deal with this treachery brewing in Iran. This wicked plot to destroy Israel has come up to your Father's nostrils as a stench! How foolish is this? This leader's pride is like Haman's in the book of Esther. He is of the spirit Haman. Does he not know that the God of Israel's chosen people are hidden everywhere - even within Iran's own top ranks? Your intercessions will bring this man's plotting to ruin! PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM!
“Go to this book, Church.  Esther was a type and a shadow for you to follow. You are My lovely and chosen bride. You are the one who can turn My head with your beauty and your grace. Come and ask of Me now. Purify yourselves and come into My chambers. I will make known to you how to pray. This is a love story that I gave you for instruction!
“Haman thought he was so high and so great that all should bow down to him. When My servant, Mordecai, refused to bow to him it made him furious. Haman learned Mordecai was Jewish and so he sought to kill them all because of his hatred for Mordecai. He wanted to purge the world of My people because one man refused to bow to him. So he went to the king of Persia, King Ahasuerusand received the king's permission to write letters to the entire empire stating the Jewish people were to be utterly annihilated.His empire had 127 provinces and stretched from India to Ethiopia.
“When Mordecai learned of the plot to destroy the Jews, he tore his clothes and cried out in sackcloth and ashes. He got word to Esther that even she would not be able to escape this evil. Then he relayed the famous words, “Who can say but that God has brought you in for such a time as this." The Jews all fasted and prayed for Esther to be accepted into the king's inner court so that he would intervene on their behalf. After the third day Esther put on her royal robes and in her beautiful and gracious way came to present herself to the king. The king's response to her was one of delight. Hear MY CHURCH! The king was delighted in her! He loved her and was so taken by her beauty he not only offered her his golden scepter, but also up to half his kingdom!
“Esther, in My wisdom, didn't yet speak what was in her broken-heart. She only asked the king and Haman to a banquet that she had prepared. As they enjoyed themselves, the king inquired of her petition. Her only request was for him and Haman to return the second night and she would set another banquet before them. Haman had no clue what was awaiting him. He left that feast on top of the world.
“Then he saw Mordecai who refused to bow, and Haman's blood boiled within him. Haman was so filled with hatred that night he commissioned gallows 75 feet high to be built on which to hang Mordecai. However, the king's heart was stirred that very night and he was reminded of Mordecai's loyalty to inform the king of a plot against his life. The king sought to honor Mordecai and brought Haman in the next day to inquire what tribute should be paid to a loyal man who pleased the king. Haman smugly thought of himself - that it was he who would be honored - so he counseled the king. In every manner this man should be honored! He suggested a royal robe, a royal horse and a royal crown - all which had been used by the king! And the clincher was that one of the king's noble men was to escort him through the streets and shout before him saying, "This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!" All this Haman said fully expecting he was to be the recipient! Then the king announced that Haman was to do ALL he had recommended, but to bestow the honor to Mordecai the Jew! Haman obeyed and did as the king commanded, but afterward he hung his head in utter humiliation and rushed to return home to hide his shame.
“Just that quickly he was summoned for the second dinner with Queen Esther where the king asked for her petition. She beseeched King Ahasuerus to spare her people from utter slaughter and annihilation. When he demanded to know who was so reprehensible to do such a thing, the Queen told him it was Haman.
“Haman was hung and died that night on the very gallows he had built for Mordecai and his 10 sons later followed him to that end. Read what is recorded in the book of Esther and pay close attention to what has been emphasized:

  • 8:2 So the king took off his signet ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai; and Esther appointed Mordecai over the house of Haman.
  • 8:8 You yourselves write a decree concerning the Jews, as you please, in the king's name, andseal it with the king's signet ring; for whatever is written in the king's name and sealed with the king's signet ring no one can revoke.
  • HEAR O CHURCH!!! The Lord your God is showing you something in this that needs to be applied to thisHaman of Persia. Look at this carefully:
  • 8:7 Then King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther and Mordecai the Jew, "Indeed, I have given Esther the house of Haman, and they have hanged him on the gallows because he tried to lay his hand on the Jews.

“Israel needs your prayers. Those who cry out for freedom in Persia - Iran - also need your prayers, as they are under the rule of this vile spirit. Make no mistake that this man's intention is to destroy all of Israel. That appetite for murder will not be satisfied by just destroying the one country (Mordecai). Haman's spirit is after the Jewish people wherever they may be. The decree will go out for all to be murdered wherever they may be because this spirit will not rest until it sees all Jews dead or itself is killed. Just as Mordecai warned Esther, so must My church take this warning:

  • 8:13 "Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king's palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish.

“Make haste. Pray for the triumph of Esther and Mordecai to sweep through the Middle East. Write and declare My word over Israel. Pray for the peace of My city, Jerusalem! Write it and seal it with the signet ring that I give you. My third dayhas come and you may come boldly to the inner court to My Throne of Grace! The golden scepter is extended. So COME! You say to Me, "Lord, Come quickly!" But I say to you, "Esther, My Bride, My Church, COME QUICKLY!""
Scriptures To Consider:       

  • Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
  • Matthew 5:43-45 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."
  • 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ
  • 2 Chronicles 20:14 "Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem . Thus says the Lord to you: 'Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's.


This decree is written this day February 11, 2006 Gregorian calendar; 13 Shevat 5766 on the Jewish calendar. This date is also known as the 27th anniversary of The Revolution of Iran. (It has been updated on October 14, 2010 Thursday, 6 Cheshvan, 5771.) I write not on my own authority but on the authority given to me by my Father and through the blood that was shed on the Cross at Calvary by His First-born, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. Through His resurrection and by His Holy Spirit, He has given me the directive to make plain this decree. My credentials are listed in the Lamb's Book of Life. I am His possession and have been marked with His seal. It is His signet ring which seals this decree. The Father I speak of is the God of all creation, the Maker of the heavens and the earth. This same God, whom I call Father, has called Israel His own.
Psalms 135:4 For the LORD has chosen Jacob to be his own, Israel to be His treasured possession.
God Himself named Israel.
As it is written in Genesis 35:9-12 After Jacob returned from Paddan Aram, God appeared to him again and blessed him. God said to him, "Your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob; your name will be Israel." So He named him Israel. And God said to him, "I am God Almighty; be fruitful and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will come from your body. The land I gave to Abraham and Isaac I also give to you, and I will give this land to your descendants after you."
The LORD will not forsake Israel.
1 Kings 6:13 "I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake My people Israel."
God does not take back His calling or His gifts.
Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.
This decree is written by my hand without prejudice or malice to warn to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,who has openly called for Israel to be "wiped off the map," to repent for making this threat. May the global authorities which police these policies enforce them. By making this death threat against Israel and those who align themselves with her, he has placed himself in the same shoes of Haman as well as the 10 sons (nations). Repentance must be forthcoming. Haman suffered the death that he himself had devised for Mordecai. The very weapons devised against the Jewish nation of Israel will come back on President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his own house if he does not turn away from his course of action. There is time for repentance and it is NOW. Comply with global authorities and repent to the Lord of hosts for launching threats against His treasured Israel - the Apple of His eye. You are in His hands. The Lord God is faithful and just to forgive all sin and to cleanse you of all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
Right now I launch prayers of peace over Jerusalem. I release a shield of faith over Israel. I pray for the strengthening of Michael - the great prince who stands watch over Israel - and all who are within his ranks. Israel, you who are great beloved by the Lord, see to it that your names are written in the Book of Life. Daniel 12:1
I pray for the redemption of the Persian people. Look up O People of Iran! Your Help draws near! I pray for those who are in captivity, especially the woman who have endured great torture at the hands of the wicked. I launch peace-seeking missiles into Iran! I pray for the Prince of Peace to reign in Iran. I sign this and take the signet ring given me and seal this decree now in the Mighty and powerful name above all names, Jesus.
Amen - so be it!
Reverend Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 20 2010

An Exhortation From The Lord: The Downfall of Judas:

Many in the Church have twisted My words and the words of My prophets to justify their wars and striving for power and dishonest gain.  This should not be so.

Judas tried to force Me to bring about change in the government.  He assumed I would take an earthly throne if physically threatened. He was trying to be the big man so when I rose up in defiance to the Romans, he would rise with Me.  But he misunderstood.  Sin was crouching at his door and abounded in him.  His love of money was his undoing and he opened the door wide for Satan to come into him.  Even with all the miracles he witnessed firsthand, even with all the teachings he heard of My kingdom, even though he walked with Me daily, Judas was made to be blind, deaf and dumb because of his love of money.  (See John 12:6; First Timothy 6:10 and Ecclesiastes 5:10)

There are many in My Body who misuse money. In fact so few don't, I can scarcely count them!  Many shepherds mishandle the funds given, congregants remain under shepherds they do not trust and then make excuses for their lack of giving; yet this all comes out of the same cursed root - the love of money.  (See Titus 1:7, 11)  Many do not give joyfully nor do they sow into fields of plenty.  Instead they give out of compulsion and need, and then hold a grudge to whom the seed is given.  My Word clearly teaches not to do this!  (See Second Corinthians 9:7)  Many more give little to nothing because the cares of this world have choked My seed in their hearts. (See Matthew 13:22)  There are those that have remained faithful to use what is given them to build My kingdom and not their own.  In these the seed grows and multiplies 30, 60 and 100 fold.

Unfortunately, many of My saints have built on sand (hearing but not doing what I have instructed them to do) and now things are crashing in on them. I do not say this to add to their sorrow but to show them the way they must build - on The Rock! (See Matthew 7:24; Psalm 127:1)  It is My hope for Mine to go where I send them and give with a cheerful heart, so that I may complete their joy.

A warning I pray you will understand is this: Learn from historical mistakes. Anything that forces one to proclaim "Jesus is Lord" is not of Me. (i.e.: Constantine's rule, The Crusades, Witch-hunts and persecution of Jews in the name of Jesus to name a few.)  I do not force conversion and I do not kill if one does not convert.  (See John 10:10)  I forgive and I deliver; I heal and I save. I Am love. I Am slow to anger and abound in mercy; I Am the Standard.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:52 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, May 15 2010

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: Come With Your Alabaster Box

My beautiful one!  Do you not know the alabaster box, while lovely to look at, is meant to be broken?  I do not look at what is seen, but what is within one's being.  Deep calls to deep, beloved!  I look to the soul and this is where I spend My time.  I do not write on tablets of stone; I write upon the fragrance of your heart so the scent of heaven is all about you.

Most guard their alabaster box from the breaking.  They want to display it, clean its outer shell, and boast its value; but what is lovely to Me is what is inside being withheld. The hardness of the outer shell is what is keeping them from enjoying the love which I give in abundance.  Until the precious oil inside is released, the true beauty - the true gift remains hidden.

Release to Me, My beloved, your alabaster box.  Release your heart and those issues that have locked your sweetness inside.  Allow the breaking, so that the beautiful fragrance I created you to emanate will radiate around you. 

As you allow your heart to feel, truly feel and not hide, the lovely aroma of you will come bursting out!  The perfume of you and the perfume of Me will marry and cause others to perceive the kingdom of heaven within you.

Come beloved; come with your alabaster box.  Come anew.

Scriptures to ponder:
Psalm 42; Isaiah 60:1, 2; Matthew 26:6-13; Luke 17:20, 21

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:22 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, April 11 2010

Because the word the Lord gave at the end of this vision seems to me to be critical to the hour and day we live, I will submit it first and then include my entire interaction with the Lord to follow it.  I realize that long emails lose many but this was a profound encounter. I pray you make time to read the vision in its entirety.

In the Father's love,

Walk In the Light:

"Hear Me now and understand!  The light that comes from you must first come from Me.  It must also come to me - that is to say your light [the light I give you] must glorify your God and King.

"Behold, darkness covers the earth and gross darkness on the people.  Your earth is filled with darkness.  It does not take a prophet to see and proclaim that.  You are to proclaim the Light of the world!  When those who are called by My name proclaim what the darkness is doing, they cause their light to become darkness.  Their eye has gone bad.  In that darkness others are misled.  The blind then lead the blind. 

"Have I not already told you the outcome? Why does My body then fret and worry and spread fear throughout?  They listen to [so called] prophets who see the obvious darkness, but fail to see My reigning light.  As a result they proclaim the darkness descending upon the earth.  How does this glorify the Father?

"Will the prophets continue to proclaim the darkness and everything, real or perceived, that Satan's kingdom does? Or will they repent from such destructive nonsense and read My word?  Will they instead turn, look with healed eyes, and see the many thing I AM doing in their midst?

"One cannot live in the light and proclaim darkness, neither is it possible to live in darkness and proclaim the light.

"I say to you - Live in My light and [you will be able to] proclaim light into the darkness around you.  As you walk in the light as I Am in the light, you will expose the unfruitful deeds of darkness and manifest My glory."

Walk in the Light (vision in full):

Coming down the path to the River, I see the Lord working a patch of land.  It looks to be a garden that is about 25'X30'. While it is not a large garden, it is one capable of producing a variety of fresh vegetables and is small enough to manage.  The soil is a beautiful shade of brown and rich in appearance.  There are rows of different vegetables already planted, but I see the Lord carefully planting five seeds inside a mound that appear to be squash or melon. 

Jesus looks up and smiles as He states, "Cantaloupe to be exact!  Your favorite as I recollect." 

"Yes," I say while laughing.  "Can I help?"

"Actually no - this is a gift for you and I have just now put the finishing touch on it!"  He closes the mound, pats the soil down, slaps His hands together to knock off the dirt, and stands to His feet.  As He brushes off His clothes He looks up at me smiling and says, "Tell you water the garden and I will make it grow."

Right then a loud clap of thunder rumbles through the valley and it begins to rain - softly at first but then it begins to pour!  Jesus grabs my hand and we run up the hill and take cover inside a cave.  We find a rock to sit on and I jokingly say, "So I will water it, eh?"

He laughs and retorts back, "Well I will get it watered in for now. Besides there is something very important I want to talk to you about."

He disappears into the cave and returns with a towel and dry clothes. 

"Here, love, let Me dry you off." He wraps the dry, warm towel around me.  It feels like it just came out of a dryer and it cuts through the chill.

"Oh this feels so good, Lord.  Thank You.  You think of everything!" I say as I snuggle into the warmth of the towel.  However, I cannot help but ponder my own doubt and unbelief at my words, "You think of everything." I wonder when I will ever fully trust this Man who loves me so fully and unconditionally. Disappointments in life have a way of chipping away faith and trust.  They scream the lie that God is unfaithful.

"Please put this on, dear one, and give Me your clothing when you are finished."

He leaves to let me dress.  I realize my clothes are not just wet, they are filthy.  The garment He has given is a white linen dress with every needed undergarment as well.  As I remove my soiled clothing I think about what the apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians exhorting us to take off the old man with its corruption therein, and how we must put on Christ and His nature.  I also reflect on the words of the prophet Isaiah telling us to put on a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness.  The Lord comes back, takes my hand and leads me into the cave. (See Ephesians 4:22, 23 and Isaiah 61:3)

Even though it is a dark cave, I can see very well because the light emanating from the Lord is so bright.  I can see everything clearly.  The rocks, the nooks and crannies, everything is illuminated.  Every once in awhile a bat flies out or a spider scurries off into a dark hiding place.  I realize the light is not only emanating from the Lord, but also from me!

Suddenly we are again outside!  The sky has cleared and is blue and sunny; I ask, "Lord!  What was that all about?"

"Did you notice how you emanated light?" He asked.

"Yes, yes I did!" I exclaim.

The Lord then begins to explain, "I wanted you to see something that actually relates to the prophetic movement and is a huge problem that keeps them and others from walking in the light.  Read what I said recorded in Matthew 6:22, 23:

"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"

I recognize this as a Scripture that has posed more questions than answers for me. 

The Lord explains, "The eye symbolizes the seers - those who I have gifted to see in the spirit.* Every born-again believer has some degree of spiritual sight.  They just need to ask [and keep persistently asking] to see.  But hear Me, I Am speaking to and addressing those who speak [continuously] to My Body of what they are seeing.

"Have I not warned to test the spirits to see if they are of Me?  Have I not warned that Satan can appear as an angel of light?"

"Yes Lord," I reverently reply.

"Hear Me now and understand!"

Jesus' voice thunders.  It shakes the mountains; rocks all around us begin to roll downhill.  Flocks of birds fly frantically out of nearby bushes.  I fall to the ground and begin to weep and tremble at His awesome presence.

The Lord reaches down and lifts me up, but I am unable to stand.  My body is like rubber and refuses to work.  He blows on each leg and then into the core of my being.  I feel the strength to stand come back into my body.  I am still shaking uncontrollably. He takes my face into His hands and kisses my forehead.  I am completely calmed by this simple gesture on His part though tears continue to stream down my face.

Softly Jesus continues, "Hear Me now and understand."  His hands cradle my face and I feel His immense love for me.

"The light that comes from you must first come from Me.  It must also come to me - that is to say your light [the light I give you] must glorify your God and King.

"Behold, darkness covers the earth and gross darkness on the people.  Your earth is filled with darkness.  It does not take a prophet to see and proclaim that.  You are to proclaim the Light of the world!  When those who are called by My name proclaim what the darkness is doing, they cause their light to become darkness.  Their eye has gone bad.  In that darkness others are misled.  The blind then lead the blind. 

"Have I not already told you the outcome? Why does My body then fret and worry and spread fear throughout?  They listen to [so called] prophets who see the obvious darkness, but fail to see My reigning light.  As a result they proclaim the darkness descending upon the earth.  How does this glorify the Father?

"Will the prophets continue to proclaim the darkness and everything, real or perceived, that Satan's kingdom does? Or will they repent from such destructive nonsense and read My word?  Will they instead turn, look with healed eyes, and see the many thing I AM doing in their midst?

"One cannot live in the light and proclaim darkness, neither is it possible to live in darkness and proclaim the light.

"I say to you - Live in My light and [you will be able to] proclaim light into the darkness around you.  As you walk in the light as I Am in the light, you will expose the unfruitful deeds of darkness and manifest My glory."

In the Father's love,

*i.e. Genesis 15:1; Isaiah 6:1; Jeremiah 1:11; Ezekiel 1:1; Daniel 2:19, 4:5, 7:1; Mark 2:5; John 1:48; Acts 3:4, 7:55, 9:17, 10:3, 11:5, 16:9, 18:9, 23:11, Acts 26:15-18; Revelation 1:11

Other Scriptures To Ponder:  Isaiah 14:16; John 1:1-5; 3:19-21; Ephesians 5:6, 7; First Thessalonians 5:3-11; Second Thessalonians Chapter 2; First John 1:5-7; Revelation Chapters 19-22.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:13 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 18 2010

His Train Fills The Temple, A Vision During Worship

While attending the annual Secret Place Encounter in February of this year, I saw the most exquisite scene unfold during praise and worship.  The praise team was singing a couple of songs I did not know, but the congregation was completely engaged in worship.  It was a wonderful time of joy, but I was in for a very big surprise from the Lord.  He allowed me to see from His Throne of Grace when we come before Him, and it is my hope and prayer to bless you with this testimony. Because this is an ongoing scene taking place before the Lord, it is written in present tense.

His Train Fills the Temple

We are singing a song called, Alabaster Box, and the words are:

It's my fragrant oil
It's my costly perfume
Take my alabaster box - break it open
Let the fragrance arise

Suddenly, I see the Lord Jesus seated on His throne watching the dancers as they worship in spirit and truth.  I am surprised and humbled to see I am seated by His side.  The Lord lets me know I am there as a witness and scribe, but also as one beloved. 

Jesus watches those who worship Him willingly and without reservation with eyes of love, compassion and joy.  He watches them with delight for a long time, but then He can take it no longer!  He rises up, steps down onto the floor, and joins one worshiper in dance.  The dance is elegant, graceful and lovely like ballroom dancing. He then dances serendipitously through the worshippers.  

As the Lord weaves Himself through His people, He takes His time to love and minister to each one.  He is not in a hurry with anyone. Some continue in the spirit of the dance as Jesus moves to the next person; others weep and fall to their knees.  There are only tears of joy; there is no sorrow, no shame, no condemnation, nor tears of pain.  A gentle wind blows through the great hall and some swoon to its touch.  All the worshippers then fall on their knees and sway to and fro like wheat blowing in the wind.  They are so beautiful as they worship their King.

We begin to sing another song and its words are:

I see Your face
You're beautiful, You're beautiful!
I see Your face
You're beautiful, You're beautiful!

The Lord slowly makes His way back to His Throne, turns and gracefully sits down.  This is the first time I see His train. (See Isaiah 6:1).  I had not seen this before when Jesus walked through the worshippers and danced with them.  But as He returned to His seat my eyes were opened to see that as He danced with each worshipper, He was wrapping His train around everyone He touched!  I looked out over the great hall and saw the worshippers basking in His train which surrounds them like a warm blanket.  It cleanses them, covers them, comforts them, warms them and blesses them in ways they could never imagine.  They are literally being cuddled in His train.

The Beloved looks at the joy and peace on each face and He looks so content and full of love for them.  I sit as one who records this joy of His as we come before Him worshipping in spirit and in truth.

About 40 minutes went by as we continued in song when I realized I was now seeing this vision from the perspective of the worshippers.  I weep with great joy before my King!  I feel the warmth and comfort of His train as it surrounds me.  His love is wrapped up in it somehow.  It is overwhelming.  I am overwhelmed with love for the Lord Jesus.  I am warm and comfortable and SAFE!  At this point I have such a deep revelation of my being safewith Him and begin to declare my joy at being safe - truly safe in Jesus.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, February 08 2010

When the Saints Go Marching In: Pondering the Superbowl win


This year I have not followed football or really any sports, so it was strange that I was so excited when I heard the "Saints" were going to play in the Superbowl.  All week I kept hearing the joyful song, When the Saints Go Marching In, play in my head. While this win means something for the Saints' home of New Orleans, what the Lord was revealing to me was not about a city, but about a people - His saints (believers in Jesus).  This morning I inquired of the Lord what He was saying through this team's victory, especially since they were not favored to win. I believe this to be an instructional word for the saints of God to go forth in His name and power.  There is also instruction for the competing "Colts".  I release with reverence what I believe I heard Him say:

It is a new era in which I am again calling My saints to rise up, "march in" and take authority over all the power of the enemy. Have I not said that those who listen to you (My saints) listen to Me, and those who reject you reject Me?  The ones who reject Me also reject the One who sent Me. I glorified My Father who sent Me and as I was sent, I send you.  Your eyes are blessed to see what I am showing you.  (See Luke 10:16, 19, 23)

The Colts (a young horse which is also symbolic of the growing apostolic movement) may have been favored to win, but they (those called to be apostles) still need time to mature.  I did not want a win at this time to go to their heads. (See First Timothy 3:6)  Their win in 2007 was to encourage the apostolic move during that season, but it is time for them to grow up so they can run with endurance and effectively equip the saints for the work of the ministry.  (See Ephesians 4:11, 12)  It is My desire for the all saints (believers) of God to win the race set before them.  While the "Saints" did not have the favor of man, they are and will continue to be favored of Me!  (See Hebrews 12:1)

Beloved saints, the weapons of your warfare are not found in the physical realm but in the spiritual.  These weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of wicked fortresses.  These are the weapons I urged you to use when I said, "The kingdom of God suffers much violence, but the violent take it by force."  I was not referring to physical violence or the strength of man, but the use of spiritual weapons: song (praise and worship), prayer, fastings, giving, walking in compassion and forgiveness, speaking the words of life and light when death and darkness surround you, being salt and reflecting the light of My love.  These are but a few examples of My chosen weapons.  (See Second Corinthians 10:4; Second Chronicles 20:21-24).

I pray you learn from historical mistakes. Anything that forces one to proclaim "Jesus is Lord" is not of Me. (i.e.: Constantine's rule, The Crusades, Witch-hunts, and persecution of Jews in the name of Jesus to name a few.)  These movements never advanced the kingdom of heaven.  Anyone coming to Me in fear will not stay once the perceived fear is removed. They must experience My love.  I do not force people to convert and I do not kill.  I forgive and deliver; I heal, save and give life in abundance. (See John 10:10)  I Am slow to anger and abound in mercy; I Am your Standard.  I Am love.  Follow Me. (See Psalm 103:1-13)

This is how My saints should march in and this is the hour for them to do it!  Behold the harvest is white and plentiful. May My saints arise from their slumber, shine in My light and bring forth the harvest. (See Matthew 9:35-38; Isaiah 60:1-3)



King of kings, the Commander of the armies of the angels and saints

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 08:49 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, December 31 2009


It is my hope to I take this time to bless you and your loved one for the coming 2010 New Year.  I pray your walk with the Lord rises to new heights as you lean on His love, direction and heed His discipline in 2010 and beyond. 

The number ten signifies the perfection of Divine order.  The Lord revealed something in my life that needs to be brought into His order - and perhaps yours as well.  If you would take a few moments to continue on, I would like to share a very short but significant dream I had yesterday morning.  I include for your discernment my interpretation, applications and Scripture references.


I dreamt that I was driving a car.  A friend of mine was a passenger and she was listening to me complain about many things troubling me.  Mind you, I was not seeking out solutions to these problems; I was just ranting on and on in anger and frustration at all that was wrong in my life and in the world. She looked over at me and said, "In Jesus' name, I take authority over the spirit that is speaking right now and command it to be quiet."  She spoke with a very calm and peaceful, but matter-of-fact tone of voice. I looked over at her and was speechless. I immediately woke up.

Interpretation (Genesis 40:8)

The Car: In dreams I have found a car or any type of vehicle often represents a person's ministry or profession. 

The Friend: Is someone I have often gone to for prayer and she has been a vital part of this ministry since before its inception. I have enjoyed physical, emotional, and spiritual healing when she followed the Lord's lead to pray for me.  The night before I went to bed, she had called.  We had not talked in a long time and we really had a wonderful two hour visit on the phone. She was led on several occasions during that conversation to pray for me for healing and encouragement; and I was very blessed.   

In this dream, she represents wisdom and discernment, the Lord's will and intervention, and the power of Spirit-led prayer. She recognized that my words did not edify or build anything; they were words of destruction and death.  No resolutions were being sought, so in effect I was caught inside a wheel going around and around with no way out.  She gently brought it to an end.  There was no accusation in her tone of voice. For a second I felt offended, but then I felt free.  When I woke up I had a smile on my face and felt the joy of it. I gave the Lord thanks for this simple illustration and reminder to guard my heart. (Proverbs 4:23)


While this dream was obviously a personal correction of the Lord, if my being transparent will help you in your walk with the Lord, then it is worth any humiliation I bear for it.  I do not point one finger outward without three pointing back at me. James wrote that a teacher is more strictly judged; the writer of Hebrews states that God disciplines those He loves and if we allow ourselves to be trained by it, we will reap the peaceable fruit of righteousness.

Complaining and grumbling is a stumbling block to the Body of Christ and her effectiveness to reach out to the lost.  This is what kept the Children of Israel from coming into the Promised Land, so we must take heed! 

The dream taking place in a car reveals that the direction and distance we travel in fulfilling our destiny in Christ Jesus, both as individuals and together as His Church, will be determined by our obedience to steer our thoughts and words clear of murmuring.  We cannot allow this complaining spirit to continue; we must take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ! 

Right now I am acutely aware that those in ministry have been battered by a barrage of personal attacks that have been difficult to bear with few to help carry the load.  Those who live on the mission field have been, and are, suffering from a bombardment of accusation launched directly at them.  When one has continually suffered injustice, it is easy to slip into complaining. The fruit of complaining is deception and this is why many have fallen into believing lies over the truth. Honestly, there are times when there does not seem to be a solution.  There is something about the injustices in the world that grips our hearts in a way that makes us feel so helpless. We complain because it is the one thing we can do! This is when we must remember that what is impossible to man is possible with God. We cannot believe God and complain at the same time (bless and curse).  The complaints will overtake our faith.  It is faith that sees what is unseen until it is seen! Without faith it is impossible to please God.  Complaining is the opposite of faith.  Complaining exists in union with fear; and God does not answer prayers of faithlessness.

Do not assume this means we are never to voice a grievance, but if there is a point where the complaint turns into railing, slander and judgment then we must take authority over it.  In this dream this was what I had slipped into doing and the moment my friend took authority over that evil spirit, it stopped. She didn't scream and yell at the demon, as some do with bravado.  She loved and cared for me while at the same time casting out the spirit with true authority Christ died to give His Body.  When that ugly spirit was arrested, I was released from its grip and enjoyed immediate freedom. Because of that, I could not help but smile when I woke up.  I gave thanks and praise to the Lord for that powerful but simple illustration.

It is my hope and prayer for me and for you, not only the New Year but continually, that we will be careful with our words and keep a guard over our mouths.  We are blessed to be a blessing.

In Father's love,
Judy Bauman

Scriptures To Ponder (Emphasis mine):

Matthew 12:35-37 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that men will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."

James 5:9, 10  With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.

Deuteronomy 30:11-16  Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach.  It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, "Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?" Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, "Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?"  No,the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it.

See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.

19: This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.

Another example of this can be found at:

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 03:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 14 2009

A Word Of Exhortation From The Father To His Church: Rise Up In My Strength

"The kingdom of God has suffered much violence, but the violent take it by force.  You must get violent IN THE SPIRIT, My warriors!  You must go after these spirits [in prayer] that seek to kill My people and bring doubt and unbelief with them."

I looked and saw children in a courtyard in the center of a (European looking) village. They looked like they were there to play but they were not. They were thieves looking for a mark.  These were symbolic of demons who seek to harass the Body of Christ.  They are small but menacing.  They also are being controlled but something much bigger.

"War in the spirit night and day.  Rise up early if you sense My voice call you.  Rise up children of Zion! Rise up, Deborah!  Rise up Barak! Rise up David and you mighty men and women of valor!  Rise up and be heard in all realms.  I will be with you and will not forsake you in the days of darkness. Rise up in my love.  Rise up in My strength not your own. Rise up to see the glory of your King coming with His army of angels and saints!  Rise up!"

This word reminded me of one like it given in Oct 2006

Rise Up My Love!

Rise up My love.  Rise up and take your place in My plan.  I have a vision for you, and I want you to see it from My heavenly realm.  You must arise from your place of slumber and rest.  It is not time to retire, it is not time to slow down, it is not time to give way to the ways of man, it is time to arise in My glory.  It is time, My beloved ones who carry the fire of My love, to arise to My realm of understanding.  See what I AM shows you now.  Catch My vision.  Catch My sight of the days to come.  Rise up My love.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 09 2009

This morning in my quiet time I asked the Lord a question.  I asked when He showed me things why He did not show me things like He has others (destruction, judgment, specific future events that will affect our country and the world around us, etc.).  This was His answer.  I send it out in the hope it will help you if you have wondered the same thing.  There is also corporate application to prayer.

A Word From The Lord: Trust in My Faithfulness

The Lord said, "I did not create you to see destruction.  I created you for fellowship.  When you fellowship with Me, when you walk with Me, when you sit with Me - then you are doing what I created you to do.  My desire is not for judgment (as people think of it), but for fellowship.  Because of sin My judgment [justice] must come, but My desire is and always has been for fellowship.

My sheep know My voice. You are learning more and more what My voice, what your voice, and what the counterfeit sounds like.  By coming to spend time with Me you are learning to distinguish My voice from all others. You know when you are hearing Me and when you are hearing man with all the agendas of man.  You are learning that I Am lowly and meek of heart and you have taken on some of that demeanor for spending time at My feet.

To be wrought up in fear for The Day or to be anxious for My coming is not My desire for My Church.  She runs to and fro reeling in terror listening for "a word" but how often does She come to Me?  There is so much faithlessness in the Body of Christ.  I hear so many prayers steeped in unbelief and fear.  So few come to Me consistently in faith - trusting Me to be faithful.  This is why many prayers seemingly go unanswered.

Beloved, I do not honor prayers of faithlessness.

Declare My glory anew! Refresh their minds of My wondrous deeds among all people.  Say to the nations, "The LORD reigns; indeed the world is firmly established, it will not be moved. He will judge the peoples with equity.  For He is coming to judge the earth.  He will judge the earth in righteousness and the peoples in His faithfulness."  (See Psalm 96)

Do not have faith in your own faith, but rather put your faith in My faithfulness. Then your faith will not falter."


Faithful and True

Scripture References:
1 Corinthians 1:9; Philippians 2:1-2; 4:6-7; Matthew 11:28-30; Luke 10:42; John 3:36; 10:4, 27-29; James 4:3; 1 John 1:3-10; Psalm 36:5; Revelation 19:11

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, June 03 2009

A prophetic word of exhortation from the Father to His Church: Clean the Wells of Your Inheritance
“How many people throughout history do you think were unable to fully walk out their destinies in Me?
“People, both now and in the past, have been kept locked up by religion and religious activities; they have been bound by culture, and handcuffed by political systems. Deep in their hearts they know there was something more. These world systems, particularly religious ones, have come in and made promises to fulfill. However, they are the actual jailer to My people with the goal of turning them into slaves to their system. Even the best plans of man cannot outmatch Mine.
“Beloved, I am concerned for My Church – not for My sake, but for hers. She has gotten so caught up in 'causes' that she has forgotten My cause! She has failed to see how My own Son dealt with the world’s systems or listen to what Jesus said in regard to His Coming.
“I showed Jesus and He followed My every directive. He went about doing His Father’s business and His life was My example to mankind. Jesus made His mandate clear in Matthew 28:18-20. This Scripture states that My beloved Church is to go make disciples. Disciples are people who will follow Jesus’ example and obey His commands. They are both doers of the Word who have heard and do what Jesus said. These are the ones who have built their lives on The Rock and not the sand. I did not leave My Church without instruction! Yet most who are in My Church, which is not a building but the people who make up the Body of Christ, is building on sand. They hear the Words of Jesus but they do not do them. They are making disciples for themselves and their denominations. They are making followers of man; they are making men their security and means of prosperity for themselves – without regard for the eternal consequences! Leaders in My Church have used My Word – MY WORD! – to cause people to become enslaved to their whims.
“It is time for the Wells of your Inheritance, the stopped up wells, to be cleaned out. How much inheritance do you think you have waiting for you when My word states that I show love to a thousand generations to those who love Me and keep My commandments? Many that loved Me throughout time were kept from My completed purpose being fulfilled in their lives, so My storehouse is full of Promises waiting to be claimed! Their unfulfilled destinies are part of your inheritance, Child! There is more! Those who walked in My fullness have mantles waiting to be claimed like Elisha did with Elijah. You are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who are cheering you on – awaiting their reward. It is My desire for fresh, clean, Living Water to flow from your belly – from the belly of My Church. I want My glorious Church to rise up out of the ashes of self-inflicted wounds and wounds caused by others who have sought to stop up the Well of My presence. I have so much awaiting My Church and it is My desire for Her to come out of Her politically minded, man-made, self-promoting mindset and come to Me.”
"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30
“When My beloved Church does what is written here in Matthew, all these things troubling her will be shown for what they are – straw readied for the fire. As My people, those who have taken My name, humble themselves in fasting and seek My face in prayers of repentance, My lovingkindness will touch every hurting part and bring healing to your land. Come to Me and together let us clean the Wells of your Inheritance.”
Scripture References:
2 Chronicles 7:14; Exodus 20:6; 2 Kings 2:9-14; Mark 13:31-33; Matthew 4:23; 7:21-29; 24:36, 44; Luke 2:49; John 5:19; 1 Corinthians 3:11-16; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Romans 2:6-16; Hebrews 4:11, 14-16; Hebrews 11:39-12:1; and my prayer for you from the Father ~ Ephesians 3:14-21
 Personal Note:        
 Beloved, we are not to quarrel and create strife, but to be gentle and able to patiently teach. (See 2 Timothy 2:22-26). The Church has gotten so focused on being “right” that we as a whole have failed to notice those souls watching from the sidelines. They are becoming more confused by observing our un-Christ-like attitudes than anything else; instead of being led to Christ, they are being led away from Him. How do you think Jesus would react to such things? What did His Father show Him? When Jesus was confronted by the Pharisees, whose goal was to accuse Him, He did not argue with them. He made His point and then moved on. Did God send in a gunman to kill Herod or Pharaoh to stop them from killing the innocent babies who happened to be born at the time of Jesus and Moses? No! Did He rally the people to protest against the oppressive Roman government? No! God’s purposes are not stopped by such things but flourish in spite of such gross darkness. If our Father can do bring forth His will through such great wickedness, and even greater evil meant by nailing Jesus to the Cross, He can certainly do it in our circumstances today. (See John 10:10).
O glory to His name!!! Break off the shackles and handcuffs! Take off the grave clothes! Church – it is time to “clean out the Wells” and let the Lord fill us with His Living Water so that we can reach those who are thirsty and have never tasted the Living Water! AMEN.
In the Father’s Love,
Judy Bauman
Photo: After looking through hundreds of photos to find one that I wanted to send with this email, the one attached stood out to me. It is taken at The Weir Garden in the UK. This so happens to be part of my family’s homeland and part of my heritage! God’s ways are precious indeed!


Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, May 21 2009

A Prowling Lion: A Revelatory Dream About The Church, Her Leadership, And The Defenseless:

In this vivid dream I was coming out of a building with a group of people.  We had been at some sort of conference or seminar, but I didn't recognize anyone in the group.   As we were walking out of the building, we came under a long awning. Right in front of us a large but thin and mangy looking male lion was on the prowl.  He boldly strolled down the middle of street.  He saw the group, but paid no attention to us.  As he looked for prey, the lion saw some unsupervised children playing in the street.  They were directly in front of him and to our left.  As he started to stalk them, they all scattered to get away from him.  The lion picked out one young boy as his victim and I could see that he would have quickly kill the child if someone didn't stop him.  I yelled loudly; it was not a word but a noise.  The lion turned toward us and the group groaned, gasped in fear, and shirked back. I was shocked by their lack of concern for the child and even more surprised by their collective cowardice.  It was clear they were more distraught by my bringing the lion's attention to our position than for the child's wellbeing.  When the lion saw the group was not going to stop him, he quickly turned back to his original target and again went after the child.

The lion was quickly approaching the child when I let out the loud noise for a second time.  Again the agitated lion turned from his pursuit of the boy and threatened us.  The group had the exact same spineless reaction as the first time.  The predator saw we were no real threat and turned back to hunt down the boy.  I felt I had to do something to distract the lion from the child. Since the group didn't share my conviction to help him, I decided I needed to leave them and divert the lion's attention away from the child.  Stepping out from under the awning, I crossed the street making noises to get his attention. The mangy lion suddenly turned and charged me!  Even from a distance his eyes penetrated mine.  I quickly ran back under the awning and rejoined the safety of the group.  As soon as the lion saw this, he turned his attention away from me and again targeted the boy.  For the fourth and surely final time, he lunged at the child.  I knew if I cried out one more time the group would abandon me to the lion, but if I didn't the boy would be devoured right in front of us.  I was so distraught and in such a disparaging state of mind; I had no idea what to do to save him. 

Suddenly, from somewhere above the awning, another lion leaped in with a man riding on his back.  This lion was majestic! He was beautiful, very fit, had clean, gracefully flowing fur, and was adorned with a golden saddle inlaid with many large jewels.  The man riding the magnificent lion swiftly withdrew his sword and killed the mangy lion before it could come any closer to the child.  Praise God!  I woke up feeling such satisfaction, deep relief and tremendous, exuberant joy!  I was thanking God for that child's salvation. 


The group of people "under an awning" would appear to represent an assembly of people under the same protection.  Most likely a church group, but there was no clear leader.  It may have been because we had come together for a conference or seminar.  We had been inside learning, but when we came out and were faced with the enemy, we as a group did not know what to do. (See2 Timothy 3:7).  It could be that the group is more symbolic of the Church in general.  (Referring here to believers of all Christian denominational backgrounds.)  Another thought is that when an attack comes or an emergency arises we as a society are dependent on each other for help.  No matter where we are when an urgent situation or disaster strikes, we are dependent on those around us to work together or greater harm will be the result.  Together we are strong, divided we are weak and more so for those unable to defend themselves.  The word of God is full of Scriptures commanding us to care for the fatherless and the widow, yet that is a command often overlooked by the Church.  In the ministry I have learned that I cannot help orphans myself - I need others to help me defend them.  (See Psalm 68:5; Isaiah 1:17; Jeremiah 22:3; Matthew 25:40).

The mangy lion is Satan roaming the earth to see who he can devour.  (See 1 Peter 5:8). He was boldly walking down the middle of the street for anyone to see which reveals that he has been left unchallenged for the most part. When he was only slightly confronted, the lion threatened the group in such a manner that not only frighten them, but also caused them turn on the person who exposed the enemy's ploy.  (Kill the messenger!)  Theirs was a typical human reaction when comfort and safety are threatened, and he knew it.  The lion never really made a truly aggressive attack toward the group.  The menacing manner in which he came towards us was more to intimidate us to inactionthan to actually harm us.  I believe he was making sure we were not going to get between him and his intended victim.  

He was concealing that he was, in reality, afraid of the group and stopped us from confronting him by using intimidation.  This would reveal that many demonic attacks are designed to frighten and intimidate us just enough to keep us from taking action against them.  Satan and his demons are then free to ravage the weak.  He hopes they can appear so frightening that we will totally withdraw our assault against him and his cohorts.  We are further led to believe, generally by our own flesh's desire for our own care and comfort, that if we do not challenge the approaching lion and stay in our area of comfort, we will be alright.  This does not reflect the life Christ called us to live to be more than conquerors!  (See Romans 8:37).  While we do need to stay together, and there is comfort in that, we also need to put aside our own self-interests and come together to protect those who are too weak to protect themselves.  

The mangy lion was distracted from his intended kill by only one voice.  Can you imagine how quickly he would have fled the scene had everyone joined together and started yelling at him?  If he would have gotten that child, he surely would have returned for more!  Perhaps this is why he was so bold in the first place.  After careful reflection of this dream, it seems evident to me that the devil represented by the mangy lion was accustomed to coming straight into our cities and prey on street children.  They were easy prey and he had not been challenged by those able to stop him. We need to learn to attack the enemy on a united front and protect God's children!

The unsupervised children seem to be symbolic of;

A) Lost sheep (See Luke 15:4-7 and Matthew 18:10-14).
B) Children that some have forbidden to come to Christ (See Matthew 19:13).
C) Those who are young in the Lord but do not enjoy godly protection.  (See 1 Corinthians 4:15). 
D) Orphans or Fatherless children (See Deuteronomy 10:18; Isaiah 1:17; Psalms 82:3, 4).

The boy singled out by the lion seems to be a child at his weakest, but I believe any of those children would have been an easy target.  Children also represent our future.  As a whole, we are all singled out for attack when we are children.  Many people have to deal with a trauma that took place in their childhood that continually seeks to destroy their life.

The loud noise I made was a type of intercession.  When Regal Lion and the man of God heard it, they understood that they needed to intervene and they took action.  (See Romans 8:26, 27).  The shout I made sounded more like a trumpet that was blown or an alarm was sounded. (See Joel 2:1).  There is a military term called, "Bounding Overwatch".  This is when one team stays out of the enemy's sight and keeps to the rear and/or side of who is being guarded.  If that person or group is threatened, then those in Bounding Overwatch come to the rescue.  Woot!!!

Leaving the group to distract the mangy lion was a foolish and dangerous thing to do. Much to my dismay, even though the enemy was thin and mangy, I was no match against him on my own. (See Jude 9).  Though I recognized something had to be done, in the end I realized I was not going to be able to save that child without help.  I also realized that my death would not help the child either.  When we move on our own to confront the enemy we can become the prey.  God does not call us to walk alone in the middle of a battle.  If we are to leave a group we are not to leave during times of conflict but during times of peace.  Even though the group did not come to the aid of the child or react the way I thought they should, I became the target when I stepped away from the safety of fellowship. (See Proverbs 11:14, Hebrews 10:24, 25).  I was protected when I came back under the awning and stood with them. The children being scattered is what made them easy prey. (See Matthew 26:31)

The Regal Lion and the Man riding Him were the heroes!  Honestly the sight of them took my breath away they were so magnificent!  At first I wondered the man and the lion were both Jesus. However, as I reflected on this dream I believe that the regal lion was Jesus; the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and the man was one who has been chosen to serve the Lord as a protector of His flock.  This "man of God" is symbolic of those who ride or operate in the power of God, who have been chosen by Him, have learned to wield the sword of the Spirit, and know how and when to protect the lost sheep.  When the majestic Lion of the Tribe of Judah came in carrying the man of God, the man drew his sword, which is the word of God, and swiftly ended the attack of the enemy!  (See Eph 6:10-18).  Christ, the Word made flesh, in the man is what brought the victory! It takes men and women of God who not only know how to wield the sword to beat such a foe, but they must be given the authority by God to ride atop the Lion of Judah to defend those who are lost as well as those in the Church.  It would be dangerous to sit in thatsaddle presumptuously. This is a place only the King of kings can grant!  It would also seem prudent to point out that it would be unwise to be in direct opposition to such a God-appointed person.

I believe the ending of this dream reveals that it will take strong leaders who operate in godly power to teach the body of Christ how to wield the sword and to show that the body of Christ that we are already more than conquerors. (See Romans 8:37).  This way it won't matter what we are engaged in doing or what group we are among when attacks come.  We will all (Christians of all denominations) know what to do and we will be more than able to stand victorious in Christ. (See Matt 11:12).  The enemy being utterly destroyed, not just distracted, was the work of a true commander.  Those who ride in Christ's authority take note.

In the Father's abiding love,

Judy Bauman

Dream - 1/25/05

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:23 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 05 2009

A Word From The Father's Heart To Yours: As In the Days of Noah

Come and sit and allow Me to renew your mind concerning the days that are ahead. [I have kept you sequestered for the most part so that you can hear My voice and not the voices of man in the church - whether in person, in the media or on the internet.  So pay close attention as I teach you.]

Matthew wrote Jesus' words,

Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."  Matthew 24:12-14

Child, the church will and already is growing cold with a great coldness. It is largely because they have embraced fiction as Scripture. 

The Gospel of the Kingdom is not entertainment.

Every time My Son began a story with, "The Kingdom of God (heaven) is like." He did not share a story of entertainment but of extremes.  On one hand there is the one who comes to Me as a child, the one who waits with extra oil, the one who trusts in God, the one who reaps a harvest, the one who comes to the wedding banquet dressed by the King.  On the other hand there is the one who has a millstone tied around his throat and is cast into the sea, those shut out of the kingdom, the one who trusts in riches, the one who squanders the seed, the one who refuses to dress appropriately for the wedding.

As in the Days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man.  Behold darkness covers the earth and gross darkness on the people.  My Son and several of His disciples have all warned that as you approach the end of this dispensation there will be perilous times.  He also made clear those times would proceed His coming - did He not?  Did He not say that His coming would be for all to see?  Does lightning hide itself at its approach?

Jesus said,

"For just as lightning comes from the east and flashes in the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be." (Se Matthew 24:27; Luke 17:24)

When Jesus returns it will be a glorious event and all that have caused My church to grow cold for giving false hope shall be gathered with the tares.  My Son's coming shall shock the earth, but it will not be a secret thing.  Immediately after the tribulation of those perilous days, when the Son of Man appears, it is then that He will shout and the voice of the archangel will be heard.  My trumpet will sound on that Day.

Do not be overcome by the darkness or cold love.  Be My sons of light.  Be My sons of day.  Do not slumber in laziness and drink the cup of slothfulness, but arise, shine and let My glory be seen upon you.

As in the days of Noah, My Spirit shall not strive with man forever.

Scripture references:
Luke 17:22-37; Matthew 24; 25:10; Isaiah 60:1-5; 1Thesalonians 4:16; 5:4-11; Gen 6:3; 2 Timothy 3; 2 Peter 3; Jude 16; James 1

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:24 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, April 21 2009

An Exhortation From The Lord To You:  Come!  Walk On Water!

When I walked this earth, I told My disciples, "When the prince of this world comes, he has nothing in Me." (John 14:30)  Why was that?

It was because I was completely submitted to My Father's will.  I was committed to His purpose and plan.  I was led by His Spirit - the Spirit of truth. I have given you the blueprint!  Look at it.  Follow it.  Do not do anything that the Father hasn't shown you.  My Father will never mislead you.  He will lead you into places you did not know you could go - but if He has called you to a place for a purpose - He will fulfill it.  It is My Spirit which will cause you to enjoy kingdom victory in that place.  (See John 5:19; 8:28-32; 20:21; Acts 1:8).  

Do not step out of the boat unless I invite you. BUT, if I invite you - COME!

Come immediately.  Don't delay.  Come!  You know My voice - don't you? My sheep know My voice.  You are my sheep.  I have called you by name.  Stop doubting.  Stop having such small faith.  You have My Spirit to teach you. You have My word to confirm to you what is truth.  Speak My truth.  Speak the words I give you.  Don't delay - get out of the boat!  Is it not your desire to walk on water? (See Matthew 14:22-33; John 10:3-5; 14:26).

Yes?  Then come, Beloved.  It is by My power and My grace that you are able.  Your abilities are perfected in and by My grace.  My power is made perfect in your weakness.  (See 2 Corinthians 12:9)

Will you come?

Your Shepherd

Given and first shared July, 2, 2006 revised April 21, 2009

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:45 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 31 2009

My child, the work I do in you is not the work of the world.   I see those things that must be cut out.   Those things that hinder and those things that cause you to react in ways you do not understand - they must come out of you for you to walk forward in My will for your life.  Trust Me with the knife as I Am the Master Surgeon.   I can cut those cancerous ways out of your being and make you new again.   When I Am the One you turn to for help, you will see a change.   Some say that leopards can't change their spots.  This is true, but I can change them if it is My desire!   It is neither by your might nor by your power, but it is by My Spirit.   Let Me cut out the cancer in your soul.   Let Me cut away the malignant growth.   Let Me cleanse the deep and infected wounds and remove all traces of gangrene.   Do you not know that gangrene comes from the lack of blood to living tissue?   Let Me apply the blood of My Only Begotten Son to your deepest of wounds.   Let Me apply the Balm of Gilead.  Let Me give you the heart transplant you so desperately need.   Let Me inject My DNA into the depths of your being.  

Do not fret if this takes multiple surgeries.   You are indeed going from glory to glory.   This is a process, beloved child, and I know exactly how much you can take at any given time.   I will bring you into My operating room when I know it is the precise time - not too soon - not too late.   I will bring you in as many times as it takes to cut away the deadness of your wound.   I will only cut as deep as I know that you can recover, and then I wait until you are truly ready again.   This kind of work takes time.   Do not worry about your schedule or how far along you are in the process.   I Am familiar with all your ways.  You truly can trust Me.   Let Me touch that wound and bring restoration as you have never imagined. 

Bind yourself to My Son.   Bind yourself to My will.   Bind your body to the perfect work of the cross.   I will loosen the enemy's strangle-hold; I will skillfully cut away his influence and remove his talons from the death-grip they have had on you.   Trust Me.   All of the rejection and fear and demonic oppression will no longer hold you back from My very best for you!   I will never abandon you.   Though your earthy father and mother forsook you, I never will.   I will bring you near and draw you to Myself.  My arms will never drop you and none can steal you from My embrace.   Go to sleep and breathe deep from the depths of the well of My love for you.   Rest My love.   Be still and know that I Am your God and your Father.   When you awaken from your slumber I will have made a permanent change in you as I have replaced your wounds with My comfort, My love and My desire for you.   Let My will be done in you, My precious earthen vessel, as it is in heaven.   Trust Abba to care for you in the way that I know best.

With everlasting love,
Your Father

Scripture References:
Zechariah 4:6; Isaiah 58:8; Matthew 9:35; Luke 6:19; 9:6; Romans 8:14; Galatians 4:6

Personal Note:  
A profound work took place in me since the Lord spoke this word, "Master Surgeon" nearly three years ago on May 22, 2006.  From this difficult and wonderful time with the Lord, The Father's Love Int'l Ministries was birthed. I believe there are some who receive this post that need this word right now as it is a word in due season. 

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 17 2009

Fire Of Hope: A Vision Followed By A Word From The Lord

First: I saw myself standing in the middle of a room with words that were stringed together circling my head.  As they were going around me, some would go in my ear and through my head then out of my mouth.  They were words of every kind - words of encouragement and words of life; words of criticism and death.  The words that I took in, whether good or bad, eventually came out of my mouth. 

The words of encouragement, comfort, and edification were from the kingdom of God and brought forth life.  They originate from faith, hope and love.  They came from the One who loves me.

The words of criticism, condemnation and discouragement were rooted in fear and originate from the kingdom of darkness and they brought forth death and discontentment. The words of death were determined to bring havoc and confusion. They were from the one who hates not only me, but everyone, as we are made in God's image.

Second: I saw myself begin to dance in flames of the love of God.  As I danced all of the words caught on fire.  Those of Satan's domain were burnt up and created a sickly green flame accompanied by a strong odor of sulfur; but the words of the Lord were on fire with flames of yellow, orange, red and blue.  These words were not consumed by the fire and their flames danced with the rhythm of the music.  They gave off a wonderful lasting scent of flowers and delightful herbs. 

A voice came out of the flame I was dancing in and said, "In Me is faith, hope, peace and love.  I Am the Flame of Hope. I burn away anxiety, oppression, fear, confusion, condemnation, doubt, worry, discouragement, distraction and critical words."

All the words were aflame.  The words of death were completely destroyed. However, those that were of the Lord were not consumed.  Like the burning bush was with Moses - direction, purpose and destiny was brought forth from the flame.

"Dance in the fire of My love and let Me burn up everything that is not of Me and let Me leave everything else ablaze with the Fire of Hope."


One thing I felt cautioned about was if I did not resist and oppose the words of death, they would end up coming out of my own mouth. As the Lord spoke the world into existence, I felt warned that speaking words of death would bring destruction in my life and the lives of those around me.  I also sensed the words of life I spoke would bring great blessings to me and to all touched by my words.

This was not as much about me as it was the Church - the Body of Christ who I represent in this vision. 

Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Other Scripture References:
Exodus 3; Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Acts 2:3, 4; First Corinthians 3:11-15; Hebrews 10:24-27; 12:25-29, Matthew 12:33-37, 15:18; First Peter 4:11; James 3:10; Genesis 1

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:16 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 25 2009

The Father's Love: A Time of Freedom

It was February 12, 1997, and from every angle my life looked fine; however, I was miserable. I had been trying to "be a good person" and live my life in a way that would please my fellow man, but my good community works did not fill the void in my soul. The more I looked to the world for solace, the more lost I became.

My sorrow began when I was ten and my father suddenly passed away. Then nine years later my mother succumbed to cancer. I blamed God for my terrible losses because I felt He could have stopped them in the first place.  Confusion had set in when my dad died but as I watched my mother's life ebb away, my anger burned hot against God. No one taught me what Jesus said about such things:

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." (John 10:10)

Because I did not know this I held onto the lie that God had killed my parents. I heard God was kind and loving, but I saw Him as a big bully just looking for someone to pick on - like the Greek god, Zeus, who threw lightning bolts at people - and I was a target! Why would I go to God for help or comfort?  In my anger I gave my affection to the world. Many years were spent subconsciously trying to escape the pain as I partied away the days hiding my heartache - mostly from myself. Then in 1982, I had a profound revelation of the personage of Jesus, and accepted Him as my Savior. He delivered me from the addictions that dulled my senses and He gave me the ability to walk in the light of His love.

Three years later, because of a spiritually shattering divorce, I slipped away from Jesus and fell back into a milder version of the lifestyle from which the Lord had freed me. The Holy Spirit was convicting me of sin and persistently worked to draw me to the Father, but because I ignored Him I suffered continual guilt, shame, depression and condemnation. When God delivers us from sin and we turn back to it, the penalty is far greater than we can imagine. It is not God's doing. Sin is its own punishment.

On the morning of February 12, 1997, I was nursing a hangover and happened to notice on the calendar that it was the first day of Lent. Lent is known throughout the Christian world as a time of reflection and often personal sacrifice prior to the commemoration of Jesus' death and subsequent celebration of His victorious resurrection.  When I was a child I remembered adults giving up things for Lent - only to see them renege on their commitment a few days later.  Consequently, I never saw the importance of participating myself. 

However, something went off inside me! There was something very different about this Lent - it was the opportunity I needed to declare my heart's intentions to the Lord. I wanted to change, but honestly, I did not know how to initiate it. Deep down I knew that God was the only One who could help me.  He had done it in 1982 and I could only hope He would be merciful to me again. The Lord had been drawing me to Himself and I could ignore Him no longer.

Wanting a new beginning I looked up to heaven and said, "God, I am going to give up alcohol for Lent." In that moment I knew this was a serious vow to God.  When I said this to the Lord, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said, "And you will fast the last three days."  This startled me! It was as if someone had been standing right next to me and spoke into my ear! I knew it was the Lord because it would never occur to me to do such a thing! I had never fasted a meal let alone three whole days! In my disbelief I let out an fearful retort, "We'll see about that!"  God's love surrounded me and calmed my fears.  It was amazing.  His love amazed and still amazes me!

Ten days into my vow my resolve weakened.  Unsure I could make it the full length of Lent, I called a friend for moral support. This Christian woman had recently befriended me, and though I did feel a sense of conviction around her, she never once used any condemning words or actions towards me.  She knew how close to extinction my faith had wandered over the years.  She asked me point blank, "Judy, do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?"  In the face of this direct question I could deny Him no longer, "Yes." I answered.  She asked if I had accepted Jesus as my Savior. "Yes." Well then," she continued, "Do you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God?" Again I gave an affirmative, "Yes."   She asked if I had a Bible.  I told her I did, but gave her the excuse that all my books were still packed away somewhere in my garage. She said, "Well ~ you better go find it." With that she hung up!  I knew she was right, so I went out to the garage and found it at the top of the first box I opened!!!  I had to laugh because those boxes had been shuffled around and moved numerous times. God can be so funny at times.

Taking my Bible inside I asked, "What do I need, Lord?" The word, "Healed" came to mind.  I looked in the concordance and one Scripture stood out to me in Psalm 107.  As I read it I was amazed. I was reading my testimony!

Some sat in darkness and the deepest gloom, prisoners suffering in iron chains, for they had rebelled against the words of God and despised the counsel of the Most High. So He subjected them to bitter labor [worry]; they stumbled, and there was no one to help. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress.  He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for men, for He breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron.

Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble and He saved this from their distress.  He sent forth His word and healed them; He rescued them from the grave. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for men. Let them sacrifice thank offerings and tell of His works with songs of joy. Psalm 107:10-16; 19-22  (Emphasis mine)

I understood in that moment that Jesus was there to set me free. He was not there to condemn me. The Holy Spirit opened up the eyes of my understanding and I understood exactly how I had gotten trapped and exactly what I needed to do to be set free. I cried to the Lord! A great turning took place in my heart at that moment. I repented of sinning against God Almighty and being disobedient to His Word. A great freedom and peace flooded my soul!  About a week later I wrote a song to testify to God's mercy in my life. It can be found at:

The last three days I did fast. This was a powerful time for me and at the end of that fast I enjoyed a sense of love and belonging like I had never known.  I knew I had been adopted by God!  I was now a child of the King of kings!  I also knew that I need not ever be chained by addictions. God made His love known and if He did it for me, He will do it for you! Experiencing the Father's love is what so many people in the world are missing; it is the revelation of this love that He has given me to share. 

Jesus met me in my kitchen that day and swooped down and rescued me. Perhaps the Lord is speaking to you right now about an addiction you have been fighting.  It is time for freedom!!!  The Lord awaits you to turn to Him in your trouble so He can save you from your distress.  He will cut through your iron bars!  As we enter into the Lenten season, I believe the power of God is available for you to be set free from the things that have kept you bound.  His is willing to meet your right where you are. Jesus died to deliver us from the evil one!  He loves you and there is nothing you have done that His perfect love cannot cover. There is no amount of sin that exceeds the power of the Father's love!

It is important to note that Jesus is approachable anytime - not just at certain times or seasons, so if you are reading this at a time other than Lent, please do not let that stop you from coming to Him right now. We can come to Jesus anytime.  He stands watching and waiting for us to turn our eyes upward so that He can deliver us from destruction.  He died so that we could be free.  He stands at the door of our heart and waits for us to open it to Him.  If you have not already done it, I encourage you to open it to Him.  Then watch as the adventure with Him unfolds before you!

In the Father's abiding love,

Judy Bauman

Scriptures to ponder:
John 14; Romans 8; 1 John 4

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 08:54 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 09 2009

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: Jesus Was Not Forsaken!

So many in My church are wearied and some believe I have abandoned them in their time of need like I did Jesus on the Cross.  The teaching taking place in My Body that states that I forsook Jesus on the Cross because I cannot look at sin is an erroneous teaching. 

Did I look upon and see Adam's sin and nakedness in the Garden?  Did I send Jonah to Nineveh because I had not seen their sin or because I did see it?  What about Sodom and Gomorrah?  What about the sins of the elders in My holy Temple, or Eli's sons who were seen sinning in the doorway of the Temple?  How did Jesus know about the sins of the woman at the well?  I saw them, and because I saw them, Jesus saw them.  The list of sins that I have seen in all of mankind is exceedingly long, Church, so to say that I cannot look upon sin is simply not true.  Have I not looked at and seen yours?

I looked upon sins for many centuries before sending My Only Begotten Son, so to think or teach that Jesus was forsaken on the Cross because I cannot look upon sin is a fanciful and false teaching.  It came from man trying to explain why Jesus would cry out in His final hour, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"  Instead of consulting Me about what happened, they sought their own wisdom.  Man's wisdom will never produce righteousness.

So where was I when Jesus cried out on the Cross?  I was with Him!  I never left Him nor forsook Him.  His body was in anguish, His emotions were on trial.  He was distressed and distraught in the Garden of Gethsemane even before the crucifixion began.  Those final moments were so excruciating that even He, the Son of God, could not hear or feel Me.  Because Jesus believed that I left Him did not mean that I had left Him - as it is with you in your hour of anguish.  My Word overrides your feelings. My Word says that I will never leave nor forsake you. Learn to trust My word over your feelings or ability to understand.

Jesus was fully God and fully man and in that hour He suffered yet did not sin.  This is Gospel.  This is why He is the perfect sacrifice.  But he cried out that I had left Him when I did not.  Jesus was man and He got thirsty and hungry.   Jesus was weary at times. Jesus was one person in the human race just like you.  He thought I had left Him in His worst hour.  This was not a sin for Jesus to think I had left Him, nor is it a sin if you think this in your hour of distress. I release you from that guilt now! 

This is why the teaching that I cannot look upon sin is so dangerous because it relays the message that I will not help or even look at you if you are in sin.  I do My best work in people's lives when they are smack dab in the middle of a life of debauchery or legalism!  This I have demonstrated over and over again.  If you need proof just look to the lives of Mary Magdalene or the apostle Paul!  Perhaps your own life is all the further you need look.

Remember - I loved mankind so much that I sent My Son to die to be the Atonement for your sins - sins that I saw and still see.  Sin has never kept Me from reaching out to you and when all sins were placed upon Jesus, they did not keep Me from Him.  The enemy of your soul, Satan, cannot keep Me from loving you or being with you in your time of need, but he can keep you from believing I Am there.  Lift your shield of faith and quench the fiery darts of doubt. Come boldly to My Throne of Grace in your hour of need and receive mercy.

I Am the One who loves your soul.  Who are you going to believe - the enemy of your soul or the Lover of your soul?

Scripture References:
Matthew 27:46; Genesis 3; Jonah 1:2; 1 Samuel 2:12, 22; Ezekiel 8:1-18; John 5:10; James 1:20; Psalm 139:7; Romans 8:31-39; Hebrews 13:5; Mark 14:32-34; Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; Luke 7:34, 35; Ephesians 4:13, 6:10-18; Matthew 8:29; 14:33; 16:16; 27:54; Hebrews 4:14-16; Matthew 4:2; John 4:7, 8, 18; Hebrews 2:17;Acts 8:1-3, 9:1-5; Luke 8:2; .John 10:10; 3:16; 1 Timothy 1:15-17.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:26 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 01 2009

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: A Season of Fruitfulness 2009-2012

Part One

October 16, 2008

You have entered into a new season of fruitfulness in a dynamic way.  Do not be dismayed or distracted by living in the past when it comes to pruning.  If you want to be fruitful for My kingdom then you must be pruned each season.  The fruitfulness of your life and relationship with Me will be greatly diminished in the coming season if you do not release the pruned branches and let the new growth come forth in its time with its fruit.  Many take a branch that I have loped off and try to stick it back in the Vine.  Do you not know that once I have removed it, it will no longer live or thrive?  At that point one would be guilty of dead works and will fall into judgment (see Matthew 7:21-23). So let it go, release it to Me, and grow into the fruitfulness of this season with Me!

Did Jesus tell you that you are the branches and He is the True Vine?  Is not your Heavenly Father the Vinedresser? Do you trust your Father to know what you need, or do you trust yourself more?  If you are not pruned back and trained by My skilled hand, then you will become unruly and unfruitful.  Because the pruning needed is important to the growth of the branches of the Vine, it takes One who is courageous, has a trained hand and eye, and has your fruitfulness in mind when cutting.  I know, says the Lord, the exact number of buds which should remain for the maximum fruitfulness in the coming season. I correct, train and discipline those I love.  What you believe to be productive growth in the past season, I see as what needs to be pruned back to the Vine for the fruitfulness of the next season. 

Are you growing fruit for My kingdom or yours?  If it is for yours, that fruit will not remain in the age to come; but if it is for My kingdom, then you will allow Me to prune you because you will know it is My love for you that guides My hand.  Understand that when the grapevine is expertly pruned back it often "bleeds" heavily.  This is normal.  I cut back those branches that have grown far and wide.  To your eye they look strong, but to My expert eye I know that the sweetness of the grapes will be compromised in the coming season if they are not removed.  If the branches from the previous season's growth are allowed to develop as they are, they may appear to be fruitful to your eye, but I know the fruit grown in a season with no prior pruning will produce fruit that is sour, dry or bitter.

Child, I know the pruning is difficult, but you can endure it and you will be so much better off for submitting to My hand.  Fighting the pruning will only traumatize you more. Let Me take from you that which is hindering and allow Me to bring forth new growth you have only imagined.

Be clear that if I have pruned a business, person or a ministry from you, it is for your good and theirs.  It does not necessarily mean that what has been pruned from you has been pruned from Me.  If I have pruned someone or something away from your life, it does not mean it is dead. It is just dead to you.  Be very careful not to apply this word to things outside of My word. (i.e.: trying to justify divorce or a lack of integrity and honesty in the workplace or ministry.)

Now with all this in mind, please allow Me to address some things for the coming year.  2009/5769* is a year for the manifestation of fruitfulness for My Kingdom.  As there are nine noted "Fruits" of My Spirit, there are also nine "Gifts" of My Spirit.  This will be a year of fullness for those who have been trained by My pruning and discipline to walk in My fruit and manifest My gifts. 

Hebrews 12:11

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. NIV

Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.  NKJV

I chose and appointed you to go bear fruit.  Whatever you ask Me in Jesus' name I will give it when you ask according to My will.  It is My will which is to be done on the earth as it is already being done in heaven.  Come boldly to My Throne of Grace to receive mercy in your time of need.  Do you not perceive the great cost and price Jesus paid to rend the veil to the Holy of Holies so that you are allowed to come boldly to Me in your time of need?  I am telling you to come boldly!  When you come boldly you reveal your trust in Me and prove that you believe My Word over your feelings.

The spiritual fruitfulness, or lack thereof, in this present season will touch and reach into 2012.  Divine order in My Body will begin to take shape in 2010.  In 2011 those who are of the leaven of heaven 1 will be revealed.  Conversely those claiming to be Mine but partake in the leaven of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herod 2 will be exposed.  Leaven will be exposed in the hearts of all and will reveal order or disorder, righteousness or unrighteousness, faithfulness or faithlessness.  Those full of love for Me will triumph over hatred and treachery.  This exposé will set up My perfection of government in 2012.  The degree of trust in Me that you exhibit in the present pruning will determine the levels of harvest in coming years and specifically in the next four years.  Expect a greater pruning in 2011 and consequently a huge harvest to come in 2012 - if and only if you allow Me to cut away the long branches which will grow from this present pruning.  I tell you this ahead of time so that you will not hold onto what I am about to release to you.  Allow the healing from this pruning and see what fruit - what glorious fruit I will bring forth!

Part Two

December 31, 2008, 11:45 pm

As you fully give yourself to the pruning of this season, you will find yourself bearing all nine fruits.  Love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control are all within your reach when all that encumbers you is pruned back and removed.  Let Me clean away the dead, dying, and yes, living branches to make way for the new, the sweet and the satisfying fruit to come.

Then and only then will you be able to walk fully in the gifts of the Sprit.  As you see need, each gift will be made manifest.  Whoever needs a word of wisdom will find her. Knowledge will be accessible by the same Spirit.  Faith will come as you move forward.  Going back is not an option when you have reached a place where you know, you truly know, you will not retreat but you will go forth in faith.  Not faith in yourself and your abilities, but faith in Me.

The gift of healing that so many desire will be given to those who trust and have faith in My Spirit to do the healing and look to Me to touch those who are ill and tortured.  To those needing healing I say look to Me and stop hunting down man - roaming from meeting to meeting. I will bring you to where you need to be in order to receive from Me the healing you desire.  Be still and know that I Am God.  When all the voices are quieted, you will then be able to clearly hear Me and know what I Am saying to you.

The working of miracles will be the norm as you walk in My Spirit and allow Me to lead you.  My prophetic words will flow from My Throne Room of Grace.  You will discern spirits both good and bad and you will avoid many pitfalls as you walk in My discernment.  You will meet others who walk under the banner of My love and there in that gathering you will find a Body moving as one.  One will speak an unknown language and another will share what I have spoken.  Songs will come in one language you know not and be sung in one you do know.

So beloved, do not despise the pruning you are going through.  I will prune EXACTLY what needs to be removed so that the fruit of the coming season will be sweet and delicious and will give life to all who partake.

Happy New Year,

1) The leaven of Heaven = is the yeast of the Love of God that causes us to rise up and be sweet to those around us. To be the taste of heaven here on earth that comes out to those around us through our relationship with Jesus - the Bread of Life.

Matthew 13:3 -  He told them still another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like yeastthat a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough."

2)  The leaven of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herod = Leaven of the Pharisees is the puffed up, full of hot air, prideful religious spirit that seeks to usurp God's grace with works.  It seeks the accolades and praise of man. This spirit was the most active spirit that nailed Jesus to the Cross (see Matt 12:14 and John 19:6) though this spirit worked in concert and in union with the spirit of Herod to accomplish this goal (see Mark 15:15-20). 

The spirit of Herod does not value life, is worldly, self-centered, based in sensual pleasure and is secular in nature (see Matthew 2:16; 14:1-12).  The spirit of the Sadducees' is false religion.  They believe there was no resurrection (see Mark 12:18). They later persecuted the early church (see Acts 5:17, 18, 40).

Matthew 16:6 - "Be careful," Jesus said to them. "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."

11 "How is it you don't understand that I was not talking to you about bread? But be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."

Mark 8:15 Then He charged them, saying, "Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod."

Scripture References:
Part One
- John 15:1-8; Hebrews 4:16; 12:5-11; Matthew 6:10; 7:15-20; 13:3; 16:6; 18:19; John 14:12-14; 16:23-27; Mark 8:15; 15:38; Romans 8:12-16; Ephesians 3:20; 1 John 5:14; Jeremiah17:7-1; Proverbs 3:5, 6

Part Two - 1 Corinthians12:4-14; Galatians 5:22-26

*2009/5769=Gregorian Calendar Year/Hebraic Calendar Year

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 11:50 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, November 14 2008

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: The Hour Is Late

Will you come in? Can you not hear My voice beckoning you into the Holy of holies? Do not you understand that I already know why it is you do not want to come into where I Am sits? Everything is exposed in here. You prefer to come to church and go through the niceties and do not realize that you are only in the courtyards; you have yet to come into My presence. You want to sing songs that sound good. You do not want to draw too much attention to yourself. You do not want to turn anyone off. You want it to last just only so long because you have places to go and people to meet, and yet you leave the one Who ransomed your heart from destruction standing there empty-handed. You fool yourself to think I do not see everything from where I sit. The difference is that when you come into My Throne Room of Grace, you see what it is in you that does not belong. The real reason you do not come because you know you must look at what is really going on inside of yourself.

Do you not see that My desire for you is to be rid of the chains that bind you? Do you not know that I love you with a love that is deeper than anything you can imagine?

I desire to bring you to the King's banqueting table! You do not see that you have slop on your plate. Can you see that taking sin into yourself is like eating rubbish? Why would you want to eat garbage when I have a feast prepared for you? You are holding on to hidden sin and it keeps you from My best - it keeps you from the Secret Place of the Most High. You refuse to come into the Holy Place with Me because you will not release these insidious desires of yours. You want to lie and cheat; greed runs amuck in those I call My own. Listen Child of Mine, you do not hide a thing from I Am. You only hide it from yourself. Everything is going to be exposed in the Day. Everything is to be revealed by the fire that burns in My eyes. That fire is My passion for you, but it will consume everything that is not of Me. What will be left standing?

Come to Me and I will cleanse you. Do not wait! RUN to the Mercy Seat! Then you can stand with Me and not apart from the One who covers your sins. Then you will be able to worship in the power of My Spirit. Then you will be able to come to Me in truth. Then you will be free!

Come! Come into the Holy Place! Come sit at My feet and learn from Me for I Am humble of heart. You will find rest for your souls.

I stand at the crossroads looking down at My watch. I Am telling you plainly, the hour is late. Do not think that I come to take you up and out of your mess. I do not speak of what men teach. I speak of the hour in your life that has come and I Am telling you, the hour is late. Those who hear Me have been sending warnings to implore you to seek Me early, yet you think you have all the time in the world. You do not. I see the time. The hour is late. My love is great. Come and soak in My Presence and see what I Am can do with your life!

Scripture References:
Hebrews 4:16; 12:11; 1 Corinthians 3:11-15;  Mark 4:22; Matthew 11:28-30; 25:1-4, Galatians5:19-23

Personal note: This word was originally posted on July 12, 2006 and was one of the first prophetic declarations I received from the Lord to send to the church online.  In these past days and weeks and months I keep getting the same promptings I received when the Lord gave me this word.  Since I did not have a website at that time, I am sending it out on this post because it seems a very timely word.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, November 11 2008

To Intercessors 

The Lord has shown me and a few others that the enemy seeks to take the breath and the voice from the intercessors.  He is using bronchitis, laryngitis, asthma, allergies and whatever else he can to stop us during this critical time to intercede for our city, country, Israeland the world. 

Right now I bind your mind to the mind of Christ and your will to the will of the Father.  I bind your body to the perfect work of the cross and I loose the enemy's hold from your throat, lungs, esophagus, and entire body in the powerful name of Jesus!  I apply the healing balm of Gilead.  Amen!  Thank You, Father!  We praise You and bless You for Your wisdom! 

Even if all you can do is groan, then groan as the Holy Spirit will make known that prayer in the heavenlies! 

Be blessed as you are a blessing,


Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, October 20 2008

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: Be Still

Be still and know that I Am God.  Do not look to the right or the left as I Am the Author and Finisher of your faith.  I Am not in the windstorm, the earthquake or the fire.  I Am in the quiet and secret place.

Your future is in My hands, so do not be dismayed at the terrors of the night.  Give heed to your time spent sitting at My feet. Give heed to My commands.

Believe and do not doubt.  Do not focus your gaze on the enemy at the gate.  I Am The Gate!  I will open up strategies and the understanding of the strategies as you come and sit at My feet.  Come and sit at My feet, Beloved, and believe that I Am and that I Am a Rewarder of those who earnestly seek Me.

Scripture References:
1 Kings 19:11, 12; Deuteronomy 5:32, 33; Josh 1:7; Psalms 27:5; Psalms 91; Proverbs 4:20-27; Daniel 2:47; Matthew 5:44, 45; Matthew 6:6; Luke 10:38,-42; John 10:1-18; John 14:15-21; John 16:13; 2 Corinthians10:3-5; Hebrews 11:6; Hebrews 12:2

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:43 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, September 27 2008

An Exhortation Trom The Father's Heart To yours: Go Forth With Confidence

This is not a time for the church to be in tribulation or turmoil.  Have I not sounded the warnings and have I not given words of preparation?  This day should not shock you like a thief in the night.  This day is one I have prepared for you to go forth with confidence!

It is time for My church - those I call "Mine" - to rise up and shine.  "ARISE" I say. "SHINE" I shout!  I will give the glory.  I will give the victory. It is My glory and My victory that I give to you as you go forth in My name.  I Am the Victorious One and it is up to you to fall with the stock market or arise in My strength and shine.

Jehovah Nissi (God our Banner of Victory)

Scripture References:
Isaiah 60:1-5; Psalm 71:5; Proverbs 3:26; Jeremiah 17:5-10; John 14:1

Personal Note:

The night after I received this word, I was at Daystar Church in Atlanta and the pastor received a confirming prophetic song where there was a clarion call for the church to wake up and rise up.  Then at one point he began to sing, "Arise, shine!"  It was a powerful song delivered in the strength of the Lord.

The Father has been making a point for some time that we are living of the dark days of Isaiah 60 and that we need to arise from our slumber and shine in the glory of God.  Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to enable us to be confident in this calling to which we have been called.  No longer say that you are not able because God is saying to you, "Arise and go forth with confidence!"  AMEN!  Blessings, Judy

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:48 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 24 2008

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: Will You Trust Me?

It is time to overcome - it is time to contend for your promise.  Are you going to believe what I have told you and what I have spoken to you personally and through My prophets?  Or are you going to embrace Satan's lies spoken through a spirit of doubt and unbelief?  Whether he has spoken directly to you or through a "well-meaning" person, his lies spread poison.  If you allow yourself to believe his doubt and unbelief over My promise to you, are you the only one who is defiled?

Certainly I say NOT!

My question to you is will you believe My promise over all you see and hear?  If you will trust Me, you will see Me move heaven and earth to cause what I have spoken to you come to pass.  My promises are "Yes in Christ Jesus" so that you can reply, "Amen to His glory."

Scripture References:
Romans 4:17-22; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Psalm 31:14; Psalm 91; Isaiah 12:2

This word was received at the very start of the "Where Eagles Gather" Conference in Kremmling, CO with Bill and Marsha Burns.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:32 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, August 26 2008

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: Victor or Victim

Have you been called into My kingdom to be a victor or a victim?  My glorious kingdom has no place for victims.  This is not to say that if you have suffered a crime, disease or accident that you are not welcome in the Kingdom of God. What this means is that you will not be able to enter My presence with a spirit of self-pity that relives the past.

I have made you more than a conqueror.  You have been given the power and authority and the grace to get through every situation life can throw at you.  You are not a victim. Come out of your place of depression and anxiety and come sit at My table of gladness.  Come eat My bread.  There is more than enough to go around.  Come eat at the table of life.  I have set before you a banquet of life and offer it all to you.  Will you come?  Will you eat at the victor's table of life or will you wallow as a victim in the gutter?

Deuteronomy 30:19b I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life

Do not be a victim of yesterday.  Be a victor of today!  Rise up and take your place at the table of My grace and let us eat together at the banquet of life.

Scripture References:
Psalm 23:5; Isaiah 61:1-3; John 6:41, 48-51; Romans 8:37; 1 Corinthians 10:21 2 Corinthians 12:9; Philippians 4:4-9; Revelations 19:9

*Given during worship 8/22/08 at the Healing Rooms "All Things Are Possible" Conference with Cal and Michelle Pierce.

Posted by: AT 12:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, August 14 2008

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: Wasted Years

Many in My church have wasted years that they lived ashamed to recall.  The years that were wasted on wanton living are gone, and while it is true that they can never be lived over again, I know how to take the broken pieces of your life and fit them back together making something much more beautiful than it was originally.

When I take the broken pieces of your life and put them together, says the Lord, you will know it is Me because you have tried for years to fix yourself without success.  Many ask Me, "Why would You even want my life, God?  I have made such a mess of it."  This is true.  When I Am not made Lord (Master) of one's life, most make mistakes that cause irreparable damage. However, I Am a God who can create worlds with a word.  I can take the mess, as it is submitted to Me, and make something not only beautiful, but of great value.  I can cause a vessel that was once broken beyond repair and make it into a vessel of honor fit for the Master's use.  I can take an "unviable mass" and create life beyond your ability to express its beauty.

So do not go around the desert mountain again and again living in regret for the mistakes of your wasted years.  Come to Me, Beloved for behold I make all things new!  If you release the wasted years to Me, you will see how I will glean a harvest from them.  Nothing is wasted in My kingdom.

Lovingly Your,

Scripture References:
Psalm 40:1-5; Nahum 2:2; First Peter 5:10; Second Timothy 2:20, 21

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, August 14 2008

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: I Am Calling You Higher

Child, the sorrow of the pruning you are enduring is but for a short time; joy comes in the morning.  Know that though it is painful, it is necessary. You are coming into a new season in Me.  Think of a fruit tree that has one branch that is growing much faster than any of the others.  The tree becomes out of balance.  A branch that has had exponential growth in comparison to the rest of the tree must be pruned back so the rest of the branches can catch up.

This is not pruning of dead branches, though I do that; this pruning is of a living and healthy branch which bore fruit you enjoyed.  That is why the pain is so intense, but it is not unto death. That which has been cut away will be for My glory.  There is a shock that happens to a tree when it is pruned and this is what you are experiencing. But remember, the tree gets over the shock and grows to bear much more fruit. Your branches are to bring healing to many nations.  What I gave you during the prior season will never be taken from you.  I have planted you by the Living Water and I want you to drink deeply during this time of recovery. It is My desire for your roots to grow deep and strong in Me.  By My hand a lance has skillfully been cast to cut the cords that once bound you - the ropes are no longer there!  You've been set free! Rejoice in that!  Your roots are healthy and free to grow!  Learn of Me as My ways will never lead you astray. I say again, take time to drink deep from the well of My presence.  I will never turn you away and I will never set a limit on how deep you can go in Me.  You are free to go as deep as you desire.

The enemy sought to dishearten you and bring you to your knees.  But that is right where I wanted you!  His desire is to see you embrace the wounds of being cast aside - he's trying to regain entry, but I have strengthened your heart in this past season. Your heart is compelled to embrace My cross.  That is because I have injected it with My DNA* and you are forever changed.  Because you have submitted to Me, I have given you the wisdom to resist his deceptions.

Know that you are no longer an orphan.  You are mine.  You belong to Me!  Everyone could abandon, reject and cast you aside, but My favor and My love will always bring you back to My side where there is fullness and life.  At My side is where you can rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory!   You know that you belong to Me and are a child of the King.  You are heir to all I have, so walk humbly but confidently in that truth. 

Release the pain of the pruning to Me and I will rise up with healing in My wings. I will cover you in My pinions.  Come up to the cleft of the Rock and rest in My presence. Mount up with wings as eagles.  Yes, use the wings I have given you to soar with Me.  I am calling you higher!

Scriptures: Psalm 27:10; 30:5; 91; Isaiah 40:31; John 14:8; Galatians 5:1; Romans 8:13-17; 1 Peter 1:8

*DNA is the unique blueprint - a genetic code specific for each individual life.  A DNA test can prove paternity, or catch criminals by placing them at the scene of the crime.  When DNA was discovered it also set many innocent people free.  The Lord was saying in this word that He has injected us with His DNA - His unique genetic code!

It is my belief that this is a word in due season for many right now.  Its original release was September 10, 2006 and the fruitfulness that came forth shortly after far exceeded anything I could have imagined.  The Father's Love International Ministries expects the pruning that we are undergoing by the Lord's hand will bring forth much fruit in the coming season. I also expect it to bring forth much in yours. 

In the Father's love,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:38 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, August 07 2008

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: The Secret Place of My Keeping

Beloved, do you realize that in the Secret Place of My keeping there is safety from every storm?  Storms of life will come and they will go, but My love for you stands firm forever. 

Jesus was caught in the storms, the disciples were caught in the storms, Paul was caught in the storms, but fear not!  I have overcome the storms. 

Even when shipwrecked My glory was seen around and about Paul.  When the viper came to bring destruction and the words of accusation rose up against My servant, I came in like a flood to those people on Malta Island.  They perceived his sin of murder, but I had forgiven that sin, so that no charges could be formally brought against Paul.  I had acquitted him.  He served his "sentence" as My servant and My friend.  As Paul put it, he was a prisoner of hope in the Lord.  Because of that hope the islanders came to salvation, as did many who had been on the boat.

The reason Paul walked in My authority was because of his time spent in the Secret Place.  He was faithful in prayer, patient in suffering, loving to those around him - especially his enemies that held him in chains. Paul was a man that I loved so very dearly.  I wept when his life was taken. Paul's work was complete and his death was instrumental for the building of My kingdom.  His life and his death were perfected in My hand.

Many think that being hidden in My Secret Place means that no harm will come to them.  If this were true then My Holy Scriptures would be false.  It is clear that persecution comes to those who follow Me.  Those who teach, "If you come to Jesus today all your troubles will be over," are teaching a false gospel.  Is not the death of My prophets, My Son, My disciples, My church that has been martyred over the centuries proof enough?   Can they be accused of not being found in Me in the Secret Place of the Most High?  Of course not!  I will be with you through any and all the storms you face.  My prayer is for you to go through them - not that none exist.

Come and rest your head on My chest.  Listen to the beating of My heart.  Hear My love for you and the plans that I have for you.  I want to give you a future and a hope.  I will prosper you.  Again, do not look to man's ideas or understanding of what this means but look to the truth revealed all throughout My Word.  Though martyred, those I call Mine have enjoyed richly prosperous lives that have been fruitful for the Kingdom.  Time has proven their works worth.

Do you want to be fruitful for the Kingdom?  Trust Me. Only believe.  Come into My Secret Place and see how I will keep you from falling or failing.  I Am well able to keep you in My hand.

Scripture References:
Psalm 91, 107:29; 116:15; Matthew 8:24; Acts 8:1-3; 9:1-2, 15-16; Acts chapters 27 & 28; 1 Corinthians 6:1-10; 2 Timothy 3:12;

Other References:  History of the Christian Church Volumes 1-8 by Phillip Schaff

This word was given on May 29, 2008

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 08:52 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 08 2008

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: Breakthrough!


The breakthrough has come!  The breakthrough has come!

The shaking has been violent.  Though you thought you might fall, you STOOD.  You stood and now breakthrough has come.  You have fought and you will continue to fight but now you fight from a higher plane.  Your vantage point is now one where you have gained great vision.  And greater vision you shall have!

From My Throne of Grace you have come to learn all things of Satan's kingdom are under your feet.  When you sit on your Daddy's lap in the heavenly realm and you see the smallness of the devil and his ways you have truly found the place of BREAKTHROUGH! (Breakthrough is found in the Secret Place of the Most High God.)

So stand firm and watch the salvation of your God to move mightily on your behalf.

Personal Note:
This word was given to a specific church in Uganda, but I believe there are some that read this post that have been faithful to build God's kingdom and not their own and this word will lift and edify them in Jesus' name. With the Pastor's permission, I share it.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:49 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 27 2008

An Exhortation From The Heart Of Father: Come Up!

You have asked to come up higher.  You have asked to see from My vantage point.  You have asked to see My face.  Child, you have asked a great many things.  It is My desire to grant these requests, but there are some things you must know and understand before proceeding.

First, it is not possible for you to come to My holy habitation wearing filthy garments or with blood on your hands.  One little tumble will defile your beautiful garments, so walk in wisdom! This is no time to get sloppy.  What you were able to do in the past season, you may no longer do atop this new vista.  If you truly want to come up higher, then you must leave behind all the offenses of the past, present and future.  I say future because you think you know how those who have offended you will react, so you anticipate future rejection and attacks. In doing this you operate in fear instead of faith.

Have I not told you that if you speak to the Mulberry Tree to be uprooted and cast into the sea, it will be?  That tree was not chosen arbitrarily.  It has deep, strong roots, so if you merely cut it down, sucker-trees will grow out of the stump in greater numbers. I also chose it for the potency of its seed. Symbolically these are the small things that crop up and keep cropping up that cause you to stumble. I instruct you to cast it into the sea as it cannot grow in the salty water. 

The way to utterly destroy an offense is to speak in faith what you know to be right and good and holy.  Speak that which is not as though it already is.  I am not asking you to live a life of lies or denial; I Am teaching you a principle of faith.  Speak My perfect will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Life and death are in your tongue. You cannot impulsively talk about offenses and your offenders and expect to remain clean before Me.  That is foolishness.  It is time to put childish things away. If you want to enjoy the privileges of an heir, then you must grow up.  Prophesy life into your dead circumstances.  As you do this, it not only prevents the bitter roots from re-growing, but it kills the deceptive seeds of offense before they have a chance to germinate and grow.

If you want to come up to where I AM, they you must rid yourself of bitterness and wrath, clamor and offense.  Shed the deadness of rejection from your soul.  There is no room on My Holy Mountain for a spirit of offense or rejection.  Love covers a multitude of sin.  Allow My discipline to cleanse you and bring forth peaceable fruit in your life.  Ask Me to increase your faith and I will.  Break free of bitterness and unforgiveness and come up to where I Am.

Ephesians 4: 29-32 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.  And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you.

Scripture References:
Luke 17:1-6; Hebrews 11;1; 12:11; Deuteronomy 30:15, 19; James 5:20

Note: Facts on the Mulberry tree is also known as the Sycamine tree:

  • Mulberry trees grow very quickly
  • They are not easily killed.
  • The White Mulberry is scientifically notable for the rapid plant movement of the pollen release from its catkins. The flowers fire pollen into the air by rapidly releasing stored elastic energy in the stamens. The resulting movement is in excess of half the speed of sound, making it the fastest known movement in the plant kingdom.[4]
  • The seeds are widely dispersed by birds.  (See Matthew 13:4, 19)
Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:54 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, May 19 2008

An Exhortation From The Heart Of Father To Yours: The Earth Groans

Many in My church have come to Me asking what is happening in the earth. Some preach that the earth groans for the return of Jesus, but that is not what My Word tells you.  Do you believe man's word over My Holy Scriptures?  Be as those of Berea who searched the scriptures to see if what Paul taught them were true.  It is said they were more noble and fair-minded in character because they sought out the truth.  Search out the matter!

You ask Me what is going on and I will tell you plainly.  The earth is groaning for you to rise up and be who you are in Me.  The earth is groaning for you, Dearest, to walk into the fullness to which you have been called.

As it is written:

Romans 8:19 The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons* of God to be revealed. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.

Have I not told you and have I not explained all of this is to come before My return?  Beloved, do not become confused or alarmed in your minds as to what is happening around you. The earth is travailing.  It is in labor; it is birthing. The fierce storms, violent earthquakes, sudden tsunamis and changes in weather are to be expected, as are signs in the sky.  My children must learn to rise up and walk in My power.  Creation eagerly expects My children to be revealed and made manifest.  So rise up and be who you are in Me.  Seek first the kingdom of heaven and everything you need will be given to you.  Fear not, Little Flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Allow My glory to be seen around you - to be made manifest through you.  As the earth travails and gross darkness settles on the people, My light in you will shine ever brighter.  This is what the world longs to see - My manifested glory.  Arise, shine and be the miracle someone needs.  They will see My glory appear over you.  The earth is groaning even now for you to rise up and walk in the power and the authority Jesus died to give you.  My Holy Spirit will lead you if you will listen to My promptings.  Walk into My fullness by the leading of My Spirit. Even as the earth travails, walk in My power and My peace.  Jesus was given authority to calm the storm and so have you.

Acts 17:11; Luke 12:31, 32; Mark 4:39; Isaiah 61:1-5; Proverbs 25:2; Matthew 28:18-20 
Chapters Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; John 14

*#5207 Sons= Greek - Huios

Those who revere God as their Father
Born-again believers in Jesus Christ.
Son ship verses gender.
Heirs to the promises of God

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 03:07 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, May 12 2008

An Exhortation From The Heart Of Father To Yours: I Do Not Scold

Children, when I speak a word of correction, I do not scold.  Often My words are read and the reader hears anger and sees finger-pointing.  This is not My voice nor My stance.   I Am slow to anger, slow to wrath, quick to show mercy and long in suffering. My perfect love for you overrides and swallows up wrath.

The cross of My Son has swallowed up wrath for those who abide in Him.  Do you live under My canopy of love, yet you hear My voice as vengeful and harsh?  Do not any longer allow the enemy to cloud your mind or twist My words and their meaning to you!

Come.  Come into My presence and let Me hold you in My arms of love.  Let Me transform your heart so that when you read My Word you can rightly discern the tone of My voice.  I do not share the voice of an impatient, pushy or vengeful man.  I Am fully confident in Who I Am, so I have no need to push My will on you or make you do things My way - against your will.  My most precious gift to you is your freewill and I will never override it.  I love you and I demonstrate that love by allowing you to choose or reject Me.  Many are called but few are chosen.  It is you who decides whether you are chosen or not.  I have given you the choice.  In Christ Jesus' death all wrath was appeased and in His resurrection you have been raised to life in and with Him.

If you hear My voice carrying the unrighteous anger of man, then you are not hearing Me as I Am.  I Am love. 

I speak in love. I correct in love.  I discipline those I love, but I do not scold as scolding brings shame.  I will never put you to shame.  I remove the shame and reproach, I do not add to it.  I disciple you and though it is difficult for a season, it will always yield delicious fruit of righteousness.  Keep yourself from being offended by My correction and allow Me to train and instruct you.

My discipline, which an arm of My love for you, will always lead you deeper into My purpose and destiny for your life.  It is in the proper discernment of My voice that will bring you into deeper truth and revelation of who I Am and who you are.

Know that everything I do is motivated by My love for you.  It's My love, it's My love, it's My love.  Everything I do is out of My love for you.  I do not speak as a man speaks or with the motivations of a man, so train yourself to hear My voice as loving. You will be able to do this by reading the Gospels of My Son and hear everything He said from a heart of deep and abiding love for you.  He demonstrated His pure love at Calvary.  Do not ever doubt His love for you. Jesus had a choice and He chose My will to redeem you.  Read His words in the loving tone that He spoke them.  Even when speaking to the Pharisees He used great restraint and care in how His voice reflected My heart.  I desire that none perish.

So beloved, allow Me to love you.  Hear My intense love for you.  Hear Me by My Holy Spirit.  If man claims to teach My ways but speaks in anger, wrath, torment, or in a judgmental tone of voice, then that man or woman is not sent by Me.

Remember the words from My prophet and friend, John:

There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but perfect [complete and full grown] love casts out fear [terror]. For fear has to do with punishment, and he who fears is not perfected in love [is not yet grown into love's complete perfection].  1 John 4:18

Be perfected in My love and hear My voice as it is.  There is no condemnation in Christ and you are in Christ if you obey Me. Hidden within every command I give there is a hidden treasure of blessing for you.  I will always lead you into righteousness and life eternal. Obedience is easier when you know I love you. So Know I LOVE YOU, Dear One, I love you!

Scripture References:
Exodus 34:6; Luke 23:34; John 3:36; 14:15; Romans 5:9; 8:1; Hebrews 12:11; 1 John 4:7-18, 2 Peter 3:9;

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:56 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, April 03 2008

An Exhortation From The Heart Of The Father To Yours: Unity Through My Possession

I Am building a building that cannot be torn down.  I Am fitting you, forming you and shaping you to fit together into a holy dwelling for My Spirit.

Oh My sweet beautiful children, I desire you to be gathered to Me and not to man.  I have caused you to need one another to carry out My will for each individual's destiny, but to be completely dependent on Me while doing it.  If every individual were completely dependent on Me and all their expectations were on Me to lead, guide and direct them, there would be no more lack or wounding in the church.

I have given the Perfect Gift in Christ Jesus.  He has given you His mind. You possess the mind of Christ, but have you allowed His mind - His Spirit to possess you?  Do you want the mind of your flesh to possess you with all its lusts - with pride being its root passion?  Or do you want the mind of Christ who created all things that were created?  Who do you want to lift you up - God or man?  If man lifts you then man can bring you down, but if you humble yourself under My righteous right hand then I will lift and sustain you.

Many can readily see if someone is possessed of the devil, but can they see that you are possessed of Me - that you are My Treasured Possession?  When people look into your eyes do they see pools of love?  When you touch them does the power of heaven touch them as well?

When a demoniac steps into a room, spirits of fear, anger, hatred, and rage enter with them.  Agitation and apprehension fill the place where they enter.  Even animals are upset and on guard around such as these.  
However, when a person who has invited My Spirit to live and move and have their being walks into a room, they bring hope and peace and love.  People with demons ruling them will become extremely uneasy and speak lies and terrorize the person to leave My presence - or worse - do Mine harm.  Remember, I have given you power over the enemy.

My church (and the world) has given too much credit to the power of the devil and his demons.  Their powers cannot compare to Mine.  Who will you exalt?  Who will you magnify?  The Lord of all creation or a created angel fallen from My grace?

Did I not tell Saul on the road to Damascus, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"

I was seated at the right hand of the Father, so how was Saul persecuting Me? He persecuted Me by harming those in whom My Spirit dwelled.  My life is in My Spirit and if you are willing, My Spirit is in you.  Those who harm you harm Me.  Allow My Spirit to guide you into unity by allowing Me to possess you.  Do not fear; this is not by power nor by might but by My Spirit, says the Lord.

My first commandment is for you to love Me above all other things and everything within you.  My second is for you to love others as yourself.  My promise to you, as you obey My commandments to love, is that I will come and make a home in you.  I love you with an everlasting love and live in you and I will manifest Myself to you. I will teach you all things.  I Am in Jesus and He is in Me and you will be made perfect in Us by the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. 

Declare My name which is in you.  Endeavor to keep unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  I bless you in this mandate and will be with you as you walk in it.

I want to possess My church so it will move as one Body throughout the earth connected to the Head which is Christ.  He is seated at My right hand and as each member of My church is possessed by My Spirit, they will move in unity with My Head.  You will then be able to reach up into heaven and bring it down to earth.  My kingdom come, My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Amen - so be it.

Mercy, grace and love be yours in abundance,
Your Heavenly Father

Scripture References:
Exodus 19:5; Deuteronomy 17:6; 14:2; 26:18; Malachi 3:17; 1 Corinthians 1:10; 2:16; John 14:21, 26; Ephesians 2:19-22; 4:3, 13-16; Colossians 3:12-17; Acts 9:1-22; 17:28; Psalm 133:; Luke 4:31-35; 22:69; Matthew 6:10; 8:27-36

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 09:58 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 28 2008

An Exhortation From The heart Of The Father To Yours: Perfected Love

Child, you worry too much.

Have I not told you to come to Me and cast your burdens onto Me?

What so many do in My Body is they bring something to Me then they take it back.  They bring it - they take it back; bring it - take it back.  As if I were playing a game with them!  I Am not playing games.  I will take off the yoke of slavery if you will release it to Me. I remove it from your midst completely if you will but leave it with Me.

Let Me give you an example.  You bring to Me the problems you face with your loved ones and I tell you to leave them at the Cross. Then at the first sign of trouble you rush in to try to fix what has gone wrong.  This is where you need discernment to know what requires your help and from what you should refrain. This way you will not interfere with what I am doing and you will operate in the fruit of self-control which flows from My love.

Remember the story Jesus taught about the son who took his inheritance and left his father for wild living?  (Luke 15:11-32)  That story was an example of My love.  The father let the son get to the end of himself and to the point that he knew he needed his father or he would die.  That father loved him enough to allow him not only starve, but to sin.  (Many allow their children to sin but not starve.) The father hoped his son would indeed "come to himself" and return to his waiting arms.  This gave the father the chance to show not only great mercy to the wayward son but also to show him what love that had been perfected looked like, felt like and acted like. The father treated not only the son who left with tender mercy but also the one who remained.

In the Garden of Eden I could have rushed in and kept Eve from being deceived, I could have ripped the forbidden fruit out of Adam's hand, or I could have made sure the serpent never entered the Garden in the first place!  There was a greater truth at work and had I rushed in to help I would have thwarted that greater work.

Did I know that Adam would eat of the fruit?  Did I know Eve would listen to the lies of the serpent?  Of course I did.  I saw the bigger picture.  I saw mankind, and if Adam and Eve would not have eaten of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, someone down the line would have.  I gave Adam the choice to obey Me just like I have given every person the choice.  I have given everyone the choice to obey Me but it is more than that. I give mankind the choice to love Me.  If you love Me you will obey Me out of that love.  What My heart longs for is your love.

"If you love Me you will obey My commandments." (John 14:15)

In My love there is no fear.  Perfect love casts out fear - that is to say love which has been perfected will dispel all fear.  In fear there is torment but in love there is security and trust.  In that love you can live and move and have your being.

Worry is akin to fear.  They are close relatives.  You know Beloved, faith and fear do not mix.  Without faith it is impossible to please Me but without love your faith will fail.  This is why the "greatest of these" - faith, hope and love - is love.

Love is the first fruit and with love you have joy and with joy you then have peace. How could you have patience without peace? Patience reveals kindness and out of kindness goodness flows. From goodness comes faithfulness and in faithfulness you become gentle.  With all these in focus and working in cooperation then self-control will be ever present.  Now we are back to what I told you at the beginning.  You will be able to leave those whom you love at the Cross when all the fruit of the Spirit is operational in your life. You will trust Me to work in their lives so that have has its perfect work and fear is cast out. Cultivate the fruit, Beloved, be as a gardener and watch over the fruit and guard it with all diligence.  It all starts with love.  My job is to love you.  When you fully receive My love you will be able to turn and love others. So receive My love.  Its My love, its My love, its My love.  Everything that I do I do from the perspective of My love for you.

Allow My perfect love be worked in your members and all throughout your life.  Permit the yeast, the Leaven of Heaven, raise you up to a new Standard.  Jesus is your Standard!  Let Him bring a lightness to your life and sweetness to your lips.  This way when you speak you will be speaking My words and not your own. Be anxious for no thing.  Allow My water to cleanse you, My oil to anoint and heal you, My fire to purify you and My love to transform you. 

Ask for wisdom and ask in faith.  I will give it to you freely and abundantly as I Am generous.  Ask for My perfected love to cast out ALL your fears.  If you have fear in any area of your life, it is an area that needs My perfected love to be worked into it.  Perfected love is perfect love in progress.  It is a process, Beloved.  Allow yourself to be cultivated as this is the goal.  You look forward to "arriving" but I look forward to the journey.  Enjoy the process even though it is painful at times.  This is where you learn to turn and strengthen your brethren.  If you came through the process quickly, you would expect others to as well.  So embrace the process.

Let Me knead out fear, doubt and unbelief like a baker kneads the dough before letting it rise. My perfected love is what you need to bring you out of the wilderness of anxiety and into the peace that surpasses all understanding that will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.

You are forever in My love,

Scripture References:

1 Peter 5:7; 1 John 4: Philippians 4:4-7; Galatians 5:22-25; Ephesians 6:2; 1 Corinthians 13:13; James 1:2-6; 3:13,17,18; Matthew 13:33; Luke 22:31,32

*Personal note:

The Lord gave me this word while my husband was in surgery.  Right as I typed in the last sentence the nurse came out to tell me he was awake in post-op!  Our Father is so wonderful!  In His love, Judy

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:53 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 07 2008

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: Who Are You Listening To?

You did not call yourself, did you?  I called you.  So why are you wrestling with where you are to go and what you are to do?  I have everything well in hand.  You are sensitive to My leading and you will need to be more sensitive in the days ahead.

There are issues to be dealt with and that is why I have you where you are now.  Soon those things will be resolved and you will be untethered.  The work here is important, is it not?  I know you do not like it, none do, but your strength will grow as will your faith.  You can trust Me to see you through to the other side.

Know you are loved.  That will not only sustain you, but propel you.

It is a season of restoration and this is why the enemy seeks to destroy that word in your own life.  He wants you to give up and turn around, but you must not listen to him.  Satan hates you.  I love you.  Who are you going to listen to?

With all My heartfelt love,

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:50 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, February 23 2008

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours

Seek My Face

You are touching heaven
You are touching Me
You are tapping into an unseen realm
You are coming into My kingdom

Come and worship and give Me your attention
Give to Me what is holy
Give to Me what is Mine
Do no give what belongs to Me to another

I want to see your face
You say you want to see Mine
But I want to see yours
Mine is always here [waiting for you]

Plug into Me and tap into My love for you
Then those other things will not draw you away.
Come and touch heaven; come and touch Me
Seek My face and you will find Me

Come into My love,

Jeremiah 29:11-14a

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:46 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, February 22 2008

An Exhortation From The Heart Of Father To Yours: The Launching

This is a time for launching.  Many of you have been held in a holding pattern for some time and you have been crying out, "When God, when?!?"

It is like a launching at Kennedy Space Center. Plans are made, but those plans are contingent upon the weather.

The spiritual climate has been turbulent.  This is because of the sound of praise and worship emanating from My church.  Praise has touched heaven in a personal way.  You no longer sing about Me, you sing to Me.  As My body has tapped into join the sounds from heaven and exalted My name, the powers and principalities of darkness and the rulers of evil have been shaken to their core. 

Your launching has been delayed by My doing, so do not call what I Am doing "the devil" instead rejoice in Me until the enemy is self-slaughtered.

The enemy expects you to be in panic and react in fear
The enemy expects you to murmur and complain
The enemy seeks to kill what I Am imparting into you


  • Praise Me when you see the enemy approach
  • Be thankful and give Me glory for what I Am about to do - for what I Am going to do
  • Send confusions into the enemy's camp by worshipping Me (See 2 Chronicles 20:1-24)
  • Take the keys I have given you and go unlock those who have been imprisoned and blinded by the devil.

I Am launching you from this place*, beloved.  I have been setting your feet firmly on the Rock.  I have been drawing you back as an expert archer. You have thought you were going backwards, but this was not so.  I was drawing you back to launch you.

If an arrow from My quiver is chosen to be launched, I Am careful to aim it with the a fully extended bow.  I draw back the arrow in the bow string, place it on the notch, and hold it to check the trajectory.  I want My arrows to hit the bull's-eye.

So be patient in this process, beloved.  You are being launched.

Your Heavenly Father

*While this was spoken while in intercession for the Secret Place Encounter Conference in Bradenton, FL, I do believe this to be a corporate word for the Body of Christ for the "place" where we are presently and the "place" to which we are being launched.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:27 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, February 15 2008

An Exhortation From The Heart Of Father To Yours: My Uncut Jewels

When a stone of great value is unearthed, it can be very dull to the natural eye.  It takes a trained eye to see its worth.  Many precious stones have been cast aside because the one digging did not have the eyes to see what it was they had in their hands.

This is also true of My jewels - those I Am drawing to Myself by My Spirit.  Those around My jewels-in-the-rough who fail to see their great worth and beauty often cast them aside and look for another that is already polished.

It is My desire when a stone, a new born-again believer, is found, it is carefully handled and cut to precision.  I want the beautiful facets, which I have infused into their being at conception, to sparkle and shine in the light of My glory.

I Am calling My apostles, My prophets, My evangelists, My pastors and teachers to see the great worth that is all around them.  Look at the jewels I have given you, My leaders!  Behold the value - the eternal value that I have sat in your midst!  Each and every person is of great value to Me.  Look carefully at who I have sent your way.  Look for the passion in their eyes that came from being pressed in on every side by the fire of My glory.  Coal placed under intense pressure and heat creates diamonds.  My fire creates a thing of beauty in a new believer transforming them from a lump of coal to a diamond.

Some of My jewels are already cut and you need only help them be placed in their proper setting.  Others have been cut but need to be polished. Some have been partially cut and need you to help finish the job so they can shine.  This can be difficult if the "jeweler" before you damaged My beautiful stone; believe Me when I tell you that nothing is wasted in My kingdom.

There are stones that have just recently been unearthed; these you will have the privilege of seeing go from a lump of coal to a beautifully set stone.   You will first clean them with the Living Water and help to cut away the old rock with the skillful use of My sword. You must be careful and loving in this process.  Be mindful of what you are doing.  Make a careful examination of the natural nuances of each precious stone.  If you are of My Spirit, this will humble you and that one you have set will also humbly reflect My glory. If you are of another spirit you will be prideful and so will your stone - taking all for self-glory.  So I caution you to walk in humility in this process knowing you can only accomplish this with My wisdom and counsel.  Do not fear or worry, as I will not leave you alone in the process but will guide your way to perfection.

There are stones you will come across that are still coal and you must leave them to Me.  These are the ones that haven't given their life to Christ.  They may attend or belong to a church, but they do not fully belong to Me.

Behold!  The fields sparkle with jewels!  Ask Me for the tools and the settings and I will give them to you.  If you see the great value all around you and you follow My instructions, by the end of this year you will look at your jewels and be amazed at what they are doing to bring honor and glory and praise to My kingdom.  As I have shown you, show others.



The Jeweler:

I saw a jeweler who sat on a short, wheeled stool in the middle of two tables placed in the shape of an upside-down L.  To his left on the table shorter in length sat a very large and beautiful golden crown.  Its front was very tall, not like a king's crown, but more like the pope's MITRE. On it there were many vacant spaces to place jewels.  A few large and very costly stones had already been set into place. 

On the longer table were hundreds of stones in all stages of cutting. The jeweler wore a magnifying eye piece so that he could carefully examine each stone.  He only looked for those already polished and of great value, but even in his haste many beautiful stones were falling off the table and were getting lost in the cracks and corners of the floor. Some of incalculable value fell through the cracks and were never retrieved.  There were some stones in raw form that were of greater value than any jewel on the crown, but because they were not cut in facets and polished, the jeweler quickly looked them over.  Those uncut stones of great worth had been given to him to cut and shape into a masterful thing of beauty, but even the large stones of immense value were haphazardly being knocked off the table.  Some fell into the trash and were inadvertently thrown out. 

All these jewels were given to him to bring glory to the Kingdom of God, but they were also for his crown to present to the Lord. The crown of exquisite beautiful was sparsely filled considering the amount of jewels that had been given the jeweler.

The warning given to the jeweler was to slow down and look more closely at the stones that had been given him. He was not to look with his natural eye that magnified all the flaws, imperfections and the lack of polish residing in the stones, but he was to look with the magnified eye of the Spirit of God that would show him its amazing beauty that was hidden within each stone and He would give the exact skill and precision needed to bring it out.

Vision: 2002

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, February 08 2008

An Exhortation From The Heart Of Jesus To Yours: A Day of New Beginnings

It is a day indeed of new beginnings.  The promises of restoration will be seen in every aspect of your life as you submit yourself to Me.

Remember, I reach into the depths of your woundedness and work My way out.  Your idea of restoration is for Me to start from the outside and work My way in.

This is not the way I work, Beloved.  If I gave you everything you want or think you need on the outside, then you would forsake Me and never be healed on the inside.  I Am much more concerned about developing your character by helping you go through the difficult storms of life, than to deliver you out of them.

I look for the hidden things of the heart. I Am the One who discerns the motivations of man.  I Am the Revealer of mysteries and secrets.   I Am the One who breaks through the stopped up wells of your heart and allows the clean water to come forth.  Drink deeply of My well, child, and see how I Am cleansing you from the inside will make everything on the outside look differently. 

Indeed this is a day of new beginnings.  So embrace My inner cleansings, for if you refuse Me you will never enter My rest nor will you fulfill your destiny in Me.

Come and sit with Me as I will surely show you a more excellent way to cleanse the wounds of your inner heart.  Then you will rise up with wings as eagles and soar to places you can only dream of now.  Come and see where I stay; come where I abide.  Then you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Very truly yours
The Restorer of the breach

Psalm 146:7; Joel 2:25-27; Hebrews 4:11; Isaiah 41:10; 58:12; Jeremiah 30:18; Malachi 4:6; Hosea 6:1; John 1:37-39; 8:32

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:42 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, February 04 2008

A Word From The Heart Of The Father: Arise My Holy Harvesters

As the harvesters of the harvest arise, there will be a great paradigm shift toward My grace and mercy.  My love shall be revealed to them and extended to the lost they seek to find. My holy harvesters will give My pure Word and not a fairytale gospel. 

Many of My holy harvesters are young, even children, but they have hearts like warriors and do not shrink back when I tell them to advance.  Their very parents and mentors will be challenged to new levels of faith for being in their presence.  Some will be in error when they call them "reckless."  Reckless is one who jumps out of a plane with a snowboard seeking personal glory.  I seek those whose hearts are courageous and who will turn to serve Me and My glory.  I do not look for those who will continue to be reckless solely for the attention they draw to themselves.  I want and look for those who are not afraid to go where I send them, say what I tell them to say, and obey My Word to the letter.  They seek adventure and an adventure they will receive!  Those who seek to be obedient to Me will receive a crown of glory.  Some will accuse them of being out of control, but do not tether such as these when I Am calling them to soar!

These harvesters, these arrows in My quiver, will surely obey Me. They have learned and will continue to learn to walk in My counsel.  Their respect, reverence and love for Me is unshakable and unstoppable.  They hear My voice and another they will not follow.

There was a time that I had need of hirelings, though it was not My preference, it was necessary.   Soon these will be replaced by My holy harvesters.  These will protect My sheep from wolves and false shepherds.  I can trust them to do My will and not their own. They do not seek Christian fame. They seek to bring their heavenly Father honor, glory and praise.

My holy harvesters eat a steady diet of My bread and continually bathe in My Living Water.  They readily learned to recognize the pitfalls of sin, and they make no excuse to join behavior that they know offends and grieves My Spirit. Sin they once winked at now makes them mourn and weep.

These will go to the Threshing Floor of My Presence and intercede for their loved ones. They will stand in the gap for the lost souls that surround them.  They will go to the nations. They will persevere and they will prevail over My enemies. My glory will be seen around and about them in the gross darkness of this world's system.  They are the ones filled with My joy and when approached by My messengers with an assignment they will reply, "May it be done unto me according to Your will, Father."

Arise My harvesters, arise!  Arise, shine for your light has come!  Be counted as those in Gideon's army.  Arise and come forth into the destiny that I have planned for you.  As you take My hand, I will walk with you to places you desire to go and even where you desire not to go.  As with My sons in the book of Daniel, I will walk with you in the fire and you will not be burned nor will you smell of smoke.  As with My daughter Esther, I will hold out My golden scepter and bid you to come and bring your petition. As with My servant Nehemiah, I will give you the plans and the blueprints of how to restore the broken walls of My church - My holy city. As with Abraham, I will show you where to go and greatly bless you and many nations will be blessed because you have obeyed My voice.  I have many such examples, but I will leave you with one more.  As I was with My Beloved Son Jesus, resurrecting Him out of the grave, so I will be with you. 

So do not fear, for I Am with you; do not be dismayed, for I Am your God.  I will, I will, I will strengthen you, and I will uphold you in My righteous right hand.  Be strong and of great courage for I have indeed chosen you.  I will train you and I will send you where your heart yearns to go.  You have My Word to guide you and My Spirit to teach you.  You have faith in My name; you have the power of the Blood of Jesus and you have been given the authority to use it.  As the king in the story of Esther gave her his signet ring, so I give you. Go now and reverse the evil decrees spoken against My beloved Church and seal it with the authority given you. Behold the fields are white and ready for harvest.  Let those who sow in My fields rejoice with those who reap.  Arise My holy harvesters, arise!

Your Father

Judges 7:2-7; Daniel 3:16-27; Esther 5:1-3; Genesis 12:1-2; 22:18; Matthew 28:1-10; Luke 1:38; Isaiah 41-5; 60:1-5; Joshua 1:6; John 4:35-36

As I write this, there is a story on the news that is the enemy's counter-attack to this word.  They have discovered a video tape of young boys ages 6-14 being trained by AL Qaeda for jihad to kidnap, break into homes, torture and kill.  They are exceptionally well armed.  The Lord's holy harvesters will retaliate with the love of the Father, the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. The weapons of our warfare are not natural but they are mighty in pulling down strongholds of the enemy.  We have read the end of the story and we know that God prevails and all who put their faith in Jesus will prevail with Him.  Amen  Please pray for these children - surely there are many in other such terrible places that need to be brought into the Kingdom of God for healing and restoration.

Here are two links on this news story:,2933,328832,00.html

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 10:18 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 15 2008

An Exhortation From The Heart Of Jesus To Yours: The Building of My Holy City

I Am rebuilding the broken walls of My church. I Am bringing together those of like callings to work in concert to rebuild that specific side of the wall - that gate of My holy city.  Do not think that because someone is not building on the same wall or at the same gate as you, that they are not in My will or following My plan.  My blueprints are vast and no one "movement" would be able to finish what I Am building.

The church must stop its mudslinging against other Christian denominations. They must cease from attacking another believer when they are called from their midst to work on another section of My wall for the building of My Church. Just because someone is building elsewhere does not mean they are out of My will. Nor are they slighting your work. This presumption must stop!  My leaders need to be on the lookout for the lost and not take aim at those being called to work elsewhere. This pride and arrogance must be repented of in order to continue in the building of My church. If repentance does not come, those who are guilty will be found building their own kingdom, not Mine.  I will not allow leaders that have the blood of My sheep on their hands to continue in My grace.  If there is sheep or lamb's blood on your sword, meaning you have wounded the Body of Christ by misusing My Word, you will be held in stricter judgment. (See Isaiah 1:17; Matthew 13:30; James 3:1)

Putting it in today's military terms: The friendly fire must end and it must end now.

If you watch sheep you will see that when they are frightened they all move in one direction as though they were one animal in motion. Those who get separated or are unable to move with the flock are quickly picked out as prey for wolves.  Many in places of leadership in the church have leveled accusations against the sheep for flocking from one [church] movement to the next, but it is the nature of sheep to flock to where they feel safe and where they believe they will be fed.  If they discover they are no longer safe with the shepherd of their keeping or if they have received tainted food, they will flock to another.

The shepherds watching over My Church have failed, in large measure, to recognize their part in this phenomenon. They quickly blame anything that comes to mind, but they fail to see that they have become "unsafe" in the eyes of the flock.  In their ignorance they blame the sheep for biting, not knowing that sheep rarely bite unless strongly provoked to terror.  Few of those with five fold ministry titles will admit to themselves that they have wounded and scarred My sheep.  The reason they do not see this is because their eyes are focused on building their own kingdom and not Mine.  They seek to establish their name instead of exalting Mine.  These are hirelings posing as shepherds, but they are only interested in their welfare and not the sheep's.  Others had genuine calls on their lives to shepherd My sheep, but instead of waiting for My Gatekeeper, My Holy Spirit, to open the Gate and lead them through Me, they jumped over the wall. In doing so, they have become thieves and robbers and they act as such.  Shepherds of My flocks must be recognized by My Gatekeeper and wait to be invited to come through the Gate. They cannot come in some other way! I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life.  No one can come to the Father but through Me.  (See John 10:1-18; 14:6)

Those who will gather with Me and will cooperate with My Spirit will yield great harvests, but those who divide as they murmur, complain and grumble will find themselves lost in the desert wasteland. (Numbers 14:27-32; Luke 3:17; 11:23)

There are many who I have been training who have sought My face in the secret place and they are willing to obey their Master and proclaim their King, "The Lord our Righteous" to the nations.  I can quickly bring one down and raise one up who has not stiffened his neck as many leading My flocks are now doing.  (Psalm 105:1-4; Luke 3:8; Matthew 28:18-20)

I will, I will, I will remove their lampstands if their stiff necks do not turn back to Me and I will replace them with the ones who say, "Your will and not mine be done, Holy King and Master."  (See Luke 22:42; Revelation 2:5)

The building of My Church will not be stopped by man's selfish desires, but it will be accomplished by those who will turn from their desires to Mine. (Mark 4:18-20)

"Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of My pasture."  "I will place shepherds over them who will tend them and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing." Jeremiah 23:1; 4

Listen only to those who have stood in My counsel and have proclaimed My words to My people.  Those who tickle your ears will lead you to an unsafe edge, to a dangerous precipice. Do not allow them to tempt you away from the message of the Cross.  The false prophets will tell you what you want to hear and you will be food for the wolves if you listen to them.  There are two factions of which to beware as both of these are from the days of old.  They have reared up in "prophetic circles" to mislead My sheep to follow their lures.  The first will speak of fame and fortune. These speak of fleshly prosperity that is outside the purpose of My blessings. The second will speak of prophetic visions in which they curse their own land or the land of others. If their words bring no hope or plan of redemption to the nations, then they are not of Me. Did I not say I would be with you to the ends of the earth? I always give hope.  I Am Redemption! (See Deuteronomy 23:4-6; Jude 1:11; Jeremiah 1:7; Psalms 10:4-7; 33:11; Acts 1:8; 20:30; Proverbs 11:25; 2 Timothy 4:3)

I Am your Standard.  Look to My life and to those who pick up their cross and follow Me. Many live very difficult and poverty stricken lives and are completely in My will.  They drink from the cup that I give them.  These are those who do not try to glamorize Christianity to win the lost.  The lost will remain lost under the direction of the false shepherds and the cruel deception of their teachers will lead them to believe a false gospel.  You must remain faithful to your pure and sincere devotion to the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.  You must test the spirits to see if they are from Me.  You will know them by their fruit if they are of My Holy Spirit or of another kind. (Matthew 20:22; 2 Corinthians 11:3-4; Galatians 5:13-26; 1 John 4:1)

The builders with Nehemiah rebuilt the broken walls and gates of Jerusalem with a tool in one hand and wore a sword on their side. Half the men worked while the other half were equipped with spears, shields, bows, and armor to guard their positions.  Those who carried the materials had supplies in one hand and kept a sword in the other. The work of the Lord had to be defended against His enemies. (See Nehemiah 4:16-18)  It will be this way in the days to come and even in this hour.  Fear not as the building of the Holy City will be successful. Be as My chosen leader and tell the enemy when he comes to distract you, "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down."  (Nehemiah 6:3)

However, do take note of what briefly halted Nehemiah's work.  It was the outcry of the poor that reached his ears that caused all work to cease.  The poor were being taken advantage of by their own people. Some were even used as slaves.  Nehemiah confronted those who acted in such a disgraceful manner who preyed on their own and made them poor. He admonished them that they were acting worse than their enemies and that they should walk in the fear of their God.  He demanded they give back everything taken and made them swear an oath.  He shook out the folds of his robe and said, "In this way, may God shake out of his house and possessions every one who does not keep this promise. So may such a man be shaken out and emptied." (See Nehemiah 5:1-13)  Today I am issuing this warning to those who have been taking advantage of My people.  I will remove what can be shaken - so that what cannot be shaken will remain.  I Am a consuming fire.  (See Hebrews 12:27-29)

Follow My leading, Beloved, and wait on My Holy Spirit to open the Gate.  Then you will have full access to the work and building at hand. Keep your eyes and ears open and seek those who have like callings. You will have different giftings but similar vision and your work together will enjoy greater success.  You will be able to watch each other's back and keep the enemy from hindering your victory. Together your ability to build will be exponentially strengthened.

I Am building My Holy City and it is My desire for you build it with Me and by My side.  (See 1 Corinthians 3:9)

Your Faithful Shepherd,

Other Scriptures to consider:
Nehemiah Chapters 3-5; Zechariah 8:9-12; Isaiah 59, Revelation 21

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:38 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 28 2007

An Exhortation From The Father: Living Stones

Fellowship is important, or I would not have set up My church the way I have. It is the Living Stones which I have hewn must come together to form the building.  I dwell in each of you to a determined measure, but in and of yourselves I can only fill you up so much.  However, when you all come together the filling in each one of you is combined.  This is the fullness that you sense in the corporate setting - the fullness of joy, the fullness of My Spirit. The fruits of My Spirit are all there and the joy that comes from that will strengthen and empower you. 

In the places [in My church] where the leaven of the Pharisees has overtaken, you will not have this joy.  The joy of those who walk in My Spirit will be full of glory - it is the joy unspeakable.  There are also places [in My church] full of the leaven of Herod.  It is a worldly yeast that has worked its way in and puffed up the whole congregation. Both the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod puff up and make [those who partake of it] haughty. Pride is always the root!  So beware of this when searching out a Body to be connected and attached to.

My church will be built and it will be built to Myspecifications. If My specifications are not followed exactly, then I will tear down that building and begin again.  My foundation is always the same - Jesus is the foundation.  He is the Christ and the Only One worthy to open the scrolls. To Him be given the glory or the building will crumble.  The works of man must all pass through His eyes of fire.  What is left standing will remain.

The church will take on a new look in the coming days.  It will not be people coming week in and week out to do their "time" for God, but it will be Living Stones being fitted together by the Hand of the Master Builder Himself.  Did Jesus tell His disciples that He was going to make a place?

Do you not know yet nor do you not see that you are the temple of the Living God? Have I not placed My Spirit in you? Are not all My promises, "Yes" in Christ Jesus?  Is it now possible for you to say together in one voice, "Amen" to the glory of your Father?

Seek My promises for the Body of Christ and know that I have spoken, "Yes" to them all.  You who are called by My name say, "Amen!"  Then you will see My glory coming into the Living Stones and you will see a new and glorious church arise.

This is not for another time.  This is for now.

Please see:
Hebrews 10:22-25; Psalms 127:1; John 14:2, 21, 23; John 15:4; Mark 8:15; Luke 6:46-49; Luke 11:37-54; Luke 12:1-3; Luke 13:20,21; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 2 Corinthians 1:20-22; Ephesians 2:20-22; 1 John 1:3-7

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:21 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 11 2007

The season of restoration has begun.  For some it will be a time of great rejoicing as My hand works on their behalf, but for others in My church who have been busy building their own kingdoms, they will see destruction come quickly into their projects.

This is the season that I have chosen to restore what the locusts have eaten.

This is a season when you will see great and mighty works by My hand.  You will see your mountains moved.  You will behold My glory and know that I Am God and it is I, not man, who has moved your mountain.

Stand in faith and know that I Am your Defense; I Am your Shield; I Am your Healer; I Am your Ever-present Help in times of trouble; I Am your Comfort and I Am your Provider. Do not look to man to do what only I can do, says the Lord.

Give to Me what belongs to Me as I will not share My glory with flesh.  As you behold My miracles do not look at the vessels I use.  They are only instruments in My hand. 

Know that I love you and that it is My desire to roll away the reproach from your life so that all shame will vanish in the light of My glory.  I love you with an everlasting love.  I call you "friend".  So do not fear, for I Am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and I will help you.  I will uphold you in My Righteous Right Hand.

My children will not be left orphans.  They belong to Me and no one can remove them from My hand.

So come boldly to My Throne of Grace and behold My salvation, My provision and My love.  You will not be ashamed.

Joel 2:25-27; Romans 8; Isaiah 41:10

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 03:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, August 15 2007

Daniel 12:10 Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.

Do you see why the painful process of purification is so important?  Refining you and making you spotless is not only for the purpose of salvation.  I desire for you to be with Me and this process is important for your survival in the days to come.

Many stop at salvation and think that is enough, but if a soul does not allow the purification that comes by My Spirit, then they will not be able to see in the dark days ahead.  Behold darkness covers the earth and gross darkness on the peoples, but to those who have submitted themselves to My refining process - they will be given My keys - the keys to the Kingdom.  My glory, My light will shine through and around them.

Trumpet a call!  Remind My church that I Am not slow in My coming, but merciful and just.  There are so many destined for My Kingdom that have not yet heard or understood the Good News.  My heart is patient for them.

Watch for distractions which keep you from My purpose.

Remember, a pregnant woman cannot partake in some activities nor do the things she once did, neither can she expect to once the baby is born.  So it is with you right now.  Stay close!

I desire for you to be wise.  I desire for you to understand the keys to the Kingdom.  You will learn what they are, what they lock and what they unlock.  The wise will understand.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, June 14 2007

"When I made the earth, what do you think I set out to do?"
After pondering this I replied, "I'm not sure, Lord.  My first thought would be to make sons and daughters."
"That is exactly right.  I wanted to set up My dominion in the natural so that it could be seen by all.  I gave Satan the right to test My creation.  If you do not know that you can still trust Me when he comes with his seeds of doubt and distrust, then you cannot experience the growth I want to see in you.  If you do not come to know the truth, and that is that I love you with an everlasting love - an extravagant love, then our reign together in eternity would be tainted.  You must know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I love you and you are Mine.*
"This earth is full of the beauty of My creation which testifies of Me and My love for you.  But it is also full of darkness, greed, pride, fear, lying, murders and dissensions.
"I have given My best for you in My Son, Jesus.  He has given His best by giving you His Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit gives you His very best by revealing the Father and the Son and our intentions towards and for you.  So even though the world is full of darkness, it is also possible to tap into My light and have it pour out into the nations and peoples of the earth.
"Creation consistently testifies of Me.  The bird's song and flight, the trees in all their splendor, the flowers - each one a magnificent work of art, the animals that intrigue mankind, mountains that sing, rivers that roar, oceans vast and filled with worlds of their own, lakes that bring refreshing to the soul, sunlight that gives life to it all, and a universe just waiting to be explored!  This list goes on and on.
"Child, if people's eyes were not blinded by the prince of this world they could see and hear Me in everything around them.  They do not believe because they have, in many cases, chosen to look at what is bad, ugly, hateful, spiteful, and lying.  They choose it!  They speak it!  They revel in it!  If they would think on things that are pure and holy and good then their eyes would see and behold Me in everything they do.  Pray in the name of Jesus for the blinders to be lifted.
"This is My desire:
Follow Me
Love Me
Give Me glory
Give Me honor
"Choose each day to give your attention to My voice. Choose each day to come and sit with Me. Let Me pour into you My desires for the day - then watch it unfold!  You will be so excited when what I have shown you in prayer comes to pass in your day.  Your delight is My delight, child, your joy is My joy.
"I do not want you to fall into the trap of legalism.  I am not saying to make a rule or lay down a law.  I am simply saying, ?Come to Me.  Come to Me.'
"You know My word tells you that when you come I will give you rest.  Watch and see what I show you.  I plan to give you ideas, inventions and creative ways to fund My kingdom work.
"Be still, dear one, and know - KNOW - that I Am God."
Isaiah 60:1-5; Matthew 13:35-43; 11:28-30; Luke 8:3; 10:21, 22; Acts 16:14, 15; Romans 1:16-32; 8:19-22; Philippians 4:4-9
* In February 2007 the Lord gave me a song called, "I Have Made You Mine".  I include it for your edification
I Have Made You Mine
By Judy Bauman all rights reserved © 2007
Am      Dm                E
I will bring the oil of gladness
Am      Dm                  E
I will bring the robe of joy
Am                Dm              E     Am
I will bring the songs in the night hour
          Dm                             E
I will bring the dreams for your life
Am            C       E
For I have called you
Am            C       E
I have made you Mine
Am          C       E
I have called you
Am              C              E
For I have made you Mine
Am            Dm                    E       
I will bring a ring for your finger
Am                Dm                  E
I will give you keys to My house
Am                Am          E      Am
I will sing a song over you, My love
               Dm                 E
I rejoice as you sit by My side
Am                          E
I have called you      I have made you Mine   Repeat


Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:57 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, May 30 2007

An Exhortation from the Father

There is a time for everything.  All things that distract you from coming into My presence are temporal and fleeting.  The only thing that abides is My Kingdom.  The things you need to do will go smoother as you wait in My presence.

There is a time to wait and there is a time to act.  As you sit and wait upon Me, I will show you what to do, where to go, how to do everything you need to do.  Jesus is your example, so follow His lead.  He did not do anything unless I showed him first.  He did not say anything unless I told Him first.  So be still and know that I Am God.  Let me show you what you are to do and where you are to go, what you are to say and how you are to say it.  Let me lead you in this dance.

In the Father's love,
Judy Bauman

This word reminded me of a song He gave me two years ago.

Join His Eternal Dance
By Judy Bauman 

A                           D                E

Hear O church the Lord your God

        A    D        E

The Lord He is One

A                     D           E

Join Him in a dance of love

A                   D        E        

Join His eternal dance!


Won't you dance, won't you dance O church

D                 A         E

Dance the dance of love


Take His hand let Him lead your way

D                A          E

Join His eternal dance  2X

A                          D            E

Oh dear Church, hear My voice!

                A     D        E

I'm asking you to dance

A                      D                E

Take My hand My hand My love

A            D               E                     

Join My eternal dance,

       D         A            E

I'm calling you to dance;

Deut 6:4; Mark 12:29

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:53 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, May 20 2007

Personal journal entry: 
Lord, this battle to ward-off discouragement seems to be my fight these days.  I believe your Word has shown us how to operate in our families, churches, and businesses.  When we go outside of that we open ourselves up to curses.  Lord the way I see people try to cheat one another is disheartening.  Maybe this is just the way of the world, but I have struggle such a when I see it - especially in the Body of Christ.  My heart cries out for justice!  I hate injustice God. I hate those who shame and abandon - especially children.  Do I judge the very thing I do?  Do I have a plank in my eye?  If I do, let it be removed so I can help get the speck out of my brother's eye. May righteousness and justice be the foundation of earth as it is in heaven.
The Lord's response:
When I set up the foundation of My kingdom, I set it up in perfection.  The earth is yet to be established in My perfection. 
You are right to examine your own heart for out of it flows the issues of life.  Many have hardened their hearts to My justice because they are wounded.  They have been disappointed so many times that they have given up and gone the way of the world.  They may love Me and call Me their Savior, God and Friend, but they so distrust their fellow man that they operate continually in survival mode.  They take whatever they can get out of others, not realizing that in cheating others - believers or not - they will bring more poverty into their lives.
Do not judge them for this as their lives have been traumatized.  They need encouragement to come up higher.  Remember how much I have wrestled with you to obey My voice.
I will open the locked doors.  I will break the chains of poverty and sickness.  Those who operate in survival mode and forget my precepts will continue to struggle.  I desire to save them from their despair, but they must be contrite in spirit and come to repentance.  They must turn from selfish ways. (See Luke 19:8-10)  Their hearts must turn to trust Me and not doubt.  Many who live in dreadful poverty have great faith, child, so strengthen that which remains.  I will set them free.
Stand, watch and be amazed, child.  I will make a way in the dark forest.  I will part the trees.  I will pour out from heaven such an abundance on those who obey that they will not be able to contain it.  I do so because I can trust them to give to others in need.  But I will not share My glory. 
Romans 12: 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
(Journal entry date April 5, 2007)


Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:55 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, April 28 2007

When I give vision to a person, I give it for My purpose and My plan. It is never to exalt that person but to build My Body. When a vision is from Me you can know that it will include many people working together as the Living Stones that I have brought together for that purpose. When people of similar vision come together something electrifying happens. There is a strength that binds them together. If this is not done in My love and in My power, then it fails. Now that is not to say that anything that is successful is of Me, but I am talking about [true] kingdom work. I will take every mistake and use it for good if a person will just bow their will to Me. I do not desire for any to fail just as I do not desire any to perish. People are destroyed for lack of knowledge, child. They do not know that they do not know.

It is important as a leader to be patient with people and show them My love. It is My love that destroys [ungodly] yokes. It is My love that restores the breach. It is My love that makes you more than a conqueror! It is My love. If you have not love you are nothing but a noisy, clanging sound that bangs in My ears.

If you think that you can be more focused on your vision without including others, then you have not seen the full vision. Seek Me early. Seek Me while I can be found. Do not slumber when I call you to come and sit with Me. Choose the best and not the good. Choose to lead in My love. Choose to follow in My love. Choose to stand firm in My love. Then watch and see how I will move. You will stand amazed when you really grasp My vision. So come. Sit. See. Grasp. Run!

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 30 2007

You sing, "There is none like You." But I tell you the truth. "There is none like you!"  I the Lord your God could search for all eternity long and find there is none like you.
You are unique and wonderfully made for a purpose I have purposed in My heart for this day, this hour, this season for you to come up out of your despair.  I tell you that I Am not One to leave things undone.  I Am the Author and Finisher of your faith. 
I Am here to heal, to restore, to bring hope and give you all the tools you need to successfully go into this next season.  The harvest for this coming season is great and you need the tools I Am giving. 
So stand with your hands open to receive these tools by faith.
Zephaniah 3:17; Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 139:14; Hebrews 12:2; Isaiah 41:15; James 1:6
Kajjansi Miracle Center, Uganda

There Is None Like You
Lenny LeBlanc 

There is none like You 
No one else can touch my heart like You do 
I could search for all eternity long 
And find there is none like You 

Your mercy flows like a river wide 
And healing comes from Your hands 
Suffering children are safe in Your arms 
There is none like You

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, March 04 2007

Do you really want to know My love for you?  If this is truly your heart's desire, then you will have it.  Seeking Me is seeking the Greater.  So many are seeking but they seek many things apart from Me.  I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one by any other means shall find joy - the fullness of their desires - when what they desire is outside of Me and My will for their life.

 If you seek Me you seek the best and it will in no way be taken from you.  Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Word stands forever.

 I will tell you many desire that which is contrary to My will.  I will not grant the desire of your heart if your heart is far from Me.  People have methods to ?pray' to Me, but they are often like the man who said, "Oh God, thank you that I am not a sinner like this man next to me!"   They carefully construct their prayers to sound good, but they stink in My nostrils - they reek with the stench of flesh and death.

Yes, you must go beyond yourself and truly seek Me and My desires.  Learn of Me for I Am humble of heart.  If you study and learn what I desire, you will see what to pray.  You will know what is flesh and what is Spirit.  You will be able to rightly divide between what is the truth and a lie, what is My desire and what is flesh, what serves Me and what is self-serving.

 You have to go beyond what you see.  You have to step into the realm of faith where what you do not see is more real to you than what you do see because you recognize My desire - My will.  I Am Spirit and you must worship Me in Spirit and in truth.  As soon as you do this you will be taught My desires.  As you do this you will break through the veil.  You will walk through the wall.  You will find yourself translated like Philip. I will reveal the desire of My heart if you will lay yours on the altar.

Please confirm this message: 

Jeremiah 29:13; Luke 18:10-14; 21:33; Mark 7:6; Matthew 11:29; Hebrew 4:12; 11:1; John 4:24; 20:19; Acts 8:39-40

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:45 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, February 18 2007

It is My earthen vessels that I choose to pour My glory into and through.  This glory is not for you to touch or handle, but you surely are allowed to enjoy it.  As you let it flow through you, the joy of My glory will strengthen your weary heart. 

You try to carry too much, beloved.  You pray, but let Me do the carrying.  The burden I place on you is to walk with Me. My burden is easy and My burden is light, so set down the heavy backpack you are carrying and let Me pick it up.  It did not actually belong to you in the first place.

Let Me fill you with My glory and you can carry that to the nations and to the lost sheep of Israel.

Let Me consume you with My passion, My zeal and My love for you.  Open up and let Me fill you - then let it spill out onto others.


When separation comes to kill, steal and destroy the heart is often wounded beyond recognition.  Whether this separation comes from death, injury, illness, divorce, disagreements, time or space - it doesn't matter to the soul.

The death of a family member can be as devastating as a misunderstanding that estranges friends.  If it separates, it wounds.  If you come into My presence and allow Me to mold your heart, it will no longer be what it was before the wounding.  It will not be the battered mess that it is, it will be transformed into a new creation in Christ.  I will, in a sense, take a syringe and inject you with My DNA.  That is when I can shape you into Our image.  That is when I can take the earthen clay and mold it into the exact shape of My desire.

You are being changed from glory to glory and this is why, beloved, I want you to count it all joy when you face trials. Even your failures are ground up and used as the paint that I chose to use to give you color.  I Am the Potter and you are the clay!  Nothing is wasted.  Nothing, child.

So no more tears.  Dry your eyes and stand up and brush yourself off.  Know that I will shape bend and mold you, but I will do it My way and in My time.

February 24, 2007

A corporate word for 'The Barn' Gathering
Social Circle, GA, USA, 7:15pm

Taste and See

Yes child, you are here in this place to taste and see that the Lord is good.  The songs that flow from the hearts (of those gathered here) are songs that flow from My Throne of Glory.  In this you can rejoice with the angels who continually abide in My presence.  You can freely rejoice as you sense My Spirit flow into and through the hearts and minds of My beloved.

The violent praises of My children take the enemy by surprise.  He is ambushed by such as these. 

You cry for Me to come, and I tell you plainly, I Am here!  I have been walking amongst you and bring to you My peace and righteousness.  Give Me your heart - that un-molded lump of clay and let Me mold it and make it new.  Watch Me take the wounds of the past and mold them into something new.  Behold I take My holy syringe and I will penetrate your heart - I Am injecting you now with My DNA.

When the paternity test is taken all will know that you belong to your Daddy!  All will know that you look like your Daddy!  You are My heir.

The earth groans for your manifestation.  Arise!  Shine!

Let My glory be seen around and about you.  Your heart isnow full of My joy.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, January 21 2007

Child, when you look into the eyes of My heart you will only see My love and devotion towards you.  If you look for condemnation, you will not find it.  If you are feeling condemned, come.  Come look into the eyes of My heart and see yourself the way I see you.  I see you in the light of perfected love given to you through the Cross of Calvary.  My Son, Jesus, is what I see when I look at you as you are in Him.

I ask you to guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life.  You have an enemy and he is the accuser of the brethren. So if a voice of condemnation is moving you, know that it is a voice that moves you away from My perfect love for you. Perfect love, that is to say, love that has been perfected in you, will cast out all fear.  Allow My perfect love to cast out the fear in you.  Beloved, let My love cast out that condemning voice.

Stand in My holy light and allow Me to shine through the darkness.  Let My love for you break down the walls you have built up around you.  Those walls do not protect you.  They keep you from letting Me in.  Trust Me.  Let Me be your protection. I Am your Shield and Strength.  I Am well able to keep you in My care. 

Trust Me, follow Me, invite Me to be with you where you are.  I will never forsake you.  Look into the eyes of My heart, says the Lord your God, and see that My love for you is complete. My love will see you through every season.  Look into the eyes of My heart, beloved.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:42 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 11 2007

This exhortation comes from the Father brooding over me for a number of days and weeks.  I have been like a woman carrying a promised child awaiting its birth.  Now the time for this has come and it has been brought forth with much labor and travail. This word is birthed out of His great and mighty love for us.  To those of you who feel that you are just barely hanging on, know that the Lord is extending special grace to you in this season. Perfect love casts out all fear, so beloved, do not grow weary in well doing as you will reap a harvest if you faint not. It is my prayer that God will strengthen your hearts and minds so that you may stand blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones. I pray you will be as a Berean and search the Scriptures. (Acts 17:11)  Because of its length I will send it to those on my list in 5 parts. 

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance,

An Exhortation From The Father 2007 - The Year of Cadence

Part One: To My People Who Are Called By My Name:

As you enter into and proceed through 2007, I do not desire for you to make resolutions for this year, I desire for you to make a revolution.  This revolution is not to occur outside in the world, but on the inside of your heart and mind.  This word is not meant to merely impact you over just one year; it must change you for life.  I desire a revolution of purity and holiness in the people who are called by My name.  It is time to fervently seek My face.  I do not ask this of unbelievers; I ask this of you.  It is time by the power of My Spirit to utterly put to death the misdeeds of the body so that you will live.  I tell you it is time to overthrow your fleshly nature. Your flesh and all its desires are no longer to govern you.  Do not sit idle and think of ways to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.  It is time for those who call themselves Mine to wake up!  It is time to move.  The slumber that you have been in has been deep, and rousting you awake has taken much time and energy.  What will it take to get your attention? 

(See 2 Chronicles 7:14; Romans 13:11-14; Ephesians 5:13-17; Revelation 3:2, 3)

The hour has come for you to completely wake up from your slumber, because your salvation is nearer now than when you first believed. Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, put on My armor, put on My light, put on My love, put on a garment of Praise.  If you really want to see breakthrough in your life, take off the old man and deeds of darkness. Put onChrist!  My soldiers - those who are the ambassadors of My love - are lining up.  They are the ones who have been tried in My fire and have been tested in the wilderness.  They have gone through many fastings and times of consecrated prayer.  They know My voice and another they will not follow.  These are the ones I trust to carry the fire of My love for the nations and to the nations.  My love wins all battles.  I Am calling you today to be part of that army.  I Am asking you to get into formation. I Am beckoning you to war against hate with My love and forgiveness.  Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy.  Each time you choose mercy over judgment you overthrow the powers of darkness.  Judge not or you will be judged.  Instead, send confusion into the camp of the enemy by forgiving offenses.  When the enemy seeks to strike at you, turn and praise and worship your God!  Confound him with your praises of victory as My people did when they were surrounded by the enemy at The Valley of Berachah.  You are more than conquerors through Christ who loves you, so go into the battle knowing that you have already won.

(See 2 Chronicles 20:1-26; Isaiah 61:3; Matthew 5:7; 7:1, 2; Luke 6:36; John 3:16; 10:4, 5, 27; Romans 8:13; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 6:10-18; Colossians 3:1-17; 2 Tim 2:4

There is a sound on the horizon, My dearly loved children, friends and soldiers.  Do you hear it?  It is the sound of My army.  It is the sound of cadence.  It is the sound of My army marching in step with Me and along side My heavenly angelic hosts. Can you hear the sound of heaven?  Can you hear the cadence in your heart?  Do you feel the rhythm beating within every fiber of your being?  This is a military like no other.  I provided for your atonement and I can provide anything you need in any situation.  This army has been given powerful weapons and has been trained to use them by My Spirit because they are spiritual weapons.  They are mighty in the pulling down of strongholds.  Take every thought captive, beloved, and make your will obey the ways of your King!  My will be done. Line up, fall in, march, follow Me. 

(See Isaiah 51:4-7; Matthew 6:10; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Acts 2:2

My grace has been extended in an extraordinary way to those who heeded the word and submitted their flesh to My Spirit in 2006.  Even if it were a failed attempt, I see your heart and a double measure of grace is given to you now to walk in victory. Receive it.  Receive My grace.  This is not about your keeping a set of rules.  This is about following Me, trusting Me, and seeking My counsel in every area of your life.  As you walk in step with Me in 2007 and allow Me to bring you into spiritual perfection, you will see miracles flow freely from My storeroom into the places of greatest need.  The release of My grace will be clearly seen and not hidden in a back room.  Believers and unbelievers alike will stand in awe together.  So rise up in My love and soar to new heights by My hand and My provision.  My grace is sufficient.  My power is made perfect in your weakness.

(Deuteronomy 28:2; Proverbs 3:5-8; Isaiah 52:2; Matthew24:27; 2 Corinthians 12:9)


For other related words see:

Jewels for 2006

Rise Up My Love

Will You Embrace Your Destiny?

2007 - The Year of Cadence

Part Two: My Desires for My Church

Let Me tell you what I desire.  I desire to see My beloved Church arise in unity and strength.  I desire to see My Church step in time.  I long to see you revolutionized by walking in My ways.  My ways are pure and holy and true and you will be blessed and whole and healed as you walk in them.  O rejoice at this news dear ones!  Does My word tell you that I desire to see the whole Body of Christ built up, joined and held together by every supporting ligament?  Yes!  I yearn to see you grow and built up in love.  Do not live as the unbelievers do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the hardening of their hearts.  As it is written in Scripture:

"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion." Hebrews 3:7, 8a

Those written of in this Scripture never entered into My rest. Do not be stubborn like they were in their disbelief.  See to it that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from Me. Instead run to Me!  Run to the Mercy Seat for this is the hour of grace.  Return to the joy of your salvation. Encourage one another every day as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. 

(See Psalm 103:3; 133:1; John 17:23; Romans 15:5; Ephesians 4:11-18; Hebrews 3:19; 4:16)

I Am asking you to view your circumstances and the circumstances of those around you from My heavenly perspective.  Follow Jesus' example; He did nothing without seeing Me do it first.  He acknowledged that He could do nothing in Himself and taught you that you can do nothing in yourself.  Let me show you everything as I showed Him.  I want you to see what is going on around you and your world from My vantage point - from My overwatch(1).  Ask for the eyesight of an eagle. I will freely give the keen vision of an eagle to whosoever will ask Me.  I want you to be able to see afar off. Ask Me for the ointment and I will heal your eyes.  They are dimmed from having to strain and squint to see through the darkness of this world.  I have much for you to see because the enemy is advancing in unparalleled ways.  What is impossible for man is possible with God. Only believe.

(See John 5:19, 20; 6:28, 29; 14:9-14; Mark 5:36; 10:27; Revelation 3:18; 12:14)

Satan's time is short and he grows increasingly ruthless.  He desires to blind you completely by poisoning your vision.  He does not want you to see him as he advances.  He uses camouflage to trick My church.  He uses your own flesh and its desires against you with the goal to destroy you.  Be careful what you look at and bring into My temple.  You are My temple and I love you!  I tell you this to protect you and not to keep you from "fun".  While sin may seem fun for a season, you must understand that Satan's goal is to steal, kill and destroy you, and he is using your own flesh to do it.  Your carnal nature is drawn to sin, so you must war within your members and take every thought captive to make it obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Remember though, Satan and his demons are not omnipresent nor can they read your mind.  Do not get into agreement with his lies.  Do not give him and his cohorts power over your life. He can only gain it if you hand it to him.  Do not assign to him what belongs to Me and that is glory.  Do not glorify him.  My church tends to speak over and over again what Satan and his demons are doing and that glorifies them; it magnifies them.  Come!  Magnify the Lord!  Wash the venom from your eyes in My Living Water.  Jesus disarmed the powers and authorities of darkness. He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the Cross.  Look at what Jesushas done to defeat them. Speak of what He has done to set you free.   Jesus came to give you life and give it to you in abundance. Glorify Him!

(See Psalm 34:3; John 5:20, 21; 8:36; 10:10; Romans 7:21-25; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Galatians 5:19-21; Colossians 2:13-15; Revelation 12:12; 14:7)

Be wise with your words and be wise in your treatment of others.  Be wise with all that you say and do.  If you followJesus' two commandments - to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself - then it will be well with your soul. This is not to say you will not suffer hardship.  You will.  That thinking is in direct conflict with My Word and is from "another gospel".  Jesus taught that tribulation would come, but that He had overcome the world. The prince of this world had nothing on Jesus, and as you are inChrist, Satan has nothing on you either.  Take joy in that knowledge!

(See Matthew 12:37; 22:36-40; 24:9-14; Luke 7:35; John 14:30; 16:33)


(1) Overwatch - The term overwatch originates in U.S. military doctrine.  In modern warfare overwatch is the state of one military vehicle supporting another unit while they are executing fire and movement tactics.  Anoverwatching unit has taken a position where it can observe the terrain ahead.   The overwatch position can especially search out enemy positions. This allows it to provide effective covering for advancing friendly units.

Another related word:

Gems from others: eaglesandtheriver  

2007 - The Year of Cadence

Part Three:  The Meat of the Matter:

Understand that I Am the God of the universe and I Am is inviting you to My war-room.  Will you come?  This is not a time for the weak or faint of heart.  It is time for mighty men and woman of valor to rise up and take their place.  It is time to come out of the caves and advance My kingdom and My purpose.  Be careful not to have any agenda but Mine.  Your agenda will surely cause you to drift off the course of My plan. My plan is perfect.  Trust that I will assign your post, so do not try to figure out where you are to be and what you are to do, as it is up to Me to determine your position.  I will assign your duties.  I will make it plain.  If you try to place yourself or elevate your own rank in My army, it is likely that you will choose to go somewhere and do something you think sounds like the best assignment.  You must trust Me that this could be a fatal miscalculation on your part.  If you assign yourself to the post of your comfort and choosing, you will most likely be in direct opposition to My purpose and plan for your life.  I Am God of the heavenly hosts and saints.  I do know what is best for you.  Once you know what position I have called you to, march to it and go forth with confidence, not arrogance, beloved, with confidence in Me to see you through every battle and to provide your every need.  Stand alert, so if your orders change, quickly comply and move to your new post.  If you do not trust Me to command you, then who is your Lord?  Have you accepted My Son as Savior, but not made Him your Lord?  I ask you to trust your heavenly Father.  I discipline those I love.  Allow Jesus to be your King, Ruler, and Lord of your life.

(See Exodus 15:3; 1 Corinthians 12:4-14; Philippians 2:2-11; Hebrews 12:4-8, 11; 1 John 5:14; Revelation 4:1, 19:19)

Remember that the weapons that I have provided to My army are mighty in the pulling down of strongholds.  These are not natural weapons but spiritual ones because you are in a spiritual battle. However, I issue this warning: Do not pick up the weapons of your enemy or you will become like your enemy. Satan's weapons are jealousy, suspicion, gossip, envy, dissension, discord, slander, factions, contention, strife, unforgiveness, bitterness, wrath, anger, hatred and the like. These are rampant in the church and come from a spirit of pride.  Satan wants you to emulate him and I have given you the choice as to whom you will serve.  So choose wisely!  Have I not warned you in My Word that those who practice such things will not enter into My kingdom?  Do not emulate the devil. Satan prowls around and seeks to destroy you.  He plans to use the death of his servants as an excuse to wage war against the saints. Use My weapons, not the weapons of this world to disarm him and his demons. Pick up the sword of My Word and use it to demolish the evil one's plans to destroy you, your family, those you love and those to whom you are bound by My Spirit.  I will give you wisdom and skill to use it.  My Word is your sword.  Wield it only against the enemy.  Do not be found to be one that wounds a brother or sister in Christ when using My Word - your Bible.  This is a form of self-mutilation as you are all one body.   Instead, love one another deeply with the love (agape) that I give because love covers a multitude of sin. Strengthen, comfort and encourage each other with My Holy Scriptures.  Rulers, authorities, principalities and powers of darkness do not have any defense against My love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness or self-control.  When you walk in the fruit of My Spirit; when you love those who hate you and pray for those who persecute you; when you forgive grievances and bear with one another; when you refuse to allow a root of bitterness to take hold of you; when you take up your cross and follow Jesus - then you are demolishing the devil's plans.  Walk in victory, beloved!  You are known in heaven as My chosen, as My elect, and as My children.  Walk humbly before both your God and mankind; if you do, you will have great authority in and by My Spirit. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.

(See Micah 6:8; Luke 9:23-27; 14:27; 1 Corinthians 14:3; Galatians 5:19-26; Ephesians 6:17; Colossians 3:11-17; Hebrews 12:15; 2 Tim 2:24; 1 Peter 2:9-12; 4:8; 5:8, 1 John 5:2; Revelation 2:10)

This is the greatest warfare that mankind can be engaged in and I am calling you to join My army.  Will you walk in My love? If these terms of engagement are difficult for you to envision, again I encourage you to ask Me for the eye ointment to heal your vision so that you can see from My vantage point.   The heavenly view is lovely, beloved! 

 "I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may be rich; and white robes to clothe you and to keep the shame of your nakedness from being seen; and salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see.  I reprove and discipline those whom I love. Be earnest, therefore, and repent.  Listen!  I Am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear My voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with Me.  To the one who conquers I will give a place with Me on My throne, just as I Myself conquered and sat down with My Father on His throne.  Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches."  Revelation 3:18-22


Other related words:

I Am Calling You Higher

Walk In Authority

2007 - The Year of Cadence

Part Four:  Revelry!  Awaken and Join the Cadence of Righteousness!

O My, beloved church, what will awaken you from your deep slumber?  Many think I desire to bring calamity to bring the world to its knees. This is not My desire.  This has never been My desire.  I Am a merciful God and calamity grieves Me.  The atonement for all sin for all time was provided for you on the Cross of Calvary.  Jesus' blood is the perfect sacrifice and no other is needed.  Great is My love!  I desire for you to be on your knees because I Am your King and out of your love and devotion towards Me.  My desire for you to bow is to confessJesus is Lord, not because a calamity came your way and you sought Me out as your last resort.  However, know this, if a calamity has brought you to Me, all of heaven rejoices with Me!  Whatever comes your way that causes you to "come to yourself" and turn to Me, then know that I will RUN to meet you.  I will fit you with a robe, a ring and shoes for your feet to walk in My ways and in My authority.

(See 1 Chronicles 21:15; Psalm 95:6; 103:8-14; Daniel 6:10; 10:10-15; Luke 15:10-24; Ephesians 5:14-17; Hebrews 9:26)

You are accepted in the Beloved, but do not think that I will take lightly the avoidance of My correction.  Everyone I love, I correct.  Every child I accept, I discipline.  Please do not lose heart in the process.  It is My desire for you to reap an abundant harvest.  So I ask you, is Jesus your Lord?  If you say yes, yet you do not walk in His teachings, then you deceive yourself into believing you are saved.  If you do not do what He said, then you do not truly believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord.  If this offends you then ask Me to search your heart.  I know you. I love you deeply and My desire is for you to walk with Me.  I will show you My truth and truth will overcome your offenses and unbelief.  You are to follow My Son, Jesus.  Followers are to follow, not to attempt to coerce Me to do what they think they want Me to do for them.  Do not take lightly the gift of grace given you.  Do not think you may do whatever you feel like doing and I will just look the other way on the Day.  My child, you must see that I Am just, I Am holy, I Am righteous.  I Am impartial.  You are misled if you think I will wink at your sin and let you pass. Be responsible for your actions and allow My correction to heal you where you are hurt.  Be holy for I Am holy!  Does this sound like a request?  I warn not to mock the blood of My Beloved Jesus shed for you on Calvary by walking in the ways of the world.  Do not mock My grace. If you operate in this spirit, I ask you to repent and receive My forgiveness.  If you refuse then you will suffer a dreadful blow. You are warned continually of this fact in Scripture and you are warned now.  ALL of My promises are "Yes" in Christ.  This is not just for the blessings, but also for the curses that I have so carefully warned you to avoid. 

(Psalm 139:23, 24; Matthew 4:19; Luke 9:62; Romans 3:22-26; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Galatians 6:7; Hebrews 12:5-7; 1Peter 1:15-22; 1 John 1:9)

See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction.  For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.   Deuteronomy 30:15, 16

Many think that they are a special case and that they will be the one that will be exempt from My laws, decrees and instruction. No one is exempt from My Word.  Did I make an exception forJesus?  Was He tested in the wilderness by the enemy?  Did He seek Me to remove His cup?  Was He tempted in all things? Was He rejected and abandoned?  Do you see?  Not even Jesuswas exempt from My Word.  I would not be a just and impartial God if even one person were allowed exemption because I would be breaking My own Word.  I will not do that. I did not spare the natural branches. Consider therefore the kindness and the severity of God.

(See Matthew 26:39; Luke 4:1-13; Romans 11:19-22; 1 Peter2:21-25; 2 Peter 2:21-24)

These words that you hear may sound demanding and even harsh, but dear one, you must understand what is at stake. Thousands of souls are on the line - including yours.  You must understand the times in which you live. You live in days which are perilous and fraught with danger.  Darkness covers the earth and gross darkness on the people, but I will arise upon you and My glory will be seen around and about you if you heed My warnings and walk closely with your God.  How you choose to live has eternal consequences. 

(See Isaiah 60:1-5; Matthew 6:10; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; 2Timothy 3:1-5; 2 Peter 3:9; 15-18)

My Son warned you clearly:

"I Am the Vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in Me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.  This is to My Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be My disciples.  As the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you. Now remain in My love."  John 15:5-9

Remain, remain, remain in My Son - remain in the Vine!  Many believe they can presume to proclaim that they love My Son, yet go about doing whatever they feel like doing.  My word is clear on that way of thinking:

What then are we to say? Should we continue in sin in order that grace may abound?  By no means! How can we who died to sin go on living in it?  Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesuswere baptized into his death? Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just asChrist was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.  Gal 6:1-4

But if your heart turns away and you do not hear, but are led astray .I declare to you today that you shall perish; you shall not live long in the land that you are crossing.This day I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying Him, and holding fast to Him.  For the Lord is your life. 

Deuteronomy 30:17a, 18a, 19, 20a

Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness.  Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble. But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness; he does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him.  I write to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of His name.  1 John2:9-12

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.  James 1:22, 26

Do not willfully sin beloved child.  My precious gift of perfected love was not given lightly - Jesus paid not only your bail but also served your sentence.  I tell you again, to purposefully and willfully sin, knowing I Am merciful mocks the blood that was shed for sin and God is not mocked.  The reason many mock Jesus' blood and are totally oblivious to this deadly delusion is because they refuse to be corrected by My Spirit of Truth.  I ask you to allow yourself to be corrected, beloved.  "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."  I desire for you to yield a great harvest of peaceable fruit which is My righteousness worked out in you.  Will you allow Me to show you the more excellent way?

(Please see Isaiah 61:1; Psalm 107: 1-16; Matthew 4:17; 1 Corinthians 12:31; Hebrews 12:11)


Another related word:

Being Broken No More

2007 - The Year of Cadence

Part Five:  The Least Shall Be Greatest

Will you allow yourself to become great in My kingdom by becoming the least?  If you will serve mankind as Jesus served, you will be given great authority in this age and the ages to come.  Do you choose to join in cadence with My will?  My army readily pledges their allegiance to Jesus.  This is not about your race, gender, age, nationality, social/spiritual/military status, education, or religious denomination.  I Am not impressed with your résumé. Those who hear Me pledge their allegiance to the Lamb of God who alone is worthy to open the scrolls.  Jesus was obedient to the Cross and it is My desire for you to walk in obedience for eternal life!   The gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.  The army which awakens, hearkens to My voice, and marches in cadence with My will - are Mine.  He who endures to the end will be saved. 

(See Matthew 7:14; 24:13; Luke 9:48; 2 John 1:6; Ephesians 1:20-23; Galatians 3:28; Philippians 2:2, 3, 8-13; Revelation 5:9-14)

In My Word it is recorded that the disciples of Jesus were arguing as to whom among them would be most famous. My Son perceived their hearts and gave them an illustration using a child.  He sat the child next to Him and said, "Whoever welcomes this child in My name welcomes Me, and whoever welcomes Me welcomes the One who sent Me; for the least among all of you is the greatest."

(See Luke 9:46-48)

You will be known by your fruit.

What is in your heart?  How well does the Lord know you?  Do you call Jesus, "Lord"?  Beloved, examine yourself carefully for so did the five foolish virgins:

"Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.  But he replied, Truly I tell you, I do not know you." Matthew 25:11, 12  

Jesus said, "Many will say to Me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?" Then I will tell them plainly, "I never knew you. Away from Me, you evildoers!" (Matthew 7:22

Do you see how important it is for Jesus to know you?

My Son did not tell this to His disciples for shock value. Indeed many will say this and they will be known in My kingdom as "evil-doers" for they sought their own fame and not My perfected will.  They took the bait of Satan to build their own kingdom and sought fame and fortune for themselves using the power of My Son's name.  They will not enter into the kingdom of heaven.  The five foolish virgins were shut out of the wedding banquet.  They thought calling Him "Lord" was enough.  They believed being a virgin was enough.  These five even had lamps as they waited.  However, they presumed they did not have to take the time and invest their resources to buy oil to keep their way lit until My Son's return.  You are the light of the world but you cannot come into My kingdom if you walk in darkness.  It is not My desire for any to perish.  It is My deepest desire to say the words to you, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"  So follow the instructions I left to guide you into My eternal kingdom.  Walk in the light as He is in the light.  Be as the wise virgins and awaken from your slumber, trim your wick, fill your lamps with My oil, and come meet the Bridegroom. 

(See Matthew 5:14; 6:23; 7;13-20; 25:1-13; 23; 1 John 1:7)

Recall the parable of the two men who both heard the words of the Lord and one was likened to building on rock and the other on sand.  Though they each heard the words, only one of the men actually put My words into action.  He was wise. The other man heard the words but did not do them.  He was foolish. They both had harsh storms of life hit them.  Both had to endure.  However, only one stood after the storms had passedbecause he had listened and obeyed the word of the Lord.  That man was likened to one who built his house on the rock.  I Am the Rock.  You know this, but you also need to know that you must put into action what I am telling you.  I want you to stand!  If you do not walk in obedience to My word, you will be as the foolish man whose house is lost.  Would you not want to avoid losing everything?  This is My desire for you as well, dear one.  So walk in My love, walk in obedience.  Rejoice for great is your reward.

(See Deuteronomy 32:4; Matthew 7:24-27; 25:1-13, 23; Luke6:35; Philemon 1:21; 2 John 1:6)

In all these illustrations, and many others, Jesus sincerely warned the disciples of the importance of walking obedient to the word of God and by His Spirit He is now sincerely warning you.  You cannot live with one foot in the world (toying with sin) and one foot in the kingdom (seeking My heavenly rewards). Those giving Jesus lip-service will not come into thekingdom of God.  Do you not understand that I AM is capable of cutting directly through to the truth of your motivations?  I know your heart better than you do.  There is a reason it is written in the Word:

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?  I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve." Jeremiah 17:9, 10

Please dear Church, I am pleading with you to repent fromhidden sin and come back to Me with the total abandonment of a child in mid leap.  I WILL catch you!  Does My Word tell you to come to Me as a child?  Trust Me, I will catch you!

(See Matthew 18:1-5; deeply ponder Luke 12:1-5)

There is only obedience or disobedience.  Good intentions are not obedience.

(See Hebrews 2:1-3; 5:8-10; 1 John 3:21-24; 5:3-5; Revelations 3:3)

Turn away from that thing.  It is the thing that you seek to keep hidden and do not anyone to find out.  It is that thing that you know you spend too much time with that has become more important to you than anything - including Me.  You know what it is, because as you read this, you know what you need to turn away from.  Lay it down and turn to Me.  The hour is late.  I have already told you this many times through many voices.  I love you deeply and I have much for you to do in this year, but the first step is to destroy the thing that you spend more time with than you do Me.  As it is written, I Am a jealous God and you shall have no other gods before Me.  My desire is for you and sharing you with worldly things is intolerable for Me.  In a very real sense, you are prostituting yourself and wanting Me to bless you in it.  I cannot and I will not do that.  Please test your works.  Are they good works or My best? 

(Please read Exodus 20:3 and ponder 1 Corinthians 3:11-17)

Beloved, throughout this word there has been a great deal of correction.  I commend you for pushing through it.  If you do not hear this by the Spirit, you will hear condemnation. Remember that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  Any correction you have received comes from the heart of the Father who loves you more than you could ever love yourself.  I will wipe every tear from your eyes.  You are cherished.


May God's love be yours in abundance both now and forever,

Judy Bauman

Other related words:

The Butler

The Hour is Late

The Hour is Late

Bells and Trumpets

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 09 2006

You cry to Me child to keep and hold you.  I have made every provision.  I have given you every door to walk through.  I have and I will always provide a way into My presence and out of danger and doubt.  You must believe My Word as unbelievers will not inherit My kingdom.  You must believe Me and what I tell you.

Your fear is not unfounded.  It is grounded in My Word.  Your fear is not demonic or an attack of your flesh.  Your fear is the beginning of wisdom.  Walk holy before Me.  Walk holy before your God.  Seek Me and you will find Me.  But seek the world, its pleasures, its provision, its guidance - then you will sink in the mire of it all. 

You must seek Me in all things and I will, I will, I promise I will direct your path.  But follow the ways of the world and you will find yourself lost to Me.  The choice is yours.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, November 26 2006

What are you thankful for, child?  Do you stir yourself up to know and understand how good I Am is to you?  Do you realize and ponder My Son's death on the Cross to redeem you from yourself? 

Many do not take the time to really ponder what it is that the King of the universe has done for them.  The price that was paid was costly and it was eternal.  The price was My Son's own blood poured out for you.  Do not take this as a light thing!  Do not take this for granted.  The price for rejecting Him is extreme.  The hell you think of is a fraction of what it really is and any thoughts that I will be merciful after you have rejected His payment for you is a horrific assumption on your part.  Hell is a real place, beloved. Your worst nightmare, your worse idea, your worst imagination is pale by comparison to what it really is. This is not something to gloss over, dear one!  This is an eternal decision you must make now because crying out to Me from hell will not move My heart toward you.  I will only tell you that you had the choice on earth and in this life you now live.  I will only remind you of all the opportunities that I gave you to receive My Son.  The only way [path] to Me is for you to accept Jesus as your Lord.  If you try to go through any other door or any other ?christ' other than Jesus of Nazareth, you will find yourself apart from Me for all eternity.  This is not My desire for you.  I would that none perish.  I labor to see all come to Me.  I send angels into your midst to help you.  I send My chosen sons and daughters to preach My Gospel, comfort and exhort you to come to Me.

My love for you is perfect
My love for you is complete
My love for you is full
My love for you will never fail you
My love casts out fear
My love for you is perfect

Know also that your best idea of heaven is pale in comparison to what it really is.  Where I Am is where I want you to be. Know that the resources I have waiting for you to build My kingdom are without end.  There is nothing missing, nothing broken in My provision. You have only to accept it.  If you think I do not hear you, realize that My provision has already been given, so you must ask yourself if you have appropriated it.

Do you know what would make Me thankful?  If you would accept My Word as truth and that you would believe all my promises really are, "Yes!" and "Amen!"  I would be thankful to you, child, if you would accept all My promises and walk confidently in them.  I would be thankful for you to have thankful heart.  A thankful heart will move Mine.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, November 25 2006


Please bear with me as I set the stage for this important word to the church from the Lord.  If you prefer to just read this exhortation, feel free to scroll down.

Last month I was invited to Uganda to speak, but before stepping out in faith to get my airline ticket I asked the Lord a question.  "Lord, if this is indeed You who are sending me, what would You have me say to the people there?"  He answered, "I will tell you when you are on your way." 

As we know, God's ways are not our ways!  (See Isaiah 55)

On the flight between London and Uganda I awoke from my slumber and because the subject at one of the conferences was ?discipleship' I asked, "What does this mean exactly, Lord, to be a disciple of Christ?"  I had my thoughts on it, but I wanted to hear what He had to say.  While I was still lying down, He began to speak to me.  I asked Him if I needed to sit up and write down what He was saying or if I would remember it all.  I immediately recognized this foolish question was rooted in the laziness of my flesh.  Of course I had to get up and write it down!  We know what the Lord spoke to the prophet in the Word:

Habakkuk 2:2 Then the LORD answered me and said: Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it.

I repented of my impudence, sat up, retrieved my notebook, and turned on the TV screen in front of me to check the status of my flight.  It was 12:52am and the map revealed the plane was just then flying into Africa!  So it was at the precise moment of my entry to this great continent that the Lord spoke this to me.  As I shared it at the conferences, churches and schools, it became a catalyst for more prophetic words to come forth specifically for our Ugandan brethren. All glory and honor to our King! 

This exhortation about what it means to be a disciple of Christ edifies the entire church body and not just one country or even continent. This is for the Disciples of Christ. This is for you.  This is for me.

May the reader run with it in Jesus' name.  Amen 

Forever in His merciful arms,

To Be A Disciple of Christ

October 24, 2006

"To be My disciple means to walk as I walked - to be as I Am.  First and foremost - I Am Love!  I love you and I desire you to walk in the type of love that I displayed and modeled for you.  (See John 8:12; 1John 4:7-21, 5:1-5)

"The Only way I could walk in that love as the Son of Man was to spend time with My Father. I loved Him 1st.  I love My Father and He loves Me.  We are separate [individuals] but we are One.  As the Son of Man I faced many opportunities to rightfully lash out at people, but the love that I had - that love that came from My Father - overrode it [the temptation to sin in anger].  The times you read in Scripture that [gives the impression that] I was angry - when I spoke the ?woes' to the Scribes and Pharisees and when I cleansed the temple - were from the love of the Father. It was not anger as much as it was sorrow.  I know there is much debate on this and I do not bring you a new doctrine - I bring you My heart cry.  (See Isaiah 53:3-5; Mark3:5; John 3:35-36; Matthew 22:37-40; Mark 12:28-34; John 2:14-17; Psalm 69)

"Love one another as I have loved you."  (See John 5:19-27)

"Many cry out to see Me - to see My face and I tell you the truth - when you look at one another you are looking at Me. (1 Corinthians 3:16)

"Do not look to those who are obviously [following] Me to see Me, though you may have to start there to grasp this concept, but look to the least of the brethren.  What you do to them, you do to Me.  What you do with each other, you do with Me.  What you do for them, you do for Me.  (See Matthew 25:40)

"Understand that I desire for you to care for one another.  One person cannot take care of the whole world.  You can in no way fathom how many are alone with no help." (Suddenly I saw the entire world and as it turned I could see millions, maybe billions of hurting people in that flash of a second of time.) 

"But if you will touch people around you in My name and with My love, then if those you touch with My love will turn and in kind and touch those around them with My love, and those then also touch others who are around them with My love - THEN MY LOVE WILL BE LIKE A FIRE SPREADING THROUGH A DRY FOREST.  (See Matthew 3:11-12 and Luke 4:18-19; 12:49)

"Judy, do you see those lights down there?"  I looked out my window and saw the lights He spoke of far below us.  "We are over very difficult [barren] land, yet people live here.  It is the Sahara Desert. Even out here - the lights are connected."  I looked and the lights below looked like one long thin caravan with darkness surrounding it as far as the eye could see.

"I Am the light of the world and in Me there is no darkness.  As My disciples reflect the light of My love, they ignite others to reflect the light of My love.  (See Matthew 5:14 -16; 6:22; John 8:12; 9:5; 1 Corinthians 4:5; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Ephesians 5:5-16)

"Do you see?

"I Am a Consuming Fire!  But I do not bring a destructive fire.  I bring a fire that burns off the ropes and sets men, women and children free.  My fire is My passion for My church.  I burn with love for My church.  Touch each other with this pure and holy fire.  Touch each other with this pure and holy love. IGNITE those around you with holy fire.  (See Hebrews 12:29; Daniel 3:21-28; Acts 1:3-8; 1 John 4:18)

"Be careful not to allow the enemy of your soul, Satan, to manipulate you into perverting My love.  My love sets people free.  My perfect love destroys fear.  My love covers you.  My love will never lead you into immorality.  Be aware!  Satan will use your own desires to sin against Me.  You must be wise!  You must be diligent!  You must stand guard! (See John 8:32; Galatians 5:13-26; Colossians 3:5-10; 2 Timothy 1:6-7; 1 Peter 5:8; Hebrews 12:1; Matthew 10:16)

"To be My disciple means to be like Me.  I Am like My Father.  We are holy!  Be holy as I Am holy and IGNITE those around you to be holy.  I would not say this if it were not possible. This can only be done as you are led by My Spirit.  So follow your Guide.  Heed your Teacher.  You were created in Our image.  (See Matthew 5:48; John14-15; Ephesians 1:4; 5:27; Jude 20-25; Genesis 1:26)

"Come, Follow Me."  (See Matthew 4:19; 19:21)

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:25 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, November 17 2006

Beloved, I do not use hype to advance My Kingdom.  It is not by your might and power, it is by My Spirit that My kingdom is advanced.  All the shouting ends up sounding like a clanging gong in My ears.  You may be able to manipulate people to give to your cause, but My hand will not move if you operate under this demonic spirit.

If you do not have love for My people, there is no choice but to use hype.  You can shout until you turn blue, but you will not move Me.

My heart is for the lost and downtrodden.  If your heart seeks position and accolades of man, then you are building your own kingdom and not Mine. I tell you now to repent of this wickedness.  (See Matthew7:21-23)

My kingdom is built on the lives I and I alone restore.  My kingdom is built on love and mercy and justice and righteousness.  Self-exaltation is the sin Lucifer committed in My presence.  Do you want his reward?  Do you want [to join] his sentence?

My Son came down and by example showed you how My heart was moved.  I revealed My plan clearly.  You may wonder why a perfect God would choose the downcast, the lonely, the prostitute, the orphan, the widow, those found on the highways and byways.  I will tell you clearly.  It is because they are completely aware that they are unworthy of Me and in that knowledge they know Who is worthy of the glory and honor and praise when they are lifted up.  They are not tempted to puff up as one would who is self-reliant and seemingly has the world in his pocket.  They know they need help.  I can fill that hunger. 

I do not need hype.  I need obedient children; I need loyal friends to carry out My will and not beat My sheep.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, November 05 2006

Fruit comes from a source - it comes from what image it is made in. In whose image are you made, child?  Are you made in the image of your heavenly Father or do you look more like the father of worldly materials? 

What will last?  What will endure?  What will remain?  Is it the gold of this world?  Do you realize the value of gold is reduced to street rubble in heaven?  It is so valueless that you will only see it as a road to walk on.

What is the fruit of your heavenly bank account?  What are the dividends? What interest rate do you earn from your heavenly account?  Don't think that you can just throw money at Me, child!  I cannot be bought!  Do not try to buy Me or you may lose everything you have.  I know the motivation of your heart at all times and in every situation.  You cannot hide your thoughts from Me.  Do not give out of guilt as that does not honor Me.  Do not give out of obligation as that is a divided heart.  I do not seek those with divided hearts to fund My kingdom.  I look for those with pure hearts and pure hands.  I look for those with who will give without looking for honor or credit or attention from man.  I look for those who will give not for what they can get out of Me, but for what they can do to bless My children.

My children are My image on this earth.  My children are the extension of My love.  My children know My voice - they learn My voice.  The god of this world has darkened many eyes and dulled many ears, but if you long to see Me and you long to hear the voice of your heavenly Father ask Me for the eye salve that will heal your eyes and I will freely give it.  Ask me to flush the mud from your ears and I will cleanse them with My Living Water.  I will teach you My voice, My child.   Hearken to Me!  I promise I will hearken to your cry.  I will send angels speedily and dispatch them for your aid.  My promises are "Yes!" and "Amen!" 

Do you understand what I Am saying to you?

Do you understand that I desire to bless you with a fruitful life?  But child, you must ask yourself if the fruit you are bearing is from My Spirit or from this world.

I do not rate or grade your sin.  No, I do not give one sin more punishment than another.  To Me gossip will separate you from Me as quick as murder. 

So I ask you, what fruit do those around you enjoy from the garden of your life?

In the love of the Father,


Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 02:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, October 08 2006

You are coming into the 7th year and I Am opening doors that no man can shut.

When I open a door you must walk through it because once the time for it to be opened to you has passed, it will be closed by Me and will not be opened again.

This is the season to obey immediately

This is the season to rebuild the walls that stand in ruins

This is the season to be released into your destiny

This is the season of grace

My grace is indeed sufficient enough.  Be comforted in My love for you.  I will never drop you.  I will never call you out on a limb and not support it.  I know it looks scary, but know I can easily hold you up in all I call you to do and all I call you to be.  Believe.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, October 08 2006

It is My desire to see you soar.  I Am the wind beneath you.  I Am what lifts you into the places you cannot go on your own.  Take flight My dove!  Take flight!

It is the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive that will lift you to new heights in Me.  Fly in the power and authority of My Truth!

Ask of Me, Beloved.  Ask of Me what you need, but do not doubt.  Do not be tossed in your minds to and fro as I cannot bless doubt and unbelief.  Many believe their own doubting hearts more than believe Me and My words. Do you love Me?  Keep My commandments.  Those who are Mine hear the Word of God and do it.

I came to bring a sword.  Allow it to cut the death of unbelief from your heart.  Use My sword to break through the chains that keep My church captive.  Cut the iron bars that imprison the lost.

Heed this warning:  My sword is not to be used to mutilate the very ones bought with My very own blood!  Skillful use of My sword is vital to bring healing and not wounding.  As My Word says, "Wounds from a friend can be trusted."  This is because a wound from a friend relieves the pressure like a boil that has been lanced. But one who takes My words and uses them to harm and condemn will stand before Me and give an account for every careless word!  Repent now and ask Me to teach you to skillfully wield My sword.  There are times to war and you are to use My sword to destroy only when fighting the enemy.  You fight not against flesh and blood but against powers of darkness.  My Word brings healing to mankind and destruction to the spiritual rulers.  Be sure to separate the two.

Learn this skill; then I can take you to new heights in Me.  As you wait in expectation, you can mount up with wings of eagles and soar to new heights.

Do not forget that it is I, the Lord God Almighty, who is the wind beneath your wings.  It is I who sustains your flight.  I Am the wind beneath your wings.  Do not forget this.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 27 2006

You Have A Destiny!

I have called you to the nations* to a destiny and I am asking you now, Will you embrace your destiny?

This is a time of new beginnings and you are called for such a time as this.  Know that you were chosen to be in this day and in this time.  There is a vast cloud of witnesses who beckon you to move forward in the power of My Resurrected Son. 

Do not come to Me with your list of all your inadequacies and tell Me why you are unable to line up your will with Mine.  I already know you are unable and that is precisely why I called you!  You must know that what is impossible with man is possible with Me.  I Am that I Am!  I Am sufficient for all you need.  Do not say any longer that you are unable. That, dear child, has already been established! 

Will you will lay everything down and pick up your mantle, continually wear it, and go where I send you?  I will give you everything you need when you need it if you will obey My promptings.  As you obey, the provision you need will already be waiting for you on My path, so do not look at what you do not have as you begin to step out in your destiny.  Have faith and know that I will provide for you.  Shed the garment of doubt and clothe yourself in My mantle.

Will you honor Me by quickly coming into agreement with Me when I ask you to do something? Know that I start with small things.  As you comply with My Spirit in the small things, I can move you into the bigger purpose that I have.  Do not despise small beginnings, dear one.  I start there with everyone.  Even Jesushad small beginnings.

I have called you to a destiny; will you embrace your destiny?

You ARE More Than A Conqueror!

Will you honor Me by looking at what I can do instead of what you can do?

Beware of the spirit of fear and timidity.  Will you embrace the call on your life or not?  If you embrace fear you cannot also embrace your destiny of faith in Me.  When you embrace fear you are proclaiming that I am not faithful!  You may not realize this is what you are doing, but it is.  Faith cannot exist where fear resides.  You must exterminate fear.  My love fights fear!  My love conquers fear!  I set before you a choice. Choose faith or fear. I will give you the answer, choose faith! 

Fear expects Me to be unfaithful and to break My promises to you.  Fear expects the worst before it has happened.  Faith will cause you to see the miraculous through the eyes of your heart first and then you will see the miraculous right before your very eyes.  You have to see it first by My spirit, then you will see it in the natural.  You can attract what you fear to yourself, or you can attract to yourself what you hope for.  The choice is yours. I give an established warning: Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it the issues of life flow.

Know that I desire for you to expect the best before it happens.  I desire that when you see a storm approaching, you will expect Me to move on your behalf.  Doubt your doubts!  I have called you to be MORE than a conqueror.  What this means is that you can know you have won the battle before ever entering it.  The Greater One lives in you.  You ARE more than a conqueror because I have already won! 

Seeds Of Destiny Produce Fruit!

I have planted in you seeds of destiny.  Will you allow the Living Word to water those seeds?  Will you allow the Light of My Salvation to shine through you until those seeds grow to bear fruit?

My dear one, do you not yet know that I desire for you to have an entire orchard of trees that overflow with fruit?  There is sweet succulent fruit to be grown, harvested and enjoyed.  All of the harvest will be brought to My banqueting table. My banner over you is love. 

In our Father's ever-increasing agape,

*Nations - ethnos, peoples, lands.  We all have a sphere of people where the Lord has given us His power and His authority.  Please pray and ask the Lord to confirm to whom you are called and where you are to go in Jesus' name. Wisdom is proved right by her children.  God bless and keep you.  jb

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:49 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, September 23 2006

You cannot go back the way you came.  The road is closed.  Access is denied.  You must take the high road home.  You are to take the new road.  Drink the New Wine.  The old wine had its day and its purpose.  But this day has a new song, a new sound, a new direction, a new path. 

The path I have you on is narrow.  Enter the gate.  Remove the vines and the brush and the obstacles.  The enemy has had a season of growth and all of that must be cut away.  It's time for pruning so the gate of My presence can be seen. 

Come in! Come in! Come in!

Come in and see the glory I have in store for you.  Don't look back and revisit the wounds of the past for they will no longer be there --unless you choose to re-open them. 

Let Me pour the new wine.  Drink deeply!  Drink deeply,Child! 

Spoken at "Where Eagles Gather", Kremmling, Colorado

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, September 17 2006

The Setup:

We were singing the song during worship, Freedom Reigns:

Where the spirit of the Lord is - there is freedom
Where the spirit of the Lord is - there is freedom
If you're tired and you are thirsty - there is freedom

Freedom reigns in this place
Showers of mercy and grace
Falling on ev'ry face
There is freedom

Jesus reigns in this place
Showers of mercy and grace
Falling on ev'ry face
There is freedom

All week, and specifically this morning, I have been praying for Breakthrough to come through our church to our community, city, state, region and country.  Breakthrough is what is needed for the days to come. (There is another word that explains breakthrough further. I received it yesterday entitled; I Am the Pearl of Great Price. Freedom Raining and Breakthrough coming are words given in unity.)

As we were worshiping I saw golden raindrops coming down onto everyone in the sanctuary. I felt it was a rain of anointing to bring deliverance.  The Lord required me to discreetly report this to our pastor, but I am not so sure how clearly I delivered the message.  It was such a holy moment and there was such a strong sense of urgency from the Lord.  The presence of God was so intense that I was shaking all over. 

The following word is what the Lord spoke to me as worship concluded. What is really fascinating is that the message preached was about releasing the baggage we carry and specifically breaking addictions.  I had most of this written by the time he spoke, so it was a sweet confirmation of the presence of God in the house.

The Word from the Lord:

The golden rain that you see is the rain of My freedom to break addictions.  Freedom rains when I AM comes into the room.  Freedomreigns when I AM comes into the room!

This is not to say that I am not always with you, as I Am, however, thisrain doesn't fall in the same place continually.  When you feel your time with Me has been dry, it is because the ground of your soul is parched.  I come with My rain to give you a chance to get replenished. Do not allow the rain to run-off and be wasted.  When I rain on you that is your moment of deliverance, if you will but allow My Spirit to reign!

I want you to be so fully washed by My Living Water that you will have an abundance to share with others.  So let the rain of My presence come and refresh you.  I want to rain My glory down on you, but you must allow Me to reign in your life. 

If you think your plan to get yourself out of the bear-trap will work, then I suppose you will have to wrestle with it further. The addiction that has been sprung on you has been set by the enemy. He has seized your life and is relentless.  That trap you are in is daunting and deadly to you.  It has a hold on you and you are powerless against it.  That struggle seems so pointless when I AM stands next to you ready to open it for you. 

Hebrews 12:1  Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Until you throw off  your pride and allow Me - the God of the universe to open the trap, you will remain ensnared in it.  Can't you see that My ability to spring you from the trappings of addictions are so much higher, so much greater, so much more efficient and thorough than any and all efforts you can make?

You even deny your own condition.  You lay there with the jaws clamped tightly around you and yet you tell Me and others around you that there is no trap - it doesn't exist.  Yet everyone  can see that it has a hold of you. Those trying to help bring you freedom are shamed to scorn.  The truth is, child, you are in a trap of your own making and there is no way out in your own strength.  BUT DO NOT DESPAIR! 

Allow Me to open the trap, heal your wounds and reconstruct the missing parts.  Your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear.  I will rise with healing in My wings.  Then you will walk in My freedom.  You will walk in My grace.  You will walk in My glory.

Arise, shine for the glory of the Lord rises upon you and My glory will appear over you!

Heb 4:16  Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Forever in God's grace,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:33 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, September 15 2006

You live in a day and in a time of great release and breakthrough.  Declare and decree over your city for Breakthrough to come

Open your doors all you gates and let the King of glory come in!  Pray for the Lord of hosts to send His angels that gather to remove the stumbling blocks from your heart.  Pray for the tares to be pulled out of your soul.  I want all of you, not parts of you.  Do not section off your life to Me as that is intolerable!  I do not want parts of you anymore than you want parts of Me. 

The fire in My eyes is My passion for you and I will not share you with the gods of this world or the desires of your flesh. Allow the Gatherers to remove the temptations, the stumbling blocks of lawlessness from your hearts and cast those tares into the fire.  I am looking for those with clean hands and a pure heart.  Do not think you can touch others with unholy thoughts and unholy hands and I will just look the other way.  The tares must be gathered from your heart and burned.  You are positioned at the gate.  Will you let the King of glory in to rule and reign?  Will you be part of the greatest move of My Spirit yet to be seen?

I will not share My glory with flesh.  There is no more time to play games - the hour is late! 

Will you allow Me to have my way?  Yes?  Then allow Breakthrough to come and for the gathering angles to remove the tares.  Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.

I Am the Pearl of great price.  Will you give all you have to follow Me?

See Matthew 13:41-44

Forever in God's grace,
Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, September 10 2006

Child, the sorrow of the pruning you are enduring is but for a short time; joy comes in the morning.  Know that though it is painful, it is necessary. You are coming into a new season in Me.  Think of a fruit tree that has one branch that is growing much faster than any of the others.  The tree becomes out of balance.  A branch that has had exponential growth in comparison to the rest of the tree must be pruned back so the rest of the branches can catch up.

This is not pruning of dead branches, though I do that; this pruning is of a living and healthy branch which bore fruit you enjoyed.  That is why the pain is so intense, but it is not unto death. That which has been cut away will be for My glory.  There is a shock that happens to a tree when it is pruned and this is what you are experiencing. But remember, the tree gets over the shock and grows to bear much more fruit. Your branches are to bring healing to many nations.  What I gave you during the prior season will never be taken from you.  I have planted you by the Living Water and I want you to drink deeply during this time of recovery. It is My desire for your roots to grow deep and strong in Me.  By My hand a lance has skillfully been cast to cut the cords that once bound you - the ropes are no longer there! You've been set free! Rejoice in that!  Your roots are healthy and free to grow!  Learn of Me as My ways will never lead you astray. I say again, take time to drink deep from the well of My presence.  I will never turn you away and I will never set a limit on how deep you can go in Me.  You are free to go as deep as you desire.

The enemy sought to dishearten you and bring you to your knees.  But that is right where I wanted you!  His desire is to see you embrace the wounds of being cast aside - he's trying to regain entry, but I have strengthened your heart in this past season. Your heart is compelled to embrace My cross.  That is because I have injected it with My DNA and you are forever changed.  Because you have submitted to Me, I have given you the wisdom to resist his deceptions.

Know that you are no longer an orphan.  You are mine.  You belong to Me!  Everyone could abandon, reject and cast you aside, but My favor and My love will always bring you back to My side where there is fullness and life.  At My side is where you can rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory!   You knowthat you belong to Me and are a child of the King.  You are heir to all I have, so walk humbly but confidently in that truth. 

Release the pain of the pruning to Me and I will rise up with healing in My wings. I will cover you in My pinions.  Come up to the cleft of the Rock and rest in My presence. Mount up with wings as eagles.  Yes, use the wings I have given you to soar with Me.  I am calling you higher!

In His ever-increasing agape,

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:26 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, September 09 2006

My angels have been sent to dance upon you and press out the new wine.  Will you lie down on the threshing floor?  Will you trust Me and submit?  They will collect the wine that comes when you are pressed, put it in a gold goblet, and pour it out upon you as Golden Living Water.  This is a heavenly water that is also oil.  In heaven, oil and water mix very well.  It is a divine substance that cleanses, renews, and anoints.  I will give this Golden Living Water to all who are willing to be emptied and pressed.

Call My bride, Judy, call out to My church and tell her that in this dance, I am providing the desired beauty treatments for her wedding. I am providing all the desired elements to bring out her beauty.  My bride shall be pure and holy and blameless in My sight.  She shall be readied!  Prepare the way of the Lord!  Prepare the way for your Groom!  Allow Me to preen and prepare you, My beloved.  

The Scripture He gave me to confirm the oil and water mixing in heaven:

1 John 5:7  For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
8  And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.  KJV

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:24 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, August 12 2006

As the Body of Christ submits itself to the leading of My Spirit, it will find itself broken in My presence.  In My presence your agenda will die, your desires that don't line up with Me or My ways will die, your lack of focus on what is important will die.

If you will submit to My correction and My crafting in your life, you will find yourself humbled to the ground.  You will fall to your face and cry for Me to purge you of your own flesh.

As you lay down your life for Me, you will be raised in Me. You fell because of sin, but you rise because of My love and passion for you.  The fire of My love will burn all that hinders. 

Yes, you will prophesy My love and My will.  You will lay down all that hinders and be raised in My strength and My power. You will give light in dark places - even when the lights go out.  When the lights go out, you will find a candle to light your way.  I will never leave you in darkness.  I will not leave you as you are in your ways.  I will come and rescue you and you will be broken no more.

You will rise up in My power
You will rise up in My grace
You will rise up in My authority
You will rise up in My joy
You will be carriers of My fire
You will be one of those whose ways bring light into dark places

This can all happen because you allow Me to humble you and break your heart.  This can happen because you lay your agenda down.  Rise up in My love and be broken no more.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 28 2006

As I pour out My words and impartation of My heart to those who hear My voice, I issue a warning.  Do not allow your hearts to be elevated into pride because of the abundance of My revelation being poured out upon you.  Many of My own that were much more worthy than you longed to hear Me as you do and didn't.  You hear Me the way you do because of the urgency of the day you live in and what is to come.  I need My remnant built up or surely their hearts will fail them.  I do not say this for you to be influenced by a spirit of fear.  I do not want you to shrink back or walk timidly.  I have given everyone who is called by My name the ability to see through the darkness. Some walk in the fullness of My light and some still yet need to understand.  I am pouring out understanding.  I am pouring out words of wisdom.  This is not to be confused with a word of wisdom, no, this is more than that.  I want you to walk continually in My wisdom and understanding.  I want you to continually seek My counsel before you ask for My might.  I want you to KNOW ME! 

Knowledge is worthless without knowing Me first.  This requires intimacy.  I want you to walk in the light of the fear of the Lord which will always bring you back to wisdom.  I have a circular way.  I Am Everlasting-to-everlasting.

As you walk in My Spirit, your flesh will want to puff up.  This is why I allowed Paul to have 'a thorn in his side' so that he would humble himself before Me.  I gave him great revelations.  I am giving you great revelations, but you must walk in and cloak yourself in humility. 

Do not think more highly of yourself than you ought!  Give Me all the glory.  My glory will destroy you.  This is why I will not share it with flesh.  A good and faithful Father will not give to His children that which would bring them destruction.  The ways of man will bring destruction to your life.  Seek Me!  Seek Me!  Seek Me!

My ways bring life and life everlasting.  My ways bring hope. My ways bring righteousness.  My ways bring justice!  Yes, I told Paul, "My grace is sufficient," however, My grace is not higher than My justice.  Righteousness and justice are the foundations of My very throne!  Everything is built upon My foundation.  Righteousness is what you are clothed in.  Justice is your walk.  Walk in My justice and then My grace will rest on you and My glory will be seen around you.  This is why so many do not walk in My power.  My ways are not your ways, child.  Walk in My justice and you will walk in My power.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:18 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 17 2006

These words came at a pretty rapid pace this week (July 17-21, 2006) during training at IHOP-ATL (International House of Prayer), and their succession was intriguing. Each one builds on the revelation of the one before it.  In the first word, Walk Through the Veil, Billy Humphreywas teaching about the Father Heart of God when Walk Through the Veil was 'downloaded' to me. I mention this pastor by name because I feel I need to give what I call 'the fire of Billy' some credit in creating the atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to flow.  Of course it is the fire of God - the intense love of God - in him that I give glory.  To be sure, it is a lot of fun to be in the room when the heat is on!!! What was pretty cool was that the Lord asked me to close my eyes and listen to his words as if the Father Himself were speaking to me.  It was so awesome!  The Father's love is so awesome!!!  The words just washed over me.  His teaching was actually a 'post-op' from something I went through on this very subject a few weeks back. I was thrilled that my appointment went well with the Great Physician! The word ?Master Surgeon' was given at that time. If you are having trouble in this area I want to extend hope to you. 

The other 3 words came at various times in the week.  Again - remember it is from the love of God for you that these words come. He adores you! 



Walk Through the Veil - 7/17/06  11:30am

Do you want the veil removed?  You've cried out to have this 'thing' removed - this thing that keeps you from coming to Me. Then you have to get real with Me, about how you really feel about your earthy father.  Until you let Me peel that pain away, you will never have intimacy with Me.  Do you really want to experience My heavenly realm?  You have to get real about what has come between you and your natural dad.  Getting real will remove the veil.  You must open your spirit to Me. You must open your soul to Me. Your independence doesn't protect you.  Your independence is keeping the veil taut.  Trust Me in this and see the freedom that comes to your soul. Come out of the façade.  Come let Me Father you.

Love is the Issue!

My love is the highest experience you can have in all creation. Be loved by Me.  There is no other thing you need more in life than My love.  You ask, "What must we do?"  I tell you what I told My disciples, "Believe."  Believe what?  Believe My love for you.  Believe My love is complete.  My love is full.  My love will encompass you like nothing else.  Do I need servants?  No, I need My bride to take her place by My side.  I never placed you under My feet.  As I took a rib from Adam's side - I take My bride to be by My side.  I was pierced in My side for My love for you.  I wash you with My water; I wash you with My sacrifice. 

I have chosen to marry one who has been loved by another. Come and take My hand and I will give you My purity.  I will comfort you, My bride.  No more will the horses of darkness haunt your dreams.  Their hooves will be silenced.  I will stop them in their tracks.  I will stop them from bringing their shame upon you. 

I Am is your Husband and I will stop at nothing to bring you to Myself.  I love you and I will wash you and cleanse you from your past.  Give to Me all of your shame and the reproach of your youth.  I have betrothed you.  I will take you as a virgin.  I will marry you and you will be Mine forever!  Bare yourself to Me and I will take you into Myself.

I will tell you again and again until you really know in your heart that I love you.  I love you.  I love you!

Authority of a Queen

I have given you the authority of a queen.  The words that you speak must be words that are thought out and deliberate. It is My desire that you declare and decree My will on earth as in heaven.  My church is My bride.  My church is My queen.  She doesn't understand the authority that I have released to her through My sacrificial love for her.  I gave her My power; I gave her My authority. I promise My beloved that I AM is with her to the end of the age.  You are her!  You, Beloved!  You are My beautiful bride.  Men, get a grip as to what the Lord your God is saying and what this means.  Don't get weird on Me.  I desire to impart My love to you, but I cannot do that if you fail to understand this mystery. (See Ephesians 5:32)  I have called you to go to the nations, but if you don't understand that I send you with the authority of being My queen, you will not capture the hearts of the lost.  It's My love that captivates. Let My love first captivate you.

Run the Race

Don't settle for a false finish line; settle only for My direction and pace.  When I lead you into a place of pain for your flesh, know that it must be worked out of you for you to walk in the fullness of My power and authority.  Don't look to the approval man gives or it will distract you from My path.   My path is narrow and few find it.  Too many are more concerned about what man in saying not what I Am says.

Do you really want more of Me?  Am I really your passion? Then throw off all that hinders you.  Run the race set before you and give me all the shackles that are keeping you from finishing in My fullness and My grace. Look at Me.  Look at My love for you.  It will never fail you.  My love will sustain you for the race.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, July 12 2006

An Exhortation From The Father's Heart To Yours: The Hour Is Late

Will you come in? Can you not hear My voice beckoning you into the Holy of holies? Do not you understand that I already know why it is you do not want to come into where I Am sits? Everything is exposed in here. You prefer to come to church and go through the niceties and do not realize that you are only in the courtyards; you have yet to come into My presence. You want to sing songs that sound good. You do not want to draw too much attention to yourself. You do not want to turn anyone off. You want it to last just only so long because you have places to go and people to meet, and yet you leave the one Who ransomed your heart from destruction standing there empty-handed. You fool yourself to think I do not see everything from where I sit. The difference is that when you come into My Throne Room of Grace, you seewhat it is in you that does not belong. The real reason you do not come because you know you must look at what is really going on inside of yourself.

Do you not see that My desire for you is to be rid of the chains that bind you? Do you not know that I love you with a love that is deeper than anything you can imagine?

I desire to bring you to the King's banqueting table! You do not see that you have slop on your plate. Can you see that taking sin into yourself is like eating rubbish? Why would you want to eat garbage when I have a feast prepared for you? You are holding on to hidden sin and it keeps you from My best - it keeps you from the Secret Place of the Most High. You refuse to come into the Holy Place with Me because you will not release these insidious desires of yours. You want to lie and cheat; greed runs amuck in those I call My own. Listen Child of Mine, you do not hide a thing from I Am. You only hide it from yourself. Everything is going to be exposed in the Day. Everything is to be revealed by the fire that burns in My eyes. That fire is My passion for you, but it will consume everything that is not of Me. What will be left standing?

Come to Me and I will cleanse you. Do not wait! RUN to the Mercy Seat! Then you can standwith Me and not apart from the One who covers your sins. Then you will be able to worship in the power of My Spirit. Then you will be able to come to Me in truth. Then you will be free!

Come! Come into the Holy Place! Come sit at My feet and learn from Me for I Am humble of heart. You will find rest for your souls.

I stand at the crossroads looking down at My watch. I Am telling you plainly, the hour is late.Do not think that I come to take you up and out of your mess. I do not speak of what men teach. I speak of the hour in your life that has come and I Am telling you, the hour is late. Those who hear Me have been sending warnings to implore you to seek Me early, yet you think you have all the time in the world. You do not. I see the time. The hour is late. My love is great. Come and soak in My Presence and see what I Am can do with your life!

Scripture References:
Hebrews 4:16; 12:11; 1 Corinthians 3:11-15;  Mark 4:22; Matthew 11:28-30; 25:1-4, Galatians5:19-23

Personal note: This word was one of the first prophetic declarations I received from the Lord to send to the church online.

Posted by: Judy A Bauman AT 08:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, July 09 2006

There is something I feel responsible to make clear before you read this. The Lord's words are spoken in a tone of voice of the deepest love you can imagine.  If you hear anything other than God's love for you, know that tone is not in line with what is coming from the Throne Room.  These earnest appeals from the Lord, I believe, come from the times we live in and the sincere urgency that He wants to impart to His Beloved. Jesus' greatest desire is for us to know Him as we are known.  It is my prayer that these words spur us each into action and into a deeper place in Christ.  Be encouraged.  His love is more than enough; His grace is sufficient. 

Love in Christ,


My Love Is Hot

Worship is not a spectator sport.  My children, I desire you to come to Me with your whole heart.  The half-hearted praises of My people weary My ears.  I am exhausted for the straining I must do to hear you worship in spirit and in truth.

I am begging you to come to Me while I can be found. Must you always be moved to find Me in calamity?  Will you not see the benefits of seeking your God and King during times of plenty? O how much more I could bless you if you were seeking me when you are in good times.

Come - Come - Come!

Worship Me in spirit and in truth.  Seek what this means to your King.

My love is an intimate, passionate love.  It nauseates Me when I hear My own telling the hurting, "I love you with the love of the Lord," when they could no more care about that person than the man-in-the-moon.  Don't have mixed seed - that is to say don't have mixed love.  You cannot love Me and love the world. You cannot love Me and love mammon.  

My love is red hot. My love is not lukewarm.  Lukewarm love makes Me want to vomit. 

Come to Me hot or come to Me cold, but don't come lukewarm.  Don't touch those I call 'MINE' with lukewarm love.  I desire to have you touch My heart and My hurting with hot love. 

My love is hot.

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, July 09 2006

There is something I feel responsible to make clear before you read any of these 'jewels'; the words from the Lord are spoken in a tone of voice of the deepest love you can imagine.  If you hear anything other than God's love for you, know that tone is not in line with what is coming from the Throne Room.  These earnest appeals from the Lord, I believe, come from the times we live in and the sincere urgency that He wants to impart to His Beloved. Jesus' greatest desire is for us to know Him as we are known.  It is my prayer that these words spur us each into action and into a deeper place in Christ.  Be encouraged.  His love is more than enough; His grace is sufficient.  Judy

My Love Is Hot - 7/9/06

During corporate worship the Lord asked me to stop and look around.  Then He gave me this word: 

Worship is not a spectator sport.  My children, I desire you to come to Me with your whole heart.  The half-hearted praises of My people weary My ears.  I am exhausted for the straining I must do to hear you worship in spirit and in truth.

I am begging you to come to Me while I can be found. Must you always be moved to find Me in calamity?  Will you not see the benefits of seeking your God and King during times of plenty? O how much more I could bless you if you were seeking me when you are in good times.

 Come - Come - Come!

Worship Me in spirit and in truth.  Seek what this means to your King.

My love is an intimate, passionate love.  It nauseates Me when I hear My own telling the hurting, "I love you with the love of the Lord," when they could no more care about that person than the man-in-the-moon.  Don't have mixed seed - that is to say don't have mixed love.  You cannot love Me and love the world. You cannot love Me and love mammon.  

My love is red hot. My love is not lukewarm.  Lukewarm love makes Me want to vomit. 

Come to Me hot or come to Me cold, but don't come lukewarm.  Don't touch those I call 'MINE' with lukewarm love.  I desire to have you touch My heart and My hurting with hot love. 

My love is hot.

Personal note:

When the Holy Spirit asked me to look around in worship, I saw so many just not connecting to Him.  It was clear their minds were somewhere else and it really bummed me out.  I don't normally look around during worship because I think worship is really personal, so I try to respect people's privacy. I am there to seek the face of God, not to watch what people are doing.  What I saw (spiritually) was disheartening and I felt His sorrow.  Understand, this is not a specific church that the Father seeks to single-out.  What I was witnessing was 'a matter of the heart' of His Bride - the Church. It just happened to be manifesting where I was at - and it certainly wasn't for the lack of skilled musicians.  I would suggest that you ask the Lord what He meant in John 4:23 and let Him speak to you.

The Exchange - 6/28/06

O My beloved. Can't you see that I desire to make an exchange with you?  I want to give you beauty for ashes and joy for fear.

I want you to hand Me the broken events from your life - the rejection, shame, heartbreak, grief, fear, and everything that fills your heart that is not from Me.  Give Me the defiling things in your heart.  Let the exchange take place.  As you release each one, fill that place in your heart with My approval, My forgiveness, My joy, My peace, My love.  But remember, it's all because of My intense love for you.

Turn Off the Noise - 6/28/06

(This word was given about 30 minutes after, The Exchange.  I was awoken by the Lord out of deep sleep both times and wrote them down.)

So many of My children go through life with non-stop noise.  The TV is on, the radio is on, the CD's are playing.  You think you are 'plugged in' with your cell phones, computers, I-Pods, Blackberries and such.  But in plugging into the barrage of racket going on around you - you have un-plugged yourself from Me.  Those things are not your life-line.  I Am your life-line!

Do you wonder how some hear the voice of the Lord and some don't?  I Am the 'still small voice.'  I will not override your will.  Your desire is to hear what the world has to offer, but will you take the time to sit in the quiet of the day and seek Me out?  Do you want to hear the 'still small voice' of the One who loves and adores you?  Do you want to hear from the One who wants to give you solutions to your most difficult life questions? 

Turn off the noise. 

The Cold and Distant Bride - 7/12/06

The Lord has been speaking to me in the past few days in a way that is difficult to describe; it is so tender and yet full of agony.  There is such an ache and longing in His voice.  We think if He is speaking sternly that He is mad and that is not it. That is not it at all. It is His passionate desire for us.  His love for His Church is so intense and deep.  Most of those who are 'called by His name' are satisfied with so little (spiritually) and He died so that we could have so much more (spiritually).

His reminded me today how He asked Hosea to marry a woman whose affections were distant at best. She went to others to be satisfied and it was God's way to show how painful it is for Him when we seek the worldly things and mix them with Christ's burning passion for His cherished Church.  This is what makes us lukewarm, beloved.  

He went to the Cross and demonstrated His deep and passionate love for us by being the very ransom for our captivity.  Then many who have accepted the gift of salvation - those whom He died for - go on about their lives as if He had done nothing at all?  How can this be???  Will the Beloved of Christ really just go on her merry way after seeing the enormity of His sacrifice?  Do they see the extent of the vast love He has shed?  Maybe we need to see Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion of the Christ once more so that it is vivid in our minds.  I feel Him begging us, pleading with us even to come to Him. 

Will we be like the five foolish virgins who presumed that they had enough light in their lamps to see them through the dark days, or will we be like the wise virgins who invested in extra oil so that their lights would not go out?  Will we be like the wife of Hosea or the Bride who has made herself ready?

Hosea 1:2  When the LORD began to speak through Hosea, the LORD said to him, "Go, take to yourself an adulterous wife and children of unfaithfulness, because the land is guilty of the vilest adultery in departing from the LORD."

Rev 19:7, 8  Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready.  Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.)

It is my sincere prayer that you turn your affections and your attention to the Lord.  Please - turn off the noise so you can hear Him.  I pray you will invest in the oil of the Lord.  Seek the Lord while He can be found.  The Lord calls, He beckons, "Come!"  But He does NOT force His will on us.  Will you come as a readied bride?

Come into the Holy of holies and worship your King. He is worthy.

Romans 8:5  For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

The Hour is Late - 7/12/06

Won't you come in?  Can't you hear My voice beckoning you into the Holy of holies?  Don't you understand that I already know why it is you don't want to come into where I Am sits?  Everything is exposed in here.  You prefer to come to church and go through the niceties and don't realize that you are only in the courtyards; you have yet to come into My presence.  You want to sing songs that sound good.  You don't want to draw too much attention to yourself.  You don't want to turn anyone off.  You want it to last just only so long because you have places to go and people to meet, and yet you leave the one Who ransomed your heart from destruction standing there empty-handed. You fool yourself to think I don't see everything from where I sit.  The difference is that when you come into My Throne Room of Grace, you see what it is in you that doesn't belong.   The real reason you don't come because you know you must look at what is really going on inside of yourself. 

Don't you see that My desire for you is to be rid of the chains that bind you?  Don't you know that I love you with a love that is deeper than anything you can imagine? 

 I desire to bring you to the King's banqueting table! You don't see that you have slop on your plate. Can you see that taking sin into yourself is like eating rubbish?  Why would you want to eat garbage when I have a feast prepared for you?  You are holding on to hidden sin and it keeps you from My best - it keeps you from the Secret Place of the Most High.  You refuse to come into the Holy Place with Me because you will not release these insidious desires of yours. You want to lie and cheat; greed runs amuck in those I call My own.  Listen Child of Mine, you do not hide a thing from I Am.  You only hide it from yourself.  Everything is going to be exposed in the Day.  Everything is to be revealed by the fire that burns in My eyes.  That fire is My passion for you, but it will consume everything that is not of Me.  What will be left standing? 

Come to Me and I will cleanse you.  Don't wait!  RUN to the Mercy Seat!  Then you can stand with Me and not apart from the One who covers your sins.  Then you will be able to worship in the power of My Spirit.  Then you will be able to come to Me in truth.  Then you will be free!

Come!  Come into the Holy Place!  Come sit at My feet and learn from Me for I Am humble of heart.  You will find rest for your souls.

I stand at the crossroads looking down at My watch.  I Am telling you plainly, the hour is late.  Do not think that I come to take you up and out of your mess.  I do not speak of what men teach.  I speak of the hour in your life that has come and I Am telling you, the hour is late.  Those who hear Me have been sending warnings to implore you to seek Me early, yet you think you have all the time in the world.  You don't.  I see the time.  The hour is late.  My love is great. Come and soak in My Presence and see what I Am can do with your life!

It's His LOVE church.  Everything... it's all about His love.  His discipline leads to holiness and without it we are in trouble.  There is a Scripture that I think will bless you (if you have made it this far!)  It is Hebrews 12:5-15.  God's discipline yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness.  Yum.  There's something sweet to sink your teeth into!

Will you let Him burn out everything in your heart that doesn't belong to Him; then will you ask Him to leave everything of Him ablaze?

Seated with you in Christ,

Judy Bauman

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:46 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, May 22 2006

My child, the work I do in you is not the work of the world.  I see those things that must be cut out.  Those things that hinder and those things that cause you to react in ways you do not understand - they mustcome out of you for you to walk forward in My will for your life.  Trust Me with the knife as I am the Master Surgeon.  I can cut those cancerous ways out of your being and make you new again.  When I Am the One you turn to for help, you will see a change.  Some say that leopards can't change their spots.  This is true, but I can change them if it is My desire!  It is neither by your might nor by your power, but it is by My Spirit.  Let Me cut out the cancer in your soul.  Let Me cut away the malignant growth.  Let Me cleanse the deep and infected wounds and remove all traces of gangrene.  Don't you know that gangrene comes from the lack of blood to living tissue?  Let Me apply the blood of My Only Begotten Son to your deepest of wounds.  Let Me apply the Balm of Gilead. Let Me give you the heart transplant you so desperately need.  Let Me inject My DNA into the depths of your being.  Watch as you are transformed from glory to glory! 

Do not fret if this takes multiple surgeries.  You are indeed going from glory to glory.  This is a process, beloved child. I know exactly how much you can really take at any given time.  I will bring you into My operating room when I know it is the precise time - not too soon - not too late.  I will bring you in as many times as it takes to cut away the deadness of your wound.  I will only cut as deep as I know that you can recover, and then I wait until you are truly ready again.  This kind of work takes time.  Do not worry about your schedule or how far along you are in the process.  I Am familiar with all your ways.  You truly can trust Me.  Let Me touch that wound and bring restoration as you have never imagined. 

Bind yourself to My Son.  Bind yourself to My will.  Bind your body to the perfect work of the cross.  I will loosen the enemy's strangle-hold.  I will skillfully cut away his influence and remove his talons from the death-grip they have had on you.  Trust Me.  All of the rejection and fear and demonic oppression will no longer hold you back from My very best for you!  I will never abandon you.  Though your earthy father and mother forsook you, I never will.  I will bring you near and draw you to Myself.   My arms will never drop you.  None can steal you from My embrace.  Go to sleep and breathe deep from the depths of the well of My love for you.  Rest my love.  Be still and know that I Am your God and your Father.  When you awaken from your slumber, I will have made a permanent change in you as I have replaced your wound with My comfort, My love and My desire for you.  Let My will be done in you, My precious earthen vessel, as it is in heaven.  Trust Abba to care for you in the way that I know best.

With everlasting love,
Your Father

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 01:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, February 23 2006

This is shared and written for your edification, so when these things come to pass you will see God's hand on you and you will rejoice because of His faithfulness to you and His love for you.

I heard:

"Do not be overly concerned about the pruning which has come and is to come.  It is from Me and will accomplish what I have set out to do in your midst."

"Incline your ear to Me.  I am pouring forth a new wine and it will take a season to mature.  The fruit that is to come from this pruning will be not only sweet to your taste but filling.  It will also produce a bumper crop."

"Fear not!  I say again!  FEAR NOT! For I Am with you."

"You plant, some water. But I will, I will, I will bring forth the growth."

"Seek My face."

"Seek me early, seek Me late, seek Me in the midst of trial, seek me in the quiet hours of the night.  SEEK ME!"

"I will be found by you and I will tell you those things that your heart longs to hear."


In His grace,


Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:45 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, February 11 2006

Hear O Church!  Arise and walk in the spirit of Esther! Beloved, you are to look at Queen Esther's example in her dealing with Haman to know how to deal with this treachery brewing in Iran.  This wicked plot to destroy Israel has come up to your Father's nostrils as a stench!  How foolish is this?  This leader's pride is like Haman's in the book of Esther.  He is of the spirit Haman.  Does he not know that the God of Israel's chosen people are hidden everywhere - even within Iran's own top ranks?  Your intercessions will bring this man's plotting to ruin! PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM! 

Go to this book, Church.  Esther was a type and a shadow for you to follow.  You are My lovely and chosen bride.  You are the one who can turn My head with your beauty and your grace. Come and ask of Me now.  Purify yourselves and come into My chambers.  I will make known to you how to pray.  This is a love story that I gave you for instruction!

Haman thought he was so high and so great that all should bow down to him.  When My servant, Mordecai, refused to bow to him it made him furious. Haman learned Mordecai was Jewish and so he sought to kill them all because of his hatred for Mordecai.  He wanted to purge the world of My people because one man refused to bow to him.  So he went to the king of Persia, King Ahasuerus (aka Xerxes), and received the king's permission to write letters to the entire empire stating the Jewish people were to be utterly annihilated (on what is normally near February 28th of the Gregorian Calendar, however falls on March 13-14, 2006). His empire had 127 provinces and stretched from India to Ethiopia.

When Mordecai learned of the plot to destroy the Jews, he tore his clothes and cried out in sackcloth and ashes.  He got word toEsther that even she would not be able to escape this evil.  Then he relayed the famous words, "Who can say but that God has brought you in for such a time as this."  The Jews all fasted and prayed for Esther to be accepted into the king's inner court so that he would intervene on their behalf.  After the third dayEsther put on her royal robes and in her beautiful and gracious way came to present herself to the king.  The king's response to her was one of delight. Hear MY CHURCH!  The king was delighted in her!  He loved her and was so taken by her beauty he not only offered her his golden scepter, but also up to half his kingdom!

Esther, in My wisdom, didn't yet speak what was in her broken-heart.  She only asked the king and Haman to a banquet that she had prepared. As they enjoyed themselves, the king inquired of her petition.  Her only request was for him and Haman to return the second night and she would set another banquet before them.  Haman had no clue what was awaiting him.  He left that feast on top of the world.

Then he saw Mordecai who refused to bow, and Haman's blood boiled within him.

Haman was so filled with hatred that night he commissioned gallows 75 feet high to be built on which to hang Mordecai.  But the king's heart was stirred that very night and he was reminded of Mordecai's loyalty to inform the king of a plot against his life.  The king sought to honor Mordecai and brought Haman in the next day to inquire what tribute should be paid to a loyal man who pleased the king.  Haman smugly thought of himself - that it was he who would be honored - so he counseled the king. In every manner this man should be honored!  He suggested a royal robe, a royal horse and a royal crown - all which had been used by the king!  And the clincher was that one of the king's noble men was to escort him through the streets and shout before him saying, "This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!"  All this Haman said fully expecting he was to be the recipient!  Then the king announced that Haman was to do ALL he had recommended, but to bestow the honor to Mordecai the Jew!  Haman obeyed and did as the king commanded, but afterward he hung his head in utter humiliation and rushed to return home to hide his shame.

Just that quickly he was summoned for the second dinner withQueen Esther where the king asked for her petition.  She beseeched King Ahasuerus to spare her people from utter slaughter and annihilation.  When he demanded to know who was so reprehensible to do such a thing, the Queen told him it was Haman.

Haman was hung that night on the very gallows he had built for Mordecai and his sons later followed him to that end.  Read what is recorded in Esther and pay close attention to what has been emphasized:

8:2 So the king took off his signet ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai; and Estherappointed Mordecai over the house of Haman.
8:8 You yourselves write a decree concerning the Jews, as you please, in the king's name, and seal it with the king's signet ring; for whatever is written in the king's name and sealed with the king's signet ring no one can revoke.

HEAR O CHURCH!!!  The Lord your God is showing you something in this that needs to be applied to this ? Haman' of Persia.  Look at this carefully:

8:7 Then King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther and Mordecai the Jew, "Indeed, I have given Esther the house of Haman, and they have hanged him on the gallows because he tried to lay his hand on the Jews.

Israel needs our prayers.  Those who cry out for freedom inPersia - Iran - also need our prayers, as they are under the rule of this vile spirit.  Make no mistake that this man's intention is todestroy all of Israel.  That appetite for murder will not be satisfied by just destroying the one country (Mordecai). Haman's spirit is after the Jewish people wherever they may be. The decree will go out for all to be murdered wherever they may be because this spirit will not rest until it sees all Jews dead or itself is killed.  Just as Mordecai warned Esther, so must My church take this warning:

8:13 "Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king's palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish.

Make haste.  Pray for the triumph of Esther and Mordecai to sweep through the Middle East.  Write and declare My word over Israel. Pray for the peace of My city, Jerusalem!  Write it and seal it with the signet ring that I give you.  My third dayhas come and you may come boldly to the inner court to My Throne of Grace!  The golden scepter is extended.  So COME! You say to Me, "Lord, Come quickly!"  But I say to you, "Esther, My Bride, My Church, COME QUICKLY!"

Scriptures To Consider:

Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Matthew 5:43-45 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ

2 Chronicles 20:14 "Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem . Thus says the Lord to you: 'Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's.

This decree is written this day February 11, 2006 Gregorian calendar; 13 Shevat 5766 on the Jewish calendar.  This date is also known as the 27th anniversary of The Revolution of Iran. 

I write not on my own authority but on the authority given to me by my Father and through the blood shed on the Cross atCalvary by His First-born, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. Through His resurrection and by His Holy Spirit, He has given me the directive to make plain this decree.  My credentials are listed in the Lamb's Book of Life.  I am His possession and have been marked with His seal. It is His signet ring which seals this decree.   

The Father I speak of is the God of all creation, the Maker of the heavens and the earth.  This same God, whom I call Father, has called Israel His own. 

Psalms 135:4 For the LORD has chosen Jacob to be his own, Israel to be His treasured possession.

God Himself named Israel

As it is written in Genesis 35:9-12 After Jacob returned from Paddan Aram, God appeared to him again and blessed him.  God said to him, "Your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob; your name will be Israel." So He named him Israel.  And God said to him, "I am God Almighty; be fruitful and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will come from your body. The land I gave to Abraham and Isaac I also give to you, and I will give this land to your descendants after you."

The LORD will not forsake them

1 Kings 6:13 "I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake My people Israel."

God does not take back His calling or His gifts.

Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

This decree is written to warn this president who has openly called for Israel to be "wiped off the map," to repent for making this threat.  Global authorities which overlook nuclear policy must not be ignored.  He has placed himself in the same shoes of Haman as well as those ?sons' - those who are made in his same image - all of which will meet a similar end if an honest apology is not forthcoming.  Haman suffered the death that he himself had devised for Mordecai.  The very weapons devised against the Jewish nation of Israel will come back on this president's own house if he does not turn away from his course of action. There is time for repentance.  Comply with global authorities and repent to the Lord of hosts for launching threats against His treasured Israel.  The Lord God is faithful and just to forgive all sin and to cleanse you of all unrighteousness.  1 John 1:9

Right now I launch prayers of peace over Jerusalem.  I release a shield of faith over Israel.  I pray for the strengthening ofMichael - the great prince who stands watch over Israel - and all who are within his ranks.  Israel, you who are great beloved by the Lord, see to it that your names are written in the Book of Life.  Read Daniel 12:1

I pray for the redemption of the Persian people.  Look up O People of Iran!  Your Help draws near! I pray for those who are in captivity, especially the woman who have endured great torture at the hands of the wicked.  I launch ?peace-seeking' missiles into Iran!  I pray for the Prince of Peace to reign in Iran.

I sign this and take the signet ring given me and seal this decree now in the Mighty and powerful name above all names, Jesus. Amen - so be it!

Judy Bauman 

Purim - Jewish festival celebrating this triumphant time:Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. It commemorates a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination.  Jewish Year 5766 : sunset March 13, 2006- nightfall March 14, 2006

Posted by: Judy Bauman AT 12:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 01 2006

During worship I received a 'download' from heaven about what Jesus is seeking in our friendship with Him.  As I sat down to write the word the Lord gave me, my pastor introduced a guest speaker - a pastor from Costa Rica.  My church and the speaker's church in Costa Rica have been connected for years.  They went through the customary introductions and pleasantries, but I was focused on writing. Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted as the guest speaker began his message.  It was so closely in line with what the Lord had just shared with me, I had no choice but to take note of this engaging confirmation!  So first I will share the word I received from the Lord, and then I will share the heart of the message given by the visiting pastor.  It is my prayer that it will spur on your relationship - your friendship - with the Lord Jesus in a mighty way!  Let us give Him the desires of His heart!

In His joy,

To Be A Friend Of Jesus:

"You come to Me and call Me friend, and rightly so for that it is what I Am.  My friendship is multifaceted, and sadly for Me, so many have a one dimensional relationship with Me."

"I want you to stop and think about your best friend."

"I want you to think about what you do together and what you say to one another."

"Now, My friend, I want you to look at our friendship." 

"Do you see why you why you may be feeling like I am distant from you?"

"If your best friend called only when they need something, how would your friendship flourish?  If your friend did all the talking while you patiently listened and then turned and walked away as you were about to open your heart, how would your trust in that friend grow?  If you were the one always giving and your friend only took, then how long would that friendship last?"

"Friend, come and sit with Me. Come and ask Me what is on My mind.  Come and listen.  Come and be a friend to Me.  I will always be a friend to you. I will always listen to you, I know your thoughts before you even speak, but I still listen to you.  I listen because I love you.  I want you to listen to Me. Oh how much tighter our bond will become when you know My heart as I know yours."

The Lord just gave me a precious Scripture. "Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."  Matthew 11:28-30

Pastor Ronald Diaz

God made us to commune with Him.  He is so much into relationships; He is even in relationship with Himself!  That is why He is a triune God!  The Lord is relational and desires our love.  He says, "LOVE ME!"  He is not shy about it!  God makes it clear that He desires our attention.  We need to stop being so task-oriented and be relation-oriented.  That is your foundation.  "Let's spend time together!"

We're so task oriented we need to bring our work to the Lord. He knows we have things to do.  So bring your work to Him and do it together.  He wants to be with you in everything you are doing.

Jesus didn't come to give us religion or more tasks.  Jesuscame and made it real simple for us.  He gave us two things to do.  Love Him. And Love others - giving us the ministry of reconciliation.  We are the reconcilers between God and the lost.  But the first and most important thing is to love our God.

Posted by: AT 12:37 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 31 2005

This word from the Lord keeps ringing in my ears, "Satan is out to destroy you, and he is using your own appetite to do it." He spoke this to a friend of mine who then shared it with me. It has been a seed planted whose time has come to bear fruit.

 It is my belief that it is time for us to align ourselves physically with God's plan for our lives. I believe the Lord has shown me that His